Who else /creative/ here?
Who else /creative/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
go back to your containment site
>generic red dragon in an oven
Wow so creative. The next thing you'll do is a water elemental in your sink, and a swamp monster eating your shit in the toilet.
I would classify myself as /retarded/.
It's funny because its true, metroidvania has been ingrained for a long time but I cringe everytime I read or hear "soulsborne" or "soulslike"
Elaborate on that last one.
Actually pretty fucking based
I heard it extremely clearly in my head.
>he plays video games instead of being racist
Why are you so uncreative, Yea Forums?
Damn user, you hella creative 'n shiet!
Waiting for the witch one.
the two faces in the top panel are literally copy+pasted and resized a bit
where is the edit where it shows "creative" people staring at their chicken cooking like the autist they are while ordinary people don't
I’m creative. I see the heat death of the universe and how vapidly the average person uses their time.
Why is this meme making a comeback now?
these never made any sense
soul vs soulless
and adding undertale is even more soulless
I wanna fuck those racist shotas...
Fuck anons I just want ordinary looking with a creative mind thats not sjw. Is this a unicorn in US?
This art looks like the stuff In the Elsa games
The ordinary girl is much hotter
They're "literally" not though, gay boy.
>enslave a dragon
>make it cook your food
how creative
Threadly reminder that left has an art degree, right dropped out the first year.
t. Arts
>everyone laughing at this
>look it up
>some shitty fucking smash bros character
Fuck off Yea Forums
He fucked it up, Beginning was too fast and not cutesy enough and he should have used the clip from the original game. And what was that smash 4 music? Original clip would have the vs sting from 64.
Great idea, weak execution.
How dare you misuse that image about wanting to heterosexually fuck a unicorn.
Based scatanon
>wanting to fuck humans
No. It's quite common. If you believe otherwise it's because you've made zero effort to look or your brain has been polluted by this place to the point you mistake basic respect for others for sjw tendencies.
This is fact. The person on the right is the kid that cried when their art professor told them they were retarded for painting sonic
I play roguelikes.
My adventures are beyond the comprehension of the low IQ masses. It is a blessing but also a curse (I have mental illness).
This man knows.
The eyes are at least
i thought that was a dog cock
God that life death robots show is fucking shit
Are these memes how creative people cope with the fact that they finished arts college and ended up slaving away at unpaid internships for 2 years, then couldn’t find a job in their field due to the ultra-competitiveness so ended up working at Walmart for minimum wage?
What are some creative games for creative gamers?
That’s because, like everything horrible on the Internet, it was made by Russians.
I feel like this isn't something women actually do
>being upset at people for relating an off-topic thread with an on-topic reference
fucking Yea Forums with its shitty fuckin' video game knowledge and references
is this some retarded 5 minute craft thumbnail
>tfw trying to find an art hoe or pseudo goth gf that is both willing and not criminally insane.
I wish I was that towel
that roast is ruined
Dont use a femoid for a predominantly male hobby fucking asshole.
That's kinda hot.
>Fuck off Yea Forums with your video game humor
I'm sick of Smash garbage. It's a fucking plague, Ninteniggers are obnoxious spamming this fucking board
Ordinary person should be the yawning person from the game time one.
Actual art school graduates don’t look like manic pixie types. They look like regular humans that either act absolutely normal or completely off standard. The dyed hair thing involves some sort of subversive attitude. The normal half of art graduates dress and act normally because they are confident enough in their skills not to virtue signal. The other half are already so mentally subversive, that they will either not dye their hair because they want to at least appear to be normal, or they have no desire to dye their hair because “what the fuck is hair, leave me alone, I’m painting”. No good artist I have ever met ever had a non-natural hair color.
ARPG is literally the most creative genre.
I bet creative likes anal
yeah I agree, any thread that isn't a fotm movie game thread or a wojak edit thread is trash
Umm, actually, it's a wyvern
these "creative" people are always seeking for validation and have proben time and time again how uncreative they really are
I’m a “creative”.
This takes the cake for the most useless millennial term with no meaning.
Nice strawman bitch. Bing bing wahooooo. LMAOOOOO HE REFURANCED DAH SMUASH MEME
fucking wh*te people
have sex
>complains about strawman
>posts a strawman
this board needs more quality posts just like that
My parents told me to always be creative but everyone always made fun of me for it
Why do landwhales think dying their hair makes them unique?
This. The memes are also stereotypical bs.
I went to art school, half of it is marketing and business like any other college and university course is, it's state mandated.
Pixie types can't handle that for some reason. People who think art school is going to be a fun circus always get a bad surprise once lectures actually start.
Threads like these are why I keep coming back to Yea Forums
Delightfully devilish user
Not for 8 years champ
Why don't they just call it what it is? Backtracking.
Bullshit! Ultra-failed bait!
Still No. You wanna do:
Ordinary people and Creative people with that calm women's soap commercial voice, making sure creative people comes off as superior, maybe even a tad smug (in a way that the it doesn't seem like the performer knows what an ass he/she is being) and then you just want to play this: youtu.be
I wish that was me
cuz ur dumnb
Reminder that individuality is a meme. Everything you could ever create is derivative and you have never had a unique thought. Statistically speaking there are at least 5 people out there somewhere in the world that are so much like you, right down to how they look, they could effectively replace you.
No shit. Being creative requires you to think outside of the box. Not conforming to norms will make you look like a weirdo.
>has dyed hair, problem glasses and a choker
that sounds pretty hot.
>Just be urself bro
>Myself is stacking pinecones in absurd places, hiding behind a chained door and taking notes on how many and what type of kid knocks them down.
For example?
No, it's ATBS.
Individualism should be reserved for aristocrats, philosophers and leaders.
Lulz. A female with problem glasses and warning coloration probably wouldn't even know how to cook a turkey, much less be willing to succumb to the patriarchy long enough to be in the kitchen preparing a meal for several people.
Good I love chokers so much
Literally the moster dangerous people to be "individuals"
>didn't know who the fighting polygon team was
Fuck off straight to reddit and kill yourself
...What the fuck are you talking about?
So being creative means you're an obnoxious "geek girl"?
pretty cool
>bragging about being underage
jeeesus, the state of newfags on Yea Forums
Not to mention the marketing stuff is easy. It’s literally just Apply to shit, do social media, make a website, keep it updated. It is completely mindless.
heres some shitty OC i made a long while ago you may hate it or you may appreciate it
That's why a dragon is roasting the turkey. She doesn't even know how to operate an oven.
i want to FUCK girl representing ordinary people but also girl representing creative people
>akuma no riddle
God that series sucked. What was supposed to be an all on one battle royale devolved into people wait their turn, lose, and all end up in yuri relationships.
Shit taste.
I have to agree with -
It should really just cut to the smash 64 announcer. The guy doing the voice just isn't doing it right and it takes a lot out of the joke. Not playing the sound effect that plays while the announcer introduces the fighter takes a lot away from it too.
wow guys, women with big tits have to bother to do this every time they go to the beach, is sand sexist?
should we do something about sand? this seems like something really problematic if im being honest,
something HAS to be done, any ideas to stop the sand patriarchy?
Everytime I see the thumbnail I think that the "creative" girl is wearing a hijab.
Fuck Muslims.
It's also the most important.
I'm not even a good artist, but I get more work than my peers because I lucked into a network and know how to sell my shit.
Clients want to be bullshitted to, they don't know quality work and don't appreciate it anyway.
I've stopped trying to make what I want for them and started making what they want.
Sounds like a personal problem.
?? Are you implying soulsborne invented fire breathing dragons
You're the underage one here talking about fucking smash garbage. Grow the fuck up
>implying I play video games
I lynch blacks in my spare time, rabbi.
>the friend who doesn't get the inside joke
I love how smug everyone is; makes the truth that much sweeter.
Based derailposter
women with big tits don't have rights unless
A: They're really fucking ugly
B: They're fat and the tits are just a synthom of that
C: are non-white
fuck off normie
Lol 3rd world poorfag mommy only bought you a PS1 no friends snoyboy
hisoka gets me everytime
>Taking a joke this seriously
Unironically have sex
It wasn't very good but I liked the Yea Forums threads. Still mad best girl didn't even get an episode and literally everyone ended up ok at the end
If cultural appropriation is real then where are my reparations for all the non-white people wearing suits?
Having a dragon breathe fire into your chicken like that would completely fuck it up. Not only would it simply burn the outside to a charcoal, it'd leave the rest way too fucking overcooked or, depending on the size of the chicken and the power of the dragon's breath, raw
>being too stupid to get an obvious joke
literally killyourself
Looks better than that soulless sterile toy container art you replied to.
It's a Persona reference.
well, as we all know only women can be affected by sexist sand in their vaginas, so yes, i can see this being a thing
I know, was talking about the artstyle.
I hate that flat Disneyish design.
ordinary people vs sneed people
I just have two separate practices. One for fine arts and one for commercial work. It’s really simple.
>"creative" people look like sjws with cat frame glasses, piercings, and warning coloration hair
Congrats, she looks like every other "creative/unique" snowflake. And they say the NPC meme isn't real.
By that assumption, a girl like Himiwako should basically have hassle-free incomes
Centuries of study will pass but we will come no closer to deciphering Chris' message
It's probably like that because in art schools it's one of the first artstyle they teach you about and the artist is fresh out of his first year.
My mom does it
yeah, going by this pic alone, I don't think this shit was made by any kind of "SJW"
looks more like it was made by some boomer who thinks this is what young artsy people look like
post your moms feet
>Being this retarded
You have no idea what art school is like. You learn realism and abstraction. You don’t learn “styles”
i actually think about a dragon cooking shit in my microwave with flames. deadass
I think people would have less of a problem with some quirky shit like that... and a much bigger issue with attention whoring like in the comic.
Chris literally explained the joke on twitter
the joke is that during the stone age you would have had to tell him twice, since he would be a stupid caveman
Memri TV is unironically based. Muslims are alright when they are in their respective sandy shitholes.
That’s fine. It’s just a dragon isn’t actually creative in this context. It’s iterative in a too literal way.
Get off the internet, caveman.
The joke is that during the stone age you would have had to tell him twice, since he would be a stupid caveman
Oh, thanks!
>Ordinary Sneed's.
>Creative Chuck's.
because gaming is boring at the moment, sekiro was a mild flavor of the week, yoshi is only good for 10 years old little girls, and microsoft is microsoft. Most people have nothing to play.
I miss O GEEEZ
Actually nowadays you learn how to draw bean people and get hired at Cartoon Network.
Help me.
objectively the best ones itt
Should we kill ourselves for thinking of that unprovoked?
Top this
>When you get rejected by your goth crush at high school
>uh? me no understand... but in future...
What about the stone age? Why did he bring it up?
>screencap by phoneposter
Why even bother?
This is pretty cute actually
Fuck off
It sounds gay, but this somewhat resonates in me just because I'm absent-minded because of all the bullshit I'm thinking of. Wish I wasn't, but it at least made me a better writer.
I wish I was the sand so a women would actually touch me
Like someone said earlier, Its not thinking it thats the problem, its attention whoring and thinking you're better than anyone else because of it
modern art schools mostly teach you how to install and use the softwares otf the company that fund the school. If oyu do animation, you are taught that sending mails in Korea and putting the resulting work in your own portfolio is normal .
>he doesnt like chokers
whatever gaylord
>a reference to smash 64
Its past your bed time.
Shut up.
>Microbes and parasites get to be vored by a giantess
It's not fair bros
I'm sure some other autist has pointed this out, but why would you even have the oven if you're just going to apply fire directly to the food? the at the very least the dragon should just be stoking the flames under it. not much different from a typical oven.
Real creative people is extremely introverted and normal looking, they usually don't get jobs drawing for buzzfeed shit, you just see their names in tiny letters in the credits of some cartoons and movies
My teacher works at disney, he is a super normal looking dude, he shaves so he doesn't even have hair to paint it weird colors like all the "creative" people out there
[User was BASED for this post]
I just drink soda
>t. Ordinary person
What fucking body part is that supposed to represent? No one has a rotisserie chicken thigh where their genitals should be.
It's clearly a boner hiding apparatus.
no u
this, fuck them niggers and their bootleg fighting game
>has to look up "fighting polygon team"
fuck you and your bait
But what if... I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own creativity?
Fair enough. I went to college for traditional art and my job now is in digital. Learning programs is easy as fuck. Getting years of real figure drawing and abstraction under my belt was infinitely more important.
It's one of those chastity devices faggots and trannies use to hide their dicks. It has a band that goes around the scrotum. If you're really curious, you can image search "male chastity ring". I wouldn't recommend it.
>Getting years of real figure drawing and abstraction under my belt was infinitely more important.
the schools don't do it anymore. there is so much demand that they just accept kids that already know how to draw.
That's hella uncomfortable.
On the back isn't any better
fuck you zima blue was kino as fuck don't put it on the same level as the shitty meme shorts
That's exactly what I'm saying. Cut to the exact audio from the link I shared.
You can shut up now.
Unironically based.
Fuck this facebook-tier meme.
creative as fuck
>ordinary person: oh god this man is having an attack, call 911 while i try to help him
>creative person: CURAGA
>creative "person" is a tranny with pink hair
o la la
Maybe for graduate school, but fine arts graduate school is only for if you really want to do that.
goddammit I hate this image so much can people stop posting it
user no
Look, I can tell you're the kind of newfag that hasn't been to /d/, /aco/, /hc/, /gif/ or /soc/ yet, but that's a shaved, limp penis inside of a chastity cage with a vibrator attached.
It's pretty well drawn and you are a huge faggot.
>Actually heard the announcer and everything including the 3..2..1..GO!
Screw you,user! I didn't want these feelings
>normal people
>drug using people
Why would it be limp when they are doing fetish stuff? Isn't in a cage to be contained?
This is funnily cool, and oddly satisfying.
Did you even look at the image in OP?
REAL creative people take a bunch of Benadryl and see spiders
That's not even a turkey in the oven, you're just sitting on your bed
Look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but the way that a cage works is that it prevents the cock from engorging with blood, by means of physically compressing the cock. The containment keeps it limp.
Now go eat some paint chips.
I appreciate your post user
Much like people who brag about how smart they are are usually actually pretty average in intelligence, people who brag about how creative they are are usually about average creatively.
Creativity and intelligence are both things where if you genuinely have it you don't need to tell people you do because it's obvious in your work.
Doesn't even look like the cool drugs.
>and thats a good thing
missed opportunity
I fucking hate the world. I feel nothing but scorn for these kinds of "creative" people, as they have no idea what the actual world is like, and cling to their fucking corporation IPs so that they can believe they have a personality because they watch Doctor Who. I am scornful and bitter and this OP image reminds me why.
>soulsborne niggers have a 40+% suicide rate
thank you jesus
Hey, I like Doctor Who, but I don't act like this, nig.
I do this all the time but for my jew nose
Oh look, a free iPad
"You don't have to tell me twice"
Means he understands
"But during the stone age"
Means if it was during the stone age he'd be a caveman and would need to be told twice since he's not intelligent.
NOT getting this joke has to be a meme it's so fucking easy all of you guys have like DOUBLE autism for not understanding it.
It's cool guy!
cooool guUYYYyy!
Everytime i watch that vid, i laugh for the opposite reasons Mike intended.
you got a kek from me, user
rip in pieces, terry. fucking glow in the dark cia niggers got him
U sure know a lot about this don’t u faggott
>But during the stone age...!
The joke is so fucking stupid that it gets me every time
Gotta remember the boomers will be dead in another 10-20 years.
It's like the summer dead months where nothing releases came early this year, I had fun discussing RE, DMC, and Sekiro while they were still being played by everyone though.
I can hear it
Haven't seen that video in like 6 years but I can hear it clearly
This is actually pretty cute.
Or maybe you have autism for understanding it.
How could we ever forget Coolguy?
Please explain the joke.
Shane Dawson is really creative huh
im creative and i loathe living in this world run by people who dont understand or care about art
"You don't have to tell me twice! But during the stone age, you would have to tell me twice because I would have been a caveman, who are colloquially considered to be stupid."
I'm not even kidding, this is literally what he said on Twitter
Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
What do we call it? Titty holes?
Whatta man!
im so glad i live alone because i am screaming in this house right now
>may allah bring dark hours and disaster upon you
fucking kek
You don’t say
>Hey, I like Doctor Who
Gay, woman, or underage?
>and a swamp monster eating your shit in the toilet
that would be pretty weird haha
>religious people making fun of crazies
oh the irony