Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer released 5th Dec 2015

>Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer released 5th Dec 2015
>Still no release date

Attached: Tifa.webm (1280x720, 2.12M)

Tifa is meant to be asian

reminder that's it's also episodic and when there's a release date, it'll only be for the first part of the game

FFVII is not in Asia.

Asians don't exist in Gaia

We all know this is a flow chart off-topic porn thread.
Also the remake will 100% never come out/be finished.
We might get an episode, covering the reactor arc, maybe some of the aftermath and then they will stomp this project.

Why are you waiting for this? Legit question? FF7 is basically hinged on nostalgia. It doesn't have good gameplay or writing - two things crucial to an RPG. The only thing its really known for is emo cloud, cross dressing, bishies and edgey characters.

not like any of the gameplay will be the same at all

it's like looking forward to a new game

Then what the fuck is Wutai?

What is yuffy then

Says who? Square Enix? I was under the impression that Yuffie was the only for sure canon asian you could identify in the games due to her hometown. Barret obviously is the black guy and Cloud, Aerith and Vincent are most certainly white. Very safe to assume Tifa was supposed to be white as well. Cid could possibly be happa but maybe he is white to.

Point is you are wrong. Tifa isn't supposed to be asian. She might be white.

>tiny tits

shit tifa

They got rid of random encounters and the ATB system?

you must be a huge fucking loser. do you get all of your social needs from this website? because it looks like it

a bunch of weebs that appropriated culture from real world chinese comics

>Those saggy little materia orbs
Not my Tifa.
Tifa has huge tits.


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>doesnt have good gameplay or writing
the translation is a bit shit yeah but the story holds up very well, as does the gameplay.
>edgy cloud
ah so you never played the game. fuck off faggot

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Not Tifa's home planet.

I'll save you some time. It's going to disappoint you and not live up to your ridiculous expectations.


>Square Enix announced a game way too early

I recommend her stripper pole scene tbqh with you guys.

if they didn't, they probably wouldn't even release anything anymore

I bet they have a mountain of scrapped projects, and since they weren't announced yet, they just gave up on them

sarina valentina

I really hope it's just abandoned, or at the very least heavily modified

From what little they showed they clearly want to make a gritty and humorless version of the game. You could say goodbye to the wackier elements like Hell House if they ever actually go through with it

FF7 doesn't need to be remade anyway, there's nothing wrong with it besides the dated graphics and even then it's pretty much just the pre-rendered backgrounds that stand out

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Screenshot Hell Bomber.jpg (1280x1024, 90K)

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it's Aeris!

Not to mention the Honey Bee Inn and Don Corneo arc

>floppy flat tits
No thanks, senpai.

>Tifa isn't supposed to be white. She might be asian.

it works both ways

Not only small but also saggy as fuck,just more proof that ugly breasts can be worse than ugly asses.

>tifa looking like a white trash fat burger
kys op

They got the guy who did the Dissidia combat system to do the combat for the FF7 remake combat.

So we can expecting something more than the shit that was XV's combat

>small tits
>flabby arms
>hair is lazy as fuck

lmfao this is shit 0/10 would not bang

she's italian

The only reason neckbeards say asian is because of that shitty movie that should not even be canon. Cloud doesn't even look like an asian anymore either so its likely Tifa also won't be.

>shes double d
>shes fit
>thats the cosplay shit
>shes italian
No shit faggot you are 30x old and still virging you fatso cuck i paid 1.5k$ to have half our with that slut and was the best money i ever spend


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she's ugly as hell but what spicness does she have? I would rather say if she had some spicness in her she would be more sexy. white girls in porn are almost always horrendous

>Valentina almost immediately takes off the entire costume
I fucking hate this, the main appeal of cosplay porn is the god damned costume

Is that Valentina Nappi?

She's fucking ugly and she's not a double D

>paying whores

What a fucking cuck

yeah, she's that roastie

>Not playing or even pressing buttons or moving the joystick

Dropped, low quality garbage. I'm amazed the bitch even knows how to hold a controller

Shes not on to weeb shit
I love her now

I wish I didn't know so many porn stars

She's Italian you fucking retard

I hope you made her eat your shit.

thats even worse


I know, niggertard.

>holds up very well,
clouds it the most frustrating beta-male in jrp protagonist history.

>emo cloud
But that's wrong, you retard

>dinner plate nipples poking through top

that's what he's known for now for everyone who didn't play the game, mostly due to his representation in other things

>ever completing anything

Literally they only focus is FFXIV

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Any of you dirty fucks know if I can play the first two final fantasy games on a PS4?

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