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>that gog 22.8MB
is this the power of not having DRM?
You know posting these threads nets you a perma-ban right?
Sorry, I cut off some of the Gog processes. Gog is a wonderful DRM-free low of only 35.8 MB of ram
Mods please ban this shill faggot.
steam is obviously a more complex program capable of doing more stuff this is not really a surprise
>launcher with no features requiress less memory
The retardation behind these Epic shills is staggering.
> Coerced to run the most bloated launcher trying to be a shitty chat app as well as a digital store and launcher.
This is why google chrome is shit. All those webhelper processes are from chromium.
>Uses more CPU power
Hmmmmmm, I wonder what it's doing...
>Launcher that has no features uses less resources than a launcher that does
Imagine being this Chinese
>chrome based application with more features requires more resources than barebones launcher
Stop the fucking presses we got a headliner here. If epic would give me every game I purchased on steam under free credit I'd switch in a heartbeat if only to save 100mb of ram but I have a lot of games and multiple launchers is retarded.
>most bloated launcher
>t. retard who uses it as browser
And Epic has zero fucking features which means less ram usage...
this, but unironically. Epic is bad.
They tried banning barry for years m8, it never works.
>t.retard can't read the captions
These are background processes. There's no window currently open right now.
if a 100 MB RAM is going to make or break your gaming experience, you should be worrying about things other than launchers
No shit any client that isn't a barebones piece of shit is slightly bigger. Wouldn't surprise me if you opened a bunch of store pages and started video trailers just to bloat the numbers.
well yeah epic store has no features
ayy lmao
steam is using 60 on my pc
with 20 being normal
It's a smaller gap than that my dude. You're ignoring the multiple instances of UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe
why are you using steam as a browser OP, this is with steam minimized into the right side of the taskbar, 11.1 MB
I sure wish this was true
and here it is with steam open on the Library tab, 9.1 MB, which is even less somehow
>spying gameplay
>spying web history
>spiying hardware specs
Hes not using steam 64bits
Even egs its 64bits
>wtf why are these Nachos Bellgrande a Taco Bell exclusive?
no you're thinking of the epic launcher
uh, OP's screenshot has the same 32 bit steam section? I don't think steam has a 64 bit build
also, unrelated to your post, i just opened the epic client and holy fuck man
it uses 4 processes not 1, and uses 400 (!!!) MB just sitting on the library
those are a bunch of different web browser windows you've opened, you faggot.
sorry, my mistake on this one for having steam opened, i was only looking at background processes (i knew it was weird it was using so little)
having steam opened on the Library section is 51.9 MB, which is still a multitude of times lower than Epic's 400 MB on the Library section
100 mb memory
werks on my machine xD
Shut UP and go suck Gabe's cock already!
lol, doctored images or you don't understand how to use the task manager. Wow, at your second pic.
There is nothing more pathetic than an epic shill. Even console warriors and steam drones are less disgusting.
Chinese please don't stole my games
oh no 0.1gb out of 16, my pc is ruined!!!!!!
Hi Mario
wow at my second pic? the top part is the steam processes in the apps section of task manager, and the bottom part is the steam processes in the background processes of task manager. You can easily tell where the images cut. is this bait?
false, as proven in this thread. In fact, Epic is the heaviest launcher with least amount of features.
go ching chong somewhere else mr chang
features require ram? Holy shit, just pirating requires 0 ram for launchers.
You're running the game launcher in the foreground. My memory usage goes up too when I bring up the application. It only goes up to 152.9MB. That's still less than Steam running in the background doing nothing.
shills should be gassed, change my mind.
That's a little harsh for Gabe and his followers.
i can't
it's even worse when they do it for free
i refuse to believe that this thread is real
im in coma
see , which is how much steam uses for me when in the background
also, yeah i was running the launcher in the foreground, but i just closed it to the background and it only goes down to 180 MB (taskbar included to prove its not in foreground), compared to steam's 11.1 MB
So? Its just 173 Megabytes of ram.
are those fuckers seriously arguing about ram usage ?
what the fuck are you doing people ?
>epic launcher just spy your steam shit
>steam literaly spy on your brower history and more stuff but nobody gives a shit about that
also heres a recording of me doing this with steam open, not sure how else to prove it
(hopefully the gif works, otherwise heres the mp4 streamable.com
you sound ESL
These kind of threads finally seem to be dying down, thank god
Yeah cuz it does infinitely more things than epic does, unless youre playing on your little piss baby machine that cant handle 100 extra mb of ram usage this argument is retarded
>Dude it's ok that this store clogs all your ram because you need all that bloated "features"
Yeah faggots are running out of material and reposts are either getting deleted, ignored, or humiliated with multiple threads worth of refinement and cross thread linking.
you gonna respond to me?
i can tell you're esl
epic store shill chink
am I gonna make it bros
Reposts to respond to reposts.
the fact is epic uses 200-400mb on average without any features
while steam for me maxes out at ~100mb
OP on suicide watch
I see EGS niggers are fast becoming snoy tier with their victim complex
>5.3 GB on idle
What the fuck is clogging up your background processes?
noooooooooooooo not the 53 megabytes of RAM!! i was saving that for muh VIDYA
I would care if I had only 4go of RAM.
>Tfw the act of downloading copyrighted content from an unapproved source is legal in my country and there is nothing Steam, Epic or buyfags can do about it.
But it's neither of those things. Low CPU usage doesn't indicate idle.
However, it's mostly Firefox and all the tabs I have open.
I have so much RAM I literally do not worry.
Wtf. Why you measure private working set?
>Giving your information to a china man that has a record of selling said information in the past.
Gee I wonder why...
more like
>launcher with absolutely nothing already half the size of based launcher
>not disabling web helper
I sure love leaving an extra copy of firefox open
It's a game launcher, not a social media app...
>chi com spying
Really? What do you think half of those features Steam has is doing for Valve? I'll answer that for you. Those features are providing large amounts of data for Valve. Do any of you not use irc, Discord or some other application for chatting?
>offline play.
I just disconnected my internet connection and launched The Witness. DRM-free games launch just fine.
If you are late to the party and read any of the above, then just read the below.
All those processes are for features EGS doesn’t have.
>Discord or some other application for chatting?
Discord received funding from Tencent too so same thing.
>NPCs please refer to this list of approved comments
>What do you think half of those features Steam has is doing for Valve?
Steam gathers data in their own client, Epic gathers data from other programs. Enjoy Xi Yang knowing you fapped to tranny porn.
should talk to someone.
Fuck the Chinese and fuck Epic Games
Eat my shit you fucking cockroaches I will never download your client
>100x the features
no shit sherlock
No client best client. I started pirating because of Steam, fuck paying for digital distribution. Fuck GOG and EGS too, but neither of them would have even been attempted if Valve were boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam like they should have been.
Fuck Epic and fuck Unreal Engine
>giving a shit about 50 fucking mb
If you only got like 4GB of RAM that is a YOU problem autist, not ours.
>lol dude fuck paying for shit, it's not like games wouldn't be made if everyone did this
Underage poorfag detected
>A bunch of broken and abandoned "features" that suck up a bunch of RAM
You don't say...
Shame none of them works.
Friendly reminder that screencapping your tweet and reposting it on Yea Forums does not make it valid.
this guy pointed to an article that tried to make an allegory on current happenings with sex toys
Winnie the Pooh, tienamen etc etc
0.53% OF MY RAM!!!!!!!!!
Maybe Steam consumes so much RAM and CPU because it needs those resources for data collection?
I used to pay for games but stopped when Valve got rid of physical copies. Used to pay $50 max for a physical copy that was better than today's collector's editions, now they want me to pay for a download license. Even $.01 is too much for a download license so fuck off with BUT MUH STEAM SALES
Charging for digital distribution should be illegal and piracy should be legal
zoomers will fall for it though like they fell for chinamen keysites and then they will cry endlessly about it on the Steam forums
Seriously though, why does it need various webhelpers?
You are buying a license either way.
>but muh paperback manuals
No one cares, autist. Just admit you want free shit instead of making excuses.
this guy absolutely lost his fucking marbles, nothing he says makes sense
Chrome. It all traces back to Chrome.
>why does it need various webhelpers?
For data collection.
>more features bad
You sound really desperate.
>Do any of you not use irc, Discord or some other application for chatting?
Considering that this entire thread started with OP chimping about ram usage, why would anyone load up "irc, Discord, or some other application for chatting" and waste even more of that oh so precious memory?
bugthesda with the worst launcher. what a surprise
If neither has a subscription service then what's the point of putting it on the list
>steam collects telemetry data about what you're doing with the steam client. IT'S SPYWARE!!!!
Fuck off retard. Most, if not all the programs on your computer will do this unless you turn it off. Epic literally copy pastes all your steam data and uploads it to their servers.
You get lost on the way to ResetEra, user?
Or a loyalty program, for that matter
the hell are you doing?
You forgot the part where they assert ownership over all content you create on Steam, and openly state they use your data for advertising purposes.
If you actually read the Steam EULA and privacy agreement, it may shatter your entire worldview, NPC.
Because that list is cut down from other launchers such as Origin and Uplay.
>there are launchers with loyalty programs and subscription services
Because Chrome is a piece of shit web browser that wants all your RAM.
Are steam drones really going to try to argue over 10 MB? seriously? you have 1000 MB in a GB. 10 is nothing.
Having tons of processes doing nothing that your OS still has to manage and run occasionally does cost you, however...
Where the fuck are you going with this, honestly? First the OP got BTFO with his faggotry, now what are you angling for? I hope you get paid per post because if not then this is just not worth it.
Yes. Discord and Ubi/origin.
depends on how the windows process manager is counting them. you never know these days whether something is using 1000 B / KB or 1024 B/KB. although in the case of RAM they are likely using 1024. 1000 usually isn't used except in the case of disk storage.
its called irony shitlord and the fact that you are still triggered speaks mountains more about steam drones than my original post did.
Got another email about people trying to break into my epic games account again today. still glad I've never put my credit card on there.
I don't get why people can't accept that both services are shit, just one of them is a little bit less shit and that one is steam. GOG is the only smart way to go for any single player games and steam is what should be used for your multiplayer games until some actual competition pops up. Maybe one that actually lets you own your games instead of renting them.
Take your beloved irony and cram it up your fat, millennial ass.
>173 mb of RAM usage is an issue
>Still having only 8 gigs of RAM in the year 2049 - 30
I can run a lightweight irc client from the command line. Steam uses the chrome engine.
>muh 30%
>charges $50 for a game
>based 13%
>charges $50 for same game
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
check out the irony on this guy. a thread about steam and epic launchers and he gets to be le enlightened centrist. youre not fooling anyone with that faux-enlightened bullshit. also
>be CEO
>not only get to be part of the 0.1% wealthiest, you also get to have neets to defend your honor for hours everyday FOR FREE
I'm legit jealous, can someone say i'm the best person on earth for the next 3 hours just so i can feel like Gaben or Tim Sweeney?
>if you don't think that 10 MB of RAM is the end of the world then you are just a dumb centrist with no valid opinions!
jesus christ the state of valve drones.
>my post killed the thread
13% but 50% of all crimes
about 119 for me while in the taskbar
I just know
everyone is too busy fapping now
>that much
wat. It's not even that much opened, let alone closed in the background.
I just don't know.
epic is a bigger download size and update size
honk on brother