He plays games for "fun"

>he plays games for "fun"

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he gets mad cause a developer said engaging instead of fun
>he makes the same thread every day

Is murder simulation fun?


>look mom i posted it again!

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lol why so mad, let him be.

Sony threads belong on

If it's not fun why even bother playing?

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The mad one is OP for being mad at inane shit like this

>I play games to see writing on par with season 5 of the Walking Dead
Ignore how you AI companions run back and forth like retarded chickens and are invincible! You have to pick up this conveniently placed ladder to traverse this conveniently crumbled building. Such an organic narrative experience!

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fun is a buzzword

This is the problem with Yea Forums you live and die by the company. Imagine being such a smooth brain that you can form your own opinions without having someone else whisper it in your ear. This is why you suck at critiquing at games so you put additives like fun or other world salad because level design in your head allusive. Zoomers have a better grasp on game design from Fortnite than any of you.

>that interview where the devs talk about cool gameplay gadgets and zombie fungus effects and mechanics they cut because it took away from the story and didn't seem as realistic
fuck you naughty dog and fuck movie games

I took an engaging shit earlier. Doesn't mean it was at all enjoyable.

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>Engaging shit
Unless your shits take 3 seconds, and when you look down you are surprised by three foot perfectly formed poop log, then your shit was not art.

If it's not fun why bother?

Diversity is more important than """fun"""

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Too bad tlou is neither of those things.

The only voice Nintendobros care to listen to

Too bad millions disagree with you

A generic zombie story is also not art.

He coming! Iwata help!

Soon Sonychads.

>no zombies
>no real gameplay
>huge focus on two lesbians kissing

this game is going to make so much fucking money

>11 minutes of "gameplay"

>Out of context quote
Ebin. What he means that the game shouldn't be a fucking joyride when ir's all about a depressing story. When I play a grim horror game I don't wanna be happy all the time like in bing bing wahoo

Games don't need to be fun. You can be a whiny little shithead about it all you want, but games should be allowed to experiment.


>depressing story
You mean TLOU wasn't a comedy? Could've sworn it was since that writing was worse than Shaun of the Dead.
>Hey here's a character you've barely known for like 10 minutes.
>You don't know anything much about them, they've also been running around like a retard this whole time
>they even dry humped a zombies leg
>And now
>we're going to kill them off and expect you to feel sad because we played some sad Hollywood music
Where's the fucking punch line?

He said FUN

When does that happen?

>he doesn't like SotD

what were they thinking?!

Not all games are "fun". Horror games for example want to evoke fear. So it's apt not to focus on the word "fun".

Why does this game make incels seethe?

the fun in horror is the exhilaration, you get the shock and the fear and when something happens you're like "WHOA"

Games as "art" or "experiences" are for faggots, games are toys and it is good that way.

>he plays videogames

rollercoasters and theme parks are not fun

how many fucking years are we going to see this thread

But I do. Its a fun movie with solid writing. My point more was that TLOU what gaming critics call gamings best piece of writing is worse than a comedy movie that mocks the very thing it took so seriously. That and the melodrama was really, really painful to sit through(TLOU).
SotD is fucking mint though.

>He doesn't find Haunted Houses fun

Check your privilege!

until sony goes back to making real games

>generic AAA third-person cover cinematic zombie experience uses every established safe convention laid down by 50 other samey third-person cover cinematic experiences, also featuring zombies
>no you don't get it, it's EXPERIMENTAL my dudes

>the loli
>that first bitch
>the brothers
Take your pick

user, I'm sorry you have a weak constitution and can't go on rollercoasters without blowing chunks but you're a fucking retard and should hang yourself.

>he doesn't understand that it's setup for the main character, the attitude and the world
Imagine being legit too fucking stupid for The Last of Us.
like a AAA cinematic experience goes over your head in 15 minutes.

it wasn't experimental, it was way too safe in all the parts that make a game a game so all the focus goes on the story. Then the story's some baby's first zombie movie full of some of the most cringe worthy melodrama written in games. There's nothing experimental, they could've done something neat like breaking zombie conventions and changing how you kill them to fuck with people well versed in zombie movies but no... can't do that you might confuse retards who watch The Walking Dead on Netflix. Make the melee non-magnetic? Nope didn't do that. Make the partner AI and enemy AI amazing? They promised that... then they removed it. I mean the only "experimental" and "unique" thing it did was that your partner AI could dry hump an enemies leg like a horny dog so... you know... that's a thing.

I hope they bring back the nail bombs, but I think they might be replacing them with explosive arrows

You might have had a point if the game had anything of it’s own.
Unfortunately for you, the MC is a ripoff of Tallahasse from zombieland, and the rest of it’s just TWD but the zombies are fungal instead of viral

It has no comedy, Joel is nothing like Woody Harrelson and The Walking Dead is about a large group of survivors trying to build a community, TLOU is a road movie with 2 people.
Pretty sure you haven't played the game, seen Zombieland or read TWD.

>doesn't understand
More like calls it every single time and just gets bored since its the same cliche trite in every modern serious zombie movie.
>Imagine being legit too fucking stupid you don't even get an obvious joke.
Why do you think I called it a comedy? It's because its this cliche ridden piece of shit that's so by the books you think "there's got to be something more to it" then there's nothing.
It's not a comedy, its just a bad joke.
I mean fucking hell look at this shit and tell me you wouldn't expect there to be some proper twist
>Here's a creepy evil looking guy
>now for this whole game everything has been so by the books its just been like a bad joke
>this is the best chance to make a plot twist, to turn things on its head
>he's a creepy evil guy
>10/10 bestest writing everer
>but the character and attitude and the world
I CALLED ALL OF THOSE THE SECOND I SAW THE FUCKING DAUGHTER. I saw that shit coming without even knowing anything about the game since all I had were people saying "user, why haven't you played this game, its got the best story ever. I'm not going to spoil it for you though but it's really emotional" Then I played it. Then I saw the daughter and went
>Oh, its going to be a cliche ridden fuck fest isn't it.

Do you have autism?

>he plays games

I'd have no issue with people defending games having deeper stories and shit if the stories these games had were actually good... most of this shit is stupid generic messes that are on the level of a high school creative writing course.

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>Yea Forums get hung up on using accurate semantics internally when developing a game
>Yea Forums instantly starts shit talking about the ethnicity of the creative director and progressive politics
And you are all wondering why you have social anxiety.

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If you have fun while playing games you are underage.

>O-oh shit I got nothing better call him autistic
comparing TLOU to other zombie fiction is fine but at least fucking attempt to not be a tard faggot.
It's like those people that compare the mushroom people to Mantango, then it becomes painfully obvious that they've never seen Matango and have no idea what they're talking about.

Fucker, when the game was about to be released everyone said either Joel or Ellie would die at the end. Guess what, neither of them did. Fuck off with your “durr but I predicted everything” bullshit.

I never thought that though, like I said I had 0(ZERO) knowledge of the game. I wasn't the kind to look for game info back then at that point I'd thought ND had died because for the entire PS3 era I didn't see a single game on store shelves that looked like it was made by ND. This was a totally blind playthrough. So fuck you with your gay "everyone" shit.

>It has no comedy
>He doesn't realize the game was being called a bad joke
Are metaphors too hard for you?

I really don't get it, its been proven time and time again in the television and movie industry, as well as the gaming industry that virtue signaling doesn't sell. Why do developers keep pushing it? You'd think someone would come in and remind them that their goal is making money.

Is this game still relevant after the lesbian kiss?

>the MC is a ripoff of Tallahasse from zombieland
Making retarded comparisons to comedy movies is not a metaphor you absolute mango.
>I was only joking! xD
It doesn't work as joke either because it's too stupid of a parallell to draw.

the fact this is a real headline made me team eradication when the crash happens and we start forming gangs.

Wrong line user, I meant this line
>You mean TLOU wasn't a comedy?