Halo: Reach

Halo: Reach

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Halo 2

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Pretty good.

best cuties
best asses
best unlocks
best game mode (Invasion)

Shame about that campaign and ruining all future Halo MP with sprint

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When's it coming, anyway?

I'm starting to think Reachfags are the cunts that left for Sony and PCs. You've been spamming this thread every day, about time the mods catch up to you.

>Shame about that campaign and ruining all future Halo MP with sprint

It was a armor ability though, sprint was just one of many armor abilities

More like Gaylo: Reach Around

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tell them to make it count


And they were all bad.


Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that Jorge actually did save Reach, right?

He didn't save shit.

jetpacks were cool, hologram was cool. armor lock was good when used correctly

you could say he saved it from that specific fleet, not that such thing means since arby still raped the entire planet

Halo sucks.

Jetpack was the most busted of them all.
Hologram aside, every armor ability's inclusion came at the cost of nerfing the base player to make the ability seem more attractive to a player. If you need to break your game to make something fit, it shouldn't be there to begin with.

Flight test when? Im starting to get tired off playing wolfenstein enemy territory daily

Reach never happened.

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>Yea Forums likes Halo Reach now
what the fuck happened? oh right, mustards get a console scrap almost a decade later and are acting like it's the best thing in the world. sad..

so when exactly is this coming out on steam?

>first is best and should have ended there
>second is largely regarded by normalfags to be the best
>third one is made for literal children
>first spin-off is actually pretty good
>second spin-off sucks
>the rest is shit
Checks out.

Fuck Xboners.
Fuck Reddit.
And most definitely, fuck NY Gamer.

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but it wasnt broken. its balanced because everyone can get it. the base player was basically the same and normal run speed felt fast enough.

Halo 2 is objectively the worst Halo game in the series.

It's obviously people that already played it

>Best singleplayer experience (non-Legendary) even with development hell and the cliffhanger
>Best multiplayer maps in the series
>Best OST

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>Its balanced because everyone can get it.
It's not balanced because you had to choose one of many.
>the base player was basically the same and normal run speed felt fast enough.
No. The movement was slowed, jumps made lower, grenades made stronger, and powerups were both nerfed and then removed. All so they could add a suite of gimmick items to attract CoDfags.

>tfw no Sangeheili GF

Armor abilities as implementes just didn't fit Halo. The whole point of Halo is that everyone starts with the same resources. You gain an advantage by controlling the weapons and powerups that spawn on the map. Armor abilities mess with that. If they had been powerups instead they probably would have worked better. Imagine for instance having to fight over the armor lock pickup so you can use to smash the enemy ghost that's harassing your team. Or how about grabbing a jetpack from the map to get the jump on an enemy sniper by flying up to his position and sticking him. It would have also made camo a more interesting pickup because you could strategically turn it off and on instead of it running on a timer from the outset.

But having them be a constant thing just messed with the flow too much. Sprint lets you constantly run away from fights. Armor lock just prolongs them whether you win or lose. Jetpack creates a constantly annoying height disparity between opponents regardless of the map, and often as not just gets the jetpacker killed. Having them be a spawn item ruined what could have been a really cool evolution of the traditional powerups and the equipment from Halo 3.

>3 as ROTJ

Fat fucking chance

>me being 178cm manlet
>never would have got to fuck 2m amazoness Kat
Why even libe

Can't wait to see 343 completely fuck the progression system even though it's linear and as simple as possible

Is removing it completely classed as fucking it up? They don't want people grinding again for all the cosmetics and are looking at alternatives.

Just tie them to achievements. Reach's grinding system was cancer.

I hope they do, Reach's grind was stupid. I don't want to have to sink a shitload of time into the game just to get my Security helmet again. Either tie them to achievements or just unlock everything from the start.

If you're talking about the armor, i'm 99% sure it will be unlocked through achivements. They already said they won't implement either a credit system nor real monetization.

I imagine achievements are probably what they're aiming for. The MCC already has six-hundred achievements, and that's before we get Reach.

I want something for beating the campaign on Laso, like in Mcc.

reddit and resetera invaded.

Hopefully Inclement Weather so I don't have a reason to care about it.

>Best singleplayer
How the fuck can people even think this? Halo 2's campaign was rushed fucking garbage. Ever wonder why there were so many boring ass gandola/elevator sequences in halo 2? Campaign was slapped together at the last minute because they built an engine that could only run on xbox dev kits. All of the pop in during cutscenes was horrible. Arbiter missions are fucking terrible, and the game ends 2/3rds of the way through. You are a fuckass if you think H2's campaign is better than 1, 3, or Reach.

halo 2 multi was fucking terrible too. We're talking about a game that was play tested by soccer moms to be as approachable and ez mode as possible. Extremely aggressive bullet magnetism made sweeping the 2x scoped sniper rifle across the screen a legit strategy to increase headshots. Spawns were fucking terrible. Power weapons were beyond OP. And the only thing that made the game viable competitvely was that it was buggy as fuck.

Halo 2 was shit and the only people that say otherwise were either too young or too stupid to understand why. We're talking about a game where the devs removed fall damage so because they couldn't figure out a way to make players not die when using the energy sword dash. They didnt give a fuck making that game. Its all flash and pizazz and no actual substance.

Speaking of which can we talk about how dumb it was that there was no option to remove Emil's stupid edgelord knife from the right shoulder?

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Jetpack is a pickup on MLG Countdown and MLG Sanctuary

And its honestly still too strong.

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Campaign was disappointing but even that was better than Reach. Reach is and will always be the worst Halo game in the series.


>Arbiter missions are fucking terrible
Shit taste.

>Muh fall damage, muh bullet magnetism!
Best multiplayer maps, don't give a shit.

>Muh fall damage
Removing it drastically increased verticality in multiplayer maps. Probably why they're so good.

Reach's progression system was already garbage, you can't make it worse than it already was.


Sorry, I should have specified that they should be single use as well. So once the the little bar is depleted it's done.

>Power weapons were beyond OP
That's kind of the point of power weapons? They're not meant to be balanced, they're meant to be hard justifications for rushing the damn map for them.

It's better than ODST, Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5 but that's about it.

So we could replace rockets with a scarab gun and it would be fine?

Will be interesting to see how they do the Xbox Live integration on this piece of shit when it launches on steam.

..is a good game that gets unnecessary hate from nostalgiafags

So many cute girls died during the game and I couldnt save them

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Multiplayer was total shit. Absolute garbage.

You mean living dead?

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A joke cheat weapon implemented as an easter egg isn't typically considered a power weapon.

Halo 5 implemented the CE Magnum as a Req Warzone item and the thing shits on 90% of the weapon sandbox. It's a three shot kill with flawless accuracy.

If Reach didn't get shit on non stop we wouldn't have gotten the Title Update and Anniversary DLC. It needed to get shit on even harder so 343 fixed even more stuff like Invasion being an imbalanced joke with no maps or support.

>got rekt by armorlock

Exhibit A

And it was stupid in 5 too. Instead of actually making it function like the CE pistol, they just took the regular one, cranked up its aim assist, and made it a 3-shot.

Why are CEfags so damn aggresive all the time?

>That title update
>Bruh, let's just make the DMR pinpoint accurate and not nerf its ammo count or damage in any capacity
There was no point picking up any other weapon.

>highest user scored Halo ever
I will remind them!

There was never a point in picking up other weapons.


git gud

There wasn't ever a point in picking up another weapon. The DMR's inaccuracy only makes it worse against other DMR users, anyone with functional thumbs can shit all over the rest of the sandbox with the default bloom DMR.

Just a friendly reminder that non-TU playlists exist and the DMR is still head and shoulders better than everything else in them.

DMR may have been OP but its still my weaponfu

At extreme ranges, the Needle Rifle was far more consistent compared to the DMR before it was juiced.

Loved that gun, was a great take on the Covenant Carbine and I want it back.

But it IS the CE pistol you ignorant slut. Model, sounds, ammo, damage and even the idle animation were all taken directly from the CE pistol. It even works just like it did in Halo CE when you fire it automatically and the accuracy spreads.

>can't remove Emil's knife
>can't remove grenades from chest pieces that have them
>can't use any attachment on any helmet (within reason)
>can only have attachments on the left forearm and leg, so anything that's not the GPS or some kind of pouch/container looks fucking stupid by itself
>no alternate grenadier kneepads that give you the big shin guards Jorge has
>no highlight color option that alters the little white stripes many of the armor pieces have
As good as Reach's customization was it was still stupidly limited in a lot of ways.

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What is that


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>JoJo fag cant handle Halo 2 Legendary

The Needle Rifle had much higher autoaim, so it still had a reason to exist when bloom was removed.
>But it IS the CE pistol
It's hitscan.

People didn't want the title update to balance the DMR, people wanted the update to remove the reticle bloom.

The TU NR at 85% settings literally has no bloom, even at full auto. Its also got fucking absurd auto aim.

>Implying most people can stomach that shit
There are unironically parts of Halo 2 Legendary where it's straight up RNG like the gravity lift segments of Gravemind. You pretty hope to fucking God that the two brutes don't spawn in your face.

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CE isn't like 3, projectiles are so fast you don't need to compensate unless you're aiming across blood gulch.

Sprint improved Halo.

This is where everything went wrong. When Bungie hired this man.

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I remember having to aim slightly in front of people to cross map on Hang Em High. Its honestly not significant at all though.


>projectiles are so fast you don't need to compensate unless you're aiming across blood gulch.
>there are people on this board who were actually born after CE's release
>these people are trying to tell you about how the game functioned


Man, i loved Shadowrun.

Nah man Warzone already beats Invasion by a mile

>user scores
reddit really needs to get the fuck off of 4channel.

Shadowrun was a good game, but its mechanics didn't work well in Halo at all.

Maybe you need to git gud bro.

Sprint didn't improve shit, it brought along all the problems sprint comes packaged with like "who stops/wasn't sprinting first wins."

>Gut Sprint
>Up the movement speed so it's on par with sprinting
>Keep the dash moves, they were actually good additions that improved mobility

Halo would be flawless with this setup for a console shooter.

There was never a point in picking up any weapons besides the DMR in that shit game.

I want play Halo 3 Fat Kid, gays. The fat kid Halo 5 custom games weren't as fun.


Sprint has that psychological effect that makes you think the game is faster.

Oh no, i never tried to imply a main Halo like Reach implementing stuff from Shadowrun was a good idea. I still wish we could have a spin-off Halo that goes full-on with that kind of class/race system with human, elites, brutes, grunts etc. each with their own attributes and abilities.

Too bad it actually isn't.

Attached: Halo Sprint.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

>The fat kid Halo 5 custom games weren't as fun
Literally the same thing m8, don't be nostalgic.

Do you have to do that shit in one sitting or can you just have your best times add up to 3 hours? The latter seems doable, the former seems like a pain in the ass.

One sitting.

Copying from another user on another thread:

I post the reasons why that video means fucking nothing litterally every god damn thread
>The comparsion is flawed
- It's only comparing a single map
- It's only comparing a single route along that map
- It's not utlisizng slide, thrust
- As a result, For all we know, on average, 5's maps can still be traversed faster, other routes in the same map could be faster, or THAT route could still be faster if using the other abilities at the same time

>It's not accounting for other elements that determines game speed
- The base, nonsprint movement speed is still faster then in past games even if the maps are larger, which matters for things like target trackibng
- 5's animations are faster
- 5's killtimes are faster
- As such, more interactions and inputs cani occur over a given amount of time, which is the actual most important part in determining game speed
- Furthermore, due to the larger maps and higher base movement, more interactions and inputs can occur over a given % of maps space

>It's not even clear that the thing being alleged is a bad thing
- Why is a longer map traversal rate inherently a negative?
- Why is not having access to being able to shoot at all times inherently a negative? You already can';t shoot after meleeing., there's a delay, even after the animation ends. Is this not comparable?

I think they should cut sprint but I also think the clambering is pretty well implemented and should stick around in some form.

Fat Kid on Standoff or Foundry was just amazing though

Check out the top screen here. The guy has to lead at point blank. It's okay to admit you've never played CE. In fact, it's better that way. It lets me ignore your opinions much more easily.

>- Why is a longer map traversal rate inherently a negative?
It literally slows down player interaction, map control, zones of contention etc.

There's a reason the pro scene had every single Halo 3 custom game up the speed so it was equivalent to Halo 2 - Fights happened more often.

Clamber is even worse than sprint. You can get around every map in the game without sprint, but many routes are literally impossible without shoving your face into a wall and playing a canned animation.

based retard

>He hasnt tried Marathon Infinity in Total Carnage
Once you've truly suffered will you understand how easy Halo 2 compares

>Keep the dash moves, they were actually good additions that improved mobility

Wrong fag it is THIS that actually ruined Halo. Armor abilities added way too much more to think about. Sprint is pretty much a basic motor function in gamers today. The masses hated those mobility shooters with a passion. It is why Titanfall 2 flopped badly. People aren't on board with that shit. Sprinting though is fine with people and in Halo would be perfectly fine if it weren't for armor abilities ruining shit.

>mfw my first non-dry fap was to a marine in reach

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That webm doesn't show or prove that fights happen or don't happen more often on either game.

Poor argument from a poor mind, like pottery.

>It literally slows down player interaction
Does it, though? Weapons were made faster & more accurate in 5 overall.

Who was that drawfag user that asked me a question before I went to sleep?
Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo (Original)

>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

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Maps are made taller to compensate for clambering the same way they're lengthened to compensate for sprint. Clambering brings the same downsides as Sprinting; you're forced to face in a single direction and you're locked into an animation that prevents you from fighting.

Based Patrician.

>That webm doesn't show or prove that fights happen or don't happen more often on either game.
I'm fairly certain players moving faster doesn't need video proof when it comes to the argument that it increases how much conflict happens between players.

That doesn't really matter on enclosed maps such as Midship where a lot of the scenery breaks LOS repeatedly.

Truth has plenty of long sightlines.

That's just bullet magnetism bud.

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So what happens then with you nostalgia fans? We just never upgrade the gameplay? Just the same old Halo combat we've seen since CE? Get for real.

>reticle isn't red
It's not. See youtu.be/ocyYwLCDyCU?t=9

>I'm fairly certain players moving faster doesn't need video proof
Well factually speaking, H5 has the fastest movement speed, i can prove it but it sees you don't want to.

>3fags shitting on reach

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>H5 has the fastest movement speed
And it literally doesn't matter because the maps were increased in size to accommodate sprint.

>Improve gameplay
>The inability to shoot for a 10% speed boost


>Increase movement speed
>Can still shoot
>Both players are now moving faster and require being more accurate

Then explain what happened in your video, because it's certainly not an example of projectile/shot leading since you can clearly see the blue guy never moved into de trajectory of the red guy's shot and still got hit. Rethorical question btw, i already know it's bullet magnetism.

Make actual upgrades then.

Sprint makes the game worse. Clamber makes the game worse. Armor Abilities make the game worse. Bloom makes the game worse. BR spread makes the game worse.

Maybe, just maybe, the classic Halo formula creates the ideal console shooter.

>And it literally doesn't matter because the maps were increased in size to accommodate sprint
What other maps do this besides Truth/Heretic?

This must be because Halo CE uses actual projectiles instead of hitscan like say COD games do. Halo 2 also used hitscan for guns as did Doom and I think even most shooters do.

Bullets come out of the player based on their momentum. Strafing makes you lead differently than standing still.

All of them.

Halo 5 Warzone maps are rife with wide open spaces that make Blood Gulch feel cramped. If it wasn't for sprint + shit like Prophet's Bane or Jorge's Chaingun giving speed boosts they'd take such a stupid amount of time traversing.

>If it wasn't for sprint + shit like Prophet's Bane or Jorge's Chaingun giving speed boosts they'd take such a stupid amount of time traversing.
Or you could use a vehicle.

>maps are rife with wide open spaces
What game are we talking about again? This is pretty much describing CE's BTB maps, especially those that were remade in other games.
Big maps aren't an indication of an artifficially enlarged area to compensate for sprint.

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>Using a vehicle in Warzone
user, every asshole playing that game mode has a dozen High Fives and Jorge's Chainguns on reserve. Vehicles are absolute death traps in that shit.

You're just as likely to die to those on foot.

>need to press button and sacrifice aiming for a split second to do stupid boosts

No sprint is definitely way less retarded. Its logical.

>he can't claw

Yeah, but on foot I have the same weapons and more.

Every vehicle short of the Scorpion is outclassed by infantry weaponry in Warzone.

I didn't know we were talking about fighting in vehicles now.

>Maybe, just maybe, the classic Halo formula creates the ideal console shooter.
