How the FUCK do I beat this cunt?

How the FUCK do I beat this cunt?

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cute hands does she have a face?


You just need enough damage to get her posture bar yellow. You can spam gouging shurikens if you want. After that, just bait her flurry attack, spam L1, and jump on her head after. She kills her own posture meter. You can even get a free backstab on her by jumping on her head or throwing a ceramic piece at her from behind.

Literally just don't swing or pop any divine confetti. If you just focus 100% on going for deflects, the fight's almost over before it begins. Don't be aggressive. Just let her break herself on your guard.

Lure her close to jinzaemon/ the buddha idol to mess up her ai.
Alternatively, she is very weak to perfect parries

I just beat her about an hour ago.

Just focus on parrying her shit and breaking her posture. Don't go ham on her cause she'll just Musou Tensei away and you'll be left open.

This is how most bosses work desu. Genichiro and Owl 1 will do all the work themselves really. You just have to stand there and not suck.


Just deflect lmao

NG: just deflect lol, she kills herself
NG+ with bell and no charm: dodge and go for hp damage, her posture regen is insane. Dodging through her shit is surprisingly easy even if it looks intimidating at first. Stab from range when she starts doing the spinny dance combo. Flame fucks her up real good, so does the confetii

Or you can poison her if youre a pussy and cant handle a woman

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>boss 2 hard
>go get beads or fight the attack up boss you're supposed to fight lol

I fucking hate having to backtrack and grind for what basically amounts to exp in order to beat bosses. It defeats the purpose of removing rpg elements if you keep the need to grind and progress the way you're 'supposed' to.

Before you talk or fight her you can jump on her head (don't double jump on her just jump and land on her head) she'll then do an animation where she's putting her sword away and then you can walk behind her and get a free deathblow on her. You'll have to figure out the other health bar on your own.

She's ez.
Just git gud.

Attack it until it dies.

Stop skipping mini bosses

I'm stuck on Owl above the Ashina Castle who actually is hard unlike the sad guitar bitch.
Ask me anything

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yeah, and a body and feet too. She's really the whole package.


do you smell owl's giant braid at night like I do?

>owl 1

Hahahh oh god

I know, how can other women even compete right?

DSP beat her on his first try.
Are you worse at video games than DSP?
Jesus fucking christ, user.