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the only good witcher game
kino jank
Rhythm eurojank with potion drinking simulator.
Also the most kino ending of all time.
26 women to have geralt fuck
reaaally slow start, first chapter is kind of dull.
kino eastern euro jank otherwise.
Solid atmosphere and lore, but dated janky gameplay.
It's a slog through the first chapter or two, but it's worth sticking out to the end. It took me two or three attempts to get through it all the way, but I'm glad I did in the end.
combat is very easy to execute but man is it fun to watch. all those flips and spins and just blood flying everywhere. great story and music too.
the gameplay isn't dated lol it was bad the day it was out
The way Geralt shouts/roars on the last hit too. So satisfying.
No, chapter 3 is the one that's a slog. There's like a five hour section where you do nothing but run back and forth through the city and swamp checking boxes. Rest of the chapters are fine.
Soul in it's purest vidya form.
>I actually enjoy the swamp
>I actually enjoy the combat
>I actually enjoy the porn tier voice acting
>I actually enjoy the awkward models
I love this game im going to go play it again
You. You’re a good person. Good for you, user. Good for you.
>>I actually enjoy the porn tier voice acting
the polish voice acting is good, just learn the language
>BioWare engine
The only halfway faithful Witcher game. Geralt is not as handsome in this one which is more in line with the books but his voice is still too normal
I want to replay it too but I have PTSD from when the game crashed my gpu driver once. I have never seen something so fucking weird on my screen.
I think modern day gpu driver crashes just make the screen black for a few seconds and then reset to normal though.
I enjoyed the swamp too, user. Was genuinely creepy to go through.
some hours of fun times
I only played it once and started on hard. I enjoyed the combat and it was challenging enough sometimes, I miss halfswording too. Never understood why they removed this from the other games.
i'd personally describe the swamp as tedious or annoying. sure it was fun the first 30mins i was there but after that...
Extremely slow start but an amazing game once you beat the prologue/first act and gain access to the main city. That’s where it stops being a peasant village pest control simulator and becomes a monster hunting game with some great political intrigue on the side.
Not trying to sound contrarian but I enjoyed all of the environments in TW1 more than any of the ones from 2 & 3
the game crashed my gpu drivers twice and twice it essentially locked up my computer because i couldn't access the task manager to close the process since it was overriding every other window (not even alt+f4 would work since it wasn't exactly targeting the game) and i had to restart
that plus some crashes i had from just talking to npcs hesitates any inclination i might have of replaying the game at some point
i blame the nwn engine, even on my rx 570 i get like 40-50 fps at parts in the trade quarter of vizima
The worst animations youve ever seen and barebones rock/paper/scissors """"gameplay""""". Probably on of the worst games ive ever played. Its honestly fucking shit, and the only way youd even like it is if youre a huge storyfag.
What if you just play windowed? It's not like you play it for super graphics and stuff. I believe I had it in windowed mode so I could get out of it without having to press the power button
comfy jank youtube.com
DDR combat
Biggest brainlet flag in any post on Yea Forums
first game I bought on Steam, good days
The shittiest combat system ever unless you love repetitive super boring rhythm games. I'm not shite at vidya and generally prefer to play at higher difficulty than normal but for this game I cranked it all the way down just so I didn't have to deal with that retarded fucking combat system. And people have the gall to complain about Witcher 2&3 having "bad" combat just because they don't play exactly like their favorite weeb hack'n slash. Well fuck you, 2&3 are fine but the first has abysmal combat. Truly horrible, almost game breakingly awful.
that's not saying much though.
i tried to play w2 but i just couldn't get into it, i think i played the tutorial and then just quit because it sucked.
That's my point. But 2 as a game isn't bad at all, it gets pretty good if you give it enough time. But after playing all of the games, it's easily my least favorite in the series.
It's the ME1 of the Witcher series. It is mechanically the worst in the series but everyone jerks it off like it's Jesus
No, fuck you, Zoomer scum. It was shit on release.
Overrated, finished 3 chapters without any pleasure and stopped the game.
Ill give a chance to witcher 2 and 3
>Fight boss
>Suddenly metal is playing
Kino detective and investigative jank that is about 15 hours longer than it really should be. It's my favorite of the 3 and captures Geralt as a character the most accurately.
You are so fucking wrong. ME1 is the only good ME game and it also has the best combat.
Combat was ok, but fuck the mako and fuck that pain in the ass inventory system
bought it for $2 on steam a few years ago and got 90 hours out of it. Best money I have ever spent. Some parts were a little grindy when I was trying to level up. Really liked the graphics and music too.
How does it look so good lads?
unironically this
Shani is best girl, that's all you need to know.
>about 15 hours longer than it really should be
originally the developers wanted to include content that would've taken another two years to finish (and two major DLC's that didn't happen)
Switch to the third combat stance, group mode or w.e to run fast. Useful when in the swamp portions of the game.
Murky Waters is one of the comfiest locations ever.
You didn't kill based gramps, right?
unplayable lag
I think it looks better than current games. It doesn't have that cartoonish look.
Vizima Confidential is the most convoluted quest in any RPG ever
as a child i have been traumatized by Worms-Armagedon
there was some bug and colors flipped to negatives
sound died on me too
i almost shit myself
didnt sleep that night
never played it again
Dice poker that explains Geralt's gambling obsession
bit of a boring slog but the atmosphere is on point, wouldn't play it again but it was more memorable than Witcher 2
the best video game you'll ever play
Why Yea Forums hates point and click? Better than qwen abuse and rolls
The best Witcher.
Best gameplay
Best atmosphere
Best artstyle
Best music
Best quests
Best dialogue
Best user interface
lot's of running from point A to B
nonsensical rpg systems
tedious combat with messed up input so you can't even tell if you activated a spell or that it hit an enemy and when
it's really one of those games you play for the story
aurora is the engine bioware build for neverwinter
get the genie mod. if you find the combat boring just level up to full and breeze through it, the story and atmosphere will drive it enough
chapter 2 is too long
I played and enjoyed all three games immensely.
God Iris was such a qt
You are in for 30 hours before it gets good.
that happened to me, it literally nuked my 570 card, had to buy a new one. too scared to play this game again.
You're in for kino, user.
The lone boomercore game in a series famous for being zoomercore. Also one of the biggest casual filters of all time.
switching between silver and normal
This, but genuinely good jank
>The best Witcher.
I get sad whenever I hear this
I haven't played 2 or 3 and I enjoyed 1 well enough but I found it very tedious and while the story was pretty good I still found it disappointing after reading all the books and loving them (for all their flaws)
It makes me not looking forward to 2 or 3 knowing that THIS was it
Look at that vomit inducing HUD
that hud has soul compared to modern AAA huds
Nah my dude, you know how Yea Forums is.
1 is good, 2 is good, 3 is great. You'll enjoy them all.
I unironically enjoyed it more than the other two, it just has a unique feel to it. Going open world was the biggest mistake
comfy narrative and setting, some of the worst gameplay in human history.
Well, that honestly depends on what you're looking for and whether you are a fan of the Witcher in general. Yes, 2 really doesn't stack up and 1 but it isn't really a bad game per se, the same goes for 3 which can be said to be better than 2. It goes like this 1>3>2.
1 just feels more mature, refined, the politics, dialogue, the whole concept of the Witcher in that he's a monster slayer, the folklore is heavier, even though 3 adds to it a great deal. I'd say continue, but if you liked the first 1 and what it represented, and expect the same but better you are going to be disappointed.
Do not listen to fuckholes like this that cannot express or have the knowledge of to criticize works.
Will they ever release it on consoles?
If they would have stuck with the gameplay but refined it, it would have been glorious. Mixing all the stances with different sword attacks and combos to target mixed enemy encounters. Goddamn just thinking about the possibilities make me hard. But instead they went, muh simple combat, muh dialogue, muh openworld, muh sell to the Skyrim audience, muh durk holes.
Probably, expect a trilogy pack for the PS5/Xbox 2 and Steam.
Yeah, such a shame they made the game of the generation with 3
I don't even know what you're saying. Pull the cock out of your mouth and actually try to form an argument like an adult. Then I'd probably take you seriously.
Go take your autism pills, retard
>form an argument like an adult
>lol u suck wiener
Amazing comeback, guys. Well thought out arguments. Upvoted.
why don't you take the dick out of your mouth and go home lmao
The UI wouldn't work on consoles at all. It's also a type of a game that has never been on a console before (classical crpg), so peasants wouldn't know how to deal with it at all (nearly all "gameplay is le shit" -filtered tards are guarantee to be mainly console plebeians). On top of that, the writing in the first game would anally annihilate psychotic Twitteristas so hard that it would never get released without an extensive rewrite.
In short, the game needs a completely redesigned UI, completely redesigned gameplay and partially rewritten script in order to get to a state where it would be a good idea to publish it on consoles in 2019.
took me 3 fucking hours finding the last 2 lizards around so i could make the quest for the aerondight
Use the gamefaqs guide. It’s a grind.
there was going to be a console version but it was scrapped
What the fuck is jank exactly?
Amazing potion drinking simulator. The fact that they got rid of it in The Witcher 3 still hurts
3>1>2, Yea Forums just like to circle jerk so it can be contrarian toward the game of the decade (witcher 3)
Unpolished mechanics and features
theres potions in 3 tho
You're projecting, babe
Nigga, alchemy build in 3 is OP.
Sure, but they're just hotkeys to slightly help you during battle. In the first game, the preparations you have to make before fighting make up for the dreadful combat system. Collecting ingredients and carefully preparing the battle is what makes you understand how a witcher gets the job done. Since they went for the open world in 3 you can no longer take your time to plan a strategy and Geralt feels more like Batman than an actual witcher.
what is an "actualy witcher"?
not him, and true. witchers are pretty much super humans, thats why call him mutant constantly. however i belive that adding the effect of gerald actually drinking the potion and not just click + E all the pots you want was would be better, and dont get me wrong even tho i really liked the first game, for me 3 is GOTG