Why would anyone play Granblue Fantasy?

Why would anyone play Granblue Fantasy?

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I need to fuck a potato

A what?

a short, fat blobby piece of sex

I wish that was me

Is the fighting game out yet?

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What are you saying user?

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i'd treat her womb like an adult's

watch out for the janny

holy shit I need to inseminate this thing

I like this because it's flat chested
I do not like boobs

You can't do that! She's a proud knight!

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No but they're showcasing it at one of their mini fest this month iirc

For the c...
I can't say it, Yea Forums.

I love cute and funny posts

There's a reason the loli board doesn't exist anymore.

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I would add my own special condiment to that potato, if you know what I mean.

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I dream of licking cunny.

I'm getting Versus for this potato

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cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny

I doubt she'll have any complaints or pride after bulging her stomach and ahegao'ing her and then cumming all over crown

this is now a cute and funny thread!

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potatoes are fucking disgusting

Because moot is a cuck

Filling Box with cock!

The absolute madman.


Charlotta is an adult!

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Me too dude.

Stop eating them raw

>no potato gf wife

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Both are fine desu

I don't know what you mean.

I want to mash this potato!!


I'm a lolicon myself, but toddlercons are fucking sick. I can't even conceive how to have sex with that thing

I'm sick of viewing women as objects. Just once I'd like to be loved back.

I can't wait for the fighting game lads.

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Sour cream


Benis in cute and funny

there there user


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she looks like the kind of girl that likes to sit on the laps of strangers to be cuddles.


I hope you all get locked up

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Potatoes aren't loli. Yaia is loli.

But Box is an adult

Pathetic degenerate.

I read that as knocked up and was confused for a moment.


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I'll knock you up, you dirty user you.

I only have SR cock, officer.

>like her as character
>even respect her as knight
>cant get hard on this
>cant stand the idea of lewding her
>see this
>involuntary rockhard
What the hell i supposed to do?

I didn't do anything, Officer.


Why contain it?

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>Google it
>It's a mediocre looking Gacha game
I like Gacha but this one doesn't look very good.

B-ut is wrong

Anons whatever you're thinking. STOP.
You'll hurt the potater.

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oh fuck the jannies overlooked the thread, I can jack off in peace

I'm just waiting for the fighter desu

Make mashed potatoes


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She asked me to do it

healthy potato

all the way up and past her belly button

I think it has its draw.

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The whole world is wrong user, you can't fight it.

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