Are you a real gamer if you dont have the mark?

Are you a real gamer if you dont have the mark?

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no i have big forearms

Is that the mark of buddha?

I've never had this issue desu. Just don't drag your wrist around like a savage

I have that mark in my asshole from my rockband days, I was the drummer, my mates took turns sticking drumsticks up my ass while I expert 100% metallica songs . Those were better days.

No I use to have it when I was young and retarded but I got better.

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>carpal tunnel is starting
>dmc5 just came out

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Literally don't be a retarded caveman and hold your mouse correctly
Enjoy your carpal tunnel syndrome retard

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Only a gaymer could be too retarded to not know how to properly position his hand.

Used to have that when I was younger. Your wrist should not be touching the desk/mousepad.

Ah, the mark of the poorfag skinnyfat

clawgrip master race

Whats that?

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I'm a big guy and I have it too.

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The mark of someone that just pulled an all nighter so their MMO guild could raid an end game dungeon.

>play with your wrist not touching the desk
Yeah, okay twig boy.

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Why the fuck does this faggot have such a long nails.
Or why does this girl takes so much test, fucking tranies everywhere.

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Not a problem if you claw grip

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I have the stigmas from mario party

theres always auto mode user!

But wouldnt that, like, start to hurt before any symptoms start to show up?

it doesn't hurt, it's a callous. Your skin getting harder, and darker colored from rubbing against the table for so long.

We’ll get robo limbs by then, right?

Not really, it's just a bruise from prolonged pressure, not friction. This is the solution:

i laughed so fucking hard at this pic i saved it twice

I have them on both of my wrists and the callouses just make that part of your wrist numb, even if you scratch at it with a fingernail you can't really feel it.

You's fucked senpai

>gaming with m&k

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im not a gaymer

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>use mouse correctly
>faggot in image LITERALLY still resing wrist on backplate of mouse

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You don't get the carpal tunnel unless you actually bend your wrist at that insane 45 degree angle. You can still use proper mouse control and not get it.

I remember as a kid I had a giant callus on my left thumb from playing NES so much.

Completely wrong, again, it isn't a bruise.

fingertip grip boys wwa

You don't need a fucking faggot backplate just don't hold your fucking mouse like a goddamn caveman
It's about the fucking angle you brainlet

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My "mark" has become a big fat callus and lost all its feel

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what is this

wait but what if its the other direction

Looks like you've been practicing lovebites on yourself dude

I read it from right to left and it was still funny

Mark of the outcast

Quick phone drawing example of what I mean

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Palm grip looks comfortable but completely unresponsive and I can't imagine anyone gaming like that.
Claw grip looks responsive but uncomfortable
Fingertip grip is where it's at. The perfect balance of comfort and precision.

no im not

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I know this feel

>being so completely crippled by your controller that you require auto aim

so, basically only manlets have the mark?

shit nigger all your fat is killing the circulation to your fingers, you're going ghost

i'm 6'2, but i sit with my chair lowered all the way

otherwise my arms are long enough that im too far from my screen


>all these limp-wristed faggots proud of their mark
kek, you faggots also proud of your stretched assholes lmao

Enjoy your carpal tunnel shitlord

do you retards know what a mouse pad is?

fucking monkeys

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>tfw my ex would bite and chew on a random finger whenever I patted her head or made her flustered in any way

Painful. But also cute.

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meant to put

What you should be asking yourself is what is 45°

That will probably not make you get the mark but if you put pressure on the underside of your lower forearm will probably also result in carpal tunnel syndrome

nah the whole forearm dangles, all the weight is on the mark and on my elbows

I'm fat as fuck and 6'2 and don't have it
Just don't get a tiny fucking mouse

>he doesn't rest his entire forearm on the desk

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I have a properly set up desk so my hand sits at 0 degrees on the mouse and have a soft card mat to roll around on instead of a tyrannically small mousepad.

I used to have that, but I guess I wore down my mousepad so that it wouldn't rub as harshly or something.

My mouse is fine, I have fat wrists and hands.



I looks aprox, 45° between forearm and the desk.
But don't change the subject dolan!


bo skeleton rp

You can't surround a spoiler block with text, how old is this fucking image

bo [/spoiler]skeleton[/spoiler] rp

I put my wrist on the edge of the desk and use fingertip grip

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Im currently in alot of pain right now because i got this on my fucking ass from sitting so fucking much. So i guess i do.

thanks for a hearty kek

WTF IS that?

I don't have it because I use proper joysticks

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Are you undergoing the crystal treatment?

I see you got quite the amount of (You)s i'm hijacking the image. Then i'm raising the stakes.
God forbides trannies from replying to this post

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I don't understand how you would get a mark at that spot. You obviously don't want to hold the mouse in such a way that you drag your hand on the table/mousepad, so the only way I can come up with is if you're the breed of eternashitter aiming with your wrists?

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I got banned once for replying to a post like this.

>he doesn't rest his dick and balls on the desk

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of course you don't have the mark, pathetic.

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Use a ergonomic mouse instead of a ambidextrous one. Palm grip helps too.

cringe and bluepilled

The true mark of a gamer

marks from checking your blood sugar

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>not resting your wrist on your mousepad
Your pad should be at least as wide as your forearm is long or you're a filthy casual

I'll kill you, nigger

>t. brainlet

I don't rest my wrists on anything.


Fingertip grip is the best in terms of reducing your risk of carpal tunnel, but it's also pretty unnatural for a lot of people. Hard to do, requires a lot of training.

manlet detected

c'mon give me something with a 5

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How could I have the mark when my hand almost never touches the pad while I'm using a mouse? I just don't hold it that way.

What the fuck LOL

just get yourselves one of these sweet babies, they come in all different versions

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Those are so uncomfortable, but they sure look nice.

Fucking kekd

i want to do that to my bf. even better if i can draw blood


huh, that actually explains why I never get it.

there's this one pic of a dog resting its head between the boobs on one of those mousepads
I posted it in a group chat with normies when we were all sending meme pics, and immediately got asked if I have a dog, as if the person thought I had just shared a pic of my dog laying on an anime boobie mousepad
it hit me kind of hard

Yes, the mark distinguishes the weak.

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training? isnt that how everyone uses a mouse? ive used it that way for as long as i can remember


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I have a birthmark there
Wonder if my past ancestral incarnation was a gamer...

Only wrist-only faggots will get this mark

no im not a tw*nk faggot

Real gamers use controllers and don't play on spreadsheet machines

>those sissy fingers
>clean cut nails
Underage, woman or a genuine soiboi who hasn't done a day's work

Gib me sum of that thicc

i have to claw grip because my hands are too big to palm grip, hate it

What is this about?

Uh, those aren't blisters, they're septic boils. You only get them from fingering your asshole with a cut/wound on the hand

I don't trim my nails that far back or else touching fabrics feels like torture

sounds a bit autistic

I have a callus on the right side of my right index finger from playing monster hunter
Anyone else?



Holy fuck this

>mfw got pressure sores on my ass from sitting in my chair so much playing vidya
Man that fucking sucked for awhile

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What a small wrist are you a girl?

Isn't this just a boil? You faggot


If you don't know what it's about, it's about (You)s.
Don't play dumb, you should say what you wanted to roll

>Not wanting an autistic gf
Are you gay?

That's just a boil you fucking pussy bitch.

The mark of a faggot?

Just rest your arms on the surface. Stop pressing on your wrist for no reason.

I just chill on my bed, so my entire arm glides on the bed. Just get a sturdy mouse pad for the mouse. I use the mario paint pad.

epic gamer style

My sides

I might fuck them depending on how far they redlined the spectrum but I value my sanity too much to date someone with autism.

So you admit you're autistic?

unless you got diagnosed you probably don't have CTS, same shit happened to me and I went to an occupational therapist

the main shit I took away for that experience:
make sure your set up is ergonomic
take breaks
stretch your wrists, hands and your arms, pain in your hand can come from nerve pain that goes as high up as your elbow or shoulder
get some light weights (emphasis on light) and lift them with you wrists to make them stronger

rolling time

Fuck your mark. You’re not a gamer until you have this

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Are people seriously this retarded?

Don't stick your mouse at the edge of the fucking table. Put it almost elbow length away from you, use a full palm grip, and voila, comfy clicking.


CMON 60-61

You need sunlight

>he plays rts games

This is why you use quality hardware. I mostly used logitech mice and keyboards.
I'm 35 now and no mark, no wrist problems ever. I've been a pc gaymer since I was 7 or 8, played Counter-Strike and Starcraft on a high level which is pretty demanding on the mouse.
If your hand feels tired just stretch your fingers a bit and massage your wrist for a few seconds.


nice digits by he way


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36-37, 71-72 or bust

You just raise the chair?

>80 800 80
Nice digits

gib staked semen demon, roll

If it had 5 at the end i would printscreen it.

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>actually showing your power level

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i've literally never had this problem

got plenty of calluses on my palms and fingers though from going to the gym and playing guitar however

How... How the fuck you managed to get scoliosis on the forearm?


the homo probably jerks off from behind

Mein negger.
Too bad

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I play on my bed lying down, so I don't have a hard surface to fuck up my hands with.

dude I'm such a gamer my literal NAME is mark

Anyone ever have trigger finger? That shit’s fucking me up.

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>tfw started getting a slight burning sensation on the top of my hand/wrist/forearm a couple of weeks ago
I feel like I don't play games as much as most people and my hand posture is generally pretty good, yet this shit still happened

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>got a bump near the base joint of my index finger
>i don't have it on the other hand
is this how arthritis starts? sometimes it hurts too


rollin for 81-82

>every year is one step closer to carpal tunnel or some other wrist malady

>Was thinking of getting one of these recently, mostly for the meme
>Still with parents, don't want to disappoint them further
Beside just getting a standard mat, do these actually work / are there any sfw designs?

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Get a decent mousepad you weirdo.



if you're not moving your whole arm to make big mechanical motions with your mouse you probably suck at video games and deserve your carpal tunnel anyways.

Gotta try my luck

Mine faded after using a trackball mouse for 3 years.

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Women don't have to shave their arms and conform to your beauty standards if they don't want to.

jfc that doesn't even look like carpal tunnel, it looks like a big ass pimple

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M&K is literally only good for multiplayer shooters, every other game is better played with a controller. And multiplayer shooters are fucking ass so this shouldn't be a problem.


multi bottle rocket

I feel like a retard whose never used a mouse holding it like this.

>Adventure Games
>Builder/Crafting/Survival Games
only a sith deals in absolutes.

it's only a technical "they can", in practice they die virgin if they let themselves go and wait for an animal fucker with smell fetish to court them.

please gib 100

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Which brainlet made this? Digits are the whole fingers not just individual bones

rolling for 71-72

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Are your desks made of sandpaper?

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My wrist isn't resting on my mouse pad because i have an armrest.

Gimme gimme


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I half suspect the guy asking only paid attention to the dog and didn't notice the boobie mousepad. Asking about dogs is just one of those things normies do. We're all still friends 7 years later, actually went out drinking last saturday.
Highly doubt anyone else remembers it.

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should I be worried, my fellow Yea Forumsaginas?

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My friends tell me I have feminine hands.

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let's see whose feet it will be~

finna boutta

What the fuck is wtih this fuckers thumbtoe?


ah yes we've been expecting you

At first i thought you were serious but then i remembered where we are.
But still it cost me nothing to reply.
I don't have to conform to any social norm but if i started breaking them all i would either be dead or in prison. That is little extreme example but by not taking care of your body you are showing that you are either stupid or that you don't care to get partner. And little things matter.

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God damn dude. I got trigger finger on my hand in high school from always leaning my head on my hand with my fingers on my cheek bone. Thought that shit was so cool when I showed people how it would get stuck and snap back. Kept trying to lock it on purpose to pop it back out again.

One day it just stopped but I still kept the habit of clicking my finger knuckle where it'd happen. Been over a decade now and I still pop my finger idly hoping that stuck feeling will come back. Shit's weird man.

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>literally none of them have glasses
what a fucking waste of time, who made this shit?

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>45 degrees
wtf this is bait right? it's more like 110 degrees

"boskeletonrp" without the quotes and spoiler the word "skeleton" inside it.

i want to roll a good one
>they are all good
thank you

dude that's disgusting

boskel skeleton etonrp

I dunno but you are welcome to edit it.
I would like to see some as well, glasses add +5 to inteligence and +11 to my dick size.

hit me


wus good

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It's not carpal, it's a callus his wrist formed. If anything it helps prevent carpal by it resting on the surface instead of the rest of the wrist.

my nig

You won't get the top angle unless you are literally standing at your desk or have a really short desk. Also you would get the mark in both cases

I play videogames for six hour spans usually, and I've been playing games since I was five years old. That's 20 years of playing video games. I don't have this because I'm not a fucking retard who jerks his controller like I'm tugging my dick while playing video games.


jesus those asses

i move with my arm not my wrist

cute hand




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Is that the retard mark from people who doesn't use the mouse properly?

Actual manlet hands for the model

You're a real retard if you have it

Thic shit skin pls 34-35

fuck I got some basic ass bitch

>tfw manlet and desk alligns perfectly with arm


high test pls

doesnt matter what i get, in life i just want someone to love




Why would I need to check it if I want to die?



gogo nigg

100 get



I have only a faint mark since I play with higher sensitivities. You'll only see it if you look for it.

rollan, none of them look too bad

Your neighbor's dog isn't your ex lmfao

For you



Its the skid mark of buddha, it looks like he took a dump in the middle of your face...

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wanna jerk me off while i play vidya?

dumb bullshit

gimme gimme

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so it begins

roll time

rollanz been a while


This is probably bait, but its two different people you muffin.

3 of you? I just need to make sure just one of you lives so I can cash in the rare specimen I have found

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I tend to wear long sleeves and sweaters a lot so I do not have the mark

I have a hand pillow. Easy

>mark of improperly adjusted desk:arm rest ratio or shitty arm rests

this is how i do it and ive never had wrist problems

the mark of no mousepad?

I like the texture of my desk better than a mousepad.



What's the name of a grip that has your hand further up the mouse and using the middle joints of your fingers to click? inb4 some insult.

>calling that the mark
No son, THIS is The Mark.

For your next assignment, get a fap callus.

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I used to think video game induced carpal tunnel was just a meme, after the last two or three days of playing Nuclear Throne I think I'm actually starting to develop this shit, my wrists fucking ache.

Why'd those fucking cunts have to go and give Melting only 2 fucking HP?


>carpel tunnel makes it hard for me to mash buttons in games
>tfw literally can't physically beat a game

Devil May Cry made me want to cry

Rollin on a dead post.

I used to do this and it fucked up my wrist


Anyone else learn how to ambidextrously use a mouse because their hands kept hurting while playing shit?

>I'm fat
ftfy ;) ;)

I sit on a recliner, and pull my mouse on the arm rest.
You don't have to be a hunchback to be a gamer.

>having red spot
mine is hardend to the point
there can't be any damage done

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fucking fat ass hand

mines about 105-110


I am fucking glad I don't have those since I am no slick boypussy


Take proper care of your nails.




Fix your posture, that is even worse and an easy way to start developing carpal tunnel. Raise your chair up and try to get your arms as flat with your desk as possible.

never noticed i had one too, vut it isnt nearly as bad

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this shouldn't be this funny, but fuck me

>letting your arm come into contact with the desk
What in the fuck do you think you're fucking doing?

i got these ones

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u got a rash. wash your hands nigger

brachydactyly type D, megan fox has it as well

>Years of PC gaming
>Nothing wrong with my hands
>Get a job
>Cancer bump on my left wrist after 2 months
Stay a NEET, lads.

Why is this so fucking funny?


i dont get it

"bo ston rp"

Have always been a fingertip guy, any other way is uncomfortable for me, dunno why.



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I have a mark. But it's on my left hand, second knuckle. It's from pressing it into the toilet seat when I sit down to poop and pee because of holding my dick down.

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>Playing Dragon's Dogma using X360 controller
>Start to feel pain from RSI
>Switch to keyboard + mouse
>RSI goes away
>Can also aim much better with ranged classes

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