Name a more camcerous underage fanbase
Name a more camcerous underage fanbase
Probably FNAF and Undertale in their hayday, but fromfags are more annoying and genuinely cancer than just unintentionally cringe
Bloodborne fanbase is more cancerous per capita than the fromsoft fanbase as a whole.
Undertale fans?
I agree the FROM fanbase is kind of shit though
Nah DS3 fags are unbeatable cancer
nobody gives a shit about undertale anymore
Found the seething journalist
Yea Forums if this is the type of post that doesn't get saged
if you think bloodborne is not GotD you must be fucking retard.
Here they are
Nintendo, literally. :)
from soft fanbase isn't bad. its bloodborne fan base that is the issue because its full of muh lovecraft pseuds, edgelords, and consolewarring retards and retards who genuinely believe that bloodborne had more variety in playstyle than dark souls.
exhibit A.
>Call of Duty
There are probably more. These were just from the top of my head
CDPR Cucks, witcher games are bad, and cyberpunk looks worse
DS3fags are the most mundane, non-controversial ,non-obnoxious of all fromsoft sub-fanbases. idk what fantasy world you're living in.
Proof that its bloodborefags who are the issue -->
FromSoft fanbase isn't bad. It's the people who don't like their games and say they're too hard that are cancer. Go play westacuck walking sims or whatever.
Fortnite, Smash, and FNAF
>seething underage nigger
It's fucking heartwarming.
>complains about bbfags and consolewarring
>is doing exactly that
Nah its the whole fanbase in general
OG demons souls fags were halfway decent, but as soon as jewtubers started making dark souls popular the series has been full of dumbass consumer whores ever since
I like the games but the fans overrate these games sooooo much
Yea Forums.
t. obnoxious DS3 faggot
Guess you dont see the almost daily rankings threads where 3fags say everything else is trash
How the fuck am I doing the same thing? i didn't say any other game was better than bloodborne nor did i say pc was better than ps4. i actually happen to play exclusively on the ps4.
This, but unironically.
>Guess you dont see the almost daily rankings threads where 3fags say everything else is trash
no, I don't. All i see are BBabies posting "b-but BB is better than sekiro" threads and the occasional DaS2 thread.
Soulsfags are insufferable. They constantly complain about replayability and >muh builds.
PvPfags and """""git gud""""" redditors are the worst of the bunch though.
Heartwarming indeed to see some nu-male cuck get cancer and die soon hopefully
then i apologise
theres a large group of pc loyalty fags who hate on BB for that reason only
Easy answer because Bloodborne fags overlap with Snoyfags
>but bb is better than sekiro
It is though? Whats controversial about that
Oh man. Das isn' bischen deprimierend.
I wouldn't say underage just a group of edgy people trying to seem cool through their idea that cool means playing dark souls, devil may cry, and metal gear rising while watching JoJo, reading Guts, and listening to Metallica or some other gay dad rock when they're done playing "pull my devil trigger" and "rules of nature" on repeat for the first half of the day
Ultimately they're just try hards attempting to seem cool to God knows who
From/Souls games had a pretty great fanbase until the PC port. thats when the git gud and praise le sun memeshit started
i agree
conversely OG deus ex fags have to be the best posters on this board
>I suck
>therefore everything else is at fault!
I admit that some of the fans are absolute dorks who drive their self-esteem from a fucking video game, but you generalizing that shit makes you just as pathetic as them.
Not too mention that this fanbase actually defends what they like. While you are some low test faggot who can't stand up for himself and cries just because a game beat him so you want easy mode in everything so you don't feel as worthless as you are.
the fact you have to make daily COPE threads to convince yourself it's actually better, just proves it's not actually better, and deep inside you know sekiro is better.
Wouldn't he had cucked whoever his wife remarries after he kicks the bucket?
based oldfriend who /remembers/
Blame Youtubers like EpicNoBaby the dozens of meme MLG montage fags and Vaati
Fuck off there's nothing wrong with any of that faggot.
>wasting this many words on a parroted git gud response
kys you literal underager
>Heartwarming indeed to see some nu-male cuck get cancer and die soon hopefully
+1 Like to your epic edgy comment, bro XDD, where can I subscribe?
I loved Sekiro but it has virtually zero replayability
BB is a game I can always come back to and enjoy
I still think DS1 shits on both of them though
>reading Guts
Its Berserk you pleb and its one of the best things to come from that degenerate nation of sissy boys
based zoomer poster
Just because its popular doesnt mean it's bad kid
I'm feeling pretty reserved about Cyberpunk though
Especially since its NOT cyberpunk
Just trying to bait out the greasy metalheads that fit the From demographic
Thanks for the catch
post yfw Toby Fox only planned to launch one chapter of Deltarune while deliberately keeping very pessimistic delivery date estimates just to finish killing the hype for the franchise and release himself from the suffering
OG DeS, and DaS threads were comfy. But shit went downhill extremely fast after the PC port, when more and more people started to play, and the git gud, le grande padre memes spurred into existence. We have the rare lorefag threads that are devoid of any shitposting or obnoxious autism, namely BB's most of the time, but they too keep getting rarer and rarer. I love the games, but I steer clear of these threads nowadays.
I am OP you smelly vegan
Berserk is fantastic, dont let the shitty 12 yr old anime only fanbase convince you otherwise.
Epic (fortnite)
You are part of the cancer
>killing the hype for the franchise
And how exactly was that supposed to be more effective than just not releasing anything at all?
Fuck off, shitlips.
Right here bro :)
Then you're part of the problem too
nothing's worse than smashfags
kys my man
Its true
Lorewanking is probably the most obnoxious thing about Fromfags especially BB fags
Literal soiboy face reddit tier shit
Just play the damn game and discuss it instead of quaking down to your little testicles at every bit of fanservice and badly translated item description
the people who unironically spout git gud and giantdad memes are the worst
How the fuck does being a fan of a manga for 10+ years have anything to do with From?
cool strawman
Spotted mad jurno. Git gud.
It’s not all the fanbase it’s just anglocucks who have no culture so they think a game like Bloodborne is the cornerstone of their identities because it has a Victorian vibe to it
>"play the game the way I want you to"
Hit the nail right on the fucking head didnt I
Vaati/ENB fans are the worst shit to ever happen to the fanbase
Up to this date, UT fans are still releasing fangames, fanart and vids. Most of their focus diverted to Deltarune as soon as it released, though; the influx of content severely diminished in favor of more DR-oriented stuff.
OP forgot Smashfags exist.
Can you not?
>Vaati/ENB fans are the worst shit
Vaati, especially, is universally hated even by lorefags. Git gud and invasion redditors are the true cancer.
Youtube gamers.
or touhou
Anglos are just further inbred and mutted Afghanis-sorry I mean Germans.
I'm sensing a pattern
>autistic brand loyalty
>put their Marvel soi faces on at the slightest reference or pandering
>viciously attack detractors and other fanbases unprovoked
>do mental gymnastics to justify the games/series shortcomings
>obsessive use of unfunny memes
I think anything that falls into these categories is cancer
Warframe fanbase, easily.
Fuck off back to orange man general you self hating 56%
Nu-Mortal Kombat shills
I'm English and I don't like Bloodborne that much, really.
Also, isn't Yharnam actually based on Romanian architecture? And the biggest influence on the game's mythos was an American writer. So it's not really an "anglo" game at all, other than the voice-actors in the English version.
He's a burger who thinks all europeans are the same
>that one projecting mutt that doesn't stop talking about anglos
I've seen you fucking everywhere, and in sekiro threads shortly prior to the launch. Fuck off, you're getting predictable.
Any game popular among girls
take my upvote
Anyone posting in this thread is the cancer.
Yea Forums
Yeah, it has nothing to do with being an amazing game. Just us whiteys wanting more whitey stuff.
The sergal is a nice touch
Xenoblade 2 fanbase
>autistic brand loyalty
>put their Marvel soi faces on at the slightest reference or pandering
>viciously attack detractors and other fanbases unprovoked
>do mental gymnastics to justify the games/series shortcomings
>obsessive use of unfunny memes
So, Yea Forums?
Pretty much
DS2 threads were still quite comfy despite the souls wars. It's when DS3babbies came in that the cancer exploded to unparalleled levels.
the quality of bloodborne is miles ahead of any of any other from game.
It's not. It doesn't do enough new to truly distinguish itself as being a next level in quality from Dark Souls/Demon's Souls. Still a good game though. With issues.
But what if I only play their armored core and have gotten every ac game since 1
here's my 2 cents
>DeS' gimmick bosses
>DaS' 2nd half
that is all
>Life is Strange
>Blizzard games in general (even though everyone is starting to hate blizz lol)
Bloodborne also has a drop in quality with its second half, though.
Not as bad as DaS1's though. And the DLC elevates the game even further in quality. That's just what I perceive.
>Not as bad as DaS1's though
DaS 1 has two bad levels in its second half, the same amount as Bloodborne.