Which was Better?

Which was Better?

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the PC version (not the MS DOS one). But personally for me the Genesis version.

Sega CD version. It had the songs as they were originally intended just uncompressed.

Sega CD. HD was a mistake.

Sega CD
EWJ2 has no real answer

Earthworm Jim 2 - Sega Saturn

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HD was unsanctioned by the original creators.

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Well there ya go.

Does the PS1 version have the same soundtrack?

The music is all kinds of fucked in HD. They didn't reuse the original redbook audio and instead MIDI'd it up with generic instruments.

Didn't the head of the original game pretty much bitch about the HD version all around?


How come earthworm jim 2 always felt so soulless?


Is this the best Earthworm Jim song? Yes. Yes it is.

HD was fucking terrible.

Yup, but the graphics, resolution and load times are better on the Saturn.

Of EWJ1, yes. EWJ2 has some real bangers though.

Just to know, who owns the right of the Earthworm Jim IP? Is it still Interplay?

Half the stages were just abstract messes, and half the soundtrack was awful MIDI while the other half CD audio, if you were playing the non-shit versions.

It was. Then they went bankrupt. As far as anyone knows, nobody bought the IP afterwards.

Rushed out and based on recycled ideas they had for the first one because they wanted to capitalize on the success of the first and try launch a multimedia franchise with the Cartoon. Everyone at Shiny hated it because they knew it was soulless but the deals with Universal were so lucrative that they could afford to hire more people and fund really weird shit like MDK and Messiah. Dave Perry said it's the worst Shiny game because at least with Enter The Matrix, they had some ideas to be original and aimed high on it. EWJ 2 was just a cash grab.

The only part I liked was level three.

>Which color is Jim's red gun?
>A. Blue
>B. Yellow
>C. Green

>Can Peter Puppy have a bite of your ice cream sandwich?
>Over my dead body.

One day 3d rendering will get to the point where we can have a 3d modeled Jim with that pencil-coloured look, and Dave can start EWJ4. Because god forbid no one knows how to do good PG traditional animation nowadays.

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>tfw new book by Doug came in yesterday

The Neverhood

Dang, it feels a waste just lingering around like that. I know THQ Nordic get memed on these days because of the 4+2+2chan Q&A, but it feels like one IP they should buy just to port it to modern systems.

EWJ has no sell value though. It was a then-and-there IP, and had a fuck-awful 3d adaptation attempt to sink its name further.

I'd say they could do a new cartoon series of it, but modern animation methods (tween'd garbage) wouldn't do it any favors.

It got dabbed on pretty bad by DKC, Super Metroid and everything else that came out at the same time. I remember playing it a lot though; it felt a little like Battletoads in that every stage was its own little game.

i love the sega genesis version , but i guess the best out there is the sega CD version.

too sad the snes version didn't have tha level against the larvae before the final level , i guess snes kids missed that out.

>Want to play the non-SNES versions to check out the new stages
>All the music and SFX sounds like cartoony trash


Time to rev up Snesx9 I guess

the devs themselves literally said Sega over SNES when it came to the main two ports. the SNES port was just not what they intended for the product. Sega CD just got the opportunity to push that further.

But it sounds like such shit compared to the CD version.

Though going by the entire rest of the franchise, their vision is not a good thing. The SNES version is the best if only baecause it doesn't have big bruty or intestinal distress which are both objectively terrible levels.

Nothing sounds worse than the Genesis version though. It's barely even music.


Interplay still owns the IP. Doug Tenapel tried to buy it when Interplay were offering the IP's for auction. But Interplay were looking for an "Insane amount of money" for their IP's individually because they don't want to fuck themselves over like they did with Fallout. Brian Fargo apparently got a quote from Interplay to buy every Interplay IP back because of his old stature in the company but they would have to sell 2 million copies of Bards Tale IV at least. That didn't happen and Fargo sold up to Microsoft. So those IP's are probably going to sit unless Fargo convinces Microsoft it's worth picking up the library.

>It's a ''Saturn game has amazing soundtrack again'' episode
Fucking love this console.

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They'd have to have a hell of a sales pitch to get MS involved, since EWJ's gameplay doesn't really hold up great (no run-and-gun, limited platforming), and a new title would require reinventing the IP.

>Nothing sounds worse than the Genesis version though. It's barely even music.
you must really have some strange hearing, user

>It's a "Game has CD redbook audio thus every other disc version of it has that same soundtrack again" episode
Still mad the PC port of 2 lacked a couple of the fun levels.

>Nothing sounds worse than the Genesis version though. It's barely even music.
You're a fucking retard. Holy shit. How do people like you even exist?


If you think the first song sounds better than the second, you have brain problems.

Guess I got brain problems.

Close, but no. This is.

Only the SNES version had soul. Just look at how a level starts on the Mega CD.


>Circus music with the title bouncing up and down
>Extremely fucking ugly picture of bob and a bouncer, 10x10 res blown up

Meanwhile, on the SNES...


>Foreboding music set to a beautiful picture of Jim
>Title of the stage appears after the music has already helped set the mood

There's no comparison. One's for toddlers and the other's for gamers.

Shame that they didn't make use of the SNES' broader colour palette on the port to lessen on the Genesis dithering.

Even the gameboy shits all over the genesis


I think this is the first time I've seen someone ask "Is this the best [game/series] song?" and they actually posted the best song.

I really should go back and finish my EWJ3D playthrough on PC (started a year ago where I banged out 1&2 in the same night), but seriously, fuck those boss stages.

Nothing in video games makes me nope harder than riding a slippery pig collecting marbles.

It's missing a level you faggot

We don't talk about 3D.

Not actually ran this since the monitor upgrade, but this old-ass game runs fine in 4K, and 120/144hz modes. The problem? While the camera is buttery smooth, there's no animation interpolation in the game so everything still animates at a stutter 15fps.

Soundtrack of this version shits all over the N64 copy at the least.

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I watched a few episodes of the cartoon a couple weeks ago and it's pretty good, better than I remembered

Top tier post-modernism.


I'm glad this image never became real. "Ha ha, you really got me game designers, fuck you!"

That's one of those you have to be young to tolerate this shit kind of games. I have desire to go back and play 3D.

So my problem was I got near the end when I was younger, but never finished. Don't have my N64 these days, but I had the PC port sitting around, and part of me wants to get revenge....by wasting my time suffering through 90% of it again but as an adult.

That said, EWJ1&2? Still pretty fucking good. Tube level overrated on its difficulty though.

Wasn't Wario Land 2 like that? Eating cake makes you fat while getting stung by spikes lets you fly.

Fuck you youtube.

Wario Land 2 worked on the premise that Wario is immortal, so rather than a lifebar, you got penalized in other manners. It only worked as well as it did because they factored it into puzzles/secret paths.

Pod racing levels seem to be the filtering point for a lot of people.

Actually yeah, I know it was like that in WL4 too.

I feel like it could have worked as a level gimmick for one level, like some kind of Opposite World level. I mean it's kind of a weird and abstract idea but this is Earthworm Jim we're talking about here, it wouldn't feel that out of place.

Watching Earthworm Jim, Sam & Max and Freakazoid makes me question how did they actually allowed any of this, when you watch it has constant feeling as if people from the writer's staff just shitposted for weeks and then sent their end results for the laughs, yet someone up in the ranks actually gave it green light.

Is this the best ending in videogames?

>getting cucked by jewtube
top zozzle

There's also La Mulana, but that shit's on a whole other level.

>Press a switch under a crumbling ceiling
>Said ceiling breaks in half and kills you if you're not standing directly underneath it

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This. Saturn was built for 2D graphics although 3D games like NiGHTS and Panzer Dragoon series did look really good as well.

Don't get me wrong, PS1 had plenty of 2D games that looked great as well like Mega Man X4-X6, Mega Man 8, Castlevania SOTN, Legend of Mana, and some others but Saturn's hardware was stronger for 2D although the Saturn port of SOTN wan't that great.

Both consoles had their ups and downs.

The Saturn actually has a somewhat robust library of high quality JP exclusive 2D sidescrollers like Super Tempo or Tryrush Deppy.

Another excellent choice.

>get killed by trap
>Steam/Vita version of game taunts you by unlocking an achievement saying that you died to it

2 fucking sucked.
>1st game loved for being a decent action platformer
>What should the sequel be?
>Nothing but fucking gimmick stages where there's barely any platforming or action after the first stage and the gameplay constantly fucking changes

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I cut my teeth on the PC Special Edition, so Im still mad the HD Version didnt use the glorious Tallarico synths from PC. How do you fuck that up?

maybe the licensing for those versions of the songs complicated things. the HD version was an absolute mess to begin with so it's not that much of a surprise

Both of you are correct.

Probably didn't have the rights to that version of the music. Either case, whoever was hired to "HD" the source composition fucked up.

Yes, but only because remixes don't count


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>EWJ and ClayFighter stuck in an abyss

Truly this is a dark world we're in

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Clayfighter was never good, despite 63⅓ being rather alright aside from its mind-reading AI

You're asking for trouble, anonymous

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Tallarico sure made a name for himself over a soundtrack he didn't make. The composer for Earthworm Jim was Mark Miller of Nu Romantic Productions

Clayfighter 1 & 2 had MK1 levels of input delay. It was terrible to play.

Any version of Earthworm Jim that isn't the Sega CD Special Edition or the Windows 95 Special Edition is inferior and should be ignored.
It continues to make me mad that the only version available to buy anymore is the DOS one, and that the Windows 95 version has some audio bugs when played on a modern system that'll never be patched up and needs the original CD to play the music off of, so the Sega CD version is the best by default and because of simple accessibility via emulation.
There's no way to win.

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Tallarico is a fucking asshole is the impression I always got out of him. All the good tracks in EWJ where by Mark, but people only credit Tallarico.

Tallarico was a big name in the industry back then, and he got his own TV shows, his own recording studio and other perks. People call John Romero the rock star of game developers, but Tommy Tallarico was the equivalent for composers. At least in the west.

Just look at the boxart.

The answer is obvious