Its been a long, tough journey. But we are finally going home.
Its been a long, tough journey. But we are finally going home
How fucked is your life where you think playing a decade old version of an MMO is "home?"
We have multiple threads daily for this. Take it to /vg/ or something you fucking blizzdrone retard. I'm sick of seeing you spam terrible wojack edits in service of doing viral marketing for a fucking re-release of a game that came out 15 years ago. Fucking write about it in your diary already
We are finally going home. Mass suicides of seethfags and retailsfags will happen on launch day.
It's all Blizzcucks have anymore.
This. I'm even going to play Classic when it comes out, but these threads are getting retarded
Inflate the wojaks by about 200 lbs and then its accurate
im skinny
Why should there be a general for a game that isn't even out
cant wait to turn redridge into a bloodbath
Ever imagine a Orc woman trying to crush you with her thighs in an attempt to squeeze all your see into her? And then she gets all lovey and submissive as oxytocin floods her system because she knows you'll never want to hit her and you'll help raise your children
How will classic fags ever recover?
get some
Where do you think you are?
>Still no release date
Why playing decade old version of an MMO is bad? Elaborate.
>I am okay with dozens of shit threads on /v everyday, but not this thread
Where are my going home posters ?
>mfw i see retailfags complaining about classic
Based and home pilled
Dorf pls
Kys marketer.
rolly polly
Retailcucks seething because you can't farm mounts and transmog in Classic.
Also, is it dumb to go enchanting right out the gate?
Classic will be a massive success. Retail will be a wasteland full of soccer moms and casuals who only collect transmog and pet.
I can't wait for the forum posts complaining how their LFR queue takes hours because literally everyone left for Classic.
Man i cant wait to play classic for some great PvP, wait the PvP is gated for no reason? Dang...
I'm definitely a Warrior, but let my last two digits decides race and spec, in that order
We're going home.
The retail fags can seethe and wail.
Nothing will stop us.
Going warlock 100%, but will do the other two.
t.ffxiv tranny
oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo
Let's see
Isn't retail pretty much a wasteland already?
Why not
undead mage for me. yes it will be high competition but idc i can farm in dungeons
Why is Goldshire so comfy boys?
I want to go back...
Pic unrelated
absolutely based chaos poster
Is demonology even any good in vanilla?
It's been a...LONG DECEMBER
Male undead frost mage. Huh. Only played warlock in vanilla. Should be fun I guess.
old game bad
>forcing specs in classic
Now that's just cruel.
have sex
if you shift click on the thread or add a filter, it goes away!
Reminder that white people will roll in pve servers
I feel so sorry for little zoomers like this who missed vanilla WoW when it was new. They'll never be able to understand the unreal, inhuman levels of /comfy/ we're going to be feeling.
I'm white and I'm rolling pve. I can't even imagine why you'd subject yourself to griefers.
rollin for the craic
let's fucking GO boys
to the user reading this, don't let this fag's miserable existence ruin your mood, be happy when good things happen
godspeed based chaosposter
>tfw PvE server Shaman player
It's gonna be great.
Windfury totems and shit for erryone without the constant unending threat of the degenerate gank classes.
If you look closely, you can see my troll hunter on the inn roof sniping you shitters
if you play on PvE servers you literally have no dick
>raid bosses at the end
>but no best boy cthun
Fucking boring
One of my favorite memories is getting ganked, getting help from people in general, then the guy that ganked got more help and within an hour it was a 40v40 of random levels
That's how I got into my first guild and wow friends
You're going to finally kill yourself? Thank God!
I can't wait to quest in barrens again while retail babies have a meltdown.
The best part of all this mad is that they can't do anything about it.
>mfw met up with a couple of classmates from middle school
>everyone is going to at least try classic
>mfw we number 13 guys right now
I'm going home guys
>I'm going home
>I'm going to a different home I guess
Cherish that group of yours, mate.
>most people I know aren't into WoW in general
>only friend I have interested in Classic plans to get his crazy GF into the game too
Guess I'll be playing alone and make bros in game.
sharding is still everyone on the same server, it just instances certain regions and who appears to you in your area.. once you move out of the beginner areas everyone will appear as normal.. sharding is similar to how dark souls handles the white ghosts of characters that are in the same area as you at the same time but aren't actually on your map physically.. same shit
God I love this thread thank you for posting it
Me too bro. We're going home...
Roll my sweaty socks off
I'll come gank you :3
How do we stop pserver autists from destroying Classic?
insanely broken in duels
we're comin' home
look up vurtne, that'll be you
Play with friends. When you're leveling, do every dungeon you can, and add those people to your friend's list. When you have ten people on your list, ask them if they'd like to help you start a leveling guild with an IRC. Make your own leveling guild, and kick people out if they don't log on for more than a week. You'll build your own guild the way you want in no time.
pve server people are so fucking lame.
Will the old graphics also return?
My potato computer used to run wow quite easily, but now can't run well the new wow;
typical wow classic thread spamming faggot
calm down bro. he's just happy to go home. Wouldn't you be happy to go home, too?
Who is going to make a /gang/ here?
Fuck the honor, gives your items or get killed.
also fuck the NPCs.
female gnome mage plz
I hope they will do fun events like the old wow, maybe a new plague, the new wow is too much of a pussy to do that.
it's for the weak fags who want safe spaces.
These threads are the absolute best. People who are genuinely excited for a great game release and retards who are beyond mad about it.
Good vidya discussion AND lols.
>retailchads will go to nazjatar and fight azshara and a old god
>classicucks will play a 15 years old game that will be dead in 2 months
toppest of keks
Bad game, bad rolls.
the new lore murdered almost every characters after WOTLK. The end of the "warcraft 3 linked" arc was the end of wow.
>fight azshara and a old god
If I need to explain to you why this is a stupid concept, kys
>Retailcucks will do a reskinned version of Vashj'ir and a buy more pig mounts
>ClassiChads will be going home
Keep paying for them mounts and chivos!
Nooo ... fuck you cuck ... classic will kill retail .... all the youtube personalities are going to play it ..... it's gonna be great ..... j-just see!
>patch drop
>queue lft, wait 3 minutes while afking
>enter lfr
>steamroll every boss with my epic supercharged azerite buttplug
>wow nice cutscene
>get weekly loot
>afk in ogreland until next patch
Nice content
Who let you into this thread?
You have to be AOC to be here.
>after WotLK
TBC butchered Warcraft lore beyond recognition. Combining Eredar and Draenei into a single race was the worst thing Blizz ever did with the story.
I still remember the old look of the Draeneis. I prefered it from the "new" one who's too generic. (even if the females are hot.)
Having your level 24 corpse camped by a level 60 is so much fun lol
Worth it for waifus t b h
well just use the fucking ghost or call a priest.
>Old god and the most powerful mage in the world die
>No issue to the world at all player base sleep
>Patch after that they SoO v.2 Slyv
>Player base in a riot that YASS QUEEN dies
You just wait for the new exciting content that World of Warcraft will bring you next!
That wasn't the draenei looked like.
That was just the starved versions of them.
Sadly they won't be back for classic.
Oh well, there's still the night elves and humans...
*mounts and rides to the nearest graveyard after the corpse disappears*
My childhood was on Normal servers in Vanilla.
You'll never get to experience that level of comfy.
>those are not draenei, those are Lost Ones
>ah draeneis are these blue fags none has ever seen before btw
>ah also eredars are corrupted draenei
>ah also there's a 4th type of draenei that's between the regular draenei and the Lost One, that's the Broken
>oh and also there's the good boy Lightforged draenei that suck more Naaru dick than the others
That's what makes it so hard. Draenei women are so fucking hot but their lore is so dumb. When I was 15 I pretty much exclusively fapped to draenei for like a year.
Don't forget they completely changed Ankama and his Draeneis look, they were like the lost one before, but now they are the inbetween version that look like shit.
>People still mad about BC
Seems the superiority of the expansion is still causing jealousy
Not even one time on a blood elf?
man, i'm also gonna miss them, burning crusade was a good expansion for the porn.
Why would I be mad about nothing that will never happen.
>superior expansion
Best expansion out of a sea of shit, doesn't makes it good, still killed all the good elements from vanilla and turned the game into the mess it is today.
TBC did some great things and some questionable things, but its lore was objectively fucking awful and made zero sense.
In retrospect I wish they didn't put Flying in there and made the lore a little less retarded. Otherwise I fucking loved it.
female draenei being literally the only thing I'd miss from TBC doesn't make a superior expansion lmao
If you have things to lose you shouldn't be here
Utopia is not a place, but its people. Unless the players who you played with back then return, it won't be the same experience.
Best expansion
Best races
Death Knights need not reply
and questing suddenly reaches.. an all time low..
I never played classic, sorry for my newfag points.
but can you fly everywhere? for special assault and all in pvp.
>tfw im the frie d with the crazy gf
>tfw been a slave for 6 years
>tfw been pussy whipped and un able to play vidia for the past 2 years since she moved in
>tfw breaking free for classic
We're... we're really going home huh bros..
>illegal Danish II exists
what the fuck
Thanks user, gotta watch it
People who roll on pve are the biggest pussies in game and have no balls.
If you get camped by a 60 party up
TBC literally killed the game
Everything got ass fucked, from the lore to gameplay design to the world itself
wrath was even worse, literally everything got scrapped, just in raids you have a reused easy as fuck naxx and onyxya and some shitty reskined dragons on one room as a "raid"
The ONE good raid in wrath got replaced super quickly by toc, one of the worst ones of all time.
The only good wow was vanilla, the rest was dumbed down versions of it that fucked the game up forever but people jack off to because they were finally able to get their welfare purples
>for special assault and all in pvp.
u wot?
Best gameplay but it destroyed the lore and flying mounts would eventually ruin the game with gold inflation even if they were fine at the time.
it's fine user, do it
you'll be free to go home then
Are you serious m8
No there's no fucking flying, you assault by foot, this makes world pvp matter and the world feel like an actual world, not just a timer in the way of you and the next destination.
Meaning that there's gonna be hundreds of people from both factions in super contested zones like stranglethorn or blackrock mountain, and you cannot avoid them.
World objectives like raid entrances and world bosses are a constant battle of world pvp to secure it for their respective factions
Expect stranglethorn to be FULL of skeletons everywhere on the second to fifth week
I seriously don't understand why people do this.
If you're with this much of a bitch then just leave, kick the slut.
Are you that desperate to be with someone you're willing to forego your fucking freedom?
will you touch my peepee
petition for this now
I wish there was a wiki for pre-BC lore
anyone have Jaina art/reactions? particularly the one that sez Dismantle
Please no alliance.
how exactly? the only big lore fuckup i can think of is the draenei, everything else was pretty good.
+harder dungeons
+way better raids
+more functioning specs but still not "every spec can do everything perfectly 100%"
+interesting setting, varied zones
+challenging attunements and raid progression
-boring itemization
-flying mounts
-corridor dungeons
-blood elves
You're right except on the mounts and blood elves
The mounts were made for the xpac and they designed the zone around the mounts unlike the rest of the xpacs after
>be me
>be super gay
>Looking for an LGBTQ+ guild
>Probably gonna have to roll alliance
how about you roll a rope around that neck and jump the hoop
because i'm poly and have 3 gfs and we suck eachother's girldicks
Normally I laugh at posts like these, but the only thing worse than status quo is going to be the dozens of threads crying about how much Classic WoW sucks and how they'd forgotten and plz blizz merge all servers.
I don't get classic
Why not just play a private server? Why pay blizz to do nothing?
Because private servers are objectively wrong in many ways, have no functional anti-cheat, are infested with chinks and russians, and allow bullshit retarded strategies like having every raid member have a second account with a level 20 warlock so you can soulstone your entire raid before trying to kill a boss. An official server gets rid of 99% of those problems.
>the only big lore fuckup i can think of is the draenei
You didn't realize how hard they fucked up kael thas and Illidan, just for the sake of having recognizable faces as loot pinatas?
They're STILL dealing with illidan and kael thas being killed off 10 years later, Illidan had no reason to get killed off and kael made no sense at all and made the entire race of blood elves end up as an aimless shit fest that has no direction nor personaluty and is always just "there", still to this day.
On top of that
Killed world pvp, world is irrelevant and now it's just a timer until you get from x point to y point.
>heroic dungeons
Started the mess that is heroic, no longer you have to raid to get loot, just do a dumbed down version of the experience.
Vanilla dungeons were easier by design, they were made to ease you into raids, it's why late game dungeons have more mechanics and are longer while also give lore on the raid, such as BRD to the blackrock mountain
>welfare gear and dailies
come get your tokens to redeem for purple loot that matters a lot less now that everyone has it
>group finder
Not very used nor refined, but it paved the way for dungeon finder in wrath and eventually raid finder
>10 man raids
Same as above, paving the way for more and more "personal, smaller and solo" oriented content taking away the mmo elements
>the role of the player
It starts the dumb as fuck tradition that the player is now this insanely powerful savior and not just an adventurer, KT was supposed to be the end boss, the crown jewel, the biggest name you'll get to kill and you don't even quite kill it, he even says it himself, in tbc you murder almost everyone from wc3
>class homogenization
Now classes matter less, hybrid classes like druid become op as fuck and can do everything and would remain like this for a long time.
I can keep going, tbc added these horrible systems and design changes that go against everything in vanilla, that just got worse with time
it is a good day to roll
kys faggot
nobody wants you in classic
tauren warrior
blood elf hunter pls
as much as i love TBC and it being my first expansion i agree in everything but class design
at least they made some classes viable in PVE
We in it niggers
Who is gonna be a /traitor/
Gonna do a pact with some horde fags.
Give me gold and i give you people to kill
Eh, why not
If they offer a free trial, I'll put some hours on it.
EVERY class was viable in pve in vanilla, if not needed, I don't know what you're talking about.
Specs weren't, and that was a legit problem tho, however due to the nature of specs and min maxing is really not that big of a problem either considering there's always been a spec that's way better than the rest 99% of the time so there's not much difference, just that the bad ones are a bit shittier.
You guys post the same 15 images and roll characters every thread. I hope classic is ruined by min maxing autism and organized chinks and professional guilds that have had 10+ years to study every facet of the game. I hope it doesn't "feel the same", I hope the dread sets in, I hope blizzard patches away your favor aspect.
I hope this helps me :(
gib me mage
there is no doubt min maxing will ruin it.
but i am glad since raids ruined vanilla wow anyway
before raids wow was 12/10
You don't have to hope.
That's exactly what's going to happen.
I mean shit that's already what happens on private servers, why would it not happen on retail classic?
rolling now
It's too bad the plateau of content is going to be hit super quick. What then?
BC made it to where multiple classes could use other specs in a reliable use and not just meme a already groups raid or an alt raid run.
BC was correct with the changes on that end
Rolling nerds
Take your (You) and go retard
Fucking love this song.
>TFW kept trying to quit WoW in Vanilla and BC to do better in life
>TFW never really managed to, just played less and less as friends dropped off over the years until quitting on and off in WoD Legion and at long last for good in BFA
>TFW I realize I didnt really want to quit, but that the game just got horrible
We're commin' home boys
Personally I'd love to see new content made with the same design philosophy as Vanilla. Even something like TBC but remade without stuff like flying and retarded lore.
Realistically we're just gonna get TBC and Wrath, with a few servers forever frozen in Vanilla..
Worst case scenario they just do nothing.
TBC was a fantastic expansion, but it also illustrated a shift in focus from many of the things that made WoW such a "classic" to begin with, and led it to where it is today.
If theres anything /sig/ on /fit/ and /pol/ has taught me, its that if theres a location that people decide is for comfy goodtimes, its going to be comfy and filled with good times.
All the better that we'll be able to be wholesome while at the same time spiting blizzard,retailcucks, and modern gaming in general.
I can't wait to see this debuff all over my enemies once more.
>pvp servers
>playing against 15 year olds and man child 35 year olds
>Not playing on Pve servers with responsible and mature college graduates and parents
no ty
I juat honesly love her but she has flaws we all do but classic is my furst love
>The Crossroads is under attack!
Somewhat, yes, but it also comes with its own problems.
Hence my original post talking homogenization.
Meaning, now classes can do what other classes could do, there's no real stand outs, the classes start to blur and you stop caring about being a hunter or mage and bringing kiting or tranq shot or traps to the raid or as a mage, food and water and what not, but instead you're just thinking damage.
This bogs down composition and raids become just a blob of tank+healers+bunch of random dps, classes matter less in the grand spec of things and now it becomes just bring the biggest dps classes
While it opens up specs, at the same time it shuts down classes and this design change has made that exact same thing happen several times through wow, creating a rotation where it's just top tier classes crushing everything else, then there's a new patch and now new classes are crushing everything else while others might be shit.
Why would I bring a hunter to do this when their dps is shit?
>well raid leader, they bring kiting and other special things to the table!
Uh yeah but now others can do the same or it's not needed anymore, so good bye.
This got even worse in wrath because now even more classes have access to these tools, homogenizing things even more, not like it was needed by then anyways, partially due to this very same homogenization and change in design added in tbc.
In their effort to make more specs usable, they over did it and created this generic system where classes start losing their traits, ironically sometimes even shutting down entire classes because other classes are just so much better, while in vanilla even if a class wasn't top dps, it was still needed to fulfill a specific role in the raid, something the 40 man number allowed to do much more easily.
And much like everything added in tbc, it just got worse and worse with time
reminder nublizzard can't keep their hands off anything and will ban anyone that camps questgivers or griefs in general instead of allowing players to moderate themselves
reminder that nuwow's modern server architecture can't handle more than 40 people fighting in the same place in world pvp
reminder that means it's doa
Gold shire is the same as it has always been... at least physically
nah, most of that shit is pretty wrong
>They fucked up kael and illidan
Let's have more literal whos as raid bosses, that sounds fucking thrilling. Your idea of those characters being ruined is subjective, I liked having actual name-brand bosses to kill.
There was still a shit ton of world pvp on the path to 70, though it did diminish the amount of endgame pvp
>you no longer have to raid to get loot
what the fuck are you talking about, all the heroic loot was vastly inferior to anything that dropped from raids. It did however offer you content in between raid lockouts, unlike vanilla where after you geared yourself from 5-mans and UBRS there was nothing to do but raid log or pvp
>welfare gear
true welfare gear only really appared in patch 2.4, almost at the end of the expansion's life cycle. The badge gear offered before that was extremely meh and had minimal impact on actual gear progression
>10 man raids
>the role of the player
>It starts the dumb as fuck tradition that the player is now this insanely powerful savior
Oh right, I remember you from a previous thread. You were the one going on about how HFP's main questline made you too much of a hero despite the fact that loads of shit in vanilla does exactly the same thing. Darrowshire questline, Onyxia questchain, etc
>class homogenization
TBC still had a hybrid tax and hybrids were not perfect at everything, beyond maybe druids being able to tank and heal well. Druids in particular were kind of fucked in vanilla and blizzard has stated they didn't work the way that wanted them to, TBC was where they got to the standard they originally designed them for
>Let's have more literal whos as raid bosses, that sounds fucking thrilling.
Ragnaros and Cthun are some of the most memorable bosses of all time, I'd argue way more than illidan and kael as raid bosses, specially kael.
And they were literal whos.
Here's the thing, it doesn't matters if it's a big name or a who if you don't create the proper setting.
Ragnaros and cthun are famous for the lore and events leading up to them and their amazing first impression, they solidified themselves as legends because the world was built and crafted to make you feel that way.
Meanwhile, characters like illidan or kael or kil jaeden come in with not much to show and are just riding off their wc3 lore, once you kill them off it doesn't matters much, you basically only care about them because of their wc3 stuff, not stuff from the game, and eventually, you realize and prefer wc3 incarnations.
They end up being soul less loot pinatas only being used for their appeal but their appearances don't move the character forward or worse, it completely guts them.
An even more recent example of this is yog or thunder king, both considered to be among the best if not the best raids of all time.
>There was still a shit ton of world pvp on the path to 70
Not a lot, and died even more when people started hitting cap because there's nothing blocking your path from path x to y.
>unlike vanilla where after you geared yourself from 5-mans and UBRS there was nothing to do but raid log or pvp
Did you played vanilla because there was always something to do, guilds raided 3-5 days a week and farming consumables, gold, world pvp, quests and what not kept you busy.
Meanwhile people were afking in shattrah and dalaran because boredom
ubrs is a 10 man dungeon, just like stratholme and scholomance were also bigger dungeons
>Oh right, I remember you from a previous thread
I have no idea what you're talking about with this part, had to be another guy
>class homogenization
Troll Shaman, based HORDE
not him but they did fucked up the lore
kael-illidan-vashj weren't even supposed to be enemies to begin with
Triggered, real hard.
huh, was gonna pic nelf druid anyways, but roll says female not male..
Orc shaman.
God damn, good times back in the day when I had friends and we played games together. Now I'm an adult and I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of existential dread over whether or not I'll be able to improve my career skills enough to live comfortably when the housing market is inflated to hell. I wish I could just loose myself in a game like I used to. I'm so tempted, but I know I won't make any friends, I'll just waste my time that I could have put to good use.
Biggest kek
says the retailcuck posting in a classic thread
roll wit it
Been playing on pserver but now I'm stuck at level 49. I don't want to waste time on items that won't last cause the server is dead come classic. I log on, log off, just a feeling of dread. :(
Guys should I do Rogue/Warlock, Rogue/Mage or Rogue/Pally if I'm mostly interested in PvP?
It doesn't matter I'm going UD shadow priest and I'm going to be the biggest loudmouth on the server
That's the same feeling you'll have on Classic when it's ded in 2 months.
>ywn play BC for the first time ever again
Why live?
So you can play it a second time
I can't decide
>mfw you will never get to play disgusting blood elves on the Horde
Im certain some stupid bullshit will happen while you do that and leave lore fags with a frown on their face once again
Are these threads some kind of psy-ops? Brainwash?
Seriously, this isn't normal for a 15 year old already played to the death game.
I'm actually anxious about classic as I just know how much of my life I'm going to waste in it. Even when all the raiding is done, all content is beaten, It's still the comfiest place in gaming to chill with bros. Anyone else feeling anxious?
What if when classic has been out for a years blizzard decided to continue it, in a different timeline to the events that happened in TBC onward, while keeping all of the core mechanics and things people like about classic in place?
>ubrs is a 10 man dungeon, just like stratholme and scholomance were also bigger dungeons
Scholo and strat were geared towards 5 people. UBRS was geared towards 10. Kara was geared for 10. It doesn't matter if they were dungeons or raids, 10 man content is 10 man content.
> there was always something to do
How long do you think farming for consumables took? You could accomplish that in a couple hours a week. Once you'd geared for raids and had your epic mount there was very little to do PvE wise.
>afking in shattrath
yeah and nobody afked in org or IF ever
ITT: People that can’t handle the truth
It isn’t healthy to be living this much in your past all the time.
>friends going horde
>have my heart set on paladin
I told them Id play priest but I really want to play pally, Im considering just ghosting them on launch.
I will actually do this.
I ain't playin this shit, but I'm addicted to character creation.
Did they ever say what they plan to do with stuff that was part of vanilla for a time? For example the mounts that were removed in 1.4.
After all this is classic, not vanilla 1.12
Honestly I'm obsessed with Classic as much as the next guy, but I'm also a realist.
This game will be dead as fuck once the big streamers/try hards rush all the end game content in like a week
Then they'll all jump to the next big fad game. This is the honest truth
Im not happy with how the drenai turned out. They rewrote them in BC so that you can play as a race of little archimonde. Its pretty stupid when you think about its and ultimately hurt the legions backstory. They also made them way to lore important and slapped them on a side anyway
I'll post timeline example
>Rush leveling, takes maybe 4-7 days.
>Beat current "Phase" end game in 1 more week. >Wait probably 5-8 weeks for next Phase
>In that time may level/gear up some ults but end up bored
>Beat next Phase end game in 1 week
>End up with nothing to do because all alts are leveled and geared
>2 more months of nothing
>Lose interest
>Who cares about server population LUL
Says the Classic friend who probably pokes at Retails sub numbers constantly
My biggest hope is that classic is successful enough to make a profit but not too much. Let it have a small team of developers with enough freedom, like heroes of the storm had, and let them move forward but not too much, to correct the mistakes eg let us have fem draenei to erp with but without the shitshow that tbc lore.
Cannot wait to be that guy.
Game will be dead in two months once everyone gets to 60 and realizes MC takes a week to progress through.
WoW has and always will be the incelhub for nerd losers
>Not being able to engage in PvP shenanigans
>Not dueling enemy raid leaders in front of a crowd of almost 80 people for the right to take down the world boss
>Not turning the road into MC and UBRS into a sea of skeletons
>Not innocently leveling your level 40 alt in STV when a crowd of Alliance weirdos in white wedding dresses rolls through, mind controls you, dances with you, then kills you.
>They do this every weekend
>Tarren Mill turf wars, often kicked off by some poor lowbie that wanted to finish the Helcular quest chain
>Getting your ass ganked while trying to clear the elites in front of Sunken Temple
>Getting your ass ganked while trying to clear the elites in the only outdoor, non-instanced dungeon in the game in Hinterlands
>Getting your ass ganked while trying to get into Uldaman for enchanting training
>Kiting Kazzak into Stormwind for shits and giggles
>Kiting a dragon into Orgrimmar for free loot and salt
Kel'thuzad and Dragonmaw were such great servers
what does that make Yea Forums then?
Alright fags where do YOU draw the line. Its hopeful thinking but if classic does really well then then blizz may also do other expansion realms. So At what expansion do you stop playing
CWoW, TBC | Wotlk, cata, Mop, Wod, legion
TBC was cool but introduced a lot of things that lead to what wow is now . Wotlk expanded on those things and changed the art style
Although i think they might do other classic servers if they did they would probably only go to Wotlk
REPENT HOMENIGGERS. Find your true home in JESUS CHRIST. He is coming and he is bringing A SWORD. Will you heed the call or fall to your knees in FEAR?
Classic will still hook a lot of people with that initial push
boys club
As long as I don't roll Alliance I'm good
Can pala be dps in vanilla raids? Do I only have the healer option? I've always played war but I don't wanna compete for the tank slot with the minmaxing autist community
>alliance paladin in classic
Fuck me
I stopped playing at wottlekay, so I'd probably be willing to play TBC and no further. I am an edgelord that thinks Death Knights are cool though, but I don't think that's good enough justification for me.
You've made this into a war now.
Call me whatever you want, I don't care. Many anons who like WoW came here in most of your previous autistic generals in Yea Forums and spoke with you to tone down your autism. They told you it isn't worth it for a 15 year old, beaten to the death game, to behave like that. You couldn't listen, but you made fun of them. You only replied with one-word triggerwords, wojaks and complete denial. You couldn't discuss with them for more than 2-3 replies.
These anons came, said what they wanted to say, ended up making fun of you and your circlejerk, and moved on.
But not me. I am one of those that will stick and start on shitting in your threads.
>Because you are shitting up the board with your relics and autism.
>Because you have a
holier-than-thou attitude towards anything WoW yet non-Classic related.
>Because most of you are obnoxious boomers with too much time in your hands.
>Because I am tired of seeing this cult-like threads every time I open Yea Forums.
And no, I won't filter anything. You are the ones who will move your autism to /vg/ or keep the threads at a reasonable rate of posting. If you don't do that, I will be one of those that will shit in your generals as you do in the board.
And tell me that I am seething, I am a retailcuck, I am an autist myself, the "power of Classic" etc. As I said, I don't care. But either you will fix this tiresome situation or you won't get to "enjoy" your threads from now on.
lol whatever fag
>they got rid of day/night in cuckwow
what is wrong on the brain of these people?
>tfw playing retail right now and having a good time leveling
brownie orcs the best orcs
it doesn't look good in the dark
t. someone who played vanilla-wrath and only saw night because australian on usw servers
top lel
Rogue mage
>ou are the ones who will move your autism to /vg/ or keep the threads at a reasonable rate of posting. If you don't do that, I will be one of those that will shit in your generals as you do in the board.
vg is shit tho and v was better when there were generals here. people should just be allowed to have generals on v so they can die naturally rather than autistically keeping a game general up 24/7 365 on vg. the rest of the posting on v has just turned into console game shilling and tranny incel shitposting. we need more actual game discussion on v and only way to get that is bring the games back here and stop trying to force the generals meme. moot was wrong.
>going to talk about looking for a LGBTQIA+ friendly guild in trade and report anyone who reacts to it angrily
so much chaos bros so much chaos
I'm glad Chris Metzen finally retired but fuck he should have done it before wc3:tft
>tfw comfy night fishing of nightfins
Fishing is underrated
These people have stockholm syndrome or codependency disorder. Their brains are literally fucked so you can't understand their actions using logic, user.
This. They will experience a faggy version of it 10 years from now when they release fortnite classic.
A big reason that people could rush MC and shit was because of dire maul drops. They're very good and some are BiS for a long time. They make MC easy as fuck but DM isn't being released for a good while.
Rolling UD Rogue to do this as well as camp random NE .
>stating the obvious
Has anyone claimed that WoW was for alpha chads? Anyone on this website is a loser most likely
>retail player having "fun"
>female orc hunter with a mowhawk
I already know the kind of person you are
>that sentence structure
I fucking hate EU faggots
it's the long ponytail hawk, user. and killing shit in dungeons is fun, what's the problem/
>Call me a retailcuck, I don't care
>cunny threads, wojack, oh no no no, twitter faggotry are all A+
>actual game discussion is a HUGE no no
this reads like that "I'm a social justice warrior" declaration from tumblr
roll for human rogue
enjouy your human
re-rolling if it's horde, I'll keep anything else.
MC can be cleared with most if the raid in full greens.
My old guild did it in 1 reset in 2006 one month after rerolling a fresh server launch.
Not impressive to pserver poopsockers, but most of us had school/jobs.
>Imagine getting this mad over people on a video games board discussing a video game
Mind if I save this pic?
stop giving me horde
I never played vanilla, started in TBC. What are some good healing classes? Mainly for pve but I'd like to do some pvp too.
priest is a safe bet.
Anything but Druid
Figured, but I feel like everyone is gonna do that, any healer I should avoid or are they all sort of viable?
Shaman is insane and a must have
Priest is good too
then comes paladin then druid
It's hard to say since they'll be following a patch schedule so it will change based on that to some degree. There will always be some need for paladins and shamans too. Druids may be more situational, although raids will obviously need at least one.
One sentence perfectly explains why Yea Forums has been weirding me out so hard lately
Holy priest. Holy priest. Holy priest.
Just Holy.
You dumbfucks have no idea what you're getting into with classic. It was the community of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Everquest players and Blizzard fans (D2, SC, WC3) who made the communities and Classic had alot of elements ingrained from older, pre-wow mmos that would drive most Modern WoW players nuts. Even the shill, cock-sucking streamers were yawning when they played the classic preview.
paid shills to hype the launch for blizzjews
Everyone knows that this garbage won't last and will wear off so fucking fast once Ragnaros gets killed within MC release day 0
Same goes for every other instance of vanilla. Every single one.
BWL will be raped within release.
Nax will be raped and cleared within release.
There is literally not a single human being right now who is actually hype for this trash of a relauch. Vanilla private servers exist right fucking now. You can go there and play it for FREE. But no, those low lifes are going home apparently, giving blizzard actual $15 subsription for a game that has been around for over a decade. Those people can only be hopeless and insufferable human waste.
What do you think about the PVP plan? So were starting without BGs and Honor system, ganking and world pvp is back on the menu bois. How will retailkeks ever recover?
What's so bad about druid in vanilla? It's been one of my favorite healers throughout all of WoW. Is it only viable in raids, not 5 mans etc?
I'm in your situation as well, but I am solid on rolling shaman, but priest seems like a safe pick
This fucking shit needs to come out before July so I can play it before school starts
priest healer looking for tank to build threat on enemy mobs
>Even the shill, cock-sucking streamers were yawning when they played the classic preview.
But they were enjoying it so much blizz decided to extend it due to popular demand?
Why are you people this mad about people enjoying a game that shaped vidya forever?
To the point where you would lie to try and convince yourself.
What kind of casual, ledditor "I can only play modern games" shitter are you?
Is this the kind of newfag Yea Forums has nowadays?
See you guys in Shadowbringers after your 'savior' flops.
The best part is Blizzard will NEVER listen to you whiney manchildren ever again.
anything can work in 5mans, go for it. it's just not min-maxed in as many situations.
All good but they need to rework DK to only affect the guy killing the mob.
Otherwise it completely kills city raids and even world pvp
Their HoTs can't crit and don't benefit much from +healing, they have no out-of-combat resurrection, only an in-combat one, so you will just be an innervate bitch for the real healers and spam healing touch for most of the time you are there.
Healing rank tier list:
Paladin: best single target heals
Priest: best all-rounder
Shaman: best AoE heals and good single target heals
They're all fine so choose what you like
lets do this
>spam healing touch
Really? Not so tempting anymore then, I love HoTs so if they're inefficient that's no fun.
>They're all fine so choose what you like
Except Druid
Unless you really, really want to be a Druid for some reason
You will get easy loot for being one. No one wants to be a Druid.
Druids are still needed at least one solely because of raid composition and loot
It's also really not that bad
pve druid is boring, but you can bamboozle people in pvp with cat stealth. Especially when you cooperate with other stealth users.
>It's also really not that bad
Not that bad but still bad when you could be a priest, sham, or pala
When will people learn that ret pallys are not only the best pvp class and spec combo but require the most skill to play. Anything else is just mid to shit tier trash.
Esfand you need to relax. You're pretty cool but ret pally's not for everyone.
>tfw no walljumping
Lol only that this shit is happening right now.
Blizzard had to connect realms because after an expansion dropped/new content released, there was always a steep drop in players so the whales who pay their sub and eat um the shit on the online store need to be kept happy.
Let's go
playing on a private server right now and I've been seeing tons of humans leveling in darkshore and ashenvale. I thought everyone was always racing to westfall because the rewards from deadmines and the quest chain there are extremely good for their level. does BFD have a quest chain or items that's sought after enough to make people trek out there and level?
Wait, seriously?
No joke that's one of the main reasons I actually cared about the classic announcement, until I realized it won't be in.
2005 was a beautiful time
The problem with HoTs in vanilla is that you can only have one of each type on a player, if you Rejuv a tank, and another Druid rejuv them, the weaker rejuv is simply removed.
Yes. Retail client where all the terrain shit is fixed. There are still places you can go to (like under SW in the pic) since not everything requires walljumping, but it still sucks the fun out of a lot of things.
That's one of the most important lies that Blizzard kept peddeling. Chris didn'tr do shit with lore after wow vanilla. He was some design director guy that just oversaw the lore team. The OC donutsteel draenei, belves for horde and so on was conjured up by people who sucked up to suits and tried to milk wow instead of making a cool MMO. Chris was just a soft retard for going along with a lot of shit.
>"Hey Chris, we have this new draenei, players will love it!" - "Ok, looks nice. Good work!"
>"hey Chris, belves are Horde now!" -"Eh, okay. If that balances player numbers, why not!"
>"Hey Chris, we made Thrall super important in this new expansion and made super duper cutscenes!" - "But I left you guys garrosh as new warchief, why use Thrall?" - "HWY WON'T YOU RUIN YOUR VOICE FOR THIS GAME!?!"
Remember, chris basically voiced thrall, varian, nearly all the dragons and other "le evil guy" shit up until wod. He ruined his voice so the writing and design team could go bonkers and make dumb shit.
His only failure was not reigning in the tards and stopping retarded shit happening. He's like that one nice gm with cool adventures that rolls with every dumb player decision and just changes his campaign; even though he sat hours preparing some encounters, he scraps his work with a smile and moves on.
BFD has the best wand and bow you can get in that level range, and several really good 2h weapons.
This has more to do with the fact that Westfalls i overflowing with players. I remember our popsocktard leveling his gone mage in darkshore back in vanilla because Westfall was too full. /g went bonkers when he told us that Astranaar was a burning ruin. Many people couldn't fathom back then that the Horde was able to just camp a town.
Holy buttznaps
Do priests use shields or renew and stuff like that or just cast different ranks and variations of heals? Does any healer use unique spells in pve healing?
Rock and Rolland
>Rivendare's deathcharger and disgusting oozeling's your path
shamans use chain heal
How much do maraudon runs sell for?
since it has the bis ring and some other shit I've heard hunters sell runs since they can finish it in like 15 minutes
Druids usually use hots but priests damage bubble helps when you know a big hit is coming.
Rolling for the horde
Couple of reasons.
1) Darkshore gives you darnassus rep. If you want a saber, then you should be doing darkshore when you're still the right level.
2) Darkshore has the largest number of quests in the 12-20 zones by far. Westfall has about 30 quests, Darkshore about 70. Loch Modan about 40. Westfall is complemented by Redrige, but still doesn't really reach Darkshore numbers.
While the DM chain does have good rewards, most of it is simply running around between westfall, lakeshire and stormwind. Then you have the defias messenger and defias traitor parts, so bunch of people just take care of it without touching westfall quests otherwise. BFD has no chain quests on alliance side.
Rollin by like a sneaky roller
Does anyone know if they're going to calculate skill damage like early vanilla where your weapon damage is most important or late vanilla where your dps is important?
Far more profitable is a dungeon run as an overgeared tank. Hunters can farm solo ez pz, but getting a tank for a pug can be a nightmare.
>retailfags need to be told they’re all the chosen one with super sheshul awesum gear
>classic chads are content to know they and their peers are heroes
>fight azshara and a old god
Doesn't mean shit.
>Daddy blizzard lets me fight "old god"
*zergs down azshara in LFR*
>I'm so glad for this opportunity
*grinds daily world quests*
>This boss is soooo powerful!
*fights reskinned model*
*disenchants next patch*
>"Hey Chris, we have this new draenei, players will love it!"
Well they were right, female draenei are the hottest.
How do you fuck up your voice in a recording studio? It's not like he was doing 2 hour concerts every week.
Darkshore was one of those zones that got a revamp during vanilla's lifespan, like Dustwallow Marsh. Those zones are designed so that you can complete multiple quests at once easily, unlike most vanillla areas. It's faster and less painful to level there.
Everything BC did well got dumbed down into absolute cancer in following expansions, and what it did poorly got doubled down on
Ask Mark Hamill. Both constantly had to use their voice in ways that their vocal cords just won't survive endless takes of.
It didn't.
Most voice actors who fuck up their vocal cords never got training. When you have screamo bands who can go on tour for 6 months 6 nights a week and still be fine and then tell me a voice actor can't do 30 hours of 5 hour work days because their voice gets destroyed, it's either bull shit and they're lazy fucks or no one ever taught them how to do their job.
what will happen if i say the n word in barrens chat in classic?
The same thing that will happen if you say it on Yea Forums
>dishonorable kills are in
LOL enjoy city raids being DEAD once phase 2 starts
Blizz fucked up
Classic is finished
More than a decade old fuckboi. Eat shit zoomer.
Kill yourselves wowfags
BDO Korean fag detected
I'm gonna cuck rogues and warrs out of thunderfury on my hunter and there's nothing you can do about it
It's been like 15 years hasn't it? Imagine playing a 15 year old game 15 years ago. I'm going to be listening to CCR at this rate!
Better than playing this normalfag garbage
>Most skill
>Reliant on consumables and RNG and using your long-cooldowns
Yeah no
Most skill is warrior
The nicker?
you're going home alright
cringe le reddit trash man
This is me except I'm fatter.
what a beautiful piece of art
Oh no people can get loot ~30 ivl worse than they can get from dungeons from the LFR.
Truly a disaster.
Human Females are the strongest Race in all of WoW and you'll just have to deal with it.
This is why you keep getting pushback. Literally Every Single Thing is written off as some grand retail conspiracy by the buttblasted. When you get in and discover that launch wow was pretty abysmal, will that be retail's fault?
I'm gonna just answer and say yes. You'll flock back here screaming that current players somehow killed your nostalgia trip
t. Triggered Retailcuck
Why are you so bitter? Have sex.
>Dustwallow Marsh
Brings back memories
Classiczoomers won't understand this until it's too late...
>forced into being a dress wearing healslut
>both paladin and warlock are cool as fuck
>in vanilla they're either shit (retadin) or a pain in the ass to play (having to farm for souls, bags full of soul shards, retards relying on you for summons)
I just want muh Burnan Crusade
literally non-problems
Classic will be relevant for about 2 months for the most hardcore players. Most others are going to abandon ship after a week or so due to a low attention span. I don't think Blizzard is going to fuck it up, it will be the player base . I bet the number of players globally will settle at 10k because of ranging nostalgic autists.
>not having a viable dps spec in raids isn't a problem
>having to abuse /sit just to stack reckoning so you can pvp isn't a problem
Sit doesn't work. Also, just put on the fucking dress and get left overs from raids, there are plenty plate gear pieces and two handers that are shit for raiders but fine for PvP.
I legit feel so sorry for these people in their late 20s desperately wanting to go and pay blizzard a monthly fee so they can relive their memories of when they didn't have debt and relied on their mother's cooking. Wake up and play games that are actually good
MMOs are dead and some of you losers need to understand this. Classic will fucking die, classic was only "hard" because of the lack of resources and potato internet. The grind isn't even a grind compared to other MMOs, and the challenge the game presents is laughable (OMG I HAVE LIVING BOMB ON ME? I MOVE AWAY FROM RAID I AM GOOD PLAYER LOL)
Do yourself a favour and just don't bother you degenerates
Didn't TBC have soul shards too? Soul shard farming isn't even that bad. The worst part about warlocks is that you can't summon inside dungeons/raids (well you can but only people who are already inside).
Have sex.
>Not running RFC with the lads for BIS drops
thats a pipe dream for blizzcucks
>Paladins are shit
>Warlocks are shit
You never played endgame vanilla. Holy paladins dominated AB and Locks did magetier damage but also got pets and tankiness.
rfc is a waste of time XP wise, maybe a single run with all the quests, MAYBE, even then its more efficient to just keep grinding/questing instead of walking to org and looking for a group
holy paladins maybe, yeah, but I'm not wearing a dress like a fag
Well.. some of those same people want to relive those days because in real life they are probably in debt and wants to use this as an escape.
Or they really don't have anything going on so they just want to play their MMOs.
I'm more curious to see the outcome to see if it's nostalgia or cause classic is supposedly better.
swallow to cloth pill
imagine playing paladin
That's the same with all dungeons before Mara/ZF.
Maybe they do it for fun. What a strange idea.
>Multiple cloth classes that all wear cloth
>Not a peep
>Paladins wear cloth
You people are obnoxious. Druids also wear cloth from time to time yet none of you fags even care unless its against your paladin bogyman.
This is still a RPG get over yourself.
Not true, BFD is basically mandatory for any Caster or Hunter and maybe even for Warriors and Shamans, the wand and bow from the quest inside are the best you can get for Priests or Hunters until like level 35, and the 2h Axe is great too. Then there's SM which has that dagger for Rogues and tons of mail stuff.
>cloth classes wear cloth
>paladin (plate wearer) is forced to wear cloth
do you not see the difference here?
>been on the train since feenix
What a fucking ride it's been
Do you see this game is a RPG and you trying to force classes into a certain armor group is stupid.
Although i would say druid is the worst class in vanilla they are bad just the worst comparrd to everything else. Like they are pretty good healers but still the worst out of the 4
Reminder that anyone in doubt about how shit Vanilla is can play on lightforge for free.
Holy shit does it suck balls, standing in queue for quest mobs, shitty droprates, more running than LOTR, bugs, bullshit never ends.
Classic is going to be gay as fuck.
Obsessed loser pops into thread again.
Have sex.
>want to play the role of a paladin that smashes everyone's shit in with a hammer
>forced into wearing a dress because of poor design decisions
you are dumb, would you make excuses for Blizzard if the best gear for a warrior was a bikini and a dunce cap?
No one is forcing shit retard
You're just a baby crying out that mommy doesn't just give you everything
Go play retail where you belong
>Paladins forced into cloth armor group
All healing plate was a mistake.
>make daily general threads on Yea Forums shilling game expecting no one to disagree
It sucks, i was hyped until i tried it. I don't want to spend a month leveling just so i can spend all day farming.
PvP is garbage, epic pvp gear is purely for bots and account sharers, and raiding takes way too long and drops way too little loot for 40 man groups.
Everything except the first few hours of comfy sucks.
Sure, sure. Now put on the dress and heal my dick like a good paladin, healslut.
Again you are a obnoxious faggot pushing your fetish every thread.
Eat a .45
>based totally not closet gay anti-homo-erotic poster
>warlock, priest, mage and ALL the healer classes are going to roll on clothes
yeah thx id rather just play rogue
Imagine sitting in threads you hate crying at people that don't care what you say.
Amazing about of autism and seething obsession.
You're going to have to learn to accept a Paladin's place in PvE, user.
...Then don't play and filter the threads? I don't see a problem here bro.
I had one of those sandbox servers working for the demo, you can still get under stormwind.
>hes rolling on a PvE server
We're finally going home bros
Let's give eachother a hug
Wow: Classic is finally coming bros...
I couldn't be happier
>Most others are going to abandon ship after a week or so due to a low attention span
i cant wait for you to be proved wrong again
I seriously don't get the appeal of PvE servers.
the patrician choice would be RP/PvP
>carebear rolling on pvp
>tfw simply CANNOT decide on a main
Every time I think I'm sure on a main, other ideas break into my head.
Currently tossing up between
>Human Warlock
>Orc Warrior
>Undead Rogue
>Undead Priest
I always thought that Darkshore was pretty nasty, with all those high level panthers mixed in the wildlife all over the region.
>Human Warlock
good luck wit that
You must be new here
>So mad he calls other newfags
Oh i'm laffin'
Seething reddit tourist mad again that there mount sim is going to get btfo by a older game.
what bow
The one off the naga boss after the turtle boss. I can't remember if it's a drop or quest reward.
im coming home... I'm coming home...
Tell the world that I'm coming.... Home
should just get Venomstrike from WC if you're horde or the raptor quest bow from Wetlands if Alliance, the naga bow is nothing special
>all the expansions
>except we didnt fuck up the community or add flying
if it happened i wouldnt believe my eyes
Was my main on retail from beta to Naxx.
Even though about a year and a half of that was just raidlogging, human lock always has a place in my heart.
Probably had the most fun as orc warrior.
Never played a max level rogue or priest so that's why they're up there. Then I think maybe mage this time. Fuck it's too hard.
even tho undead rogues are sick, i dont recommend them for anyone, i leveled 2 to 60 on private servers and the competition is fucking cancer, everyone wants to be one, pre-bis farm is chaos
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is so hot
The naga bow is a green. The same as any quest bow around that level, and worse than what you get from WC.
>Wanting to be with a mexican-jew donkey.
No thanks retail is much more exciting. Waiting for the 8.2 reveals right now.
The reveal will be that you still have no content and they will be releasing it on the same day ShadowNiggers drops so they can compete and not loose the rest of the player base by posting the patch earlier and have everyone leave again after the 2 days of content is dried up.
Nigga what? Flying? Lolol you poor summer child. Welcome to your hell
what are they going to reveal though
story stuff?
You do realize that most players don't have unlimited time to play, right?
I love vanilla but come on, TBC and Ersth were both excellent.
>still have no content
I play with my guildies every day so I guess I have a different experience with retail than most people. As long as there is M+ this game is the best to chill w/ friends. Not a single person I know IRL hates BFA.
>he's going to subject himself to incel gank squads to prove his """manhood"""
if you're not one of them yourself you're literally a cuck
Good try shill.
Fuck off back to your less than 1 mil pop game.
Good job on running retail into the ground so bad FFagots think there game is relevant.
Where are the handsome tanks
>+challenging attunements and raid progression
This got necked halfway through. TBC was when they finally decided to drop attunements.
Don't forget about dailies.
This. Urge to find and beat these fags is rising every time I see this copy pasted shit.
>I can't filter so i'm turning into a chch crazy
Autistic man child
At least when classic comes out you can play it all day in isolation. Have fun baldy :)
>in orgrimar
Yeah, that definitely looks like the average hordie
This is the worst comeback i've seen yet from you niggers.
if retail wow excites you then you are the most boring person on the planet
I wish female humans were real
warlock, rogue or hunter
Retail WoW appeals to people who play with groups. Same with all the other Blizzard games. It's what the online gaming industry shifted to. Classic WoW is a niche for depraved people like you. Go run up a mountain and kill a boar by yourself you faggot.
Why do people mock paladins but not priests for wearing cloth?
Night or troll priest? human female mage?
>Retail WoW appeals to people who play with groups.
Why even try that.
The lifestyle for BFA atm is raiding BfD then when raid's over you run M+'s or PvP with guildies/friends until next reset. What is the classic WoW equivalent? What's there in Classic that I can't do in retail?
You really can't imagine why people would want to play on a PvE server?
Being incapable of empathy is a good indicator that you're a sociopath
You're really trying hard for this but it's so obvious.
>All these posts talking about MC getting cleared in a week when Rag isn't able to be summoned for a month
The SEETHING is real
>What's there in Classic that I can't do in retail?
Having fun.
>cant give a lifestyle comparison for Classic vs Retail
Get over it, it's just a nostalgia museum at this point.
>people being trash and scared of others killing you doesn't make you a pussy only human!
So, now that I am an adult with disposable income I want to try this.
How bad is the grind for someone who would play 1/2 hours a day ?
Have fun in PvP because you won't get in raids
LMAO that projection
If you go full efficiency and take speedrun routes, it takes around 100 ingame hours to reach 60
But there's also rested exp which accumulates when you're logged out, which doubles the exp from killing stuff
Most people won't get 60 for atleast a month, I think the speedruns are at about 4/5 days played time. Probably some private server autists have beaten that, but it should be fine to play casually just enjoy the journey.
To people with OG vanilla experience and also high end game private servers. How hard is it to lock down MT role in a guild as prot warr ofc
so what happens when the private server professionals reach max level and clear the raids and get the best gear in 2-4 weeks?
They'll raidlog and 99.99% of people will keep on playing normally
Stupid bait.
Learn to read before you make dumb post like this that have been debunked with clear as day updates by the blues.
>2 drops per boss
>best gear in 2-4 weeks
are you just baiting and pretending to be retarded?
tier sets have either 8 or 5 pieces to it and obviously will be split within the raid. then there's also offset drops and necks/trinkets/rings etc.
also the honor grind takes just as long if not even longer depending on the rank you go. I don't even play vanilla but you retail cucks are really grasping for straws
Straight-backed orcs for classic?
it is it's my understanding they use fake players to fill bgs and ques, i imagine it's only going to get much much worse.
shut up and go back stupid (You) farmer
New models/animations don't look good, too cartoony for the general look of Vanilla.
Genuinely can't decide between human or undead warrior.
Done Horde my whole life so I can the routine and levelling paths, whereas maybe playing Ally for the first time would give me a new adventure ... can't decide
>hordeshits not honoring their fallen
>instead their own leader turns them into skelly cannon fodder
>Wishing this hard for something that will never happen as long as Blizzard listens to the no changes crowd
You are in for a disappointing time. WoW classic I'd going to be their biggest hit since the excellent Wrath expansion.
>Being friends with subhuman Horde players
Just kys
What are the odds we'll have legions of 12 year old pooling gold to their favorite streamers "close friends" so they can buy their epic mounts?
>too much time on your hands
>That dwarf hunter and paladin party
Wotlk servers PLEASE
retail faggots are going to be upset when they discover you cant get a full tier set in less than a month lmfao
Daily reminder that getting ahead of the curve on day one is the biggest factor in determining how fast you'll level. It's like how professional racecar races are often decided by the Grid positions that are set by fastest-lap times in qualifiers.
>Get ahead of the curve day one
>Enjoy relatively low pop questing zones from level 10-60
>Fail to get ahead of the curve
>Oh no! what are you doing retard? Enjoy spending 5 hours per level because you're waiting for mobs to spawn
Sharding in low level starts and people trying to remember/Bind shit will slow them down and let the others poke through
I don't like it but hey i will be ahead of the turds keyturning to find the nearest boar
It'll be bad for the lower zones because everyone will be in the Barrens or Westfall, but later on I'll just go to the places no one gives a shit about like Desolace.