Have you ever pretended to be a girl in an online game?
Have you ever pretended to be a girl in an online game?
Tranny thread check this 5
I do that irl user
all the games I play use voice comms so no
my gf can do a really good voice of a boy though so does that to avoid thirsty autists but its really off-putting to me
Yeah, while ERP'ing in wow it helped a lot. In the end my gender doesn't matter but it makes people happier to think they're doing it with a girl
I wasn't pretending!
I never pretended but I didn't talk a lot. Some lonely nerds would try to hit on me though.
Of course! UwU
Yeah, but not because I'm a faggot or anything, i do it to make people give me free shit
There is no difference between being a girl and wanting to be a girl
You can still transition user, there is still time
I did on WoW once for a day when BC launched just to see if it made a difference. i got free shit, and invites constantly. thirsty betas are pathetic.
Yes. I had an entire fake girl persona in one MMO. Had two people confess love to me and fight over me causing one to quit the game forever. I've stopped playing since as well since I got tired of it and want the other guy to move on with his life.
Only once
I never out and out pretended I was one really but people have assumed and I have let them so I guess that counts.
Free stuff, help, and attention is nice
I don't really pretend to be a girl, but people assume I'm one based off how I act, talk and present myself. I don't go out of my way to correct them.
I'm secure as a rather feminine boy.
I had my entire oldskool Maplestory guild buffaloed by pretending I was a girl for over a year, but this was back in the days before social media and VOIP so people tended to believe a little easier.
if you'd want to be more feminine you can take Antiandrogens until you're t is at a high female level
And then take estradiol and Tamofixen, optional
It's not pretending, It's "transitioning", you shitlord.
I pretended to be a boy once.
Used to do this all the time in Maplestory. I had a character that was an extremely cutesy girl and I’d just hang out in popular maps and lay it on thick when people talked to me, pretend I was useless and poor and white knights would just SHOWER me in free shit.
Then I just get my friend online and transfer all the valuable stuff to my real character, and sell the rest. I was absolutely decked out in incredible gear and stacks of consumables and I never worked for any of it. Had a lot of fun teasing people, too. Never felt like doing it in any other game, something about how innocent Maplestory was made it feel okay to do there.
Pic related, it’s as close as I can remember to my devious catfish qt.
Not everyone needs to be a tranny. Most people don't need to be trannies.
but you'd be cuter and softer, testosterone wrecks your skin m80
dont you want that
Nope. I may be gay as fuck taking dildos all the time but I won't ever be a fucking bitch.
No, I'm not a fucking faggot who dupes horny guys
Once, in WoW, to try and get gold.
It didn't work, I realized how stupid it was, and move onto scamming people with Marks of Sargeras/Kil'jaeden.
This one time I pretended to be a girl on Omegle and convinced some random Mexican to whack off to me while we were talking. I feel disgusted and aroused thinking about it.
>testosterone fucks your skin
ture but
>it also lets me play sports
so fuck you faggot.
I have an excellent skin care routine.
No need to pretend
All you faggots who have done this should off yourselves for being so gay
I'm a girl who pretends to be a boy pretending to be a girl that plays exclusively male characters.
I didn't even intend for the rabbit hole to go this fucking deep but here it is.
But I have a wife (female). Something I doubt you have lmao fag
Yeah, I did in diablo 2, maple story, and jedi academy because I liked the attention and free shit I got for it.
never pretended. just dont bother correcting people if they think so because i honestly dont care what gender they think i am. just wanna play the game and have fun.