Oblivion > Morrowind >>>> Skyrim > Daggerfall/arena

Oblivion > Morrowind >>>> Skyrim > Daggerfall/arena

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Stop being a contrarian
Oblivion was fucking trash,Morrowind still beats it every day and night

Daggerfall > Morrowind > Oblivion > Arena > Skyrim

How's ESO? If you play it in first person is it a decent adventure?

>Oblivion >
Why would anyone do this

Morrowind >> Skyrim >>>>>>>> Oblivion and the irrrelevant ones

great game

dagggerfall >morrowind>oblivion>skyrim>arena

Pretty much, Oblivion was generic, but had ambition that's still hard to find to this day and was well presented. Oblivion could slip in more morrowindesque ideas under the belt, but remained accessible on the surface. Most people had a phase of disliking Oblivion, but the charm of it comes back over time. Skyrim is just too shallow to get that same kind of response.

>I can't comprehend dice combat

>dice combat in a 3D game

>dice roll combat in a game where you positioning and aim still matters
go make a shooter with dice roll bullets and see how much people like it.

Depends on what you're looking for. Morrowind has the best story and lore, and actual RPG elements, it looks like shit and is hard to play though.

Oblivion ditched too much RPG, but is fun to play. Skyrim ditched the most, but is the most fun.

I'm a Morrowindfag myself, if Elder Scrolls lore knowledge got you pussy I'd be Chad.

Oblivion is just such a hassle to play now

at least Morrowind doesn't need mods

CS:GO is rather popular.

The first person gunplay is shit and it's not an "elder scrolls adventure"
The lore is not so bad though and the quests are better than the ones in most of mmos

>go make a shooter with dice roll bullets and see how much people like it.
do you mean literally every multiplayer FPS game in the past 20 years?

Skyrim is the game you go back to once a year only to realize it's still shit. I WANT it to be good so, so bad, but even across multiple heavily modded playthroughs it's just so hard to ignore the flaws.

Skyrim made millions....

Oblivion and Skyrim removed gameplay to replace it with...?

...of women and casuals start playing videogames


Morrowind => Oblivion >>>>> Skyrim

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Oblivion > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Morrowind > Arena
I love all of these games, but I think there's something that Daggerfall and Oblivion have that the others don't, I think it's the more generic fantasy atmosphere, I unironically like it a lot. Something mystical and magical, not to mention comfy, about those games.

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skyrim > old games

>play Oblivion
>get a CTD

Face it, the best and funniest thing in Bethesda games is the Radiant AI, Morrowind NPCs don't even move, night and day is purely aesthetic

>uses head mod that makes everyone look like they are wearing GTA masks

Attached: 1421323368229.jpg (299x249, 48K)

This was the before shot

Also, checkem

Attached: 6C2BC3D8-D5D0-466A-A416-8057229DDA49.jpg (4032x3024, 2.18M)

I've been doing that for 8 years now. I realized it was shut by December 2011

>recharge enchantment
>hammer breaks
>recharge enchant
>hammer breaks
>recharge enchant
>hammer breaks
gee that was fun killing 1 goblin at level 10.

Only Arena is worse than Shitrim.

Game I played first > Game I played second > Game everyone's playing now > Other games

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Someone clicked on things without reading them first. I know its a meme but everyone at this point knows its all a matter of putting your points to the weapon and attributes related to the weapon.

>head has more polys than morrowinds capitol city

Attached: 1465321522291.png (921x288, 255K)

>is retarded
>complains about being so underleveled that he can't kill a goblin with a sword
>at level 10
Holy shit learn to spec your attributes, extra points in Strength would fix your issue. Even better, potions to fortify Blade/Blunt or Strength (or both), or spells to fortify Strength or Blade/Blunt. Also, Extra points in Armorer and an actually good sword would help. Hell, if you did all this you wouldn't even need a fucking enchantment, and besides, what fucking enchantment are you using that wouldn't absolutely destroy a fucking goblin at level 10 anyways? Drain fatigue? Christ, dude

The leveling system in both Morrowind and Oblivion was completely retarded. You have to literally specialize in skills that you won't use so you don't level too quickly so you don't lose out on stats. In Oblivion it's even MORE retarded though because enemies scale to your level, at least in Morrowind you can leave an area if it's too difficult, level up some more and come back

Morrowind with mods > Vanilla Morrowind > Oblivion with mods > Skyrim with mods > Vanilla Skyrim > Vanilla Oblivion


That's a fair point, because yes, Oblivion's scaled enemies are indeed retarded. However, though you can do as you said and base your class on skills you don't use, but it isn't absolutely necessary. If you make sure your class has at least one offensive skill, and you keep on top of that skill and grind/train to keep it on-far with enemies, you'll be alright. If you pay attention to your attributes and how they help your combat/non-combat skills you will also benefit from the added bonuses they provide. This is admittedly harder to do if you play a more mixed class, the more mixed the harder to get around it is. Playing Warrior, Rogue or Mage are easiest because each of those base classes only has bout two attributes tied to their major skills, and you can only increase two attributes per-level, so that works out the best. That said, mixed classes that only take components from two of those three base classes are also viable, though you'll have to spread your upgrades between three or four attributes instead of two. If all else fails, you can also adjust the difficulty.

This guy gets it.
This is also okay.

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Based as FUCK

So how is modding oblivion at this point? Can one get a full overhaul with just a handful of packs now? ie detailed cities, texture pack, xp conversion, and melee enhancement and be good to go?

>five hours
bitch what

unironically the best video essay on a video game I ever watched, shame he quit

All you need is OOO and midas magic.

Modded oblivion feels surprisingly playable even today. Cyrodiil is so fucking comfy.

Morrowind > Shivering Isles > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena

Morrowind = Morrowind = Morrowind = Morrowind