Myself buy risk for rain 2, to the what fuck is upon taking this huge nova this wandering vagrant shits fire outward...

Myself buy risk for rain 2, to the what fuck is upon taking this huge nova this wandering vagrant shits fire outward? myself with able to't fucking dodge it don't matter with a method hard myself tried
it impossible once loop backward the to first level

Attached: riskofrain2.jpg (1000x563, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:!THgDFKzL!jnp8taGvY0EnHbtPVVKyZUywaFb2yTspbEnyciDppv4


Attached: Engineer.png (737x513, 426K)

mfw it's not an Outward thread

Attached: 20190409094410_1.jpg (1920x1200, 372K)

Are you some kind of creole bog person or some shit?

No fuck off, I don't want to buy any duct cleaning services, I rent an apartment on the 12th floor, don't call back.

Hurts a little bit.

Attached: 1554483189315.png (599x1000, 197K)

>not practicing pyromancy with your inbred cousin sisters in the Great Swamp

Attached: 1533898255119.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Attached: what did he mean by this.png (1299x210, 264K)

its a field that expands and then detonates

jump behind a rock so you're not in line of sight of the blasted jellyfish my dude

then it doesnt hurt you when it goes off

meesa no good at play risky rainies, big bossa.

Attached: Jar_Jar_SWSB.png (480x615, 585K)


its a shitty move thats a death sentence if the teleporter is in an open area. unless you play off glass in which case you're retarded

Third world english is cute

Attached: hl4378vmo7r21.jpg (640x720, 42K)

>take a screenshot for finally getting the crab achievement

Attached: 20190410140729_1.jpg (2560x1440, 434K)

>not just going somewhere where there is cover
tiny brain you've got there

I didn't realize this was a ylyl thread.

>in an open area

holy FUCK I got a good laugh out of that

Attached: 1547185405531.gif (339x278, 2.95M)

so just go somewhere where it's not open

acrid when

Attached: acrid.png (823x887, 145K)

hopoop where is my bandit

modded host when

cool now i will be punished in later stages for leaving the teleporter zone and taking to long.

just download mod, user

Then play merc and time your R move so that you're invincible during the explosion.

Or, stop whining and deal with it.

1989 Tiananmen Square


never ever ;,,;

>stop pointing out problems with the game

that's the way the game goes
sometimes it fucks you with what items you get
sometimes it fucks you with and where enemies spawn
sometimes it fucks you with where the teleporter is

up to you to learn to adapt to the shit the game throws at you.
If you don't want RNG, just run seeded maps

English motherfucker do you speak it?

>i'm an idiot and I don't want to have to put in literally two seconds of effort so it's the games fault
okay bro

Hopefully soon, I need my toxic boy and enforcer back.

>ad hominem
>calls me an idiot

why do people pretend this game requires skill then?

Is the problem with the game that you have to be awake while playing it?

>punishes player for forcing them to leave the zone they are required to be in

how is this okay? i dont understand

>waa waa no way to avoid the jellyfish attack
>just go behind cover
>but there is no cover
>then move to where there is some cover beforehand
>but then I lose time
>then play a character that doesn't need cover
>but I don't want to play that
>then tank it since you literally can't die to it if you're full health
>but I'm not full health because I just got hit
>then don't get hit before hand if you expect to have to tank a jellyfish explosion
>but it's unavoidable
>then pay more attention to your surroundings
>but then I take more time

boo fucking hoo do you have a fucking excuse for everything?

>why do people pretend this game requires skill then?
because the skill comes from dealing with the various situations the game gives you.

If you played chess against someone, and they always made the exact same string of moves, the game wouldn't be hard and within like an hour you would win every time with 0 effort & 0 skill involved

It requires skill to adapt. Are you dense?

I have nine fuel cells. My two current equipment options are drones and disposable missiles. I'm playing engi, about to finish my 20th stage. Which of those two items should I take?

There's no ad hominem, I'm just repeating what you -actually- said. It's not the games problem if you refuse to adapt. I've never fought a jellyfish in an area with literally zero cover. All you need something to put between you and it, doesn't even need to be the size of your body. Just basic cover. Or you can use any one of the movement abilities that every character but two has.

OR if you're playing one of the two characters that doesn't have it, you won't be close enough for the bubble to be an issue.
but let's be real, you're just going to continue to cry in this thread like you did in the last thread. You keep getting btfo and proven wrong, and you'll keep bitching and moaning. So either you're lonely or you have a mental issue.

Attached: Aww fuck.gif (400x265, 2M)


It's a roguelike. RNG is part of the game. Bad luck is part of the game. Some runs aren't going to be successful. Some runs are going to have hurdles that other ones aren't going to have. That is the nature of the genre. It's not a problem with the game, it's part of the DNA of the type of game that RoR is. It's okay not to like it, but if you don't understand the basic conceit that some runs go bad no matter what you do, it's simply not the game for you.

more bungus


Attached: 1554430315009.jpg (1200x1600, 116K)

adapt to what? the game throwing situations at me that will punish me down the line?

but punishing the player for something the game forced you to do is bad design, you can adapt to it but you are being punished for something outside of your control.

It won't punish you if you learn to overcome them you fucking drizzle shitter.

add homo
One tablespoon of you turns the whole soup gay.

Attached: 1554241036818.png (902x1061, 27K)

>but punishing the player for something the game forced you to do is bad design, you can adapt to it but you are being punished for something outside of your control.
the game didn't force you to do anything

see there's 50 different options on what you should do

Name more fun game that came out in 2019.

Attached: screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 504K)

What character are you playing?

Well I posted this image too late in the last thread

Attached: Lewdtress.png (679x763, 439K)

>bring up issue i have
>get insulted

>have to find cover
>no cover in the teleporter charge
>leave teleporter
>now take longer to get to next stage and enemies are harder

thats being punished

>overcoming a challenge is bad game design
>i don't want to do it so its bad
This is not the genre for you if you unironically believe this.
I'll just reiterate that there's not a single area in the game with no way to deal with the jellyfish. The jellyfish is ALMOST the easiest boss in the game. You walk away for 2 seconds and stand behind a twig, or you dodge it, or you weave in and out of the circle. Waiting in the teleporter circle is probably the least challenging aspect of the game and it's perfectly okay to fight outside it until you kill a boss. The 'time' stops mattering 30 minutes into the game.

Drones. They do comparable damage and also distract enemies by giving them more targets to shoot at.

I am , where did I insult you?

continue reading the post

i quoted another post i didnt mean to in my previous post, that wasnt directed at you

You're getting insulted because you're whining about difficulty due to you being functionally inept at a video game. You are the equivalent of people bitching for an easy mode in Sekiro. If you cannot overcome the games obstacles, that is on you, not the game.


stop giving him (you)s fuckers

Taking an extra minute to kill a boss is a better alternative to dying, idiot. Just suck it up and leave the teleporter.

>act like a whiny child
>try to act indignant when called out despite being demonstrably wrong on almost all accounts

i am bringing up the topic, not whining. i dont understand why people in these threads get so hostile when someone has a problem. i even got called someone else from the previous thread.

you guys are just sort of annoying

>why game hard
>>cause ur doing it wrong
>waaah muh fee-fees! the gaym needs ezmode!! i am a high ranking games reviewer and journalist!!!
no, it's fun to watch the idiot try to argue his (lack of) point

Attached: Engi Gervais show.jpg (1344x524, 125K)

Because it's not a problem. You are simply BAD AT THE GAME.

>bads can't into game
>disregard it as "bad design"
man, I miss the time when not every faggot wimp considered himself to be some kind of master connoisseur and critic of everything
youtube was such a mistake

How did you muster the pacience/autism for this, teach me your ways

>do you have a fucking excuse for everything?
Shitters usually do.

Attached: 1554712942961.png (720x405, 437K)

what is that image and why does it exist

but then everything is impossible to kill past 35 minutes.

i dont get why these threads are full of hostile people who get mad when someone has a problem with the game.

You don't have a topic. Your point is 'I am too lazy/too dumb to figure out how to adapt therefore the game is bad'. No one cares and you should expect to get laughed at when your entire argument is you don't want to have to do something that you need to do in order to progress.

The only punishment the game has is death. If you choose to get greedy and try to stay in the teleporter circle when you don't have the resorces or resourcefulness to survive there, you get punished with death. The game does not demand you stay in the circle if you don't think you can survive there.

To get the achievement? I never really did them intentionally until the very last 3 or so, I made progress since I do a lot of runs.

>crying about being insulted
>on Yea Forums
Go back to whatever crybaby hugbox you're from.

Attached: 1554349078345.jpg (229x71, 6K)

why do you guys get so mad when someone has an issue? cant you guys just calm down?

This thread brought be back.

Attached: HasANyone.jpg (711x400, 48K)

Stop feeding the troll retards
either he's pretending to be retarded for epic lulz or he's legitimately autistic and is mentally incapable of understanding why he's wrong

Attached: 1532134127272.jpg (640x628, 62K)

>everything is impossible to kill
>regular people are getting so far into the game, the game stops spawning enemies due to how it skips spawns of unchallenging mobs
You're actually bad holy shit

It's not in a single game. It can be done over the course of dozens and dozens of game. Here's how I did it
>after first loop they spawn in the first stage (roost/plains)
>one is near the edge, walk over and shoo it off
>if more spawn in convenient spots and it doesn't waste my time, run over to them and shoo em off
Rinse and repeat over the course of a few dozen runs and you're golden.

you mean like this one? everyone got mad at me. sounds like a hugbox to me.

I keep seeing arts of big asses of that character.
Is there thicc asses in this game or just fanart stuff?

na monsoon vanilla

it's the ricky gervais show but with ror1 characters
because memes thats why

Attached: 1554886423435.png (650x663, 419K)

That describes about 99% of Yea Forums, you realize.

>y-y-you're just m-mad
Whatever you say, brother. I'm absolutely furious at your genuinely pathetic incompetence that is getting btfo by almost the entire population of the thread.


sorry im not lucky enough to get the drops that let me go on 2 hour runs.

>Taking an extra minute
>past 35 minutes
well there's your problem, mr shitter. you equate one minute time loss to a mistake that will 100% end the run in the future

It already has easy mode. Its just you still eventually die.

A hugbox would be everyone giving you asspats and calling you brave for playing on drizzle and being frustrated 35 minutes in.
You can't even use your own terminology right. Not a single person in this thread agrees with you, on anything.

We're not mad at you, we're just disappointed.

Attached: 1554115859889.png (675x816, 569K)

yeah, this echochamber blew up when someone had anything bad to say.

stay mad

How the fuck do I not get btfo by those fucking worms later in the run as merc? Everytime I run into an overloading one it just slaps my shit.

Attached: 1551587004948.png (864x566, 16K)

the girl's asses are, indeed, thicc

Oh, so you are actually trolling and not just autistic. Okay. Last (You) from me, Have fun.

i get it

why is merc objectively the most fun character

Attached: 1554930660001.png (630x432, 326K)

What answer were you hoping for? You complained about something, other people explained how to overcome it, you said "no. it's bad because I don't want to do any of those things" and when people got annoyed, you started pulling this weak dog 'why's everybody here so mean ;_;" garbage.

Do you think Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is a bad game because they make you stay on the skateboard?

no but you're all jerking each other off and getting mad at me

you seem pretty mad.

I think the best strategy is to have high ground and run away constantly. You don't want to be anywhere near the worm.

>bring up facts
>get bombarded by angry autists

rorfags are the worst

>If nobody agrees with my retarded opinion, they must be circlejerking
Fuck yourself retard.

>same insults every single post
>moves goalposts after getting shot down
>thinks his criticisms of 'i dont know how to play' is 'something bad'
Whatever you say, brother.

Attached: 1501006988067.jpg (976x772, 70K)

>complain we're too rude to you
>turn around 180 & say it's a hugbox
big laf
bonus points for u

Wow, impossible? I guess anyone who got The Long Road must have imagined it.

If you pick the right items at shop terminals and know how to manage risk 95% of games can be taken to 60+ minutes. Not that it even really matters since there's no ending. The joy of the game is just seeing how far you can push yourself this time, knowing you'll probably fail eventually, but trying to defy death all the same. Failure is literally inevitavle since victory is impossible. If you can't accept failure ror is not the game for you.

Yeah it's fun.
Except when you have to kill a flying boss, fuck that shit.


low effort

as merc you gotta build both close range stims/speed/crit/etc. AND long range 'missile equipment + fuel cells + (optionally) the lunar helix thingamajig' combo

>this guy again
just stop replying with or without (You)'s you god damn fags
it's pretty much clear he just wants to rile shit up

don't know, why does this image exist?

Attached: risky hill.png (640x473, 14K)

seething circlejerk, stay mad

get the mod


im running a fever today and cant focus on anything

>still the same insult
>still doesn't have a point
>still getting destroyed
based retard-kun

Don't you have homework to do, kid?


that doesn't excuse the 5% to indulge the 95%
He's either troll being feed or someone with mental disability who is literally incapable of comprehending why's he wrong
either way stop replying

The ideal method is to have knives and other proc items and stay as far away from the worm as possible

Is that why that post is so stupid? if so, go get some rest

>theyre still furious

flying bosses are incredibly easy though since he can dash 3 times if he hits and his R has a low cooldown
plus double jump and his right click can keep you in the air long enough to wait out any cooldowns on other skills
and his dash can actually knock the wandering vagrant and greater wisps to the ground


im gonna lay down in a bit but this has been fun, thanks user

>mass replying to different posts
i think the modern word i should use now is "cope" but it's too mean for a cute lil retard like you

Attached: cute bait.png (752x749, 25K)

lol u mad?

Attached: 1554158371722.png (403x245, 19K)

>but with ror1 characters
I mean, all 3 of those duders are in RoR2 as well (which is a godsend actually, they're definitely the 3 male ones that should've gotten in first).

>u r mad cuz I say u r
>i am definitely not mad after getting repeatedly destroyed
based retard

mad lol

it worked didnt it?

>you shoot this alien fella, and money Pops out
>bit weird innit?

user, you don't have to keep responding to try to save face. You can just leave and no one will notice. At the end of the day you're the only one who will remember what you posted here.

>not wanting to bully the mentally disabled until they finally kill themselves


absolutely based local retard keeping comfy ror2 threads bumped up and healthy

Attached: 1554556380013.png (3200x3200, 1.31M)

Know what else is healthy?

their depictions are based on how they appeared in ror1, not 2
for example, engi's pauldron-cannons are now over-the-shoulder in 2
that's all i got, but i do know that the pic was made in the time of ror1 and not 2.
have some more classic memes

Attached: stop staring.png (1500x500, 106K)

Unironically Based and Retardpilled

Attached: 1527574491265.jpg (1280x1280, 158K)

>come go ror thread
>see dumb shit talking
is it time to move to /vg/
the quality of ror threads has declined lately

You are a litterally fucking worthless waste of sperm. Off yourself maggot

Hey man, no need to take it out on us if you had a rough day at school. Want to talk about it? Classes got you down?

We know it was you doing it just to make this post.

requesting that pic with Artificer and the new stone titans, bonus points for wet see-through labcoat shirt
pic semi related as reference

Attached: artificer titties.png (749x864, 122K)

>not since waifufags went out of control and 80% of the thread is lewds and huntress art
jogs the ol nog

Please stop replying to him. You don't need to save face and win arguments on an anonymous imageboard. I promise, none of you look cool right now.


I desperately want Loader, or at least a heavy melee character that isn't HAN-Djob. Never particularly cared for his kit.

just stop being so mad lol

you're gonna post some fat fetish shit aren't you?

Based huntress poster with the great opinions.

Attached: 1554840127134.jpg (1250x560, 495K)


It wont do shit as long as it doesnt dive directly on top of you. Watch its movement and use eviscerate as its going up/down. Dash if you need to but the length of eviscerate's i frames and the worms speed means it will usually leave your space before it can actually damage you.

i keep playing commando

gimme a suggestion for my next run (monsoon, glass, sacrifice) once i finish forcing these crabs to an hero

Attached: 1554409356902.png (500x224, 15K)

fucking nice

Attached: ahaha.png (1434x1434, 130K)

I’m not fucking mad worthless scum

You're creatively bankrupt and your trolling has fallen flat. I will welcome the free (you), in which you will call me and several other people mad again. You are nothing but a little robot, dancing to the strings we pull.

hi im madanon

arent me. i was only pretending to be retarded because i have a fever.

bandit is the best character

ill remember u user

Do a run without picking up healing items of any kind

tiananmen square massacre

fucking nice too

Attached: what did you do.png (800x1001, 373K)

>hi im madanon
Can't be. I'm madanon!

Oof, I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? It is pretty obvious, though. Only losers like us go to Yea Forums so you probably get bullied all the time.

lmao absolutely seething

>We know it was you doing it just to make this post.
that was literally my first post in this thread dingus, I even popped the unique posters number by 1


>Can't be. I'm madanon!
Uh, no sweaty. I'm madanon. Please do not attempt to roleplay as me.

desu i meant who to play as but im down to try that

i am unironically madanon

this dude is correct

If that were true your post 4chanx would have included the new unique ip count on your post, which it didn't.

Attached: kill me.png (342x129, 76K)

please dont tarnish my legacy of destroying two ror threads

thats funny because i have been the one posting absolute jack shit in these threads. and that guy is definitely not me

Anyone got the mega for the artificer model without the skirt and jetpack?

fellas, theres only room for one madanon here

I feel like that autistic mexcan touhou fag is behind this

Attached: 1518658514655.jpg (465x695, 27K)

its me i promise!!!

Attached: madanon.png (337x95, 4K)

There go those goalposts

Wait... Hear me out.
What if... we're ALL madanon?

Attached: f83.gif (326x254, 2.18M)

Or both of them are retarded and/or otherwise mentally disabled. Hint: they're all retards. This place is Dunning-Kruger central.

Anyone want to PATHETIC this image?

Attached: pathetic.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

There can only be one!

Attached: 1554668683000.png (1000x976, 31K)

modded us east

Attached: Gn4d9W.png (1280x1811, 738K)

there is no time for football here.

Your posts have absolutely no control over my current emotions. You are nothing but a worthless shitposter on the ass end of the internet on one of the worst boards on Yea Forums. Your posts have no value and you are wasting your life ruining a risk of rain thread with banal, worthless posts that add nothing to the conservation.

There is plenty of time to put my foot on your balls!

Attached: 1554747821650.png (1000x1253, 466K)

but it is you who is the pathetic one, drizzlet

this dude sounds fucking furious

Also, got so much done this run

Attached: logs.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

what did he mean by this?

Looks like the Gasoline explosion.

Your rain has no risk!

Attached: 1554724438573.png (2000x2000, 59K)

this is 4channel you double-cancer

NA east vanilla


youre a dirzzlet if you play the game

cant be if i fucked your mom

I did it in like 30 seconds on an online editor, sorry if it's shit

Attached: pathetic.jpg (754x754, 71K)

Don't leave it until last. Work on beating other challenges and kill one or two crabs whenever you loop back to the first level in the meantime.

His mom is a dude

Attached: 1554761649909.png (597x454, 53K)

>mexcan touhou fag

Attached: 1422740770009.png (963x720, 602K)

not anymore

MarielX, Spic touhou brony Well Done Steak (with ketchup) eating faggot .

>well done steak (with ketchup)

Attached: giphy.gif (320x180, 1.58M)

>well done with ketchup
everyone knows medium well is objectively best way to cook any kind of beef, hamburger or otherwise

Attached: yikes.gif (374x384, 185K)

His character's from some shit anime style MMO, not Touhou.

engis make for the best disfigured itemmasses

Attached: xzdz5fe[1].png (296x376, 242K)

marielx doesnt post touhou tho

Are all of the mod players asleep at this hour?

Attached: i_sit.jpg (931x580, 88K)


friends is there a way to change your profile name

youre on 4channel you tardus

Tell modanon to add Drone in next update and make it normal.

Attached: STRIKE DRONE.png (372x268, 175K)

Correct, actually. I had no idea it was so large.

Based medium well bro.

>well done
Disgusting. It should be rare, and slathered in mayonnaise.

Attached: 1554746974187.jpg (326x326, 65K)

I haven't ran into him yet, probably because he doesn't join EU lobbies. Either way I figured he hasn't been playing 2 because his PC is too much of a potato to jew with.

>the good old days of blocking the entirety of mexico to get rid of one fag
we've got it too easy now

Attached: 1432054422293.png (1052x622, 96K)

Whatever, It all blurs together since animu weeb stuff usually have similar art-styles excluding occasional exceptions.

Attached: 1553316011724.jpg (492x647, 42K)

Miner When?


NA 1/4

if 4chanX can't even let me see what you fags are arguing about because the reply chain is too long, then it's time to stop

Attached: catsnap.jpg (1280x1280, 340K)

I don't want to bloat the selection screen. I just took the shit I assumed would be the most popular

Sniper also breaks the game & makes shit turn invisible after a while, making me consider taking him back out. So drone doing that too is a bad sign for me putting him in

there's a guide on how to put in your own characters for those interested, and if you just wanna do it as host/singleplayer you can just CE it


Anyone mind posting that pic of all character's damage/health per level?

He used to avatar as flan back in 2015

God fucking damnit, I killed like 15 elite bosses on monsoon already and the goddamn challenge STILL isn't fucking complete.
Where does this game store save files? I'm just gonna edit this shit in.

I'm pretty sure there's a wait to edit it within the ini or config style files in the steam folder. I saw someone talking about it before. But I heard that changing your profile name MIGHT undo your unlocks.


Attached: 1553134049297.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

You can look in-game at Survivors in the logbook to see the numbers, I think.

>just ban mexico

Attached: file.png (780x439, 370K)

Weird question but how do I play commander I usually just get decimated by the 3rd stage

Attached: 1554866722096.png (275x226, 43K)

desu its the only fun challenge so far. I was running around, first stage on the first loopback, dodging golem lasers and trying to distract my drones on other mobs while corralling these crab assholes off the edge

10/10, i hope there's more like it

So this is the garbage zoomers are playing these days

>This is a 57 leaf clover. How can I add an extra leaf if I have no 56 leaf clover to add to?

how did you think that was a good idea you retarded nigger

how about you learn to speak english first

But I chilean and not speak that like

What, on ror threads or where?

I'm not arguing. I was informing the guy that he was indeed having sex with a man.

Attached: 1554672813855.png (1517x851, 129K)


that is unfortunate
might as well just make a new save i guess

Look at it this way, you're Huntress so you will basically never ever reap the benefit of fungus either way.

Rate the bosses from easiest to hardest

>jewish machine

HandRub.exe status : Running

Attached: oy vey.png (117x174, 2K)

Got greedy and hit a mountain shrine on monsoon and was wrecked by a blazing vagrant

>not "What am I supposed to proc if I don't have sticky bombs?"

More pew pew

Oh damn
sauce us up on that mod muh broski

Attached: 1551711626672.jpg (197x225, 12K)

yeah I miss-clicked it.
you think that merc is going to be okay?

Attached: 1548478242140.gif (245x250, 967K)

Not him but sometimes shit like that just magically goes to the top, video game physics are weird.

One boss
A lot of bosses who are on fire

Your damage doesn't fall off from max range
Get procs procs are your friend you live and die by the procs
Dodge nigga

There is no direct proof Drone is the cause of the invisibility he is a fully complete model and deserves respect. The drone feels balanced as a flying small thing that gets a lot of procs but cant benefit from equipment items and some of the skill based items, as it only has one skill. I think testing should be done.

Attached: STRIKE DRONE DOWN IN HELL.png (499x443, 198K)

Absolutely not. All mercs wind up dead. It's why you have to obliterate yourself to unlock him.

Attached: 1554675828687.jpg (700x464, 116K)

Elder lemurian>Beetle Queen>Vagrant>Imp lord>stone titan>Magma worm


Queen Beetle > Imp Overlord > Vagrant > Wurm > Dunestrider > Titan

is this a reddity sequel?

MISSION HILL?! fuck i would have never made the connection. thanks dbag

Consistently gets mobility

damn. maybe he'll use more teddy bears next time

Attached: 1553494339317.png (458x937, 398K)

Depends on which character you are.


if your playing artificer get wax quails that item has saved so many runs of mine

Attached: 1554864936411.png (475x320, 72K)

>put on glass mod
>get distracted
>wisp kills me

Attached: 30180663_10216558940994703_459811715_n.jpg (550x480, 12K)

Is there any way to choose which item gets taken by the 3D printer or is it completely random everytime?

I demand you explain what your post is supposed to mean.

you pray it doesnt take your good shit

random item of the same color rarity

RoR1 threads, i first started posting in them around summer 2015 there already people who where sick of his shit and ip banning him

Is there a way to choose which item gets taken by the 3D printer or is it completely random everytime?

speak queen's english you meme spewing retard

I'm pretty sure that was somebody else user

The devs are true blooded 4channelers


Attached: 1553451544946.jpg (544x554, 37K)

what was it?

Everytime I play solo and make it to the 12th loop, the game goes from a third person looter gunner to a fucking survival horror, and I'm just hiding in a cave most of the time and running for dear life out in the open.



Your computer reads your mind, and takes whatever item you specifically want to keep.

It fucking always does
alright that helps a little bit more

Starting up a modded server soon - standby for hype.

Attached: 1554862466578.gif (512x512, 2.46M)

Someone posting a "chrome link" that lets you access flags the browser uses to dictate how it interacts with the internet as a whole. Like turning flash on or off and et cetra. Probably someone using 4chanx getting the network error which requires you disable one such flag in order to quell the error, and they accidentally posted it instead of putting it into their URL bar.

Attached: 1552706062723.jpg (1053x895, 121K)

I think somebody just died

>12th loop
how many fucking hours do you have in this game


>he hasn't gotten every achievement yet
What's taking you so long, user?

Do you want to know how I know you haven't ever actually gotten to a 12th loop?
A, he's full of shit. B, it's actually pretty easy, you just need good RNG.

Attached: chieves.png (1680x1050, 1.21M)

sorry, meant 12th round

thanks vergil, you always help me in my times of need

if that's the only run you ever played that means you took an average of 3.75 minutes per map in that legendary run

Nerve gas, close your browser asap before it-

im having trouble getting past the 8th stage

NA WEST Modded Lobby is now up!


Drone and Engie Squads
Mercs and Miners Squads (one day)
Waifu Squads

We've got em all!

Attached: 1554864310697.png (1200x959, 497K)

Anytime, human.

Attached: 1552696204956.png (370x360, 274K)

16 man lemurian zerg rushes when

I'm just that damn good. I unlocked every character, and every item on my first run, even engi who requires multiple runs to unlock.

Attached: 1554163821900.png (737x1053, 1.11M)


>even engi who requires multiple runs to unlock.
Or am I thinking of mul-t?

I will never get the clover, fucking hell.

You're thinking of MUL-T. Engi is 30 levels total

The amount of fun I have when using wax quaill and jumping around the battlefield is nonsensical. But I can't stop it.

Attached: fj.gif (639x361, 1.95M)

Engi requires 30 total levels completed, Mul-T requires beating the first level 5 times.

Attached: 1554894621784.png (1600x2095, 2.07M)

There are people in this thread, right now, that unironically think unlocking the preon accumulator was more fun than unlocking gesture of the drowned

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_66vj6ZvW35.png (381x715, 459K)

>afterburner high priority on huntress when engi can get infinite fucking shields from having one
please stop making these charts

>brainstalks on mando instead of huntress

Just pirate

Who keeps making these god-fucking-awful lists

Attached: 1554894850579.png (5200x1239, 1.13M)

>that artificer sticky
Do you have that image by itself?

Attached: 1366081815265.gif (193x200, 2.2M)

I just got it today, here's what I did:

- Play on Drizzle (No one is keeping score, it's not a big deal)
- Picked Engineer, get lucky with a Rejuvenation Rack and a total assload of various healing items
- Abuse the fact that going to the Newt Shop counts as a cleared stage. Pay a lunar coin to the Newt Altar every level except snow one after you've looped at least once.
- After the first loop, snow level will always spawn the portal to Mercenary-zone, and you can teleport out of there without killing yourself by interacting with the obelisk once, but then walking away from it and finding the portal to the right.

Good luck!

real guide

Attached: 1554894975487.png (600x415, 86K)

who keeps making this blatantly artificer biased garbage? oh that's right it's you.

this is the only good guide

finally! a good guide

>tfw slow on the draw

Attached: draw.png (764x162, 93K)

I enjoy this

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Attached: Untitled.jpg (332x411, 129K)

you should have at least posted the better one

Attached: Official RoR2 guide.png (1395x1078, 934K)

I'm already doing all that but the max I got to was 18 stages, and now my coins are gone.

>teleporters no longer give rewards
>no longer spawning bosses with a healthbar on the top of the screen
>shit load of bosses just spawn and attack me
>no reward

Is this working as intended? I'm on like level 25 or so.

I'm assuming this hasn't been made into a mod yet? Is anybody making progress on importing models?


US modded lobby


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The dash can also send them flying a million miles off the map, making it impossible to clear. How has this not been fixed yet?

Once you get far enough into the game, it stops spawning enemies for you because it thinks your too powerful for all the enemies in the game, and wants to spawn more expensive enemies (which don't exist yet)

are you 180 minutes in? Its not intended, rather a funny quirk of the way the ai decides to spawn something. The games AI will only spawn enemies if they are able to be a 'threat' to the player, and the further you get in the stronger you get, and the more frequently it spawns bosses and nothing else. After a certain point, it breaks and spawns nothing at all.

The best advice I can give is know when to give up on your turrets. Fungus and shield dome can help you survive but if an imp overlord spawns on top of you and starts to mudamudamuda, get the fuck out of there because nothing is surviving and you can build more turrets.

US West Vanilla

Fuck my ass
this is literally that Blacked pic with the little white girl in the couch
I'm glad i had the best bear, but it didnt help that much

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1919x1079, 1.98M)

Teddy bears/survivability, soda/feathers, spare mags and procs are the most important on huntress in roughly that order.

Attached: H.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

I think I've found the perfect way to fix Artificer.
>M1 - Maul enemy for 120% damage. The target is poisoned for 24$ damage per second
>M2 - Spit black sludge for 220% damage, stunning enemies in a cone for 1 second
>Shift - Secrete poisonous sludge for 2 seconds. Speeds up allies, while slowing and hurting enemies for 90% damage
>R - Release a deadly disease, poisoning enemies for 100% damage per second. The contagion spreads to two targets after 1 second

Attached: 1554747643175.png (1800x3000, 727K)

>Teammate activates shrine of combat on abyssal depths

Attached: 1549754005934.jpg (675x675, 180K)

>tfw you can't do 24 dollars of damage
guess I'll never be cash money

That sounds pretty powerful, you'd better chain down her arm with some sort of weight for balance

whats wrong bro

Attached: mult_in_hell.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

I like woodsprite early on when the game isn't giving out good survivability items.

>uses the term ad hominem
>doesn't know what it means or in what context it should be used
it's like you pretend to be smarter than what you are

Attached: 1ezts8ku6hc01.png (231x250, 91K)

>he hasn't unlocked Semite

Huntress wants spare mags, bandoliers, crowbars, and rose bucklers. Basically the same as artificer.

That's not funny.

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My little brother is convinced that MUL-T is the worst character in the game for some godforsaken reason, and says he has no mobility or fucking damage. Outside of slapping him upside the head for retardation, how can I correct this idiot?

Miner when

Attached: 1554840161829.png (830x740, 36K)

The preferred term is drachmamancer.


only one i have left is the crab one and i dont feel like doing it not like the item you get from doing it is any good anyways

>post in a thread and leave to do something for an hour or two
>come back and the thread got archived a few posts after mine

w-well maybe you guys will appreciate my paint skills

Attached: watch for water.png (1514x790, 29K)

I want to shove Hopoo's monster spawn algorithm down his throat until he chokes.

Got a legit laugh out of me

Let him think what he wants because it doesn't matter.

very cute arti

If people followed this advice, Yea Forums would come to a grinding halt.

Couldnt find Blazing Elder Lemurian pic

Attached: c10.png (1200x800, 1.08M)

It matters to me when he spends a half fucking hour ree-ing at me that I'm wrong. I'd like to preserve what hearing I still have.

do a run like this and show him who is boss

>what's taking you so long user?
Crab chasing is boring as fuck. Deicide is pretty tough to clear but I'm trying. Tesla coil isn't in my item log even though I've broken the 5k damage barrier multiple times with that lightning rod item.

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Just beat him with your dick, and call him a faggot while you do it.

tell him he's an idiot and it's demonstrably provable that Mul-T was so good that a developer who's least favorite task in the world is nerfing items and characters nerfed him the week the game came out and show him the patch notes.

Only when it's sincere

Attached: 1526211490641.png (888x1300, 564K)

Woodsprite is GOOD you retard.
Scanner is okay if you don't got anything else.
Meteor is unironically REALLY GOOD in singleplayer because it can wipe the map clean of enemies for you.
Transcendence is great on Commando AND Huntress.

Effigy is a combo with Afterburner - you can do it on Commando/Huntress by dropping it and blinking out.

Brittle Crowdfunder is a meme.

I guess autism runs in the family, huh

>2,3k hp
why the fuck does this piece of shit have both such high damage and so much health? that's nearly more than twice that of a huntress

>Be actually pretty good at merc
>Almost always die to blazing faglords
For fucks sake Hotpoo how do you glance over this crap?

Attached: rain.png (150x133, 2K)

Given how long I've been here, probably.

need a caption/filename for this my merc just randomly bugged in this pose

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did Blazing Titan bug get fixed yet? I died so many times to it


I'm actually curious as to how it came out this way. I assume the guys are Hopoo are pretty good at the game, surely they get pretty far when they play, and speaking personally, pretty much every single decent run I have ends with death by blazing tick damage. They had to have noticed how overtuned it was, right?

did someone say lasers?

Attached: lasers.webm (960x540, 2.86M)



>don't get hit :^)

Attached: conniptions.png (565x891, 1.92M)

I can't for the love of god get the motherfucking 5 lunar item run
Every time I attempt it I run out of coins, they don't drop for +20 stages in a row and there's never lunar pods spawning

Well shit, I got dive bombed by a bunch of shit all at once and pretty much got two shot. I'm so sad, this was the most fun run I've ever had.

Played on drizzle for unlocks, kept going just for the hell of it.

>all those speed items

Running up a ledge pretty much put me into the stratosphere and it was fucking amazing. Became a staple strategy for some zones.

Attached: lolwut.png (1600x900, 767K)

Stock up 10+ coins and use a newt shrine.

>have 12 coins saved up
>activate an alter
>buy all the holdable items
>activate another alter
>buy whatever youre missing

So don't spend them, and just play like normal for a while. Once you have at least 11 coins, and are on titan planes with a lunar pod, grab the pod, activate the newt shrine, and pray that the shop doesn't have both of the on use items.

Daily reminder that if you needed to play on drizzle or use an engineer or mul-t to complete the long road you're a scrub and should feel ashamed of yourself.

How would his electric pillars work in 3d?

did it on mansoon before the merc invincibility glitch was fixed

Even worse.

Do they have to be five different items or just five lunar items in general and multiples of the same type still count?

they didn't even work in 2d lol

hotpoo just coded it to make a rectangle around where you put the towers and damage everything inside, so if you put them diagonal you could damage the entire map

make him have 3, and enemies that are caught in the triangle take damage.
the further the conduits are spread out, the less damage they do to, balance it out.

5 in general so you can have 2/2/1 lunar items

>finally unlock artificer
>fun AF, fulfls my mage clasautism
>low health
>no dodge
a-at least she does good damage

Attached: shit pepe.jpg (362x366, 17K)

Fucking knew that all those shits posting their 'epic 2h+ merc runs' on monsoon in the past threads were abusing it.

Daily reminder that I can say whatever I want in these threads and it's exactly as true as anything else. I did Long Road as Artificer with no items. Only a casual wouldn't believe me.

You have to have 5 lunar items on you at the same time, duplicates count.

it was probably deliberate as a means to stop every run from snowballing to omnipotence for the time being
like im pretty sure the game knows blazing elites are more dangerous than the other two and treats them as such when spawning them

They can be multiples

any EU games going at this time of night? any lobbies at all?
I want to shoot the alien

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>giving a shit how someone completes achievements for item unlocks in a fucking early access game

Nah, you're the one that should feel ashamed of yourself you fucking tryhard.

It's pure luck.
My average is two loops and I haven't completed it.

>gesture of the drowned isn't absolutely necessary to run one of the few viable endgame builds in the game right now
Keep coping.

WHERE'S MY BOI ACRID? I love him so...

Don't give me any shit about it being "hard because he's melee", Mercenary is melee only and he deals with ranged mobs just fine.

If you can't think of a way to help him deal with ranged, you have no creativity whatsoever.

ive been doing fine with out it so far

>blazing stone titan is facing away from me
>suddenly I receive the blazing laser without any kind of warning, windup, or cue

Attached: 1553757700708.png (492x482, 358K)

>nerf MUL-T and fix Merc within days
>refuse to fix Blazing or buff Artificer for over a week

They stated in the latest dev report that they're aware blazing is overtuned and are gonna fix it.

They said that they want to make ice and lightning elites more threatening too

The brain is shit on commando, though. Doubletap is your strongest attack at endgame.

US Modded Lobby


Let's get cooking

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>not yelling ''FUCK'' when he dies
It's all you had to do you dumb fuck


What's the best way to switch back and forth between the modded version and the unmodded version?

literally never ever
acrid isnt melee anyway hes hybrid, half of his attacks are ranged

it's the most fun item

Attached: meteor.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

there isnt
fuck modded version fags

>no will of wisp, uke, gas or succ cube on huntress
Stop it. Get some help.

because bandit isn't out yet

How do you feel that I did it on drizzle with engi?

I mean I'm perfectly fine with the other elites being dangerous too. Just not getting hit with a DoT that eventually does all my health in damage.

I did get killed by an elite crab once.
I kept getting slowed and I couldn't move and died.

>lightning becomes AoE terror like in RoR1
>ice freezes you in place in one hit

Why is MUL-T in the middle all the way? Crowbars are extremely useful for him because of his rebar puncher, and stun grenades work well with his nailgun for locking down enemies.

If you have only the modanon dll just have two folders for the official dll and the modded dll

Woodsprite is only useful if you lack fuel cells.

>a-at least she does good damage
yeah for maybe 4 stages until every other class that isn't merc outpaces her

You think I care, you stupid fuck?

>Brittle Crown
>Monster Tooth
>Rusty Key
>Radar Scanner
>meme items
Jesus this fucking list was made by someone who's only played this game for 3 seconds I swear to god.
Oh but it gets even fucking worse
>Energy drink and rose buckler on ENGINEER WHO WONT EVEN MOVE
>Backup mags on Artificer and not Mercenary who can literally fly with them
>Merc not getting brilliant despite the fact that he can hit multiple enemies at once with his attack

Whoever made this list is stupid and it makes me MAD

Seething scrubs.


lmao that's some serious anger energy


NA East/Central 4 man lobby 109775240984935616

Attached: 1545877696201.jpg (1836x3264, 1.21M)

nice job autist

I keep a folder on my desktop with 'modded' and 'vanilla' folders with the respective .dll in it that I can shove into the steam directory whenever. There might be a better way to do it but I can't be fucked and it works well enough. Just keep a copy of each and it's like a one minute switch either way, and that's if you're pretty potato with windows, if you know what you're doing and keep the files open it'll take less time than it does to reboot the game.

>Energy drink and rose buckler on ENGINEER WHO WONT EVEN MOVE
lmao, way to spot an absolute trash engi

How can I get the "activate 8 unique newt alters"? I have 6 or 7 out of 8 and every one I find is one I've already used before as I never get to 8. Even ones I don't think I've used before, I use, complete the level, then get nothing.

I mean shit I've even explored the out of bound areas for some, still nothing.

at least she can buy chests and use printers for her teammates :^)

I'd say that it's probably because he doesn't really "need" any item. He doesn't need crowbars when his nail gun has such high DPS. The only thing I disagree with is mobility, he needs a lot of it and getting it increases his charge damage.

You get bustling or speed, you don't get both as both negate eachother faggot

There are 3 newt shrines per level so you've missed a shitton of them

there are 3 unique altars on each level, that is 18 unique altars total, it's not that hard

nobody asks where's Loader
but they also never ask HOW'S Loader

Attached: 1527196105004.png (1161x715, 35K)

>a-at least she does good damage
She does good damage until stage 4, then falls off a cliff and becomes useless.

Jesus fucking christ that's cute

Thanks for the (You)'s retards
you two should start a band called the gay idiots

Stop posting this shit holy fuck you have no fucking clue

Probably because his hitbox is like 4x bigger than anyone elses.


Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_dblvj0pX41.jpg (2560x1440, 472K)

Please don't join Yea Forums lobbies as an engineer ever, thanks.

lmao look at this drizzlet engie

you put down the turrets then you gtfo, or you would if you weren't playing on baby mode

Imagine finding this shit funny, go back to Yea Forums

if you stand still you're going to die with all the fungus in the world retard


Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_ckP3Xpqogb.jpg (2560x1440, 322K)

Quick question about Prismatic trials. I actually finally decided to try doing it yesterday for the first time and got 3 stages in as the farthest I think before calling it quits. How exactly do you finish them? I wanna get that one achievement done next chance I get to play.

I agree with the other guy

>Never once played engineer
>See this all the time in Yea Forums lobbies
>get called a drizzlet despite only playing on Monsoon
Wew, the absolute state of butt blasted engie mains who try to project onto others for their own short comings.

if it was a guy you'd be disgusted by it

Why do you have that much fucking dosh at 30 min? I can't imagine that's all from the crown.

For real? Where are some of them? Cause I swear I look all over and barely find ones that aren't ones I've already done.

The one today is literally 2 stages, ez pz to finish

I thought the trials only lasted 2 stages, but I only played it once to beat it for the achievement.

us east vanilla

I have no idea, i got pinged by a regular lemurian as i entered the level and it went negative 6 digits, then it went positive and now i'm just waiting for the xp so i can leave

great? fuck off, autist

I understand now, Mercbros. I have become the reminder for this silly world.

Attached: ss+(2019-04-10+at+09.31.03).jpg (1600x900, 306K)

>unironically playing or even replying or even acknowledging this fucking tripfag scum

I might have misremembered but if thats the case then I should get to it. How long does today's trial last?


M1 ) Left/Right cleaving swipes of acid, each swing hits next to him as much as it does in front of him.

M2) Vomit stream that shoots where you aim and leaves pools of acid where it lands, uses some physics. Deals direct damage and leaves creep that also deals damage. Uses meter instead of charges, getting e-mags either extends meter or makes it refill faster.

Shift) Launches himself in the direction of the cursor by flinging his ball and chain like he's an olympic hurler, hold button to extend distance and damage dealt to enemies in the way. Always has a minimum distance so it's not worthless when tapped. Can be used in midair.

R) Literally just fucking Contagion from the first game this skill is already perfect

That's literally him, don't bother responding

risk of rain 2 is only for xxHARDCORExx players like me
it's supposed to be the dark souls of roguelikes

Attached: behe.png (600x695, 703K)

Don't bully him he's practicing for the border

one more niggas

I dunno these guys trying to speak Japanese seem pretty cool

Attached: V15.png (862x1300, 371K)

Try to explore "out of bounds" of the map.
Some shrines are hidden where you'd normally never think to go. Usually either tucked around a corner, above the map, or below it.

Mercbros, you were right all along. Rainstorm, obviously.

Attached: ss+(2019-04-10+at+09.48.04).jpg (1600x900, 269K)

What's your point?

Based ESLfag

there is one on top of the giant arches in titanic plains, and one is way fucking high up next to two crashed shipping containers on rallypoint delta

>200 word essay due friday
>turned into a 300 word essay due monday
>won't be able to play ror2 rest of the week or even weekend
>can't take it out of my head
brb ordering helium tank fuck this shit gay earth

Attached: 1530973844054.jpg (842x815, 22K)


New modded Lobby, unless there are other ones, in which case, go join theirs.

Attached: 1554697775802.jpg (900x1248, 314K)

Mah nigga. The Acrid-naysayers have literally nothing to stand on.

I'd change the shift to a dash that leaves a stream of poison behind him, but that's just me.

He'd need to be partially remade/heavily tweaked if they added him. Me and my friends were talking about him just last night and settled on something along the lines off:
>Passive - Festering Wounds: All damage deals an additional 30% weapon damage per second.
>Maul - Dash a short distance and thrash nearby enemies for 130% weapon damage.
>Neurotoxin - Spit toxic bile for 220% weapon damage, stunning enemies in a line for 1 second.
>Caustic Impact - Leap forwards in an arc, landing with an explosive splash of sludge that deals 120% weapon damage and coats the area for 2 seconds. Sludge speeds up allies while slowing and hurting enemies for an additional 90% weapon damage.
>Epidemic - Infect an enemy for 100% weapon damage per second. Spreads to two other enemies.

How do clovers work in this game? increase in rarity of drops?
If you pick up too many clovers does it lock you out of getting whites?

not him but 1 more

What if his shift had him spinning around in midair while he was soaring and holding M2 made him shoot his goo all over?

>300 words
isnt that like a page and a half? jesus christ just write it nerd

>never once played engineer
>gives advice on how to play it
>haha you guys suck XDDD u mad?
How does it feel to be mentally challenged?

>300 word essay preventing you from playing vidya

So what's middle school like, user?


Attached: 1517663311028.jpg (648x1000, 142K)


What a faggot.
a 300 word essay is what I get in 15 minutes trying to write my 1000 word essay before running out of shit to write about.

how does it feel to be mad when someone is objectively right without even playing your shit tier character. Also nice job outing yourself as an engineer drizzlet

>get a rare from the first chest
>get carried hard

It's even more busted than its RoR1 variant, gives any proc that didn't occur an additional chance to proc per clover.


Still waiting for some people

Modded US Lobby, but we'll take EU too

Attached: 1554802112714.gif (262x200, 47K)

Meant to respond to this too: Only reason me and my friends came up with a "leap" is because nobody really has it yet and it would be interesting if the impact damage scaled with how high you jump/fall from.

I'd just rather play a bugfixed version of the game with more content,

why are there so many angry retards in these threads now


Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_gLWXNNY04M.jpg (2560x1440, 387K)

Look on the bright side, user, pretty soon you're going to be the highest level merc to ever exist.

popular threads attract more retards

Attached: 155423559.jpg (1600x2000, 336K)

1-2 people sperging out and baiting, it's literally nothing else. Let them reply to each others and move on with the thread

>play a game based around RNG with a skill intensive character
>absolutely destroy it

What's wrong, user?

>tfw be doing MUL-T
>starts off shit
>get to stage 3
>shrine of order
>eh fuck it
>11 stickies
The run slowly became stupid due to how much damage I was able to output after getting more stickies and crit glasses.

>objectively right
Ok, not going to bother responding to this scrub bait anymore.

Where have you guys been?!THgDFKzL!jnp8taGvY0EnHbtPVVKyZUywaFb2yTspbEnyciDppv4

Post your best SOLO run

Attached: ROR2Best.png (1440x900, 874K)

>skill intensive


well its at least a positive number again, i went around and killed the rest of the crabs

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_SpsoUrbsYY.jpg (2560x1440, 484K)

didnt someone mention changing a text file to get max lunar coins?

how would i do that? and could i do that for the achievements too?

>sixteen word essay on the struggle of first world problems due at midnight

I'm finding it hard to get past the first loop on Monsoon.
These screenshots and webms are taunting me.

Don't have a screenie, but it was over 2 hours on commando, monsoon.
I got bored because bosses were dying in less than 4 seconds and just obliterated myself.

>get far enough into a run that these fuckers just spawn casually all the time

Attached: 20190407124508_1.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Really? This is considered a good run? Top kek it was my 5th time through and i don't even know what has synergy yet
What items?


US server modded

2/6 Glass Money

just get great bro

this is my highest level attained, at the very least

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_71rnMCT4KB.jpg (2560x1440, 442K)

No, it's absolute shit, I was only memeing.

Too many to bother listing, but the main contributor to my success was the shitton of stickies and syringes I had. Teleporter bosses would go down in just over a second due to armor piercing rounds and I had like 4 teslas and 5 snowflakes, 2 alien heads, 25 backup mags.

As commando just stick to syringes and stickies and you will dominate.

So do you guys just run straight to the teleporters instead of exploring the levels? I'm confused how you can make it through so fast.

>1 hour
>only 4 maps
you're too slow


It's sad how Mul-T still has more hp than that at like half that level.

>lag a bit
>die at the beginning of the map, everyone start getting good stuff
I hate this feeling.

4th stage in around 20 minutes is my usual average.
Any faster and you're probably missing loot. Any slower and you're probably wasting time or had a rough start.

you need to strike a balance of farming before hitting the teleporter, try to time it so you don't leave the map with tons of money. each level will give you more $$$ and eventually you won't need to farm, just mash the tele.

Waiting in lobby

for mine specifically (level 38) my money is glitched and it wont stop giving me tons

but hitting stage 4 by 30 minutes is about what i aim for, in rainstorm at least. probably too slow for monsoon

so there's a different mod for 16 players than for 6 players? Is there some info on all of this for newfriends?

Yeah i spend a ton of time just looking around on the level for items. I'm guessing the HUD is the best equipment item?

I like HUD but will instantly drop it for capacitor

>300 word essay
>300 word
mate that is barely 1 Double Space page

Back to /vg/ tranny, and stay there