>Banjo Remixes for Smash?
>Mario + Rabbids 2?
What is it Yea Forums?
>Banjo Remixes for Smash?
>Mario + Rabbids 2?
What is it Yea Forums?
New Banjo. Microsoft is making a new Banjo.
You think so?
I'd rather another Nintendo rabbids crossover.
maybe him and his daughter did something nice today. dont take everything as a hint
Another guy that didn't get the social satire of The LEGO Movie
My bet is Mario Rabbids 2. Im 100% sure it's in development and will be shown at e3.
it's just a whole other game dudes... Grant gets work that isn't Banjo and Rabbids holy shit how can you guys be this retarded
unless he's like the final fantasy faggot and owns the banjo-kazooie OST directly i don't see why he'd be contacted unless he's making the remixes, which would be just as odd
i'd like to get another mario + rabbids that actually has fucking rayman though
but it could just be a new project altogether though, maybe even a new fucking banjo-kazooie game
New Rabbids would be fire. And let us have Bwario and Bwaluigi on our team. Would be fun to have a Smasher character
it's a project no doubt, but it's ridiculous to immediately assume smash
im still pissed that hbomberguy used him to push his weird janny narrative.
LEGO the movie 2
>Legos confirmed for. SMASH
I mean either that or Tooka-Laylee.
Fucking Smashfags
While a new Banjo game would be spectacular, I wouldn't mind a New Mario + Rabbids, the game was underrated. Grant's worked on a ton of games so who knows what's got him so jazzed.
c'mon guys, don't pull this shit again, you already got Cristina Vee to hate Smash fans, don't get Grant to hate you guys too.
why is it that everytime that anyone with even the slightest potential relation to smash, thats all people ever fucking think about when that person hints at something?
kirhope has a long-ass career and a shit ton of possible relations, this could be microsoft hiring him to make a new banjo game, hell it could be a hat in time sequel for all we fucking know, and thats if its not a original project, he could be dropping his mumble-rap album that sounds like the banjo-kazooie sound bites
i get that people lose their shit over smash but this man has done a lot of work in his career, this could be literally anything
Phantom of the Bwahpera's new hit?
user, please, I don’t want permenant blood flow to my penis.
hell yeah minions are epic bruh
Based Kirkhope dropping the hints that the war against Steve is over we can relax now
Thanks for this wonderful birthday gift!
He’s just singing the song. Chill
I think it could be a new DK game
Rabbids were first and were based off of tex Avery cartoons you absolute retard.
i find the rabbids less annoying than the minions on virtue of not being piss yellow tictacs
ironically they both overtook far better products, rabbids highjacking then leaving rayman and the minions ruining a genuinely enjoyable movie and taking over gru's character to make room for more fart jokes
if that shitty solo-movie they made was just about the old-school evil organization and the suburban family of supervillains it would have been a genuinely good product, that edited video that cut all footage of minions out should have won a emmy
It has nothing to do with LEGOs, he's only mentioning that song because he's excited about whatever he's doing
Banjobros where you at?
oh god it's real
on smashboards
it's in smashfag nature to be hated by everybody they come across because they're so aggressively stupid and then they have the audacity to wonder why everyone around them is so upset at their retardation
they are the guy that says "you guys need to understand that just because we're better and smarter than you in every way because we play the deepest fighting game ever[needs citation] that you should still allow us into your social club? wtf are you talking about, calling me a condescending faggot? i'm not gay and looking down on you guys is natural because we're higher on the ladder so let us in so we can play melee and show you guys true passionate gameplay"