Cuphead's about to be semi-relevant again, so

Cuphead's about to be semi-relevant again, so

Remember how difficult this motherfucker was before they nerfed him to Oblivion?

Attached: Dr Kahl's Robot.jpg (310x417, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No because I watched a youtube let's play and got everything out of the game without even playing it.

This boss and Grim Matchstick were the only faggots in that game that genuinely gave me a hard time.

>blocks your path

Attached: 1507082356554.jpg (773x1246, 336K)

I genuinely got him in my first try.


>nerfed him to Oblivion?
wait what he was the hardest boss by far for me.

I never understood why people thought grim matchstick was difficult. phase 1 and 3 are easy peasy. The only phase that could give anyone trouble is phase 2 with the jumping fire bois.

Attached: Cell from the sonic show where tails and fag bot are smoking spliffs.jpg (3264x2448, 1.88M)

The dice king tucker was the worst imo. Just beat him today

This shit was pretty damn tough. I got him eventually though.

I like how the casino bosses are so much easier with the smoke bomb but it makes king dice impossible

The King Dice song is sung by a woman.

>use chargeshot
pssh... nothin personell kid

This guy was legit probably half my playtime on Cuphead. Miles harder than any other boss in the game, only King Dice really even came close.

I feel like everyone shits on Cuphead and calls it a fad but it really was pretty cool from the look and feel of the whole experience.
It really got me into animation of the era it imitated.
I'll admit it was a bit scant in replaybility but it was a fairly lengthy sidescroller.
I want more media like it.

Attached: blow_me.jpg (247x309, 38K)

he's ironically easier on expert

they nerfed it now



>implying it was ever relevant to begin with

Attached: 1552523537067.jpg (576x608, 60K)

>charge shot
>plane level

what an odd thing to lie about


>no flavor of the month
it wasn't even the flavor of the hour

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when is the dlc out I just bought cuckhead? Pretty good game

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I 100% both those games. In fact they're the only two games on xbox I have all the achievements for

>I never understood why people thought grim matchstick was difficult. phase 1 and 3 are easy peasy

People used the Chaser

use the lobber. it's there for a reason.

i only use the chaser in those rare times the ex shot is useful.

This was where I learned to embrace the charge shot. Not worrying about a stray shot hitting those balls on the third stage made a big difference. Good thing I beat everything before hey nerfed it.

>copy-paste bosses
name one instance you dipshit

Attached: 1551771999498.jpg (463x352, 55K)

>Beat all the bosses
>Couldn't get past horse man in Sekiro

I actually finally finish both Megaman X collections and am looking to get this on the Switch. Is it fun?

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His phase 1 is horrible because in almost every boss beating one of its "parts" means you dont have to worry about it anymore but with the Robot everytime you destroy one of its thingies, more attacks comw from it.
His phase 2 is easy but hitting him is kind of a chore and Phase 3 is also easy but the bullet hell is cranked to 11.
Took me like 20 or so tries, much more than Grim and most other bosses.

Definitely. If you're too impatient for some reason you can buy it on PC, even a potato can run it.

Don't reply to shitpost, user. It only makes them stronger.


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>with the smoke bomb but it makes king dice impossible

Attached: cat-eye-color-green.jpg (1200x1046, 82K)

The game is a boss rush mode.
Dont go into it expwcting Contra, the run n gun levels are just a few.
That bwing said the game is great.

When did they nerf him? I beat this game in like 2 days, shit was way over hyped in terms of difficulty. Good game tho

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Think the idiot's using the air dash to bridge his time between the cards he's slappin despite the fact that they're basically perfectly spaced once you hit one?

He got nerfed?

Attached: Abi HTFU.png (960x598, 459K)

The invisible dash makes it so hard to predict where you will end up making it so you land on the wrong cards

so when do you guys think the DLC will come out

>people can't gauge the distance

We’ll probably find out at E3. I know they’ve said that it will be released in 2019 but I sense a delay coming, given how badly delayed the game itself was.

That was just trolling, Cuphead is great. It’s a good action platformer with great art style, good length and good challenge in the bosses. Looking forward to the DLC tbqh.

Pretty sure they didn’t nerf him. I remember those fuckers nerfing the charge shot though, and they removed the shot swap glitch.

Who was your favorite boss design-wise?

Attached: Bon Bon.jpg (834x1200, 197K)

Do you ever get tired of being contrarian

Werner Werman.

Didn't actually know he was the one handling the art.
>Does great art
>Great animation
>Good looking
How can we compete.

Attached: IMG_20150913_180440.jpg (670x447, 50K)

>That fucking twist

they have more staff now so i doubt it would get delayed much if at all.

And his name is actually Chad

The entirety of Cuphead I was thinking "thank FUCK I never have to play that section ever again" rather than experiencing any real excitement or sense of accomplishment. That being said, it nailed the 30's look so well I can't not appreciate it.

Attached: Jelly_Beans.png (263x154, 44K)

Phantom Express and Wally Warbles, I love the twists that the latter fight had

Worst boss by far and not even the hardest one.



A reminder that by the fact you saved this image while not saying anything worth replying makes you a really boring human.

also not to say the right sandwich looks any more appetizing but the left one looks like someone puked on the burger.

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I can't be the only one who thought the bee bitch was the hardest boss.

If the cuphead devs were to make another game but with a different genre of gameplay and animation, what would you want them to do?

I genuinely want them to make a good beat-em-up based on Heavy Metal music video animation.

How was he before the nerf? I got my copy a few months after its release

His first stage is pretty easy once you get all the timing down and know the strategy but fuck his second stage.

that's the other boss where the lobber is really good for

i'd be fine with almost any genre in that art style

>I genuinely want them to make a good beat-em-up based on Heavy Metal

Attached: MV5BOTc2NzM1ODgtM2RkYi00M2U4LWE4NzEtMDMzZGUzYmI1ZDUzL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg (1977x2947, 990K)

I'm okay with them keeping the 30's artstyle, they clearly know how to make it their own. A beat-em-up would be pretty cool.

I liked Hildaberg but I don't even know why.

I just really like her design.

Attached: Hilda_Berg_Intro_Sprite.png (441x689, 200K)

She was pretty cute too

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I beat him with the early KO glitch that let's you skip 2 phases

I wonder if they'll introduce more waifu bosses in the DLC.

>the start over space
That shit made launch streams so fucking funny before they nerfed it to make it only work one time.

>Remember how difficult this motherfucker was before they nerfed him to Oblivion?
I heard others say the same.
Did you hear the news about Kvatch?

what did he mean by this?


Also you guys think they’ll add the arcade level in the dlc? I’m hoping that song doesn't go to waste.

I got fuckin tilted on the genie and died to him 60 times...

Shmup segments were kind of fun, but the game wasn't very memorable.

"If only they made an easy difficulty"-Kotaku

There is an easy mode. It’s borderline worthless.

You literally can't progress through the game if you play on Simple. It doesn't count as beating the boss. Even on Act 3, you have to beat everyone on Regular to get to King Dice.

On my first playthrough yeah he was hard but then I S ranked him and I no longer struggle with him.

Sally Stageplay

The bullets that fly backwards made the fight a joke. You can just focus on platforming while firing constantly while the bullets fly backwards and hit the boss.

so it wouldn't be possible to get coins in say act 2's side scrollers without getting every act 1 contract? if so then simple has no reason to exist.

Isn't that just simple mode?


Holy shit i want that cel

King Dice will let you through the die houses on any difficulty, it's just that you can't fight him or the Devil on simple mode

You could in OG version with a glitch but devil and king dice are glitched if I recall. None of the bosses in king dice attack and king dice himself can’t be hurt alongside not attacking.

Only boss I ever beat on the first try. Any subsequent tries however made me realize that he's hard as hell. Dragon boy however gave me a run for my money.

okay. so one could justify simple's existence because there could be an off chance where a player might want coins for a certain weapon/charm but already collected all the coins up to where they got stuck.

>Hardest piece of shit in the game for me
>Decide to stop using the Roundabout shot which I thought would be the best course of action and used that arcing blob shot that is useless for most of the game
>Beat him in my second try
What are some other weapons/abilities which seem like shit but are actually good or the very least useful in at least fighting a particular boss?

Attached: brainproblems.png (623x371, 22K)

>he didn't use tri shot the entire game

I've found chaser to be good for Honeybottoms' last phase, since you normally have to aim down at her

Still counts you idiot. So what if it's simple mode I beat the fucking game.

Charge shot and chaser all the way.
Chaser as a “just in case”

No, and yes. The only reason to play on simple is if you want to sort of "skip" a fight to unlock the rest of the act and come back to beat it proper later. Beating fights that don't unlock paths on Simple is a complete waste of time, though.

Any news on the DLC?

New animated sequences are being added?

No, but there's gonna be a QoL patch next week coinciding with the Switch release

Like, fair. Just don't claim it's a glitch, dumb ass.

Yep for each boss. New bosses too. Boss only mode. And MegaMan style final area

Cala Maria had a simple but way too adorable style that made me love her. Think she's my favorite.

Saw that cel selling for $1k on eBay
I wonder if my mario cel worth anything

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You'd probably make a nice profit from it.

There's no way they designed and animated Cala Maria without at least one erection, so I'm hopeful there'll be more.

Wait, is dis for real my nigga? Some of my niggas swore that dis nigga got easier and I had da hardest time playing dis nigga. Do dey be really nerfing niggas and shit in dis game?

I really do have to wonder what kind of inbreeding leads to a sense of humor this fucking genetically deformed.

It's like your body put brain and anus together in the womb. Did your dad inject paint thinners into his dick while fucking his meth-riddled marker-sniffing sistermother?

>nerfing single player game bosses
Is this really a thing now?

Shut the fuck up bitch. Idk why yo dumbass gotta say some bitch shit like dis cuh

>design game to be hard/chellenging
>nerf shit
So this is the power of indie devs...

Why is there so little good Cuphead porn? So much of it is gay shit.

that's been a practice for as long as rereleases existed.

You'd be surprised

>my waifu is the fly girl with the thighhighs in the background
>has like 4 pics
>none are in color

Attached: 1521701081494.gif (500x270, 986K)

I can understand in a re-release but patching a single player games difficulty just seems so sloppy on the devs part. Im not especially surprised tho I guess.

>making a game more balanced is a bad thing

>patching is okay when you have to buy the game all over again
>it somehow isn't when the patch is free

How about making it balanced prior to release? Worked pretty well back in the days before 20 gig day 1 patches.

Sauce on all of these?

I mean like in the many iterations of Ninja Gaiden for instance. They're probably gonna tweak some shit, I can understand how that would go down. Patching single player games in general is just sloppy as fuck, games should be actually finished when they release. It's the only thing Nintendo still does right just as an example.

>Worked pretty well back in the days

Ignore him, he's probably an Isaac fan.

I don't get why people complained about this guy
I beat him in less than 5 tries
meanwhile, the fucking ghost train drove me up the wall

Never played Isaac or Cuphead so I'm not familiar with your opinion invalidating boogeyman. Just commenting on the practice.

so i guess the rereleases of ocarina of time to patch out bugs was just my imagination. hell most nintendo games have 1.1 and 1.2 versions later on to patch bugs. god you're fucking retarded.

Any tips for the devil?

I never really had any trouble with any bosses in the game other than King Dice.

>notice that lots of players are having issues with a certain part of the game
>fix it so that there's not an odd spike in difficulty


You're really taking this personally, aren't you?


wait, they nerfed him, when? I never did finish expert mode because of that cocksucker.

Haha what a qt

not an argument

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>Cuphead's about to be semi-relevant again
No it isn't.

Having fun replying to your own shitposts, cockface?

Beppi. I also headcannon his voice to sound like The Red Guy.

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They nerfed him? Why?

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Pretty sure all they did was fix the progress bar for the first phase and make some of the projectiles in the final phase parryable.
OP's definitely over-exaggerating it.

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If they made another experimental artstyle game id love one based on childrens doodles made out of pen and you would be a kids drawing trying to get back in his back pack,if you fall off of paper/other things you die.It would have 3d modeld ares where you go on an object (like a paper air plane) and could control it.Ive had this idea for years now.

They're all acceptable choices, with possible exception of the bee.

Attached: IMG_20180109_111807.jpg (735x1023, 349K)

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ubishill plz


>a girl sang the king dice song

Fat black women have deep masculine voices. Like the ogre in the Ghostbusters remake

A girl also drew (most) of the characters

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Wait, what? They needed this? That sucks.
I beat the game on regular and then went back and did the higher difficulty. Never got around to finishing that run though

Attached: IMG_20180223_175322.jpg (1024x1024, 343K)

This was a thing back then.

You're a faggot by posting like this. I'm giving him a free (You) just to spite you.
If you don't want to give (You)'s, then don't fucking post in the first place. Faggot.

She's not that fat though.

Hey fucker
Stop using Rayman to shitpost. He deserves better than that

Is she a qt?

hes a cutie
i drew porn of him way back when the game was first popular. but its not that good

Oh shit, that's cool user

They work well as casual drinkers.

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user I can hear how fat she is okay. Skinny black women don't have that deep voice


Wally Warbles

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I want to bee with her

Are you any better now?

i like to think i am, but i haven't drawn him since then

Bon Bon a cute

Attached: Smiling Hilda.png (500x355, 63K)

My personal opinion; yes.

I'll let you decide.

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More recent picture

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Personally I think Lyra is cuter

She's my waifu now.

I like her humor

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I hope to god there's a cell somewhere of Luigi's Chinese cowboy impression

ingest bleach

I've put over 40 hours into the PC and I'm still buying it on Switch because apparently I'm just that stupid.

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>that guy carrying the wave in the Sally fight
What the fuck was his problem?

The physical logistics of that entire play are a jike.

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That is correct.
Rayman Legends is Newgrounds-tier trash just like that hideous burger with a huge amount of bullshit in it that ruin the taste.

Meanwhile Cuphead is classy like a McChicken Sandwich.

Unironically the hottest one

Best Gurl

Attached: tumblr_p0xiwjOJ6T1whfbueo1_1280.jpg (1200x923, 189K)

I wonder if Chad is aware of these memes?

>created by hipsters/tumblrinas
literally made by Chad

Attached: 3244636.jpg (670x447, 64K)

I want the nigger crows as a boss, the devs have no balls

Attached: faa.png (1200x2699, 2.62M)


They haven't given a specific release date, but they said last E3 that it would be out this year

Do you think it will be short animating takes a lot of time.

I'm not sure what this picture is supposed to imply. Is it supporting that user's retarded statement or not?

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Honestly I don't buy it. It sounds different from the game version.

I don't expect it to be out before October, in fact I won't be surprised if it gets delayed to 2020

>boss gets married during the bossfight
>moves away, buys a house, has kids
>the kids start attacking you

Attached: laugh cat2.png (509x480, 481K)

King Dice


Attached: image.jpg (496x478, 46K)

If I'm remembering the thread correctly, someone made that to discredit retarded user poster.

Which doesn't take much, this game has a shitton of homages everywhere.

Attached: 1507200849543.png (1244x3012, 3.1M)

No, definitely not most of the characters.
Not even close, just a handful of them.

You're cherrypicking.
This is an old photo of her when she was a kid.

Name's Tina Nawrocki or something btw, she has an instagram account.

mermaid boss just for these wacky eels

Attached: BOI.png (387x399, 68K)

Unironically the easiest boss in isle 2. Beppi and Djimmi ruined me for some time though.

I hated that fucking calarts bean shaped mouth.
Hopefully Chad has trained these bitches to get this shit out of their system by now.
All of Chad's art didn't have this disgusting mouth and was the best.


it's because bean-shaped mouths were used in the 1930s you asshat. Did you think they were invented by Steven Universe?

In fairness, I did post a more recent photo.

I beat this boss and haven't played anymore, I'm bad at video games and hard ones take a lot out of me. I felt satisfied beating him though


>nerfed him to Oblivion
Wait, what? How did they nerfed it and when?
I played on release and never touched the game again, so what did they do?

Don't forget that she's bald under that thing.

Attached: 634.jpg (680x777, 62K)

I think of her more like a medusa, but instead of snakes attached to her head, it's an octopus.

Yeah, I can live with that.

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Damnit user, you got me hooked on animation cells and now I'm thinking of dropping 70dollars on a pac man / mario one

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I'm waiting for a shadowbox that actually features a boss fight I like, myself.

Attached: cuphead_image.jpg (1024x1024, 176K)

The one that made Mario's stomach ulcer explode?

Hilda a cute! CUTE!!

Attached: 743.jpg (900x900, 278K)

imagine how much it would go for

Attached: Luigi's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that Mario's stomach ulcer practically e (487x376, 24K)

Thicc > Sticc

Attached: 1507072591716.png (750x1031, 986K)

>it's because bean-shaped mouths were used in the 1930s you asshat.
No they weren't.

is charge shot still getting nerfed

Attached: sadcat16.jpg (750x933, 517K)

ITT: thing that hard, not hard!!! Haha

What are you talking about? Wasn't the charge shot nerf over a year ago now?

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both of these boss fights were roadblocks when i played cuphead, no other boss was nearly as tough as these two. grim matchstick wound up being easier on future replays because of charge shot but Kahl's robot won't be the same fight again thanks to the nerfs. i'm not complaining about it though

Attached: siddog.jpg (235x250, 5K)

>mermaid titfuck never ever

Attached: C4C6DF65-6E65-474E-8D54-F577A6AB9705.jpg (174x300, 10K)

In an interview they said 80s anime. In fact cuphead was supposed to be in that style.

>In fact cuphead was supposed to be in that style
No it wasn't, just shut the fuck up.

Don't deal with him.

Instant life savings from me if that's what it took

>Giant Mermaid full-body smooch never ever.

Attached: DLRDWo9XcAEMpDm.jpg (930x1200, 97K)

>Oh you like Cuphead???

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Don't stare too long into that darkness.

Attached: IMG_20171009_123509.jpg (1280x915, 478K)

>cuphead fanart/fanfic
>mugman dies


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Attached: IMG_20171203_171845.jpg (473x594, 79K)

got any recs



hit him
don't get hit

try to avoid dealing with him

>only boss I haven't gotten an A rating on is King Dice because of that dumbass card attack he does at the end that I can never parry correctly

Attached: 1523076608663.png (526x951, 574K)

You can parry the tears in final phase

I did that and unlocked the secret purple cuphead

s rank on expert

Bees (s-rank before nerf)

Cala Maria
King Dice

>hope you didn't actually die, user
Root pack
Werner Werman
Phantom Express

I died on goopy a lot.

His fucking hit boxes are bigger than he is and it’s fucking annoying.

>S-rank Grim Matchstick
>a challenge
You're joking, right?

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not enough gay porn of this guy

Does anyone truly die when going for an S-Rank?
Usually I restart if I gotten hit. It was worth it to get all but one achievement.

Also who got the achievement for beating the plane bosses as the small plane. Seems more tedious than fun from all the 10-15 minute YouTube videos

try my incomplete harder bosses mod anons

I miss the brief period after release when people were making shit constantly for this game.

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How do you guys do the color bleed? As in art.

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>in the last phase
>sees incoming coral and spikes
>know to avoid
>she Medusa’s me to stone
>wiggle the sticks and button mashes
>spikes are approaching
>cuckhead takes damage
>S-rank is over

He wasn't nerfed though? The only change he got was a patch to his phase three where he wasnt making pink projectiles

Shameful vidya fap for me and I don't give a shit.

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I still haven't tried S-ranking every boss. I got 3 or 4 of them just doing expert mode but I'm not sure I have it in me.


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I was high at the time.

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My four-year old is obsessed with this for some reason and I had never even fucking heard of it before.

It got fucking huge due to youtubers playing. It's just simple first person indie game where cartoon characters that represent 1920's animation. ( Mostly Felix and Mickey Mouse. )

Because she's too fucking cute to get off too.

Attached: 1547461502791.jpg (202x300, 15K)

Why can't journalists learn how to do this?


Those are some topnotch pencil tests, though, damn

Werner Werman is the best because he's a giant pun

>Takes visual cues from Tom and Jerry
>When World War 2 was happening in the early 40's German soldiers were called Gerrys (Pronounced Jerrys)
>Tom and Jerry started being made in the early 40's
>Ergo, you are literally fighting Jerry as a Gerry(Jerry)

Attached: It's beautiful.gif (853x480, 743K)

>All these "before they nerfed it" posts
Nerfs were a mistake. Massive roadblocks are what make games fun and social. Nobody talks about bosses they beat in under 30 minutes.

I played it again recently and I didn't expect any changes when playing it.


Attached: A very comfy pepe.jpg (750x725, 365K)

You're a liar.

Real niggas only drink coffee and only assholes post pepes.

Attached: 1507513322246.gif (544x736, 1.34M)

Is that a fucking keyblade

I didn't have any other suitably smug images on hand man I'm sorry

Attached: Too Bad You'll Never Be RAD.jpg (500x216, 37K)

I got the achievement by cheesing the monkey miniboss in the Dice King stage before they patched that out

Attached: howdevious.jpg (600x760, 59K)

I'm just being honest bro, I might need to find more R34 then.

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user, that's just silly, come on now.

You'se a liar, too.

Everyone's a damn liar.

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>He uses the Chaser in any situation

Attached: Smug cat.png (864x901, 154K)

>tfw only s-ranked root pack and gave up on frogs because I won but too slowly

Ok fine I do get off too her. There happy?

Attached: sample-db1c9b6a896658b81b3a1c1eed5bd5b7.jpg (750x999, 181K)

What kind of sensible person uses the chaser? Or the extra hearts, for that matter.

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OG niggas get that marinara sauce they can dip the crust in fo free bread stix

My nigga

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absolutely no one with a head fulla brains

This nigga on some next level shit

Watching someone else play a game really is like pirating without even getting the game's files, it's next level pirating

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I don't believe you.

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Post more

>people are discussing porn and waifus

I had completely forgotten the cuphead fandom had people like this

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A point n click style game like
Neverhood but 2D animation.

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Is there something that explains all the references? It's kinda neat how the frogs and slime are vidya references.

>Thinking this is exclusive to cuphead
I see you’re new here.

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There’s few fandoms where this doesn’t happen

If you've got something new to say about the game, I'd like to hear it.

I can't post most of it here.

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Extra hearts are good for pacifist run'n'guns.

Huh, actually a decent point. Unless there's another charm that's better suited for it. Maybe coffee if you need to use the invincibility super.


How many deaths did everyone have after their first playthru? Be honest

482 for me, which I'd guess is probably pretty close to average

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Where the fuck is my Delicious Last Course?
I've been waiting like a year here.

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E3 is your best bet, just two more months

They said 2019, and we're only a fourth into the year. Get ready for a Christmas release.

Expert runs fucked up my deepwater jew score but I think it was at 382 after beating the game. It was hilarious when my sister got to it and it had like 1078

How long can one extra isle and character take?

>how long can hand-drawn animation take?
The game got delayed almost 5 years because Microsoft wanted them to add more shit, for crying out loud.

I think it’s understandable in this case because the hand-drawn animations probably take a shitload of time to finish, it took a few years for the vanilla game to come out

>watching others play your games
a cuckold lmao

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>DLC delayed 1-2 years
>get double the content
Not sure if want

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Oh yeah I guess I can hear it now that you mention it

nips are amazing

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>fan art matches the original artstyle
why is this so rare?

Probably because it's hard.

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>using anything besides the peashooter
shiggy diggy

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>not using spread gun whenever it's optimal
You casual shit.

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>not using the charge shot

to be your little BITCH

This is going to go somewhere right?

charge = peashooter > spread > roundabout > chaser >>>> literal shit >>>> lobber

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