Hourly reminder that this stuff unironically makes you a better gamer

Hourly reminder that this stuff unironically makes you a better gamer

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Do you really need this shit to game?

So does coffee, Adderall, and Bang, but I'm still sticking to cannibus fuck the feds

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>fresh organic fruit aka op post > your shit
Kek faggot

Im not so sure about that but yea the shits actually not bad at all, sure the taste is artificial feeling but what the hell else would you have expected from a powder formula. Shit makes you pee like a mf though.

Remember to buy G Fuel® Black on Blackberry flavour, as inspired by Dr. Disrespect.

G Fuel®. The official energy drink of esports®.

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Holy hell, I just took a look at the website for Bang and that shit looks sus as hell. Looks like a scam site.

On another note, Adderall is fantastic to game with. Cannabis fucking sucks for playing games, I feel slow as shit and just get annoyed at myself for doing worse than usual. My drug of choice has to be DXM though. Get some terrific vibes off that shit.

Explain me then why pewdiepie sponsors this. Retorical question, cause this is the best drink for gamers.

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>why pewdiepie sponsors this
You mean why does it sponsor him. You fucking brainlet.

Doesn't this shit have a hilarious amount of sodium per serving?

You mean food? yes, usually eating food is good for you. I've heard you die otherwise.

Sodium isn't that bad for you.
Obviously in excess it is, but you can also be deficient in it too.

I was wrong anyways, it has 17000% of your daily value of Vitamin B12 instead

looks like pre-workout, is that what it is? the idea of taking an energy booster like that and then sitting in a chair not doing anything physical sounds hideous

Its very similar but the blend of stuff makes it more of an energy drink that is supposed to help you focus I guess.

Nah i have my nuts of chaos.

Blacks on berries? Does it come on powder format? Where can I buy it? Why should I buy it?

Does that shit actually taste somewhat decent?

Well... yeah. It's a bit like juice. I do like fact that there's no crash

Dog, I wanted to dry DXM but wasn't sure how, I've never robotripped and didn't want a stomach problem. Also yes, cannibus makes me worse at games but it makes them more enjoyable and games are piss easy nowadays anyway so I can spare the brain cell. Swear to God I'm awful at Tekken when I'm high though, but it makes me do stupid shit that works so it's fun sometimes still.

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Vitamin B12 is not fat soluble. You just piss it out

I'm good with my protein powder, I lift fine with no "pre-workouts".

Just gotta find a good brand of DXM that has DXM as the only listed active ingredient, the brand I use is Robocough. They charge 12.99 w/ free shipping for 4 bottles that have 450mg each. DXM feels rough as hell when you use it for the first couple times, I've done the shit so much that I just get strongass vibes while on it.

I swear hitting up a concert or convention while on it is the best way to enjoy it. Went to Katsucon a couple months ago and binged on that shit all weekend


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"fine" is a loser attitude.

Reminder that if you need supplements and boosters to be a better gamer then you're a shit gamer.