What makes fighting games so difficult to get into?

What makes fighting games so difficult to get into?
How would you change the usual fighting game formula to make it more accessible without dumbing it down?

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Why would you want to make them more accessible?
8 new people came to my weekly yesterday, I dont want the whole pleb to play my games, we have plenty of pool fodder.

Too late for the dumbing down

You can't change the formula without dumbing the game down. The best you can do is have a good tutorial, and provide the player with all the information they need like frame data.

>more accessible without dumbing it down
Limit combos, bring it back to Street Fighter II level where it focuses on fundamentals and single hits being a threat, rather than spending 95% of your time optimizing your combos in a training room.

Don't Smash games sell shitloads? Make something like them.

Fighting games look intimidating but they aren't as much as most would believe. A fair amount of games already sort of feature indirectly buttons combos similar to fighting games. Don't dumb things down, but teach things better. Rethink about the means of teaching if needs be: A more elaborate tutorialised story mode instead of the usual training mode crap could lead into more players actually being competent enough to not get utterly bodied if they come back months after. Create AIs with easily discernable bad habits & have the player figure out means of punishing & conditioning on a basic level by himself, instead of button mashing.

People don't like getting bashed for hours just to be good.

"Be Smash" is not a solution given how people STILL debate whether or not they count as fighting games at all.

Fucking this

I'd say from a casual stand point its hard to assess why you lost a game against a skilled opponent. Things like whiff punishing, anti airing, footsie etc. are all unfamiliar concepts. If you can't understand why you keeping on losing then you're gonna find it hard to improve. Even if you're completely new to FPS games or MOBAs you can still easily identify what is needed to win and work towards it. Fighting games are now starting to get good tutorials such as DOA 6 and GG Xrd but they're only good at explaining how to play that game in particular. For casuals there needs to be more in game tutorials that explain the concepts of fighting games more.

People thinking combos are the most important thing
Like these people. Only scrubshitters think combos are the defining thing about fighting games.

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>What makes fighting games so difficult to get into?
their 1v1 nature. this is literally the only thing that makes them hard to get into.

Personally i never would've gotten into any fighting games if combos weren't a thing. Combos are the only thing you can actually work on by yourself and actually feel improvement on.
Combos give you easy to visualize goals to work on and try to apply in games.

Smash fans are a very special niche of humanity.

It is, but only under tourneyfag rulesets which 99.9999% dont even think about

Even VS cpu most people start to get tired after 3-4 fights. Something about the intensity of the button presses makes fighting games more tiring then others.

They're kind of a black hole design-wise, though

Make no mistake, combos are a pillar of fighting games but it's not the only one which people seem to mistake it for.
>are the only thing you can actually work on by yourself
I'd say that's completely false since you practice set-ups, blockstrings, and a myriad of other things too by yourself in a functioning training mode.

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how so?

I'll give you blockstrings, because those are definitely distinct, but setups are usually a part of combos aren't they? unless i'm misunderstanding what you mean by setup.

By set-ups I mean okizeme/wake-up pressure and resets, things like that. Ideally, you'd want to fit them at the end of combos but there are other examples of things outside of combos you could work on. Putting the AI to mimic your opponent's blockstring or specific move their character has and putting them in varying order to get you used to seeing different blockstrings of their own and finding ways to poke out also exist too.
Of course, these functions in training mode probably go underutilized by actual newbies I'd imagine.

Because playing against somebody that knows what they're doing brings frustration. That's not something exclusive to fighting games eithers. Fighting games is one of the few competitive genres where everything depends on the person playing and nothing else. Nobody can back you up or carry you so if and when you screw up that adds to the frustration since you know it's your fault. It's the bitter reality of get better, play casually, or just don't bother.

>diagonal down-back
How close am I?

>Putting the AI to mimic your opponent's blockstring or specific move their character has and putting them in varying order to get you used to seeing different blockstrings of their own and finding ways to poke out also exist too.
I'd love to do this, but i tend to be unable to do even minor combos with characters i don't play. Fighting game training modes have added a lot of cool features, but i'd love to see an online recording library for the training opponent, like where people could upload their combos and blockstrings so that other people could use them to practice with.
Or even a feature that lets you load a section of inputs from a replay you've saved for the AI to use would be amazing.

>most popular thing in its category is niche

down forward

>like where people could upload their combos and blockstrings so that other people could use them to practice with.
I think BBCF had this. People could record their training mode data and upload bits of it online for other people to use.

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close, but you're probably a little off.
Techincally that's exactly the directions you move the stick in, but most people think of it as Forward, Down, Diagonal Down-Forward because those are the positions the stick ends up in.

if you think this will make it more accessible, you'd be wrong, samsho is literally this, and it won't be breaking into the mainstream. people will lose just as easily even if there are no combos

Look at a numpad
Now press 6 2 3.

So Samurai Shodown?

Watch Grandblue Fantasy drop in popularity like with any fighting game after a couple months. Fantasy Strike and Rising Thunder tried to alleviate input/execution barriers but people who can't play fighting games will always lose to people with better fundamentals and will quit the game in a heartbeat.

you have to learn what the other characters do which is a pain in the ass no matter what you change

I just hate the toxicity of the whole fighting craze and never would I feel at ease playing at a tournament knowing that there are others who are fucking gods at it already.

Like why waste the $10 in going in knowing you are just going to get shat on with no chance of even throwing a punch at the dude.

People will say git gud but I say that Fighting games are a cliche of egotiscal assholes that just like to prove one is smarter then the other.

For example. Look at this black man getting fucking shitcanned by this string bean.

No. I wouldn't play any game that encourages this. I rather play something else that is much more rewarding and less taunting of a gaming scene such as the Fighting circuit.

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Limiting combos can definitely make it more accessible, especially for some games.

For example Rising Thunder was supposed to be "Beginner friendly" to the point where they removed skill inputs. But then they implemented FADC combos, and made it so single hits did absolute trash for damage. It became completely beginner unfriendly because unless if you knew how to do FADC combos, your damage would be like a tenth of a normal opponent's. Not only that, but if they expected those people to be unable to do a DP motion, why the hell did they think they would be able to do a FADC combo?

Yet people still play the shit out of MOBAS which have a ton of characters abilities to memorize.
Then again, an overwhelming majority of people suck at that genre too.

>fgc is shit!
>posts kino
what did he mean by this?

What is fun about endless neutral? May as well just play competitive rock-paper-scissors at that point. Combos are the flair brings the whole system together.

find some way to make fighting games a team based genre so you can blame them instead of yourself and fighting games will become popular

Making it more accessible doesn't mean making it so beginners win games. It just means making beginners more interested in trying it out for longer.

If you lose, it's your own fault, you have no one to blame, so casuals hate them.

You have zero idea what was happening that lead up to that black man getting his shit kicked in. Nor are you really interested in finding out since your mind is already made up and looking for a reason.

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watching the full encounter of lgt vs. that other dude was one of the funniest fucking things. leffen laughing has ass off while 3-0ing that dude is almost as good but isn't quite as cathartic

*save fighting game genre*

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Restrict it so that professional players of the genre does NOT go up against newcomers. Even when they are smurfing with a different account. The reason why people are stop playing the game is because losing over and over is not fun.

Separating the brackets between classes from the noobish to the professionals is needed.

you don't. casual filters exist for a reason.

Say that again when it comes out. Didn't people hail DBFZ for saving fighters a year ago?

Moba players are basically rats in a maze. They forced to only do what the devs intended them to do and the meta is always what the devs intended it to be. Also it's a multiplayer. They always get an excuse when they lose.

Another reason why moba is so popular is because it's popular. One of the main reason why people get into moba is to fit in with their online friends.

>anime game
>saving anything
you bitch said this about DRAGON BALL now look at what happened.

Box a cute but shitters will leave just like every other fighter.

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I don't know if it belongs in the same category since Smash doesn't have any complex button combinations like in OP's image.

I think it's called "Arena Fighting" game.

so getting killed in a few hits by someone who's superior in neutral, and has studied your movelist and knows all the proper punishes, will make beginners more likely to continue versus getting killed in a few combos?

>wasting $10
No one goes to fighting game tournaments because they want to make money. They do it because they like playing the game.

pretty sure all fighting games have matchmaking based on skill level

Arena fighters are like all those 3D Naruto fighters or Jump Force.

Dedication. People are not dedicated enough to actually get good at something that requires real practice. They want to beat something in a an afternoon, or have the largest roadblock be a weekend at most. Getting into a FG is inherently not something you can casually do, regardless of how easy you make combos or inputs.

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Fighting games will absolutely 100% never ever be accessible.

Its simply due to how they are. There’s no rng to blame, no teammates to blame, just you and the other player. The bettet player will win.

Gamers today literally cannot handle this. Games coddle players too much and make them feel good instead of expecting players to learn and actually be good. Fighting games absolutely require understanding how the game works, and some practice, and that’s simply too much to ask for the majority of people.

How do you prevent smurfing? You cant unless a jap god is retarded enough to show his face.

If people want to mash buttons and have fun then they picked the wrong genre. If practicing and studying offends them then they can fuck off.
Fighting games by design rewards the better informed/performative player.

only mexican said that
DBFZ is a 3v3 tags MvC style games so a lot of people already turned off by that
according to the dev they are trying to minimize the combo and juggle and make the game more similar to SF than other Arcs game like BB or GG

I just hope they add cag and vampy in the game too

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Nobody is saying you can't have your autismo mode "casual filters" living alongside fighting games that are more approachable by newbies.

I don't know man. Doing fireball and dp motions are lot easier than wavedashing or i canceling or whatever autistic shit you do in smash. Doing low forward to hadoken is about as easy as down throw to up air. I really don't understand how so many people have trouble with inputs.

nah people will find the way to make it not their fault
>fraud character
>cheap tactic
>no honor
>its not fun playing that way

yeah so what's the point in making a game neutral focused or combo focused in terms of making it more accessible for beginners; the beginners who quit after losing because they didn't put in the time will quit regardless of what the game's design focus is.

If you are going out to events and majors you are already not a fucking casual anymore.

A new player who doesn't have to think about combo execution can devote 100% of their time/focus to the fundamentals of the game. They will still lose, but they'll reach a competitive level much easier.


Oh, I wasn't the guy you were arguing with, I was just chiming in for a point.

its not the same since its a team game and the individual is not as important as the combination is and you have a sandbox you are playing in instead of 1v1 small arena with everything already set

Nah not really. A good 3/4ths or a half of people playing in tournies are usually mediocre. They're the type of people I ask myself when perfecting them about how they wasted 10 dollars in competing in a game they're shit at but at that point it's because they like the game.

Just started SFV as my first game, seems pretty fun. Got to silver after about a month, slowly growing.

Why do they need to be saved exactly? Learning my character has been easy.

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But casual filters in fighting game is the opponents. Even if you complete got rid of command inputs at the end of the day there will be someone who'll kick your ass.

These people are just scared to lose and don't want to admit that. Input motions are just an excuse.

>if you are going out to events and majors you are already not a fucking casual anymore.

FtFy. You are still a filthy casual when you go to these events and only then when you can beat everyone else in Mortal Combat when you can not have the title" Casual" placed upon you. If someone beats you in the game. You are a fucking casual mate.


You don't like them because you've already made up you mind not to put in effort. And if you think the Fgc is egotistical I hope you don't get exposed to those cucks that play shit like Overwatch competitively. They REALLY have a God Complex.

Kind of this. Though I feel with how fighting games have been designed to force rps situations more, that could be considered "accessiblility".

SFV is a party game.

Cute. CUTE.

Thats a different issue. Most of the FGC sucks, how shocking. Thing is, those guys know they suck, still come out and try to improve and are showing continued interest in their game. Thats by definition no longer a casual approach to the game.

I legitimately have no idea what you are attempting to say.

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They dont need to be saved. People just need to learn to put time into the genre if they really care about being competent.

>Thats by definition no longer a casual approach to the game.
I guess you're right in that respect. I just tend to throw casual and shitter in the same breadth

Well what the fuck is a samurai showdown? Literally the first time I've ever heard of it was when they announced the Evo lineup.

I'd love if they did this with SF6. And fire Woshige.

>but samsho
Samsho has always had a bunch of mechanics tho. Imo the amount of mechanics is as beginner unfriendly as the need for combos to do damage in modern fighting games.

There has been a constant stream of people like you getting into fighting games for, by now, decades. But they are anime fighting game players.

>Why do they need to be saved exactly?
FG as a whole are doing pretty alright. SF isn't doing well, because SFV is bad,

Shit's old as hell

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I tried getting into SFIV and MvC3 a decade ago but was so intimidated by FADCs in the former and the crazy combos in the latter I have up quickly.

Now that I'm too old to have a competetive reaction time, I tried getting into Under Night with a friend and I'm having a blast and sticking with it. I hate to parrot something as meaningless as "it's fun with friends" but I think having even just one person at your level that's as dedicated as your are to learning it makes a world of difference. Fighting games almost can't work well online without a massive player base to overcome skill differences and latency and atomized gaming culture doesn't otherwise create conditions where people are interested in learning.

Reactions can be trained mate. Even with age. If you lost them entirely, knowing situations and being knowledgeable about options more then makes up for it.
Also if you are playing 2d games chances are nothing in game is actually reactable in the first place, its just reflex action with something you were going to do regardless of what you actually saw.

How do you explain battle royales and fps's being so popular?

You're an outsider looking in and it shows. The FGC isn't a community that outright rejects people who want to get better or just have a good time. Play your game and show respect and you'll get respect in turn. That goes for any community though obviously there's outliers to this policy. Honestly playing fighting games with others, whether it be in a tournament, anime convention, or even at the local bar, is some of the most fun I have. Never has anybody showboat or gloat over me or others because they were better, it's literally nothing but smiles, laughs, handshakes, and good times overall. Don't take my word for it though, go experience it yourself before you show prejudice against something you've never participated in.

You dont need to actually try to actively improve to see a win. Running around a map and killing one dude who didnt see you is typically enough.
You dont see people booting up the map and breaking down spawn points, good site lines, typical spots for the circle to close at the end of the game, they just play and casually get better at shooting.

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>Pointing and clicking isn't as hard as precise button mashing (competitive CS skills aren't required to have fun)
>Battle Royale involves a lot of luck
>Blame my ping or framerate if I die (legitimate excuse)

They were never difficult to begin with. They're video games. If you ever found them difficult, you're just an invalid. Simple as.

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>Games coddle players too much and make them feel good instead of expecting players to learn and actually be good.
>they just play and get better at shooting.
Pick one

its an old fighting game series that's been dormant, by SNK, who do kof

>(competitive CS skills aren't required to have fun)
Competitive fighting game skills aren't required to have fun either

>Active improvement
>Passive improvement
It's not a pick. One requires additional effort. The other does not.

the new samsho doesn't have a lot of mechanics though, other than the meter

Controls are beyond retarded for a genre that couldn't be more boring.

Being able to fireball and DP motions doesn't really mean anything in most fighting games, because then it quickly evolves to how to do a command motion knockup(like a DP sometimes) into a neutral kick/punch(like a 5A, 5B), fireball, dash C at the right frame to continue a juggle into a jump cancel and so on. Like what is considered bread and butter and a staple for mediocre play in a fighting game is still relatively hard because you have to do it consistently and have these combos in your head so you can route them in a real match.

Like you might know how to do a certain juggle combo but you might not be able to get the optimal setup so you have to know how to alter the combo from landing a 5B instead of something like a 6C

>Controls are beyond retarded
Do you have cerebral palsy?

Have fun getting shot at you tournament goers.
When someone's salt levels went fever peak

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Yeah about that.....
Not even a valid excuse

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>The red sight just a few moments before the camera fades

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A lot of the important shit you need to know about fighting games is not readily apparent from visuals alone. Hitboxes are often wildly different from visual cues for balancing reasons. Frame data can be difficult to ascertain at a glance and from a newcomer's perspective, someone who hasn't even heard of "frame data" before let alone knows what it is, there's typically nothing in-game that clues them in on it. Common fundamental basics of play like high/low/throw mixups, tick throws, anti-air normals, advantage/disadvantage/neutral situations, even the very basics of space control and footsies can be hard to grasp between the obfuscation of mechanics and a control scheme unlike any other genre with a physical execution barrier to entry. Then you add on to that how the genre has basically just been continuously piling on mechanical complexity on the same fundamentals every since SF2, to the point where now the bulk of every roster in most modern fighting games is hyper specialized characters, and mix in the esports phenomenon where most newcomers will be attracted to the game by seeing footage of high level play but then pick it up and not get anything even slightly resembling that and it's no wonder they all drop it.
More than any of that, though, is the fact that improving at fighting games takes a fucking TON of investment APART from playing the game itself. You've got to go into training mode and practice setups just to figure out possibly answers to whatever is blowing you up at any given moment, review match footage of yourself and other people to learn things you wouldn't find out yourself, consult a bunch of out-of-game resources since the game itself probably gives you jack shit for learning material. It is through and through a genre for dedicated, invested, hardcore fans. I don't think you can really get casuals into fighting games without making them something entirely different a la Smash.

Broly is too based

I was about to post about this

Its knowledge. It has always been knowledge. I guarantee you that simplifying the moveset down does not help a newcomer understand what to do in a second to second decision. They want to push buttons and refuse to grasp how patience is key and blocking is vital. IF they get that down, then they'll be bored because of the limited options in the neutral.

Why do you guys think MOBA and Team shooters are so popular? You have something else to blame things on but yourself. With Battle Royale you can just blame bad luck.

The top games pander to their whiny insecure fanbase and this nets them more people. You can make fighting games more accessible but they'll never be as popular because it hurts to lose with no one but yourself to blame.

But maybe I'm wrong who knows?

No matter what you do, slow reaction people and people without any real interest will still lose eventually. And after the loss, they will an article about how unfair the game is and how hard is for "new players" (an excuse to deflect their own limitations) to enter the game and the genre itself. It's like trying to appeal Cancer ignoring the fact that cancer will circl around and find some other problematic content.

This means jack shit if the newcomer refuses to learn why they're playing wrong. The problem has always been, in terms of entry, the arrogance of a newcomer thinking they do not need to learn and that the game should play itself for them.

Effort. Even a game with the most helpful tutorial can still get screwed over by someone not committed to learn how to get better due to losing one too many times or just not feeling the genre.
Casuals can just play casual matches locally. That's how it always worked.
Give a good and informative tutorial and practise room data with so many options on what to display (frame data, stun count, hitboxes, recording actions etc) for those who want to learn, but you can't force them to use it.

If people don't want to learn then they shouldn't play this genre. No amount of autocombos or easier inputs will change anything.

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>increase pushback
>less setplay
>bring back invincible reversals
>fast walkspeeds
>less counterhit reversals
>good pokes
>no priority system
>playstyle diversity - zoners/shotos/rushdown/pokers/grapplers instead of "get in your face and do a plusframe move"
>tutorials that don't just focus on combos but teach you fundamentals, i.e. having an ai that just throws fireballs and dps and you need to jump in at the right time, or whiff punish an ai's sweep

basically the good things about older FGs without the jank and shitty balance, which is the neutral focus

New players don't struggle to do DPs after a couple hours, they struggle and get frustrated with anime style pressure/coinflip oki and getting shitted on by setplay instead of learning the neutral game.

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counterhit rewards* not reversals

So basically ST HDR but with a new coat of paint ft. GGPO?

You just wanted to post a video of LTG as if somehow he reps the entirety of the community. He doesn't even represent the fun part of thuggery.

Doesn't help that places like the tournaments he posted breed mass murderers.

ST HDR was a bad game from a pretentious retard that added incredibly dumb shit like giving t.hawk snk grappler motions, making dictator's headstomp invincible (because david basedlin was a bison main), and also looked fucking hideous.

I think if someone were to make a new game, you could go with more characters, longer combos, 2 button throws, normals that have different stun on block and on hit (so you don't get stupid shit like chun +10 5mp) and a little more lenient inputs than ST.

Can you post some of these mass murderers from fighting game tournaments?

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People never watch the full set between Viscant and LTG because of this fucking lazy summary and its sad. Vis plays like a fucking god and downloads him and its such a treat.

Bitch, you're going to have to fight them at some point. Can't imagine you thinking like this with SC6, where its small enough now that you run into LITERAL EVO CHAMPIONS and get blown up on their stream. Its just a fact of life with the genre. Get blasted, see what the guy did and learn from it, like what the fuck is the fuss about?


You are literally the kid in these videos

Don't be a fucking asshole. Game's got faults but if its his first, it'll do.

As a scrub who plays on easy it's because they never teach common competitive tactics across fighting games (not finesses and unique systems of each game) and how to move / dodge, when to attack etc. I'm not gonna lose 15000 fights just so I can get the feel of what to do and when and still be beginner noob tier

Fighting games are the most social genre and the death of arcades has always made me miss them because online just lacks that fucking soul. They are meant to be played with people in person with physical contact. Not that I'm hating on online too much but matchmaking obviously has its drawbacks.

Senpai, most people spend time at locals to grind out casuals in a LAN environment and occasionally go into the tournaments these local places offer. There really isn't that much salt unless you go into the tourneys which is just for the experience of it or making the step from intermediate to expert

People lack spaghetti spilling management. It's okay to die quickly when you fuck up like in shooters where you die relatively quick. In fighting games most people fuck up once, panic, then spiral into assrape and it hurts their feelings.

you can't

How the fuck do you have zoners and less setplay

Ok answer me this, am I suppose to input the stick movement before the button press, or what's the most optimal way to perform the action?

This is why I play anime fighters because even when I'm getting bodied like no tomorrow, it happens from cool looking combos and supers that I get to watch

>Down/Forward plus Punch

But you will lose a lot as opposed to breaking even in an FPS match with more then 1 opponent.

Z shape with stick / analog =


don’t let the stick go neutral

Not sure what you mean by this?

KI, BBCF. GGXrd Rev2 and UNIST all have fundamentals implemented into their long and informative tutorial sections.

You can also likely watch a primer on that stuff on YouTube if you really cared to learn technical stuff.


Fighting games require a great deal of manual dexterity, matchup knowledge, execution, and fast reflexes. They're incredibly demanding each round with little time to relax and gather your thoughts. You also need to be able to modify your strategy on a dime while analyzing your opponent's for weaknesses. Each of these things exist in other games to varying degrees but fighting games required a high degree of skill in each and mash them all together in short, tense rounds. People argue about this all the time "RTS needs good analyzing capabilities" and "FPS needs fast reflexes" but what makes FGs unique is that they need them all and need them all right now. There's simply no reprieve in a fighting game match and thre's little you can do to avoid pressure from an opponent.

>How would you change the usual fighting game formula to make it more accessible without dumbing it down?

That is impossible. You need to dumb it down to make it more accessible. Whether devs should or shouldn't is a different question entirely

You don't, fighting games aren't hard to get into, this is a misconception by people who don't play them or never got far with them, even with a game that doesn't have many players, most of the community is generally pretty supportive of new players and would even show them the ropes. The biggest issue with new players is a lot of the concepts that come with the genre seem daunting to someone who might not have experience with them. The biggest thing about getting into fighting games is community, and communicating with fellow players.

Anything that tries to play like smash is called a smash clone and left to die

so do you press 3 and punch at the same time, or 3 then punch?

3 and punch at the same time

Thready reminder that a dog can do specials in fighting games, yet wh*toids can't.

Attached: SFV a dog doing a fireball.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

It can depend on the game and how strict it's inputs are. Some games are pretty lenient on their inputs while others will require precise presses and won't register if it's a bit off.

It takes a bunch of time to figure out how to play the game competently, with varying levels of "how the fuck do I do this?" if you can't into frame data.

Then when you want to talk about fighting games or listen to others talk about it you start hearing shit about rekkas, fuzzies, meaties, TK (insert command move here), FADC, and realise there is also a large language you have to consume as well to discuss the game

But in reality, it's not that different than learning shit about MOBAs like League where it takes a while before you can even understand what's going on and that game has a larger community than the FGC so who knows what it really is. Maybe its just harder to get competent at fighting games (understanding what's going on without necessarily being able to pull it off yourself) than it is to achieve it in shit like LoL

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my problem with fighting games is that the skill floor is too high. in other competitive games if you're shit you can play against other shit players and still feel like you're basically playing the game, but in fighting games if you're shit you just get frustrated because there are so many things that are easy to do but hard to deal with if you don't have good mechanics. things like projectile spam or even just holding back and mashing dp aren't an issue when you know what you're doing, but it takes hours of practice just to get to that point.

100% correct.
people pretend that they are difficult bcs there isnt a fkn do X/3 shit kind of formular that keeps their rat brains hooked

It doesn't matter how "accessible" you make it. Fighting games are one of the genres that everything happens because you let it happen. And the vaaaaaast majority of people would rather have the instant gratification of other genres. There's no ease in to a match like rts, where the first 2 minutes is you building up choosing a strategy. There's no team mates you can put blame on. There's only you, in a match, and right away you have to go. Any failings that happen are because of yourself. It's why rising thunder still failed despite the fact that there was no entry of barrier.

That being said I don't have fun with fightan gaems because I don't want to put the time in to get good.

I played RT, but the FADC wasn't the problem, it was the fact that the game was so link heavy, it legitimately had 1/2 frame links for good damage. If you could simply buffer your inputs, that's fine, but the fact that I couldn't actually convert if I my combos weren't baked into me didn't actually remove a large barrier of entry.

When why do all the Smash clones fail?

>Even if you're completely new to FPS games or MOBAs you can still easily identify what is needed to win and work towards it
I don't know about that. I played LoL for 3 hours and didn't really understand why I wasn't putting up the numbers I needed to.

What Smash clones?

Rivals of Aether, Slap City, Icons: Combat Arena, Brawlhalla, Brawlout, etc.


And of course the one that's too obvious to even remember: Playstation All-Stars Whatever-It-Was-Called

>There's no ease in to a match like rts, where the first 2 minutes is you building up choosing a strategy
Have you literally never played an RTS?

That wasn't a Smash clone, though.