Withincells interlinked

Recommend me some hidden gems, preferably action / movement oriented games

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

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How do people end up with such packed desktops? literally every person that I know has like 100 files in their desktop

whats that Yugioh game?

I don't keep shortcuts on my desktop anymore but I do dump the random images and other crap when I'm too lazy to navigate to a proper folder. Usually try to do some spring cleaning every few months.

Joey the passion, real old, don't play it
and Yu gi oh pro, where you get all the cards, so you can play around
I have a hard time detaching myself from games I might play, why not, not like I have to make room for new games since I can't run them

Ever play Gunpoint?

jesus man, and i thought my desktop was bad for not cleaning up these past couple days

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

No, what's it like?

Should I give BD: pre sequel another shot?
I tried it after 2 and it was just meh, even 2 had its faults but I was really put off by the low gravity and spongy enemies at the start

the only reason i play it is for the jack dlc character

I'll take that as a 'not really'.

OP, have you actually watched 2049?

Attached: Screenshot_20190410_192924.png (1366x768, 1.05M)

yeah, it's a not really from me. its basically just more of the same from 2 but with low gravity shit and worse writing

It's a 2D puzzle platformer. Should be relatively cheap. It may scratch that itch.


I watched the 1982 version a few months back for the first time, great movie.
Also saw the newer one a bit later, it was a bit unfocused, and I think I like the first one more, but still good

>dysfunctional family simulator

Attached: 1509610394588.gif (320x240, 1.05M)

looks a bit un-involved input wise, but I'll look more into it

it really is...

Attached: 1530571306261.png (1279x719, 1.09M)

It's not Super Metroid, but you can play a bit fast and loose to get stuff done with more action. I'd look into Super Metroid's Randomizer too.

the wandering around in metroid games / rabi ribi / castlevania is really taxing for my head since I'm trying to remember everything and it's just a bunch of samey rooms...
gunpoint sounds more promising after what you said

>Recommend me some hidden gems, preferably action / movement oriented games
Gravity Rush

Attached: 1553268735771.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Oh I know this, it's the one with the foxy main heroine and her lesbo friend that looks like scientists tried to create the perfect masturbation material.
It's not on pc though, right?

>It's not on pc though, right?
but if you get a PC you can play both games

Attached: 1540710054534.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

Super Metroid is a comparitively small game compared to it's successors. The Randomizer let's you go through a familiar game in unfamiliar ways. Some rooms are wildly different if you haven't the equipment.

I think I'll just wait for it to get ported, eventually
that sounds like something really juicy for someone that's already a fan, but since I never got into those games...

Oni is on PC

Attached: 1548367354514.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

Will try, do you recommend a kb or controller?
any mods or fixes? It's real old

Keyboard is better plus the PC port only supports keyboard

Oni doesn't support modern systems. You'll need some fan patches to get it to run
After your first playthrough try downloading the Oni Anniversary Edition mod. It allows modern resolutions, lets you play the game with your entire moveset unlocked from the start, and supports additional fan mods.

Attached: 1524029755219.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

thanks for the links

gib walpepper ples

you might wanna adjust the resolution or something, mine is quite shit for a wallpaper

Attached: 1554048148884.jpg (1384x640, 45K)

its cool ill just use waifu2x caffe
with the power of neural network cells interlink

perhaps I should too

try furi.
I just use fences and only have them show when I want to use them.

Attached: bg.jpg (1864x980, 337K)

playing the tutorial now
the way you can slide around to jumps and combine that with crouch for different results holy shit
gaming must be really shit to not give us a modern game like this

nice, I always wanted to play this but always rented a different game, then later I was too lazy to hunt down a copy.

if you just type Oni in piratebay the first torrent even has the fix for modern systems included


Furi always looked like a bullet hell pretending to be an action game, but I guess it was unfair to never give it a shot, will do now.

it has a good amount of both, and one boss has no projectiles at all. it's my favorite fight, although I wish it was longer and harder. yeah yeah, I know

Theyre unfamiliar with thw index layout of their computer

>this copy of Windows is not genuine

Attached: 1542998717251.jpg (720x405, 31K)

With 'incels" interlinked.

I finally understand boyos.

Why do zoomers love this movie so much? Am I getting to that age where I recognize vastly inferior copies of everything everywhere?

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what does this mean?
what should I use the desktop for if not for shortucts?
it's alright I disabled services.msc or whatever, so my background never goes away.

you're way off you're baseline

OP here, not sure if '96 is zoom zoom, or if you can even use that metric for a non-american, but the Goose is a meme, the original may be better, but it's not a meme, so ofcourse I'll use the new one for the wallpaper

your fuckin gay mate

>doesn't use memes as an outward representation of one's self and instead just follows the trends
makes sense for a foreigner

Attached: 1547238262223.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

I prefer it to the original. I know people like to act like no sequel can ever be surpassed but 2049 was thoroughly enjoyable and did interesting things with the world that was already established

I'm not following trends
His facial expressions speak to the incel in me on a spiritual level

>facial expression
Gosling lacks any facial muscles at all, what are you talking about. He's had the same expression on his face for close to 15 years.

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im going to play this game just because of this webm, cheers user

because who gives a shit

i never use my desktop for anything so as a consequence it's been filled up with random shit. it's not like i ever sit down and stare at my desktop like a retard

>the way you can slide around to jumps and combine that with crouch for different results holy shit
try out punch and kick attacks during crouch, they're really useful

What does that slo-mo looking move do when I release crouch and press kick?
also diagonally many attacks don't work? not that I mind all that much
then it's the eyes, cuz they seem to be hiding an inner sadness in the movie

Suicidal thoughts

>What does that slo-mo looking move do when I release crouch and press kick?
Devil Spin Kick? It has a large AoE so it's good for crowd control and can hit multiple enemies.

>also diagonally many attacks don't work? not that I mind all that much
what do you mean: attacks with W+A and W+D?
Yeah the game has WASD modifiers on just the cardinal directions, not the diagonals.

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are you a mechanical engineer?

nope I don't have that one
it only seemed to trigger when holding the plasma rifle in the tutorial
she would get up with blur lines all over her body and do this weird quick hit with the butt of the gun
also the RE4 style aiming, gets me hard

I'm a penniless neet with a drawing tablet running away from life while pretending it'll pay off later when my skills are "marketable"

no just an unemployed virgin

suicide is looking better every day desu

>He's had the same expression on his face for close to 15 years.
he's just busy thinking about stuff

>cortex command
>crysis tac expansion
>rabi ribi

Attached: radical woomy.jpg (480x474, 17K)

people really don't appreciate how open ended and fun Cortex Command is when you get the hang of everything

You can't.
Because then you'd be a loser and stuff.
Image if there IS an afterlife, and you're greeted by 2 preppy angel sluts and they make fun of you for killing yourself.

Attached: 1542369486735.png (446x435, 79K)

more like with incels


DeadCore might be up your alley, it's a speedrunner platformer with light combat elements.

so what how the fuck was this within cells interlinced shit goimg to prove anything.

frogposting faggot

imagine getting triggered over a generic meme image
both look promising

tinertia will drive you insane with the difficulty but it's so fun and addicting. i think half my playtime was spent on the final world and boss. really high skill ceiling.

because people use their desktop as, wait for it, a fucking desktop where they keep files of immediate or daily use instead of going through folders everytime they want to use them

that sounds real scary, much like the final levels of super meat boy, hope I'll manage
I missed so many good games, what a surprise this thread has been

It was gonna prove that K was an in-cel (mitochondria)