Should I believe Yea Forums that this game will be shit? I want to have hope

Should I believe Yea Forums that this game will be shit? I want to have hope.

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_FireEmblemThreeHouses_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 182K)

theres a cute girl

I have a little bit of hope bc I don't think Nintendo would let one of their big exclusives for the year be a disaster but Fates was so shitty that I can't honestly say for sure

Fates was three games and not even the last release

There's more than one cute girl

You don't have to even see what Yea Forums are saying to tell it looks like shit. I hope to god that it's good but the more I've seen since it's announcement the worse I've felt.

Essentially all FE games play like shit, but the first FE you played isn't shit because of nostalgia and it was your first.

I played my first FE game last year, how is that nostalgia?

fate wasn't so bad, conquest part was great, birthright was almost awakening 2 in term of map and gameplay.

Dunno. We only had one trailer after half a year of radio silence and showed nothing regarding the plot and if each house influences the story in any way. Graphically it seems subpar and the cast just seems extremely forgettable. I'm just hoping it has interesting maps, good difficulty and a bunch of new classes. Also, no jewish practices from ISIS this time.

Character designs and graphics aside,
>My Unit that has a teacher role, potential Jagen/Oifey archetype?
>Battalions, soldiers that follow a playable character and can be used to attack with Gambits (with multiple nearby allies?)
>seemingly distinct character level and Class Mastery
>freeform unit progression for your students, with a new weapon type: Fighting
>(Combat) Arts a la Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, which subtract from weapon durability than character HP
could make for some interesting strategy in how you spec your respective house, and 3 of them should add replayability.

why would you have to believe Yea Forums? Almost every FE game is shit and the best ones are just ok. Braindead sRPG series

All the teachers fuck their students

>looks graphically pretty bad
>artstyle isn't good
>gameplay looks surprisingly deep, on a mechanics level
I'm waiting to see maps before making a final judgement, but it has the potential to be good.

Conquest is the best fire emblem gameplay wise dont (you) me

Unit customization looks good

>Also, no jewish practices from ISIS this time.

Enjoy your $34.99 Summer outfits DLC

Where are her legs?

Attached: 1548670379204.jpg (584x466, 50K)

I really wanted to be the bad guy in the last one. Can I do that in Three Houses?

Imagine being this much of a retard

This. FEfags are so fucking delusional

No, you should never believe Yea Forums

>birthright was almost awakening 2 in term of map and gameplay.
No wonder it was another piece of shit like it

New Mystery is better

>(Combat) Arts
A bad mechanic from a bad game. Wonderful

I just watched the trailer
holy shit FE is normally dumb as fuck, but why the fuck would a school that unionizes the three nations force students to remain in houses that represent them. That is literally asking for war.

the promotional material and the boxart is a kawaii uguu loli sleeping in a throne. the game is waifu bait.

Combat Arts are a good idea poorly implemented.

>the boxart
if only you knew how bad things really were

Attached: FE16CoverHeadline-1-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 126K)

Still bad. And just like 3H it will be the same.

why is the golden nigger upside down

The game is titled Fire Emblem, we know it's waifu bait

Zero creative fore thought

We also know it's a shit game like the ones preceding it

Also true. Who knew so much could be gleaned from a title

>FE7: The Post

Hey guys, I'm about to go masturbate to two dimensional drawings. Just putting that out there.

Echoes DLC

>hould I believe Yea Forums that this game will be shit?
If you can't see a game is shit without holding company bias you have no hope.

im pretty excited cause i got into fe recently. i still enjoyed conquest even with people shitting on it

You should get out while you can. It's a rabbithole you won't be coming back from.
