Do you guys ever attend videogame conventions or events? If so is it always with company or have you ever gone solo?
Any tips (or even stories) to share?
Do you guys ever attend videogame conventions or events? If so is it always with company or have you ever gone solo?
of course he likes death grips lmao
Yo is that dunkey?
sky please, we're looking for an actual black bull here
>the inbred satanic jews are being degenerates again
what else is new
she looks like a downie lmao
>going to conventions solo
in my experience attending with friends is always better
>tfw Sky beat Dunkey in smash
keep saying it
Doing anything with friends is better
She looks like she fucks black guys
>no no no, I WANT you to fuck my wife. cmon guy fuck my wife for me.
>Any tips (or even stories) to share?
I mean, I have some, but I dont want to keep saying it.
I usually go with a friend or two. I went solo to a comic con in my area, got to meet stan lee and asked him about what it was like to have built an empire, does he ever just think back on it, and he just said "Nah, if I stop, I'd kick the bucket".
Makes me sad thinking about it now.
Leah's engagement ring is an exact match of the ring seen in the video
what video?
she got blacked. it's on /gif/ somewhere
I went to Evo last year by myself, was pretty cool
You don't know what this thread is about do you?
I saw a beach photo of her back and it was spotless, not a single mark. And the girl in the vid has tons of dots, I don't know who to believe but leah is skinny as fuck I'm definitely sure it's fake. You can sit back and watch the internet fall apart as tradition, speculation doesn't change the reaction of dunkey or internet bottomfeeders.
I’ve considered it, but the thing is I can’t think of what I’d do there?
>play competitive game against a bunch of people who are way more into that shit than me
>play demos of games except I have to stand there awkwardly and everyone’s waiting for my turn to be over
>make pleasantries with a bunch of people I’ll probably never see again
>look at shitty art
>look at booth babes and just think get horny and want to go home to jerk it
>buy overpriced plastic junk that will immediately get put in a closet and gather dust
>get an autograph of some eceleb except I don’t even like them that much and if they died tomorrow I’d just find something else to watch
I really don’t get the point of cons
>Dunkey is a cuck
Hmm, this seems to be the one outlining feature of every person shitting on KH3. Really makes me think
Why is Yea Forums literally this obsessed with black dick?
what is she even saying
I don't even think donkey is worried about it being public knowledge, in fact I bet he welcomes the criticism and publicity.
nerdy white girls are cuties. you can find a lot of them at cons and smash bros tourneys.
Just some advice for my fellow gamers. Happy hunting
so dunkey was black after all
Half this boarded is OBSESSED
Why don't you post the comparison then I am curious :)
>went to an anime con once with weeaboo friends because I thought there would be videogames and they paid for my ticket
>entire place smelled like feet
>everything was incredibly overpriced
>nobody had any sense of social skills and was hugged like 3 times by rabid hambeast fangirls and free hugs sign autists
>there were no video games
1/10 probably not going back
Mr. Show was good.
Something tells me this is BS but people are memeing it anyway
There's no getting around the autism. I suggest going to spaces like this with like-minded friends. The same way you can watch a bad movie for the laughs.
Cons are where people with no social skills go to have sex. Seriously, that is the freest pussy on Earth. I'm a turbo virgin and I had a Yuffie cosplayer asking me if I wanted to go back to her room to have some drinks
I said no but in hindsight I should've said yes, Catholicism has cucked me
Mr. Show and Kids in the Hall were pretty much the blueprint for my comedic sensibilities.
that has to be an audio edit, leah is a fucking twig compared to the chick in the video
>fat nintendo soiboi is a a literal cuckold
Was the Yuffie cosplayer cute at least?
I don't give a fuck if its fake or not GIMME THE FULL FUCKING VIDEO.
Yeah I went to Neko Con last year and they have a huge gaming room
Always solo but I met up with a few friends
I enjoyed the night rave and IRL Anime girls more than anything though
Is he a nintendo boy if he hates everything nintendo makes except zelda and mario
I'd say she was average, a little below. Had acne but I'm not going to act like I was any better at the time. My standards aren't high though, so yeah she was cute for someone of my caliber
Cons are where 5/10 and below girls find easy marks to provide them with food and a roof since mom has been saying over and over she is gonna kick them out soon for being 23 and still living at home.
>dem good vibes
Sky actually attends tournaments and had fucking mew2king as a roommate.
It was a joke at one point that his yoshi in smash 4 was the best one in his region when the game was still early.
I don't like sky and he is the gayest nigga but he can play pretty damn good.
>been going to cons for years
>never had a girl ask me to go anywhere
>only manage to get one hug from a random qt because I was in full custom and she just didn't know better
Heh, yeah all the pussy you can get, r-right...
You'll be surprised user...
I can't believe Dunkey cucked Leah with Sky
Literally that's the only thing nintendo does, cucky.
>Cucked by faith
Die alone faggot
Oh shit, I just remembered. There is another webm where the guy is putting his dick in the girl and he says "faster" and it sounds just like dunkey. I don't have it though.
post more
gotta love butterfaces
Catholicism has saved you. Don't be a degenerate fuck.
I go to this convention MAGfest every year. Have gone maybe 6 years now? Id say bringing company depends on how you are planning to enjoy the convention. I prefer to go alone cause I pretty much play games the whole time. One year I went with friends and it was cool but we all had a different agenda so we basically split up and ran into each other a couple times or just met up to get food and drink. I will say bringing your gf is a big mistake however. If your gf doesnt like games that much youll feel tied down.
Well i went to MAGfest a few times and it was great, i'd recommend it
>Got to meet, speak, and dance with some voice actors like matt mercer
>Ate lots of food
>Rooms with setups out the ass, played lots of fighting games with a lot of people
>Tried games ive never played before, played some powerstone and a guy taught me a few things about the game and how to play gud
>Concerts out the butt as i mentioned before, even the invited Guests attended those, was fun meeting them
>Lotteries for sick shit like a handcarved and painted windwaker chess set
>Visited the hentai booth and bought a grab bag and Sextra Credit (stupid faggot little cocksucker edition)
>There was a booth with every amiibo ever released at the time, bought some of the really hard to get ones (at the time) like the FE ones (Fates was coming out and released while i was there)
>Invited girls to room, drank alcohol and fug
>Specialty panels such as animating for vidya and shows, they taught some basic processes and fundamentals and tricks
>Cosplay contest, got to watch girls dress and pose lewdly for points
>More food and alcohol
>Meet cool people in the motherfucking elevators carrying weird ass beverages, they give us some, delicious as fug, buy an asston before we leave
Man i wanna go some more but i have responsibilities now and it's hard to find time. Anyway, conventions amd festivals are basically my Vegas, as i have no interest in gambling or hookers, so if you want to have a fun time and blow some money, i say go
Cons are massive cringe. They're like a magnet for every unsightly basement dweller from miles around. If you're even slightly normal looking you won't be able to enjoy yourself because you'll be surrounded by actual autists who will make you rethink your hobbies.
Also no matter what kind of con you go to, there will always be at least several furries in fursuits there.
>Do you guys ever attend videogame conventions or events? If so is it always with company or have you ever gone solo?
there's a really cool vidya con in austin TX called classic games fest. Fills up a convention center halfway with oldschool arcade machines and the other half with a vendor area and music. 10/10 would go again.
My wife and I went to one, just one
it was a good experience but we would probably not do it again. Not until she finishes my elite knight set anyway.
No wonder he's a cuck, he hates turn based jrpgs. They always end up like this.
i'm actually going to be in LA for a wedding the same week that E3 takes place. seems like a down year though with no sony. any tips on scamming an industry pass? sure as fuck would never pay $250 to go to it.
I mean you ain’t wrong
I took some furry girl’s virginity
I just liked her pink fur suit she asked could I walk her back to her room to grab a Gatorade.
Once we were alone she awkwardly flirted by asking me to rub her belly
Of course like an austistic retard I don’t see this as flirting til my hand grazes over her crotch
I orginally move away but she told me “N-no, you can rub me anywhere”
I got the message when I saw she had a Trojan in her hands.
Overall 10/10 Would attend again
She looks like she fucks black guys
I struggle at times, all I want is a GF but God doesn't seem to think that is in the plan just yet
>muh imaginary sky daddy
Literally the bigger cuck here
I met the woman who turned me into a misogynist at a vidya/weeb convention, so no. Probably never again.
Some furries are actually pretty cool
I liked this guy he jumped my car
Stop pushing your dead kike lite religion, you absolute drooling retard.
Met OnlyAfro at magfest at a skullgirls tourney
>le tips fedora
*tips reddit gold and fedora*
Story time now user
Im curious how one woman singlehandedly fucks up all women for you
What was the bull’s name?
Wait so who's the furry the guy dressed as a cat or the guy dressed as a monkey
I still go to cons if only to get out of the house and hang out with friends. I really don't do much aside from meet up with people I don't see much anymore and the people watching never gets old. There's always spergs and children doing bizarre shit to keep entertained.
>a woman who turned me into a misogynist
Hate a person because of that they do and are, not because of their sex. Men and women should live in harmony, stop acting childishly. Why purposely fuck yourself over, are you an actual faggot? What's your end game, sucking dick or finding a women whom you can mutually take care of.
My god is an awesome god
Go fuck yourself
That's an audio edit, you can hear the same moan repeat twice (probably taken from some video where she was playing around) and the body type doesn't match at all, she's way bustier than Leah. Also, those moles are not on leah's arm at all.
Fuck if I know.
Whilst the video is blatantly fake, women with high pitched voices are 90% of the time people who were sexually abused as children.
Imagine being this cucked by a formerly pagan proto-semitic father deity that got held up above all other gods by one group of dissenting Jews.
Coming to terms with life or God means coming to terms with what's outside your control. Settling for degeneracy is settling for moral failure. A man does not settle for moral failure.
Maximize your chances by going into a successful career and improving yourself.
vidya is cool though keep doing that
Thank you!
Actually the moan is different. The one you're talking about sounds really close but it starts with more of an inhale.
What is it with white americans and being obsessed about black people?
dude that screenshot is fucking photoshopped
look at how blurry the edge of the ass is compared to the rest of her body. the pixels have clearly been stretched
4k was your downfall buddy
Bring nose plugs, or better yet just don't go at all.
I'm not a theist, you shit-breath mouth breather. Did reddit give you your 'it's a trilby' opinions or did you just pack all that mental garbage in your head with greasy white trash avatar channels on YouTube?
Absolute cringe
5:16 you can see a mole on her upper left arm. Moles in that location tend to mean there are more in the area. Most of which are probably on her back.
We never really see her at a different angle, but this one mole here seems to line up with the cuck videos.
Must have been terrible
are their faces shopped? they look like runescape 3 characters
Thats a lot of speculation though, the mole in the cuck video is on the back side of her left arm while here in on the inside of the right arm, without seeing a mole on the back side of the left arm one cant say for sure.
Check at 3:29 you fucking retard
I want to be the bar
Nerdy white girls always go for black guys
>"Catholism has saved you"
Gee, i wonder why
>white trash avatar channels on YT
what even is that, stop projecting.
epic gamer style
Games are for nerds
Loliposting is for chads
Was gonna give you based points for loli posting but not anymore since you're phoneposting
Give me the points
I didn't call you a dummy. I called you a fucking mongoloid.
>what even is that, stop projecting.
Surprise, hit a nerve.
oh my
imagine being so autistic that you spent hours scavenging through pages upon pages of cuckold porn just to find a single video of a nigger fucking somebody that looks like an e-celebs gf
alright fine
Stay seething Sakuyafag
And shotty is a mutt
I went to a con once. The gamer room smelled of sweat and it was essentially just a nintendo zone.
who are these faggots and why should I care?
go with friends, don't go with a signifigant other.
half the reason to go to cons is to get your dick sucked in weird places by crazy people
>went to anime con with friends
>entire conference room set up for video games
>had 2 massive projectors
>one for Smash, the other for 10-player Saturn Bomberman
>tables all set up with classic consoles and CRTs
>fightan cabinets and DDR set up on the opposite side of the over crowded smash section
>tfw I spent the entire con weekend in that room alone, despite being a turboweeb
Let me get this straight. This girl is some youtubers gf and she may or may not have fucked some guy on film. And now we're having a thread about it?
fuck off dunkey and let me fap to your waifu
>a thread
We had more than one
Yeah, 'cause Dunkey is big around these parts.
Welcome to 4channel
Bless hiromoot
We are having a thread about videogame cons.
What are you talking about
Keep saying it
who is this retard pushing that fake cuck video like they did years ago with James? who are you? fuck off
you are probably salty that dunkey is marrying what appears to be a legit decent girl
your video was posted a week ago without all those fake sounds to appear like dunkey is a cuck
you need to find better things to do with your life, my lad
>Dunkey is big around these parts
He's not, it's literally just a bunch of underage newfags that post his shit constantly cause they think he's so "XD FUNNY".
I've never heard of him and I visit this board almost daily.
Thank you
I don't mean to say the same, but if that's what the underage kids are doing constantly it means he's big.
Cuckshit is all the rage with zoomers these days desu
It had the same sounds you fucking nigger
t. dunkey
Dunkey called out Kingdom Hearts for being an overwrought mess and the autists of the world collectively snapped.
>Online friends for 4 years
>She wants to meet but I avoid it for 2 years because turbo autist
>She's 17, I turn 18
>I need to stop being a fucking pussy
"Hey none of us is a weeb but let's meet at this weeb convention"
>Do just that, all ok
>Start going out frequently
>We're really close by now
>She knows I'm insecure about my body because I told her
>I mean hardcore insecure
>Literally genetically deformed but didn't tell her that to save my dignity
>Ask her if she's a virgin because I needed to know
>"Don't worry user we'll have pure, virgin sex when you're ready, I've never seen a dick or even thought about one"
>Oh shit is she the one?
>Make plans to go out and to ask her to acquire gf status
>Take her to a restaurant and I'm about to say it
>"No wait I need to say something first"
What the fug
>"Remember when I told you I was pure?"
Oh god no
>"Turns out I fucked 3 guys just before we met in person"
You lied to me for 4 months what the fuck is your problem
>"Well it was awkward for me! Not like it's a huge deal anyways"
>Single manly tear of betrayal
>Take her to her house without saying a word
>Why didn't she tell me sooner? Why did she pick this day?
>Mental image of her getting fucked by someone else permanently engraved in my brain
>Crippling depression
>Couple days later I get a text
>"I don't get why you're so mad it's not like I'm a fucking whore, you're such a possessive controlling asshole holy shit"
>Never speak to her again
>One month later she's uploading pictures with her new boyfriend
>Realize how superior 2D girls are and become a weeb
This happened in 2015 and I haven't talked to another woman since then. I'm too jaded to try again, and I'm 22 now so there are no virgins my age. Just fuck women.
>What's your end game, sucking dick or finding a women whom you can mutually take care of
My end game is to die alone but live financially stable for the rest of my life so I can play lots of vidya and spend time with my waifu.
keep saying it
He's not "big around these parts"
It's the same underages that overran this board with their twitch garbage
keep saying it
I usually only attend Anime Weekend Atlanta every fall with my best friend. From there we meet up with other friends and just walk around taking pictures or have pictures taken of us. Sometimes we'll split up like if I want to hang out at the con arcade for a while or there's a panel one of us is interested in but the other isn't.
>Any tips (or even stories) to share?
Just go have a good time, what else is there to say? Can't really say much about the nightlife at a con since my friends aren't about that and I stay with them during my visits. Aside from that just be sure to bathe and don't be a sperg even if the person next to you is doing it.
League of Legends Adam Sandler
Funny voice cuck
It's just dunkey trying to prevent the truth from getting out
This is bait.
Learn to greentext better newfag.
its fucking over dunkey bros..
Fuck you for making me relive it and fuck you for not liking my blogpost.
Here comes The Crimson Chin
haha faggot
If that destroyed you so easily, life's going to be fucking rough.
>letting something that retarded and worthless ruin you
Maybe just lurk more and stop being a bitch about it.
>keep saying it
that's definitely dunkey's voice
this is wild
I hope this kills dunkey threads forever
rip fat cuck
What do you mean you are deformed?
so uh
can you link us to this video where she's moaning
Shower. every. day. Use deodorant and wear fresh clothes.
Sure, there will be tons of stench from other people, but you have to do your part please.
How come most cucks are fat? A lot of them are white, sure, but the majority are fat men.
Read the thread. Search for "gif".
Fat men generally have smaller cocks
just go gay, lad
i dont feel as bad knowing some dude got his ass pounded compared to when a womyn im seeing wouldve gotten her roaste filled up by a negro
No, retard. the one where that other retard is claiming the audio was cut from
it's on youtube. search for it I'm not going to do your homework, faggot.
Why do these people film their own sexual lives, keep it on a digital storage and still act surprised when it leaks?
Ive gone to NYCC, PAX East, and TGS a few times both alone and with friends.
If there's shit I specifically want to do it is better to go alone, but if I'm just wandering going multiple days it is nice to go with friends.
That said, conventions are too crowded and generally unpleasant for me. They are the worst place to demo new games. I'm not sure I'll go to many more.
Also Days Gone is garbage.
Fat creates more estrogen in the body, and probably just shit self worth and discipline
>What do you mean you are deformed?
I mean these mantits but without that huge belly. I usually hide it by wearing 5 tight shirts at all times. And no, it doesn't go away with exercise.
I just look fucking hideous. I'm an insult to the human eye.
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
I find that hard to believe since every single time he makes a video its posted several dozen times for days
so you're a lying faggot with no proof trying desperately the damage control
got it chief
he probably filtered e-celebrities
Fuck this reminds my friend who cosplayed as some anime girl.
Walked in on him getting fucked in his pale ass by two dudes.
I'll never forget it. Disgusting.
think whatever you want, retard. I'm not the samefag and I could care less what your retarded brain fantasizes.
used to go to quakecon for free shit. physical and digital
before zenimax/bethesda jews took over you could file share tons of shit really quick and get a lot of free shit from drawings and stuff and people passing out swag, now I imagine they hardly hand out shit and file sharing isn't allowed
last time there was a cool warframe figure I bought when the game was still pretty new, don't even like to play that much though
Yeah I have some unilateral gyno from drugs, you gotta get that shit cut out.
go on, user
cringe at this retarded bait post
god I wish I could fuck a twink cosplaying as an anime girl
>I'm not the samefag
Then why did you act like I was asking something of you when I clearly differentiated the two retards I had in question? why are you taking his place in my query?
way to incriminate yourself you daft cunt
Keep on sayin' it
Are you also fat? You don’t have to have a big gut to be fat, maybe you are skinnyfat. Those moobs can be fixed with plastic surgery, I see cases like you all the time.
I wish I was a twik being fucked by a cosplaying anime girl
come on user we need more details
who's the artist
It’s pasta.
I get that your memeing and all but could you fuck off?
was he taking both dicks in his asshole? isnt that kinda gay for those two dudes?
here's the original video without the dunkey noises btw
Dont know why you'd say that, it was fun
Who was he cosplaying?
I wish i was a guy living in the same building where a twink cosplaying as an anime girl is getting fucked but i don't know that it's happening and i'm just minding my own business playing video games.
Can anyone give me advice on how to pick up ladies at a con? 5'5 by the way. Is there no chance?
I went to a vidya/anime con but forget which one because it was ~2008. I went as Akihiko and had a lot of chicks and dudes hitting on me. My buddy went as doorkun
>used to be into cuckshit
>slowly started drifting away from it
>didn't get a boner from the dunkey video
am i finally becoming normal, i hated that fetish so much
>Are you also fat?
Just a little overweight but not fat. Nowhere near fat enough to think that this shit is caused by my weight.
>Those moobs can be fixed with plastic surgery
You think I wouldn't have fixed this bullshit by now if I could afford it?
>Yeah I have some unilateral gyno from drugs
I've never done drugs, hell I don't even fucking drink. I don't deserve this.
t. dunkey
It's what you get for you shit hit piece videos
yeah that'd be disgusting haha
It's very obvious that it isn't leah.
What are you talking about, you fucking retard?
it's not cuck shit apparently, the dunkey noises were edited on top of tough luck man
literally who are these people and is this shit even real
Imagine growing up with a friend, he's one of your closest friends, he helps you get laid gets girls is popular, played football as wide receiver.
Then after his longitme girlfriend breaks up with him and goes for some other dude he snaps. He starts getting into videogames and other nerdy shit, then he discovered anime. Everything seems okay and cool until he starts to cosplaying. First starts off as cosplaying dudes then he slowly starts cosplaying girls. Getting too comfortable with it. He starts letting people grab him and does "cutesy" poses when they take pics of him. Then he starts letting fans grab him by the hips.
Then one convention he was dressed up as this blue haired anime girl who wore a skirt, worst part was he tried to mimic the "invisible panties" this anime girl had by being exact skin colored thin panties. Well later that day me and some friends left and went back to our hotel rooms. I walked in on him getting fucked by two buff cosplaying dudes who were fucking his asshole. The bed reeked of semen and sweat. My friends and I just left him there and flew back home, hadn't spoken to him since.
I should've known man. I should've stopped it. That's the worst part about all this.
>saw a thread about this a few minutes ago
>didn't understand
>googled it no results
>see these posts
>laugh out loud
holy based
keep sayin it
>Dunkey Cuck video debunked
Just when I was starting to think this would be a fun night.
Its real and its a gay adam sandler e-celeb
Look at how much she loves it.
How can whiteys even compete
look at
Oh well
>You will never have a cute wife to make you costumes so you can indulge in her exhibitionist sexual fantasies with her
what the fuck are those sounds
Going to Too Many Games for the first time. What should I expect/what should I bring? Also should I cosplay? Would it be weird being as I'm 25 or should I not give a fuck?
So he was cosplaying as aqua?
Sounds like he was gay and started being a trap.
Who cares?
If one of my friends did that i'd just be like "guess you're gay" and move on.
Why do you fixate on this shit?
So what was the point of making Dunkey look like a cuck anyways?
Much like the term blacked, and what it represents. It's over. The meme will spread everywhere, twitter, all of his social media, blacked, like a virus, will collectively ruin it. "Keep saying it" will be spammed on youtube videos, all places, and it will continue, spreading. People will look it up
then even start enjoying the fetish, and it continues. One of millions, and millions of scenarios happening right now, all spreading. Welcome to the cursed timeline, lads. Remember, even the people not realizing or caring about this, push it as a meme, not understanding what exactly they're pushing. Who will, as a meme, just keep saying, keep saying it. The responses to this post will make you understand.
tl:dr Dunkey just fucked up in far, far more ways than one KEK
>Dunkeycucks on damage control posting the video where the part when he talks just so happens to be skipped over
oh someone already found the original. Here's further proof anyway
The parts with dunkey’s voice have been cut out
Congrats, user, you're a cuck
No one gives a shit about age of cosplayers unless you're doing a sexy one, I've seen middle aged dudes cosplaying shit like black mask and it looked great.
Kh3 is terrible though, but so was vanilla kh2. People should just wait for final mix.
>a guy like that with a girl like that
You just KNOW
The girl in the video is a cow though
Pics or it didn't happen.
even if it isn't her, it doesn't matter. it will now be turned into a meme, the worst kind of spread.
ironic memes, still push certain agendas, what a fucking time to be alive
le epic internet troll
>E-celeb bad
Regardless this clownery will succeed because it created a meme about dunkey being a cuck regardless of whether or not the video was real. Its like a malicious schrodonger-cat meme.
Expect a lot of "Keep sayin' it" any time dunky gets mentioned. Its what people who hate e-celeb threads on Yea Forums get to say now instead of just "Fuck e-celeb threads."
So, it's fake. Moving on, boys.
>walk into hotel room
>friend getting fucked in the ass by 2 men
>"Guess you're gay"
>Turn 360 degrees and walk out
I recognize this pasta. Fuck off faggot.
keep saying it
Your only hope is to do a damned good cosplay of a popular anime boy.
nobody fucking cares outside of this shithole and nobody will care here in a few days either
>Dude cosplays Aqua
>Goes full retarded faggot
What are you talking about? Sky is terrible and plays casually.
>sky had m2k as a roommate
He asks anyone to be his roommate. He even asked vvvortic.
>gets girls is popular, played football as wide receiver
pretty disappointed, i had in mind some twink guy now all i can imagine is some big hairy guy dressed like an animu girl
But she's not my gf/wife?
Ok but what's the agenda?
Make sure that dunkey isn't posted on Yea Forums?
That's fine, i mean e-celebs don't belong on Yea Forums anyway, so it's sort of a pointless goal.
To be fucking fair the dude is cute too. Both are of the same race and beautiful so it's a match.
how do I get a gf that I can watch get fucked by a giant black cock bros
t. Kingdom Hearts autist
Your game is shit get over it nerd. You think anyone cares about accusations so blatantly false in the slightest?
hahaha not even close baybeeeeeeeeeee
*faint sound of bull slapping his wife's ass in the distance*
hehe what is this, CROC 2??!!!
*leah's deafening JAV actress moans almost interrupt the recording of dunkey's Kinectimals 3 video but, being used to this, he decides to just edit them out later*
okay guys there's no way I'm gonna die at THIS part
uh ohh...I died at that part hahaha bet you weren't expecting that baybeee
Same bro, AWA is one of the only ones I go to anymore as far as general/anime goes. I mainly go for the one or two guests that matter now, meet some old friends and attend some photoshoots with my gf who cosplays. I think the con atmosphere has changed a lot since the old days but it's still an interesting people watching event although I feel like I've become too normie to really be part of the crowd now. My AWA memory highlight is the one year where both ZUN and moot attended and had the last Yea Forums panel.
I don't attend anime cons much anymore, I hit up the PAX's because they're in touristy cities so I can make it an overall trip, they're pretty solid overall and well organized kind of capturing the old E3 feel and I'm a Tuber so I get a free pass plus that extra hour before opening where I can skip the lines on the major game showings. Sometimes some of my friends happen to be also attending but generally it's a solo run until I hit up the Youtube/Twitch parties at night for the open bars and free food while mingling with other ecelebs who are pretty boring people for the most part.
how did we end up like this
Fuck off roastie