It's like Sekiro, but good

It's like Sekiro, but good.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what kind of handicap unironically enjoys batman combat

It's like Sekiro, minus any combat.

Is this the new batman game?


Arkham combat system, literal easy mode

Its never coming out

Someone please post the witcher 3 copypasta

>Interactive cinematic experience

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I don't understand posts like this. Why is Yea Forums full of tribalist goofballs that think everything is a competition? Sekiro and Ghostly Sushiman have fucking nothing in common outside of katanas.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

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Ghostly sushiman kek

They don’t have much going on in their lives and this shit’s an easy (you).

>PlayStation exclusive
[insert ironic post here]

Is there any combat system more basic than Bamham? I'm sure plebs who get filtered by the Lady Butterfly will love it

Its nothing like Sekiro and you are a basic faggot if all it takes to make you associate the two together is fuedel Japan setting. Its like looking at Witcher III and calling it dark souls because both have fantasy medieval settings you cunt.

You're posing that comparison as an absurdity, and anywhere else you would be right to do so, but I am positive I saw Dark Souls vs Witcher threads when W3 came out because 90% of Yea Forums users are in middle school and make these comparisons because mom won't buy them two games.

Xcuck tears. Delicious.

Theyve been doing he same with sekiro and DMC5. I honestly don't get it they aren't even similar to to be compared, its pathetic

Hey guys Sekiro is just like Yakuza Ishin do you all think im clever? Should i make a thread about this??

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Is it good ? It's the only Yakuza game that I want to play.

Nice try but both equally suck.

Here's your combat system, bro.

Attached: batmans of tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I was hyped for both games and frequented both threads and never encountered a post pitting them against each other.

lol low quality memery arguments, remember when you retards called GoW a TLOU clone and got BTFO in the end

Why do you continue to embarrass yourselves?

This looks nothing like batman

This is what every game journalist will unironically say

what kind of handicap unironically enjoys batman combat

That would have serviced if they didn't show combat and the stealth gameplay on reveal.
Combat is 1:1 Arkham/Asscreed build combo stack, counter, and finisher. Then Stealth is Batman ledges and batman string take downs from not so remotely stealthy locations.

fuck off with your abbreviations, autist. Not everyone spends 8+ hours on this board and shortens the titles of names and series to a few letters like you do.

Attached: 1493350470163.jpg (960x960, 87K)

>GoW a TLOU clone
Yeah, it was even worse then that. Who couldv've guessed...

People that like button mashers like DMC

>Combat is 1:1 Arkham/Asscreed build combo stack, counter, and finisher.
Wrong now kys

Even normies know those abbreviations

Seethe more DMCfag, sold more then your weeb shit

How is Sekiro different from this aside from meme parries.
You literally do cinematic attacks to kill things in Sekiro.

jesus christ no wonder i never heard of this game. that looks boring as fuck.

>*whistles for magical horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*bushido code activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a ??®, gotta be"
>"??? , Nobu"
>follows bushido code along road
>guys in ?? ® suits appear
>"Iza, jinjou ni shobu!" YO HO HO YO HO YO HO HO YO HO
>dramatically slashes at attackers, lots of blood, katana durability at 5% cause you crossed blades countering more than three times
>"Mongols™ pretending to be ?? ®... Better go tell the shogun"
>autoruns back to castle
>"Daijoubu da, mondai nai. Just some Mongols™ posing as ??®" *holds up sara as proof*
>"Moshi moshi, samurai! Arigato desu!"
>"?? ???? Complete" *taiko drums* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>¥100 Received

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Attached: chadmahman.jpg (200x200, 6K)

>Wrong now kys
I explained why it looks like batman. Simply saying I'm wrong isn't going to change the fact that it is still just batman gameplay to me and most everyone else in this thread.

You have to prove it's not.
But you have a up hill battle ahead of you with such damning evidence as this

>damning evidence as this
That looks nothing like batman, how retarded are you

Literally waited for a counter like every Batman fight.
Enemy flashed before he did a instant kill move.
It's literally batman.
They know that they can't show anymore gameplay because people will get wise.

>counters are batman
>enemy indicting attack is batman

How retarded are you? Seriously are you just pretending?

>Yea Forums will play it on anything but the hardest difficulty and claim it's too easy.

Still waiting on your actually proof against it. I've gave my examples. All you have done is go Nuh-uh and call me retarded several times which only shows me and everyone else that you don't have anything to show.

Incorrect. Yea Forums won't play it at all.

Hold my beer

Attached: ghosts batman gameplay.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>People that like button mashers like DMC
i dont play dmc but im pretty sure its quite different from batman

The type of people campaigning for an easy mode in Sekrio unironically want all games to play like this.

reminds me of Ryse

This is obviously better than Sekiro.
Cope. Isshin has nothing on this.

Attached: ghosts of arkham.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

It's like Sekiro, but for people who write about video games and not play them.

Of fucking course snoyboy would like more the braindead easy bamham combat.

bloodborne is fiver years old and sony hasn't publish one single game worth getting in their shitbox.
PS4 emulation is around the corner anyway.

the fighting looks shit but i like the leaves

Cant wait for the downgrade comparisons

silky smooth 5fps

The video was proof that ita not batman

Nope both are button mashers

I cant go back to shit like this after DMC 5 and Sekiro

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Nice magical tracking and sliding on his first attack so it doesn't whiff.

you mean its like Batman

>The video was proof that ita not batman
Certainly wasn't.
>both ar button mashers.
DMC is only a button masher if you played Easy Automatic. In which you literally only have to use one hand and press Triangle to do a large string of combos that any other setting requires both hands and 6 fingers to pull off if you were remotely good at the game. And everyone frowns on you for pussying out of the normal game. Even the game.

>game about feudal Japan made by American communist jews

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You just fucking know that the moment they add a hud he is going to have something flash over his head telling him to press the counter or dodge button.

is it weird that this kind of feels like a Barry thread

Story is nice, leveling and upgrades is really fucking grindy though. There's also not a lot of epic boss qtes the series is known for.

>Certainly wasn't.
Certainly was

>DMC is only a button masher if you played Easy Automatic.
So its a button masher all you had to say

address this

That Batham and Ghost have the same stealth and Combat Like I said in this post?

Meant to reply to
whose most likely

>dmc rent-free
lel keep seething casual. If you can't git gud at dmc no wonder you hate sekiro.

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>git gud at dmc
LOL WHAT DELUSION, sekiro requires skill and DMC is dynasty warriors tier masher game

I see sony still makes Yea Forums super mad

if you slow down sekiro you actually see swords coliding
this shit looks like a boston dynamics test
im so ready to laugh at this when it comes out

God of War is a terrible action game
>move assist
>tacked on rpg mechanics that make many moves unreliable since you can't tell if they'll ever work
>inflated health pools on higher difficulties rather than actual changes to make the game harder, only number tweaking that adds tedium
>cooldowns (if you don't know why this is a problem then it's no wonder you enjoy such casual shit)
>epic slow mo whenever you do anything the game wants to make you feel cool for
>shit camera
>lock on breaks all the time

this will be a terrible game too, western devs refuse to make anything that doesn't appeal to a wide audience, even if that includes people who have never played a videogame

you're welcome for the (you), I won't give you another

it looks just like another movie game
sony seems to be good at buying out those

I bet you're shit at batman lol

Decent pasta but you need to work in *Taiko drums*

>Hold my beer
kill yourself, faggot

DMC combat

GOW combat
>dodging and parrying are more required than just mashing square
>each strike has more impact
>can use axe in more interesting ways like tripping enemies to stun them or hitting certain parts of the enemy like hitting the giants hand to stop him from attacking
>can knock enemies into another enemy to hurt or stun them
>axe can be recalled though multiple enemies causing damage to all of them
>axe requires aiming to throw at a enemy
>enivornment plays into the combat such as being able to pin enemies against walls, throw them off ledges/cliffs, and hitting objects that will do damage to enemies
>positioning more important now to do a lot of the stuff listed above

kys pathetic weeb
>inflated health pools on higher difficulties rather than actual changes to make the game harder, only number tweaking that adds tedium
Higher difficulty enemies get new moves, way to out yourself as not oening the game

>mashing square
way to out yourself as not oening the game either faggot
>positioning more important now to do a lot of the stuff listed above
here you go, nigger
keep watching after 11:20 and try to fucking tell me positioning is important

you'll have to earn your (you)s from here

git gud lmao

>that massive slowdown parry window
What an absolute joke.

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>git gud at dynasty warriors


cope shill

keep seething. Imagine being shit at something as easy as dmc.

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This is fucking pathetic

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>Higher difficulty enemies get new moves, way to out yourself as not oening the game
>DMC combat
You should look into how your own words also apply to yourself