Has any game ever made you feel this way?

Has any game ever made you feel this way?

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I've never even understood this image. What feeling is he experiencing here?

Link's Awakening
K-ON season 2

Zoombinis when I was a little kid

The Witcher 3 with DLCs

Sonic Mania's soundtrack. I spoiled myself on the game, but avoided hearing any of the tracks until I played it myself.

Basically any large metroidvania or anything with a persistent world. Just a weird feeling knowing there won't be more and you got so invested into it and remembering everything about where you've been and its just gone. [spoilers]Death terrifies me because i'm attached to this place and not neccesarily because im scared of pain/torture.[/spoiler]


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The kinoest of vidya

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Content and wistful, with a touch of meloncholy
Have you ever been walking through a quiet neighborhood at night in late autumn/early spring, maybe with a very slight drizzle, and felt a strong sense of peace, clarity and introspection? This is that feeling


the notion that a meaningful/ entertaining experience has ended, and that it can be never re-experienced for the first time ever again, and revisiting it in the short-term would feel lame and gay

or something like that

Me thinking about how to improve my factorio runs

The only time I ever felt this way was with pic related when I was 12.

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>shitty hair genes
>wife’s daughter
Yup that’s a Nincel alright, the soý levels are off the chart.

unironically new vegas
that game just makes you THINK

Shadow of the Colossus
Marathon: Infinity

That's it, really

Dragon quest 11. Fuck I want to replay it but I need to give it more time.

I think but I can't remember any specific examples at the moment.

every time I replay fallout 1

Portal 2 is probably the last that managed to come close to this for me. The finale was perfect, but the entire thing was great start to fucking finish.

Well not really a game but in anticipation for sekiro, I platinum'd every souls game from demon souls to bloodborne to ds3 back to back. It really felt like that when I turned off the console for one last time.

Funny thing is I never ended up sekiro either.

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Most recent one was VC4 a few months back.

Pokemon Emerald when I was a kid

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Silent Hill 2

bloodborne, nier automata, botw, rdr 1 and 2

Plenty. But most notable was actually Half life 2. It was the game that got me into building Pcs and it actually met and exceeded my expectations. Everything about it left an impression on me and i still play it yearly. Dont bother trying to dispute me, I will not be convinced otherwise.

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Lex's story from amorous

unironically undertale

>K-On season 2

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Wild Arms 2
Trails in the Sky SC
Ace Attorney 1

Fucking Bloodborne. Its the only time i will ever use the word kino, because thats what it is.

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Rain World, but it was also coupled with a deep sense of unsatisfaction and fatigue


You need to play better games, user.
Undertale was super cringy and the gameplay was boring af.

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Nioh. Here's to hoping that Nioh 2 will be even greater

Nothing because hes a fucking puppet user

yes it had stupid forced moments like the lesbian couple and the gameplay largely revolved around moving a heart around obstacles. but the game hurt me a lot still. almost like it was targeted specifically at people like me

New Vegas
Super Mario Galaxy
Rain World
Hotline Miami

May I ask how old you are and what gender?
I'm just curious.

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Only something a white mind can experience

Go back to /pol/

This pic might as well be titled Kentucky_Route_Zero.png

Posted this last thread but didn't get a sufficient amount of (you)'s

I've literally gotten to the end of games and refused to complete them because then they would be over.

When I do get this feel. I uhh wew. It's not painful but. I'm glad it happened but I know I will never experience anything like it again. Is this what normies feel when a relationship doesn't work.

HIS Daughter, and he is probably skinny from the CANCER you unfeeling sociopath
Most recently for me was Hollow Knight, felt close to this with Spiderman PS4 and Sekiro. Breath of the Wild hit me with this as well. Honorable mentions to Samus Returns for making me enjoy metroid again and Witcher 3 for actually making me care about my daughter

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>that webm

I have so many questions that will never be answered.

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Here free (You), now you can rest.

Holy fuck that's some horrendous art.

this one did it for me

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I know I'm generalizing here but the entirety of Japan is fucked in the brain

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Last of Us
Witcher 3

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NieR Automata except it also made me deeply sad

Deadly Preminition left a hole in my heart.

>Complaining about sociopaths
>on Yea Forums

Witcher 3
Yakuza 0

Probably a few others but these are the most recent

XC2 last year

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Fuck you.

Mother Series
Nier games
RDR games

Witcher 3

Not them, but I felt the same way and I am a 27 year old straight man. It's a very genuine story with a good sense of how to build up hype, the music plays a huge part in that as does the running leitmotif

how is it horrendous?

Breath of the Wild
Hollow Knight
Dark Souls

Monster Girl Quest
Katawa Shoujo

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Dark Souls
Nier: Automata
Final Fantasy VII
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Witcher 3
Hollow Knight
Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Hearts 3
Katawa Shoujo

Go back to Resetera and fucking stay there

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Go back to your country, shitskin


back to reddo, faggot. fuck him and his cancer

My brother, shame the books don't hold up so well later on in life, oh well, always more genre fiction.

gta san andreas. a very philisophical game with great charecters and great aesthetic and great story and great gameplay. also funny sometimes

Ghost Trick
Virtue's Last Reward
Planescape Torment
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni: Answer Arc
Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Mass Effect
La Mulana
Thief 2: The Metal Age
Devil May Cry 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Breath of Fire 4
Subsurface Circular
Silent Hill 2
Ruby Quest if forum games count

witcher 3
i'm still feeling this way

my dudes

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4-3 Victory in R6Siege.

F-Zero X Expansion Kit

muh niggy

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Doesn't happen very often but just finished Hypnospace Outlaw last night and it made me feel this hard.

>tfw "You let me down..."

I need to replay this to get myself ready for Desperados 3. They said it was coming out in summer but they recently changed the release date to just 2019. I don't mind them taking their time with it though.

Persona 4 basically ruined my year because I was convinced I'd never be as happy as the me that was in the game.

Ended up with some great friends in due time, but coming off of high school shit was rough.

This LITERALLY the feeling of a teenager that NEVER EVER read books, watch movies that aren't blockbusters and otakus.

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Holy shit, you actually beat it? It must have took ages

The original Deus Ex

I could not stop laughing, each scene was funnier than the last

Chrono Cross

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DMC3 every time I beat it

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Sauce me up senpai, I wanna see how far it goes.

Ico but no SotC?

We can only hope you get cancer

>Katawa Shoujo
The feels were reels

I just couldn't get into its storytelling.

Majoras Mask
Mario and Luigi superstar saga
Super Mario Galaxy
Xenovlade Chronicles 2
Pokemon Gold
Fable:The lost chapters

Baldur's gate

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Silent Hill 2
After James drives into the lake and then Angel's Thanatos plays

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was a masterpiece and no cringeposter will convince me otherwise.


Growing older made me lose the satisfaction of games

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Ark fell into a deep sleep...
And Ark dreamed his last dream...

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Fallout NV, all endings
Yakuza 2

>mouthbreather daughter
shame, she'll grow up to be uggo as fuark

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I was devastated, gave me the high school romance I never had, and will never.

They're 3D models put through a filter, not actually drawn.
but I agree they look off

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I was there before you were cunt

>Desperados 3
Just looked it up now and holy shit it looks like the same game

Shadow Tactics was essentially just a big love letter to Commandos and Deperados, so it figures. I can't think of anyone better to revive the series.
I think the focus on ranged lethality due to the setting will change stuff up a lot, though.

and we ALL have the ability to, make a wish user.
