Yea Forums says its shit

>Yea Forums says its shit
>try it
>its good

Attached: AC_Origins.png (1203x1324, 3.31M)

Haven't played an ac game since 3, and 3 was garbage.

playing it too atm, needed to get into the controls for a while but after some time its ok
it sucks that you have no control over running/walking, timings of jumps suck too
rest is ok I guess, loot and skill system is an improvement
pirated it ofc, fuck ubisoft and fuck shills

>walk into pyramid
>realize the tomb is small as shit, 5 minute adventure at most
that was the moment i knew the game was garbage

so like a real pyramid

pyramid isnt a tomb
did they really make it a tomb?

Attached: 1546935803762.jpg (1364x542, 175K)

I just beat it today. It was alright, but there's just so much shit everywhere, it starts feeling like a chore to play unless you just stick to the main story.

i don't get it

pyramids were power plants of an highly advanced ancient civilization

Attached: 1531360279718.jpg (318x158, 12K)

>Yea Forums says it's shit
>try it
>Yea Forums it's actually shit

Built by nonhumans.

What the fuck are you simulating here that has a wavelength of hundreds of metres? Are you saying that pyramids were built by aliens as radio wave antennae?

LoOk aT Me, i cAn dO TrAnSfEr mAtRiX MeThOd/rCwA

Go back to Facebook.

This is true more often than not

Go back to your "theoretical calculation" based research where you just use MATLAB all day and don't actually make anything of use to humanity


no it isnt

sure thing kiddo

>he thinks the 3 dimensional plain matters
literally like the NPCs running around in the Matrix

I was referring to your retarded way of typing like normies do.

You missed out on black flag. I thought Yea Forums shills were just doing their jobs but the game is actually fun.

you mean nubians

had more fun with Rogue tho


maybe just maybe you have shit taste in vidya

black flag is literally just ac3 but with more boats

>what if we made the same game 25 times