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Cute, but

They literally all have the same face. And they look awful. This movie is going to be the Mario Brothers of our Era.


is this from that netflix adaptation?
why does everything netflix touch turn into complete trash?

I want to ____ it.

no its from your mom, aka you
ahahaha gottem

I love CUFFY

I want this fucking movie to bomb for ruining Tim and how Pokémon look but I know it won't. Living is suffering.

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>They literally all have the same face.
they dont call then for nothing son

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>They literally all have the same face
Great criticism levied at one of the obligatory Pikachu clones

I'll be sure it three times just for you :^)

bottom 3 are pretty good

my favorite is the ghost one

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everything has the same shitty stay puft marshmallow man face not just the pika clones

The middle three are literally the same species. They're all different enough. Except for plusle and minun, those guys are shit tier.

You love bottoms don't you user

>black protag
>pikachu is voiced by le cringe capeshit deathpond man
>le realistic sameface trash as pokemon
>the movie is sure to be full of unfunny jewlywood jokes and pop culture references

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They modeled and rendered the fur too perfectly. Shit looks like a taxidermic doll with those eyes and mouth.

Portable FLUFFY onahole

I want to destroy a sissy boipucci with my thick cock.

Pokemon that share visual archetypes share assets in the movie. So all Pikaclones have the same face while Eevee has a distinct face.

>why do these animals look the same

Attached: cats.jpg (520x781, 72K)

domestic cats all look alike because they descend from a single cat species from north africa you stupid faggot

Uncanny valley

Why can't they just make them look like animals instead of stuffed animals?

That looks fucking horrifying, what the hell

Tim looked awful before too. He looked like Christopher robin

Imagine having a cute Pokebro.

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This is cute as fuck and I don't get people who hate it.

scrafty better be in it

Pikachu clone tierlist

Original Sin tier

Some Effort Was Made tier

Barely Acceptable tier
Plusle & Minun

Genocide Is The Answer tier

>Protagonist has already been blackwashed

This movie is going to be filled far-left brainwashing for children.
It's going to be the hipster s o y version of veggie tales for psycho leftists to take their children to for indoctrination.

I am willing to bet all my money there is going to be anti-white joke somewhere in the movie but the joke will be lighthearted and aimed at children.

Me and my date are going to go see it in May.
PS we're both dudes.

There’s no way a teddiursa should be light enough to be carried around in a bag like some kind of chichuahua

you clearly racist user
race doesnt exist