What is the best thing about Totori?

What is the best thing about Totori?

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Easy to bully

Her dick


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Her sexy back.

>out at sea alone with a 13 year old girl for an entire month
Sterk fucked her, right?

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Her cute teacher Rorona!

they were likely visited by pigeons, so probably not


How's that new arland game? Is it good?

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Extremely slender figure, looks like she'd break if youre not careful. Great for tossing around the house.

Her intact hymen.

the greatest pasta of all time

Extremely mediocre, so pretty much your typical modern Gust game.


naturally, only an autist wouldn't be able to read that much

her fertile cunny

If you don't want to go balls deep in Mimi you're literally gay

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she looks like she fucks punis

how did we go from this, to THIS?

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People say the ESRB is whack, but they are really calm, not even comparing it to other countries.

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She taught best girl how to perform alchemy.

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It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall of the developers as they discuss how far they can push the envelope before the ratings board throws a fit.

my meruru had a hard life

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>place: 12th

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Good naizuri.

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