How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
Bad because now every game has to pander to normalfags.
>leaves out the comic and book industry
90%+ of that money is from gachashit and f2p zoomer trash
no wonder jews are trying to take it over
I don't have to pay for DLC or lootboxes to watch the Avengers: End Game.
Not surprised. The sheer volume of games and low entry-level of game development compared to movie production makes this fact inevitable.
Pretty indifferent. I support free markets, so if there is more demand for vidya than film and music, so be it.
>b-b-b-b-but muh piracy hurts sales
Not surprising considering they've both been putting out marxist propaganda the last few decades
And now with the gaming industry carrying out the same agenda the same will happen to it too, its already collapsing
I pirate everything
I'm actually surprised if that's true.
The words "video game industry" look shopped into that image, nice fake news there user
This. They make eight times of the original sales of the game from a few hundred tards that buy lootboxes.
Is that article including or excluding phone bullshit?
And if you cut all the F2P mtx it's way behind. Or if you add subscriptions for VOD services movies are way ahead again. I'd love to see a study comparing AAA and major studio movies.
This, it's so top-heavy it's arguably not even the same industry.
Somebody post THAT uncharted webm
This. Game industry becomes a whore job literaly
Less quality
Cheap fun
They already took since 2005
That's been true for years now.
Fucking jews won't let me alone anywhere i go
It literally is amplified by gacha garbage though....
Makes me wonder why we keep hearing sob stories about devs and publishers and how they need to nickel and dime us just to scrape by.
same goes to casinos back when they were legal everywhere.
those are from people that dev sp AAA games like metro, RDR, GOW etc. games that barely make jack.
Movies are a gigantic waste of time and money past the age of 14 and the people who STILL go out of their way to watch movies whether they're in their own home or at the theater past that age should be gassed. Music is so old it's starting to lose originality and the only things being made these days is some absolutely disgusting jungle music. Ever played Far Cry New Dawn and heard the shit playing on the enemy radios? That's what we get out of the music industry today.
I say good riddance if they both disappeared.
This includes mobile shit which I don't consider games.
Everything about that game was shit. Not only music.
That's a lie unless you only the global video game industry and only compare it to America's movie and music industry.