
was overwatch this based before?

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why are wh*tes so cringy?

I fucking hate niggers, twist niggers heads off, eat em, beat em, burn them with chicken grease, and fuck jannies.

Funny how the game companies that rally and virtue signal against "toxicity" end up making games that attract the most actual racists.

>find people who don't care what they say
>let them know you are black
>provoke them and make yourself the centre of attention
>record the resulting conversation while making yourself sound like a victim
>post on social media
>the world bends its knee to you
disgusting state of society lol
we had a black girl do this at our university and the whole university had to be punished

because white got subverted to the point where they can abuse that system

this, the nigger clearly says first shes a nigger
in a game none really cares if your a nigger, just be good at the game

>>let them know you are black
so blacks shouldn't use voice chat ever?

>find people who don't care what they say
Well yes, if you don't care what you say you are likely to offend people and suffer consequences for it. No one is entitled to say whatever they want and not suffer repercussions. And really your whole school was "punished"? What was the punishment? You got an email telling students not to say nigger and it made you mad?

I bet every one of them but her was white trash.

what's with overwatch and people just yelling at each other. My fucking roommate does it every night the games isn't that fucking intense

no you moron
if you decide to voicechat with a bunch of flamers don't be surprised at what happens next.
Bonus question: this girl knew full well what would happen, and went ahead with it anyway. Why do you think this is?

God twitter is fucking cancer. At the very least you can ignore comments on every other social media platform, but Twitter is like taking just the comment section from Youtube, Instagram Facebook, etc and making a whole platform based around that.

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>Why do you think this is?
Because she's challenging them. She wanted them to go off precisely so she could upload it to social media. You can cry that it's underhanded all you want, but it's a perfectly valid tactic.

I have no problem with people talking shit online but those guys were obviously retards regardless. I don't give a fuck what the conversation was before the recording that was uploaded began. Ad hominem is a low intelligence method of argument.

I had more people call me nigger in one season of Overwatch than I did during the entirety of me playing CSGO. Shit's crazy

niggers are a drain on society

That is a racist remark

People who actually play online videogames know flaming is common, and that people will insult you in any way they can think of. By telling these people you're a nigger and then recording the responses, you can create a clever social media post that makes gamers look racist.

The fact that people care this much about people being assholes online is proof they don't really play online games often

or at least play better ones

Because if one person doesn't carry their weight, 9/10 you're fucked. Most multiplayer games you can just carry, but it rarely works in OW

Her voice turns me on, desu.

>that makes gamers look racist.
If they're spouting nigger every other sentence is there really a distinction between looking and being at that point?

Maybe they should just stop saying nigger, just a thought.

There's a mute option if words trigger you

>black womyn playing games

go get pregnant piece of shit

Lol that dog's gonna get doxed by trannies

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>The fact that people care this much about people being assholes online is proof they don't really play online games often

You guys all say this all the time. But when you have your entire team talking shit about you (whether they're racist or not) it feels pretty shitty and you get tilted. Stop pretending you'd be all so cool under pressure of some shitposters on your team calling you names. It's their intention of trying to offend you is what's really tilting. Like shut the fuck up asshole.

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This happened to a friend at my college and he got straight up expelled after there was a campus protest over it

Pretty epic desu

This shit was stupid and unfunny in 2004, and it's the same now.
What drooling dumbass is can still squeeze entertainment value out of "I'm online so no repercussions lol"?
It's like if someone was super into the cup and ball toy at 20 years old.

What information was I supposed to infer from this post?

Yes it does feel shitty, but I wouldn't provoke them further so I could record it and post it on some social media so I get sympathy, attention, and set hordes of ravenous trannies on the people who said it.

jesus christ what a fucking prick

I do something similar. When it comes to online games I'll bait people to say racist and salty shit and I hit the report button just to see them get banned. It's pretty fun desu.

is this supposed to shill paladins? because it does a very bad job at it

The video isn't portraying banter as a negative thing though. As far as I can tell, banter is still accepted in the world today. People understand the purpose of banter when playing games. This shit goes beyond banter though, and actually encourages resentment. I see no reason to defend it at all.

>This shit was stupid and unfunny in 2004, and it's the same now.

What a different time from the mid to late 2000's. We all hated CoD and Halo players for their retarded childish shit spouting on the mic and now everyone thinks it shows you have thick skin.

>the racist is actually the good guy here

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You're using the ridiculous state of society for your own small advantages, but you can't deny it's a very stupid system

Fuck I'd do the same fucking shit. I'd be so fucking angry some fucking assholes talking mad shit. Of fucking course I'd get an army of people against them. So many matches in online games where your entire team act like little bitches like that. I'm glad she did this and now they're getting fucking banned. Talk shit mother fucker. in b4 you say, "w-well u cant handle the bantz" well I guess you can't handle getting reported you stupid shitposting faggot.

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>she knew they were racists amd was right how dare she confirm this

This isn't even about them being racist "in muh societies" it's them being fucking massive pricks. That shit is uncalled for.

The absolute state of overweenies
Not even the ruskies in CSGO get this autistic.

>gamers look racist

These guys were fucking racist, thats not all gamers, why are you defending those two cucks? If they are going to act like that they deserve all they get.

>fried chicken
is this the mid 00's

No, they're all trash talking trash people, but you'd know to expect such in online competitive games if you actually fucking played them


>defending clear racism

just admit you liked it

>For people that think racism doesnt exist
Oh.... so for no one?

Russians are assholes but Americans are scumbags. There's a difference.

t. Russian American

Fuck off. I'm not letting some shitposting faggot talk shit and having to mute them.

>all the reddit spacing in the pro-nigger replies
really makes you think

>and set hordes of ravenous trannies on the people who said it

Who cares what happens to them? They are shitty.

Stay tiggered, they were acting like fucking animals.

Niggers ruin everything. Then again they were playing overwatch, so everyone in that video is a nigger to me.

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>she's challenging them
>She wanted them to go off precisely so she could upload it to social media
>it's a perfectly valid tactic
To do what exactly? prove that racism exists? everybody knows that. As long as there's more than two people on the planet, someone is going to hate someone else's guts. Fighting racism is like fighting the war on terror. Someone always gets paid and has an interest in stirring the pot further. Like this girl here. How brave of her to bait racists into . . saying racist things. Wow! Do you think the racist is ashamed? No for real now. Think that guy cares? He's just gonna buy another game and start all over.

If this was done solely to get this guy banned i would have nothing to say. But it was done to get attention on twitter. Know how many times i've seen racism in OW? At least 5 times over the 2 years that i played it. Reported it every time. What i didn't do is record it and put it up on social media like a shitkid running at the teacher to tattle on who broke the window.

>Yes it does feel shitty, but I wouldn't provoke them further

She wasn't provoking anyone. Also she had every right to record it in a public space. I'm glad these dumbass players are getting what they deserve. Fucking retarded shitposting faggots

look at this fat ugly cow lol


This. Its always funny until you discover you are responisble for your actions.

>Why are white gamer boys so fragile??? Like??? Jesus.
where the lie tho

>To do what exactly?
Use them as an example and spread awareness to get more guys to not behave that way.

>It's the victims fault

You better watch what you say on a public platform and make sure you hide behind an anime avatar if you wanna talk shit.

talk shit get hit
this is how it should be

leg so hot
hot hot leg
leg so hot it fry an egg

user shouting NIGGERS and KOONS over and over again isn't "trash talking" are you really going to bait this hard? You are defending trash.

lmao nice logic geek

the heroes of the storm general chat is redpilled as fuck too

you mean the two people still playing the game is redpilled?
and by redpilled, do you mean a two person circlejerk echochamber?

Hello, AOC

funny how they always bring up 'systemic oppression' even though that's nowhere in the definition of racism

People like you are cowards, you let people act shitty and let them know there is no accountability for how they act.

>it's not enough that I can't hear them. they should be banned because their wrong think hurts my fee fees

>literal bully victim
lmfao wow

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Yeah maybe the first time. Now, a match later and I don't give a shit.

The online world is shitty. But why should we change it? For example, Yea Forums is notorious for people acting like retards and being shitty to eachother. Yet you are here. Why? Cos it's FUN. AND NOBODY SHOULD CHANGE IT.

that's right, this is a racism free zone. not around here pal. racists better beat it!

You're in a public space of other individuals trying to have fun. Make sure you watch what you say bitch.

Not my problem. I don't care if some faggot called some other faggot some bad words.

There's 3 things she could've done
1) get better
2) ignore it(wouldn recomment)
or 3) insult them back like any fucking else would do

you can't be racist against whites, congress said so

Yeah fuck em, who cares? Are you like them? Is that it? Imagine defending random assholes on the interent? Know what has never happened to me? Being banned fron vidya for being an asshole. Some of you must be some spoilt little bitches for thinking that you get to go through life being a piece of junk to everyone and nothing happens. Thats coward thinking.

>Not my problem. I don't care if some faggot called some other faggot some bad words.

You say this when both parties get super tilted and won't even focus on the game. That's the issue. No one cares but the people throwing insults. It's pure fucking cancer. So I'm glad this girl reported on these dumb faggots.

>public space of other individuals trying to have fun
>make it about you and cry to the teacher when you're being annoying

And yet we have rules you fucking tool.

>There's 3 things she could've done
>1) get better
>2) ignore it(wouldn recomment)
>or 3) insult them back like any fucking else would do
You can't argue back against 3 other people. They'll just start screaming louder at you and saying even more dumb shit

I saw a self described proud black man say his "pride" was hurt from reading the word nigger. Not even an insult directed at him, just the word. black fragility is real

People should be free to say whatever they want, whenever and however they want to.
Words aren't a crime, Fascist

Are you a child? I can do whatever the fuck I want. I'l report you if you talk shit like that in my games. I know plenty of other user's in here would do the same.


Racism outside of Yea Forums is a bannable offence. Its in the rules.

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Of course when you share a space with other people it's completely ok to talk shit to others because muh free speech is so important in an online game, right?

And thats not my problem. I dont care if some random gets banned like a faggot for acting like a faggot. why do YOU care about them?

Remember that "this is a black thing isn't it?" on Fresh Prince? Yeah, clown world.

>(please do not repost)

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Unironicly have sex

are jokes also a bannable offense?


You really think I'm one of those guys that care about racism? That's not what I'm complaining about. Whether you say some racist shit or not it's about you being a fucking retarded prick in my online games.

Or get them banned. It fucks them off and works. Talk shit, get hit. You are all such soft touches, that or you do shit thats ban worthy.

have the surgery

Can you actually get people banned like that? Would it be possible for me to just say "I'm black" over voice chat and then report every one who says anything racist? ezmodo trolling.

>Racism outside of Yea Forums is a bannable offence. Its in the rules.

I always report people when I see them post the n-word for the lulz

that's pretty entitled compadre haha, typical gamer

And you getting banned for acting like a cunt isn't a crime either. Reporting assholes who break the rules isn't a crime. Glad everyone hasn't been commiting crimes today.

Shit was messed up but she didn’t mute them so I don’t feel bad. Grow a thicker skin.

BASED and dare I say REDPILLED

Give me a shota then

also fortnite

>it was just a prank bro please dont report me because i actually will get banned because i clearly broke the rules

yes it is. Nothing is more insufferable to me than pear clutching FAGGOTS like you that want to dictate what acceptable behavior is.
Why don't you use YOUR freedom of expression to explain to them why what they said is wrong and encourage them to not behave in that way. But you don't want to do that, you'd rather just get rid of those people

>Can you actually get people banned like that? Would it be possible for me to just say "I'm black" over voice chat and then report every one who says anything racist? ezmodo trolling.

Yes. I've once heard someone on VRChat say the word nigger (I was recording) and I pretended to be offended and I said, "don't say the n-word" and like 5 other teenagers chimed in and chasing me spamming the word nigger to me. This went on for several minutes, I swear.

A few days later I get an email response from the Devs and told me they were permabanned.

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now you know why trump won.

Hope they grow thicker skins when they get banned.

Didn't your parents ever tell you being a tattle tail is for faggots?
>people need to conform to me and I DESERVE TO BE TREATED WITH THE UTMOST RESPECT OR ELSE!!!!

Typical entitled gamer

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>yes it is. Nothing is more insufferable to me than pear clutching FAGGOTS like you that want to dictate what acceptable behavior is.

LOOOL. We don't give a flying fuck what you think about us. We know if you piss us off we'll record and report you and all that's nice to know is you're banned from the game permanently.

>Why don't you use YOUR freedom of expression to explain to them why what they said is wrong and encourage them to not behave in that way. But you don't want to do that, you'd rather just get rid of those people

Oh, yeah I'd love to waste my time on a game where I'm supposed to have fun and educate manchildren not to be fucking assholes. I'm not going to waste my fucking time like that. Fuck off. Use your brain and have human decency.

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>be strong n empowered black wimmin who need no man

the absolute state of black people lmao

People like you are actually an example of how pathetic and nerfed up this world is now but you think its the opposite. Zero accountability.

It's so nice to know Yea Forums aren't retarded shitposters and know when to record/screenshot people being retards so they can get banned.

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Imagine if deku cracked it on his dick instead haha

and yet you'll waste your time reporting people like a toddler in kindergarten

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Im not American i dont give a fuck how you decide to blame others for your shortcomings.

>yes it is. Nothing is more insufferable to me than pear clutching FAGGOTS like you that want to dictate what acceptable behavior is.

Hey, here's something to think about. Don't be an asshole? It's that simple

No they taught me that i was responsible for my actions. Its funny that you talk about "entitled" when you thinknyou are free to act however you like at the expense of others.

Do I really have to repeat myself?
get better and faggots can talk shit all they want, jesus. If someone is ruining the whole team ofc they'll correct you. Either get better and take the heat or play something else.

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>and yet you'll waste your time reporting people like a toddler in kindergarten

FUCKING LOL. Is taddle tailing still a thing? Ironic coming from a manchild on Yea Forums. Why do you care being reported? How about stop acting like a retard in online games?

The inly people who defend cunts are te kind of cunts who know they do and say stuff that gets them banned.

so you understand when you act like a fag you get treated like one by your peers?
>Ironic coming from a manchild on Yea Forums

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you type like chinese

>so you understand when you act like a fag you get treated like one by your peers?

And when that happens you get reported? Cause and effect.

>Zero accountability.
>Don't be an asshole
Did you ever play a sport in highschool? I know you didn't because if you did you'd know that shit talking is a real part of life and some times it adds to the enjoyment of the experience.
Nobody was ever kicked off the team for trash talk. In fact it was often encouraged
I'm so tired of thin skinned Nancy boys like you two shitting up online games. People like you are why nobody uses public chat anymore because guess what??? NOBODY has fun walking over eggshells to avoid hurting your pansy ass feelings.
Both of you NEED to go back

>so you understand when you act like a fag you get treated like one by your peers?
Yes which is why concequences exist, but i have never been excluded/banned from an online game ever because i dont act like a fag.


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So you admit you're the problem

Because you get banned. Are dumb?


>Did you ever play a sport in highschool? I know you didn't because if you did you'd know that shit talking is a real part of life and some times it adds to the enjoyment of the experience
Didn't realise that meant calling the black players "fucking koon niggers" in front of everyone user. Never realised that was actually bantz.

this woman would not survive 30 seconds in xbox 360 game chat

wow not cool. i'm tattling on you!

>NOBODY has fun walking over eggshells
>not calling people a fucking nigger is eggshells

>Did you ever play a sport in highschool? I know you didn't because if you did you'd know that shit talking is a real part of life and some times it adds to the enjoyment of the experience.

Of course I did, wrestling, football, and boxing. And when they did talk shit I'd get in their face. As a 6'0 210 pound athlete they'd stop talking shit. I'd actually had respect for these guys. But for these fucking losers who hide behind a computer screen? Zero respect to these online losers. Don't even compare them to actual athletes because they actually had respect. They only get away with it by using Anonymous names and know there weren't consequences. This is why I report these faggots because people like you are pussies. Athletes shit talking and retarded online shitposters are completely different. In offline mode if you talk shit you better back up your words. Online? No fucking consequences at all.

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>she silently records them and reports them rather than hitting them back with better insults

what a bitch

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yeah and the black players would call us honkey and shit, It goes both ways


I literally do this on Yea Forums

oh yeah user, awful, she was the bad guy all along.

I love dogs.

>yeah and the black players would call us honkey and shit, It goes both ways

No. This is not what happens in high school and college sports. Your idea of how athletes act are so far fetched I know you weren't an athlete yourself. They had friendly banter but they never ever called some black people a nigger. If that actually happened they would fucking fight you in the lockers.

Also what kind of spastic plays over watch on ps4

Snitches get stitches.

Who doesnt?

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>oh yeah user, awful, she was the bad guy all along.
Not saying she was the bad guy, just saying that "back in the day" the proper way to handle this situation would be to respond with better comebacks. Fight back, defend yourself, get creative with your insults.

Nowadays it's just 'record them saying mean words, report for toxicity' and she doesn't even try to defend herself or fight back.