I got one question for ya Yea Forums... YA WANNA GET BAKESHTABED?
I got one question for ya Yea Forums... YA WANNA GET BAKESHTABED?
No one should ever put cigarettes out on their penis for any reason
Retard why did you do it?
what was golden age Jerma?
reminder Yea Forums
From birth to current date, he's still going strong honestly. Nothing will top the Monster Rancher 2 streams though.
wasn't this the guy who cried LIVE on STREAM?
I have the entire series (6 parts I believe) this came from and I'm not going to share it with any of you.
Yo is this the streamer that beat SEAMAN on STREAM in ONE SITTING?
Now I’m glad he’s slowly shrinking out of existence
Also judging by the comments on the reddit thread when they were found, I may be one of less than 5 people on the planet that have it. I am however willing to answer questions about it.
What the fuck is this from holy shit
Question: why are you a fag?
Why is it so LOUD
Isn’t that the one guy who died to Pinwheel?
Was this the epic gamer who lost it all on bitcoin and had to move to Vegas in someone's attic?
It just feels good.
What are they?
Does anyone still watch Star? I liked him when I was younger, but now he comes off as kind of full of himself. I can't be bothered to watch his streams at all.
Do you eat ass?
I have a thing for sad gamers. Also he occasionally plays with jerma
Star died a long time ago. Ster replaced him and it's never been the same
some old skit video jerma and friends/actors did years ago people found on youtube before it was taken down
Did you know there’s an entire Jerma discord wiki and it is full of autism
A series of videos in a mock sports competition based on pog flipping. Jerma plays one of the announcers/interviewers.
I do not.
It's actually scary how convincing some of his acts are, if I didn't know who he was I would have thought that video was serious.
Vinny and jerma are the best streamers
There's a lot of lore in the Jerma world, I can see why they have a wiki. But it also takes autism to build such things. No doubt Jerma himself is somewhere on the spectrum given how he is always somehow lore consistent.
Is that Hog Hotdog, co-host of the World Pog Federation Tournament of Champions with Dick Dickson?
Vinny is good at any age, jerma is only good if you're a young retard
I heard vinny hates faggots and furfags and recently beat his YouTube editor because he draw some furry art with him
I like ster. Think he gets too much flak for being a little rude as a joke sometimes
This is the guy that said Trans Rights on stream, right?
the trannies held him at gunpoint
after a couple of people were spamming it in his chat for no reason
Jerma and Star played off each other nicely. Jerma by himself is too hyperactive and autistic
I hate you and every one that spans those emotes for no reason
>le wacky voice rick and morty screaming streamer is better than someone who puts effort into every stream
I even used to like Vinny back in the day. Not so much anymore.
Is it true?
If so, based.
What do you think?
please say psyche
Is this that guy that played a porn mosquito game ON STREAM
>le wacky voice rick and morty screaming streamer
Why are you two kids fighting? They're both friends.
I remember him sounding very confused when he said it and then had a talk with the chat about how it isn't necessary to do this. Probably the most based response outside of telling them to fuck off desu.
hbomberguy did his trans stream, hosted jerma after, then for like 2 weeks half the chat were a bunch of trannies spamming TRANS RIGHTS. then one of them donated like 200 bucks asking him to say it, he said something to the tune of, theyre entitled to basic rights, but you should spam this as its a very divisive topic
>complains about his chat
>not just watching the VOD
>should spam this
shouldnt* spam this
and they still spam it sometimes
Like honestly what are you supposed to do in that situation? "Actually no, I don't support gender ideology and I think trans people have a mental disorder and need help"?
It's not like he couldn't say that. But in doing so he would put a huge target on his back and basically profile himself as "that alt right streamer." He's pretty libertarian and never said anything bad about Trump so there's already some people out there who would like to see him go down, all they need is a reason to start revving up the spambots and declare e-war on the guy. As a streamer who relies on a stable userbase and fickle audience you can't have that kind of turbulence.
I have all that shit along with the tranny flags and owos filtered so I don't even see it anymore. Before I did I remember the mods banning people who spammed it when it got out of hand.
If you think trans people have a mental disorder and need help you support gender ideology. Unless the help you refer to is murder rather than the accepted treatment of transitioning which is recommended by those who have spent the many years of study required to offer diagnostic opinions on mental health issues.
thank god that despite being fags the mods knew to put a lid on it for the most part, and Jerma hates getting into political stuff that isn't extremely jokey or vague so good on him on not caving to his audience without being a dick about it.
Jerma is apolitical in an era where being so is extremely dangerous for you image, where any sort of slight can be perceived as 'alt right' or whatever. I'd hate to see him be the subject of a terrible media cycle if he 'slips up' on something that doesn't even matter
>did you know that there's a discord full of autism
let me bust out an old meme to convey how little surprise i feel at the moment
they had to stop banning people because it was getting people riled up as him looking transphobic
Fuck off human virus.
Literally gender dysphoria. Fuck off.
gender dysphoria is literally a mental disorder though
There’s a wiki for it that’s what surprises me
Look at this jermadiscord.fandom.com
Expect a masterpiece to be made tonight.
looks like you need a reminder
Yes, that is the term for the mental disorder which is treated by transitioning, as mentioned. What were you trying to contribute by posting this? Do you think I don't know the term?
For which the treatment is transitioning. Did you even read my post?
There are ways and therapies to deal with gender dysphoria without cutting your dick off.
>treated by transitioning
we’re rats
>For which the treatment is transitioning
but thats widely contested, due solely to this
>the accepted treatment of transitioning which is recommended
the thread is underage e-celeb bait so i don't feel bad for derailing
is there any study that corroborates this?
does it actually help?
does the suicide/depression rate drop dramatically after the transition?
I'm quite aware that gender dysphoria has significant impacts on a person's life. That's why I fully support the current most effective known treatment option.
And yet still, transitioning is the most commonly recommended one. Why do you think you know better than doctors that have studied the topic for years?
>For which the treatment is transitioning
>commits suicide several years later
star_ = soul
ster = soulless
Golden age Jerma is still happening
Yes, what a huge surprise that people being oppressed kill themselves at a higher rate and live much worse lives because of it.
"Those who have spent the many years of study required to offer diagnostic opinions on mental health issues" are the ones currently sounding the alarm about trans pressure groups and the push for reassignment surgery which is often made on a whim.
so why dont black women kill themselves more than white men?
There's probably more money in performing a sex change and pumping people full of pills than there is treating the underlying problem which is probably OCD.
This thread went to shit in record time.
You hate to see it folks!
>Why do you think you know better than doctors that have studied the topic for years?
Some of them recommended kids to start transitioning at a very early age, despite the risks and complications involved later on when they grow up that other doctors have acknowledged. Why should we trust them?
>be crazy
>push the medical community to accept your craziness
>one by one they buckle
>doubters and naysayers are shouted down and attacked
>trans pressure groups
>doctors dont want to deal with attacks plus make money, so they go along with it
>"see? doctors say it works"
>tfw ur too short to tie your shoes
>gotta drain your blood with leeches, doctors know best
Are black women being oppressed for existing?
you're not oppressed you looney
Ask a black woman and I'm sure she'll be happy to tell you the answer.
a good amount of people would say so, yes
The rare lesser striped smart user
If you think that image constitutes an argument against transitioning as a treatment you need to look up the concept of "base rates". Those numbers tell us that transitioning is not a perfect treatment as it does not restore suicide rates to the base rate of a control population, but it does have an impact.
Yes, it does. Suicide rates remain higher than the general population, but it does have an impact
"Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group."
What study do you base this assumption on? How many years have you spent studying it, in what University? What are your sources?
Because doctors have many checks and balances both within the healthcare industry and the government that ensure their treatments are effective, as well as an absolutely enormous body of evidence that listening to a doctor's advice on medical matters results is substantially greater outcomes than not doing so. If you disagree that doctors are trustworthy I strongly suggest reevaluating your entire diet and hygiene routine, as those are logically not trustworthy either.
oppression is just the subject being weak
>surrounded with trannies
>surrounded with furfags
They can't do anything about it, can they?
>the thread turns into tranny shit
So just like his chat then?
>implying jerma's chat isn't also filled to the brim with horny furfags
OwO spam anyone?
Is this the guy that beat Dark Souls LIVE on STREAM?
we're the rats
When him and Star_ still uploaded on their main channels
thanks, there's very little content creators that don't go on public political rants and Jerma is old enough where he just doesn't indulge in it
I mean they could just skirt around the issue and focus on the game or whatever story they were telling; but I fucking hate all the bullshit the furries and trannies bring with them and anyone defending their annoying behavior need to shut up because it has zero to do with the stream or jerma's content
really opens your eyes, it does
We play at night we stalk at night
Man that slot game had way too much effort for a fucking meme.
Trying anything would be social suicide. This is what you get when you try to stay neutral and don't pick sides.
Is this the guy that's streaming LIVE right now?
Didn't that cunt Vappy delete the 2018 Game Awards from the full sauce channel because Vinny thought the furry suit dude was a bit silly or something.
I love erma, she is cute, CUTE!!!!
Monster rancher 2 streams were kino
How the fuck does Jerma do his high pitch voice? The one he always does when he's imitating someone
Something about Jerma doing goofy voices makes me lose my shit
Peer pressure
he doesnt have it
Is this the streamer that jumped onto himself off of the top rope?
>he actually did delete it
What the fuck, what a miserable cunt.
>When Jerma plays VR games and the auto-adjustment makes him significantly shorter
Ster still has his moments, the permadeath Bethesda streams for example are great, but overall he's just a miserable weirdo who jumped ship from one game he hated to another
Furfags are the most despicable people in the world.
I'm glad he's gone. Whoever the new guy is, he's already better on account of the thumbnails.
it accurately portrays his manlet voice
it took me a second to realize it was that weirdo that played DBFZ that was at the GA in 2018 and wow only someone as mentally ill as SonicFox would defend or like someone who behaves like that at a public event
Star tried to be competitive in whatever game he plays but he's always ALMOST pro. Like's he's pretty good, but never quite as good as he wants to be. So ends up being unsatisfied in every game he plays
That entire stream was gold. They need to just put the whole thing up on 2ndJerma
which games?
>soul calibur
off-topic shit
He's so handsome god
go back to your FE waifushit thread, tranny
In TF2 he was in BUDSQUADS but he never got anywhere close to invite
Overwatch he stays in GM, never quite makes it to T500, played for one team very early in the game but never was good enough to get into contenders
Why would he do this? Vinny clearly didn't give a fuck about furfags one way or the other.
There's gotta be more to this.
I main Budsquad/Demonknight 6v6 were actually some of his best videos. I wish he did more like that.
budsquad was in cevo and they basically played the equivalent of invite then.
Will vinny ever catch a break?
im in a never ending state of listening to farting and screaming
>tfw you live to see your grandson and granddaughter get married
Gym Chad who listens to farting and screaming is the best character that's ever been made.
Even better than Green Screen and Glueman
what kind of a psychopath starts crying when listening to farting and screaming
I mean it's a better fursona than freddie freaker
what stream