I still use my old CRT from 1999. Specially for gaymen.
what if I dont play games made in ms paint
You still get motion blur you dummy
Its 2019, motion blur is INSIDE the game! As a feature!
so to be a "real gamer" i have to use old, outdated, fuckhuge heavy, cancer-causing technology?
>cancer-causing technology
You mean your iphone?
So what's the point being made here? That I should get cancer from staring at a CRT because you autists have an epic meme to force?
also input/display lag
CTRs don't cause cancer.
You get more radiation by eating 5 bananas than sitting in front of a CRT for an entire year.
ULMB exists now
look how defensive the lcdlets get
good thing I don't consume fruit
Even if it doesn't, why should I buy a huge inconvenient outdated television for old games when I can just emulate them on my laptop? Seems like autism to me.
What was the shutter speed these stills were taken at?
It was never proven that it haves cancer.
Also CTRs are not outdated in terms of quality, it's just that new screens are cheaper to produce because they have less pieces.
I don't expect retards to have standards
>It's the cancer argument again.
You should. It sound like your brain cells are sorely in need of potassium.
>hunting down a giant CRT for like a few twenty year old games
Oh, yeah, I'm the retard. No thanks. I'm not gonna waste my money just so NES games look slightly better than they do on a regular screen.
Glad we agree.
He's right about the weight at least. A CRT of decent size weighs upwards 120lbs. and because of their shape they're incredibly awkward to hold, making them feel even heavier.
The real problem isn't that CRTs are so great, it's that LCDs are fucking awful. I can't wait until OLEDs wipe them out. That'll correct a ton of problems LCDs introduced. Frankly I wish Plasma had won out (or even better, SED technology had it not been abandoned).
I don't give a fuck about crt vs lcd but I kinda miss my old fuckhuge wood-framed console TV I had when I was a kid. It was a tv and furniture in one impossible to move box!
>eat literal balls of sugar to get some potassium
Fucking lol
Back to facebook/reddit/twitter/resetera, normie.
I want an OLED that activates each LED individually to "scan" a field in the way a CRT electron gun does. I don't know if they're fast enough yet to pull that off (it'd have to cycle each LED in sequence for the entire screen within 1/60 of a second) but if the TV could do that then suddenly light guns will work again.