why isnt she in a game yet
Why isnt she in a game yet
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What's the matter, don't like pinball?
Because Sega of Japan won the shipping war by virtue of making the video games.
Sonic Spinball, several of the SatAM characters appear in it, along with Scratch from AOSTH
Didn’t she cuck sonic with a skunk?
>the only people who still use anonymous nowdays are furries and bronies
What has this place become?
Twitter without Account names.
you can thank Mr. Penders for that
In addition to Spinball as people have mentioned, there was a fan game ages ago, Sonic Epoch, she's in that
why does no one use the question mark as eyebrows for extra emotive ability
She was literally wiped from existence. Penders is a giant fag, and he deserves to burn for deleting my cyborg echidna waifu.
penders is love
penders is life
>used goods
That's the answer. Consider that the Archie staff had to fight to keep them post-reboot.
Actually, the original FF aren't Penders characters, since they were in SATAM first.
That's why they stuck around for the reboot.
She is though. Sonic Spinball.
Penders created her. It's his waifu.
The green user was too attractive and could be used as a delusional self insert. Wojack has lasted so long due to its ugly nature.
Despite growing up with Sonic, I haven't paid too much attention to the Ken Pender's legal saga. I know there was an issue with his characters, but nothing deeper than that. I may have to check up on that.
In short Archie was stupid as fuck and killed the comic only because they didnt have Penders contract saying he doesnt own jack shit
At least I'll always have my original comics I guess.
>Penders self insert wanted to tap her cunny before anyone else
because she's shit tier fanfiction wank
>home is called knothole
And also made entirely in America with zero Japanese input. Not canon.
Oh yeah games have to be canon in order to be games :l
She was still in one, dumbass.
Is Penders Canadian, by chance?
sonic spinball isn't canon to anything
>says FROM USA on the JP box
>Not realizing the comics are a different canon
I want to fuck Sally
I had always wondered why she was purple in-game.
It's still a video game, what are you fools trying to prove?
She was in a video game, thus OP is a retard
why the fuck Ken Penders was trending on Twitter the other day?
what did he say?
Being that Sally was a childhood crush of a bunch of kids, he would habe pissed people off even if she wasn't "underage".
Can you imagine what would happen if a Japanese writer wrote up an event whete Amy got the pork? There'd be raging autists all over the globe
Geoffrey being pedo as fuck
Sally is canonically unvirgin and Geoffrey did it
Is she in the IDW comics or is she dead forever. She was my first waifu :(
>Thinking Yea Forums was full of anything other than degenerates
Newfag detected,
Because she would be more competent and proactive than literally everyone but Sonic.
Is that real? Did Scott do that?
Post the foot porn please, I need to verify this for myself.
Sally is 16. She's not a loli.
imagine being sega and having to deal with these nincompoops every day
no wonder they hate gaijin fucking shits
Ian said something about them still being a possibility after the first year of the IDW comic.
"Penders draws tickle fetish foot porn of Lara-Su on twitter and claims it is commentary on trump (no really)"
Wait, what? Source?
And it was already done by the time my post was finished: Disregard
You don't want her there. They'd just fuck her up anyway.
she lost her virginity to an autistic skunk with a barbed penis. she's damaged goods, practically unfuckable with her torn, stinky cunt.
Sonic canonfags are among the worst this fanbase has to offer and make discussion about these games' story almost impossible where ever they go. Not even Sonic Team gives a shit about the Sonic """""""canon.""""""" Why should you obsess so much over it when the creators clearly don't?
>but Iizuka said
The man is like a walking Wikipedia article. His stances on things change at the drop of a hat. Remember when he said Classic Sonic was a "one time thing?" Not exactly the most reliable source.
Sonic became such a shit show after Sonic and knuckles/ sonic CD. And then the shotshow continued through the comics with that legal battle and Sega/Archie being dipshits. Sonic is just cursed to die or at least destined to be handled by the fans like Touhou but that is unlikely to happen.
Because up until around 06, they did care.
Between that and Rivals conflicting with Rush regarding Eggman Nega, that was a signal that Sega was entering the "we don't give a shit" phase.
You know the drill boys, google (your name) the hedgehog and post the first pic that comes up.
To my knowledge, SEGA doesn't even consider Spinball to exist.
They used remixes of it in Sonic Generations and Mario & Sonic.
Canonically speaking though, yeah it's gone.
I look up "Jon the hedgehog" and found this.
t. 6 foot under blunder
The absolute mad man
>no one in the US could marry under the age of 18
Depends who they're marrying, someone their own age? Sure, go right ahead, you crazy kids. Some 40+ year old? Slap that shit down immediately
SEGA has no interest in her and will never acknowledge her again. Which is good.
Penders is totally right here, but I can understand how it caused a nuclear twitter backlash seeing as how everyone has gone fucking bonkers over "underage" drawings lately.
ok now this is getting interesting
>2 years worth of stinky skunk spunk made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into sally
Because nobody but the 3 people who read the comics gave any kind of shits about her
Fucking mad lad
A lot of the original SonicTeam staff left around Ow The Edge's release
What? I'm just saying that she's 16, which that's nearer to 20 than near to 10. She can't be a loli, because she's not in the age range required to consider one character to be a loli.
She's non canon. And it's not "muh westshit" (although that is a valid reason), even Cosmo never was in a game and she's a Jap character. Only game first characters are canon in game.
Even Cream got nearly fucked over because she was in Sonic X first.
>although that is a valid reason
If you're a japanese, then I guess so.
>Ken Penders wants to do a story where she lost her virginity at age 16
>to a 20 year old skunk
>his 20 year old skunk self insert.
This guy is honestly making a good run at being more autistic than CWC. At least cwc was only a danger to himself
Imo, since Taxman isn't a western (aka American), at this point yeah, both USA and Japan suck with Sonic. Either they make shit like the movie or Japs make human x Sonic shit with 06 or terrorism x alien invasion shit with ShTH. Both just suck making Sonic actually appealing where it sold the most (aka the classics). Only Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima
and Hirokazu Yasuhara were the best parts of Sonic, and the people in the US that lucked out with the redesign of Sonic from Mr.Needlemouse, to what later became the best design of classic era Sonic ever (and mostly in general) when the Japs repolished it, pic related. Everyone else that isn't these people killed Sonic forever.
Didn't Penders get upset at Archie telling him to stop making his skunk OC self insert a possible love interest for Sally, so he killed Sally?
The more I listen to penders the more I suspect he was the one who started that fire or whatever incident that lost his contract
The Freedom Fighters are gone, OP. I know it's sad but we have to move on.
Ian said there's a possibility of bringing them to IDW after a year run.
I doubt it'd ever happen but that does sound interesting.
I just want Bunnie back.
He's trying to sound hopeful, but SEGA no doubt won't let him because they don't like promoting "outdated" Sonic media. The FF only survived as long as they did because they were part of Archie's original contract for the comic, or so Ian says.
At least bring the characters back as NOT freedom fighters then.
He's like Chris-chan.
Don't think it was ever finished though.
Honestly with how autistic Sega are now with what the comic is allowed write, there's no way they're bringing them back
He's worse. Chris Chan didn't rape the longest running comic adaptation and give it ass cancer
If Chris chan got to work on the sonic comics yes.
SoJ hates gaijin, they only outsource to the West to begin with because 1. it's the only place Sonic sells and 2. they're desperate.
They better do it soon, since unless IDW finds a buyer it won't be long before the series folds again.
He's like an ascended CWC.
Ken Penders, Chris chan or the new movie?
Choose wisely
The Madman.
Ken fucked the comics and Sonic's allowance for experimentation forever, and the movie may destroy the series entirely, so I say keep CWC. He's a disastrous miracle that is otherwise self-contained to the fandom.
Chris is funny in a wholesome way, where it's actually funny to laugh at her and her insanity
Penders is a fucking monster dickhead lunatic bastard. Chris is funny in a way that harms no one, Penders is funny in a way that harms everyone
>Dislikes African Americans
Tee hee
You asking which one to remove from existence? Ken, easily. CWC is fun, even despite being a tismo. The movie has done nothing but provide hilarity and shitposting.
Sega of Japan hates her, her comic is dead, and she was a shit character anyway.
Good riddance.
How do you lose something important like that to a fire in the 21st century?
Not made by SEGA and redundant when Amy, Blaze and Rouge exists.
imagine the succ
Keeping everything in cardboard boxes, probably.
Ian Flynn is peak Sonickino. They should get him to write SA3.
nuNicole and Clove were hotter anyways.
dongus where are you
>Sally Wins!
not sure i'd call chris wholesome considering how sad his life's become and all the unwholesome things he's done, but yeah, he's never tried to ruin something for a ton of people out of spite (or at least hasn't succeeded)
Honestly this is only due to Sonic Team having the habit of reusing every single side-character for every game once they're introduced.
Didn't he try to run somebody over with his car?
Thank you jfc these lorefags are the type of people who go to conventions to ask Iizuka how Sonic would meet the Joker. Nothing they say should ever be taken seriously.
Nah, the guy who asked about the world split was the lorefag.
Besides the guy who asked that question forgot that, thanks to Lego Dimensions, Sonic technically can meet the Joker.
I kinda miss having those childhood cartoon crushes. Also the fapping.
Would it surprise anyone if Penders set that fire to try and own Knuckles?
What breast size is Sally?
What would Sally add gameplay wise?
plot and backstory
Varies. Sometimes it looks like she's rouge level of tit.
Exactly the right size to fit snugly in your outspread hand
If 16 is too young, how old is too old?
Her human fetish
>tfw everyone likes Clove and nobody likes Cassia
I can't believe I fell in love with such a shit character.
Dead brothel whore
So redundancy. Got it.
nuNicole doesn't have a dress I can look under to see if she even wears panties
Penders has never actually touched a Sonic game so he loses by default
She looks like she fucks human men
Tangle is a transgender
She still fucks human men
>Archiefags still pissy over losing Sally
Get over it, there are plenty of game characters to use alongside the OC's the new comic has which can serve to give it its own identity. You're just as bad as the so-called people that only want Green Hill Zone and Eggman only whenever someone brings up the fact that the FF's have served their purpose.
I'm upset at losing Barby Koala and Bunnie Rabbot.
>the FF's have served their purpose
By never appearing in a game despite being literally made for it? I mean, they're no Zavok, of course...
See, perfectly encapsulates that there's actually a hell of a lot to be sad about losing. Archie just had so much shit, and people like some of it.
>In an AU, Bunnie never got captured and ended up serving Robotnik out of her own voilition
SatAM and the comics' depiction of Roboticization was my first brush with existential horror and made Eggman/Robotnik a lot more terrifying to me
American Sonic is 10 times as canon. Japan wishes it were this canon.
The guy's still drawing it.
Whatever the FF's do, the main game characters do just as good
>Amy is already the main female, no need for Sally, especially when they made her and Sonic a couple
>Tails can build shit, why do you need Rotor?
>Rouge serves as the older female character better than Bunny
>Knuckles/Shadow bounce off Sonic better as a rival than Antoine any day of the week
>Nicole is just Blaze
They were made for the SataM cartoon and then the comic. They've served their purpose, twenty years at that. Let the new characters/game characters shine.
Oh well. Blame Penders. In a sense, I'm glad he did what he did. It exposed the actual game fans and the faggots who only care about the lore and story.
>made sonic and amy a couple
That is one thing the U.E Sonic did far better that the japs
Game characters are ass most of the time
The first sonic comic I read was that spinball tie-in. I was afraid of the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
These are pretty poor comparisons. These characters have very little in common, as shown frequently in the comic where they all co-existed.
Why can't these guys come back then? Orbot and Cubot don't do shit outside of the occasional bantz with Eggman.
Sally, user. Her and Sonic being a couple goes against everything Sonic stands by as a character.
There's a difference between a game and a comic. Mania succeeded without a shitty story and you only want them to return because muh development.
They were based off normal enemies you fought. Orb/Cubot are better.
>especially when they made her and Sonic a couple
...about that.
I suppose since we're going to cut out characters with this kind logic, then let's cut out Mighty because Knuckles already exists, Rouge because Nack already exists, Jet because Shadow already exists, Ray because Tails already exists, Big because Bark already exists, and so on.
Great idea, wow. By the way, Tails as of lately has been degraded to such a terrible state, and meanwhile, Rotor has always had consistent quality on its personality and role.
Half the characters you mentioned have either made only one appearance or had a small cameo, three of them being just that and according to SEGA only allowed in one part of the Sonic universe. Hardly comparable to the Freedom Faggots. Jet hasn't shown up outside of Riders.
>Rivals conflicting with Rush regarding Eggman Nega
I think the Rivals games take place before the Rushes.
Excuse me? Mania had too much story. At least you can usually skip cutscenes in the 3D games.
>They were based off normal enemies you fought
The template used in either of them is far from a staple that ordinary people would be confused by. It's not like suddenly a motobug or crabmeat became unique characters.
>You know I'm only doing this to make Sonic jealous, right?
>Well I'm-a only doing this to make Bowser take that dumb-a crown-a off
>Amy is already the main female, no need for Sally, especially when they made her and Sonic a couple
Amyfag here: Amy is not Sally, nor does she do what Sally does. Only Boom Amy comes close to being similar to Sally.
she got meatballed.
>Mania had too much story
You compared them to Orbot/Cubot and I told you they were better. You're telling me a cube and a sphere is confusing?
>Amy is not Sally, nor does she do what Sally does
Agreed, Amy actually gets in the fray instead of barking orders and doing nothing.
>Orb/Cubot are better.
I bet you like egg pawns better than badniks too, you pleb.
I chuckled.
Read it in Lou Farigno's voice, fuck
>In a sense, I'm glad he did what he did. It exposed the actual game fans and the faggots who only care about the lore and story.
>You compared them to Orbot/Cubot and I told you they were better. You're telling me a cube and a sphere is confusing?
The argument is not "simple = better." I never made that argument. I don't know why you are using it now. Quite the opposite in fact. Animal themed robots are just better than "cube and sphere."
It doesn't matter when they take place since Eggman Nega is established to be from another universe in Rush, but is Eggman's descendant from the future in Rivals.
Nowadays, they stick with the Rivals storyline though.
Lemme correct that for you; I like the game enemies more than whatever OC Archie shat out its ass, so yes, the Egg Pawns and Badniks are okay as they are in the games.
Orbot and Cubot aren't combat robots, or at least aren't designed for combat the way a motobug or buzzbomb is. Hardly comparable Why are you lot so fixated on trying to bring non-game elements into the Sonic games? The only argument you'd have is the writing and I don't think people play Sonic for the story or writing or Mania would have flopped.
She uses command-blades in the reboot, and leads several other characters. So about as much as any other character if not more.
Oh but they made Sonic and Amy a couple, despite Sonic having a girlfriend going against his character?
>Orbot and Cubot aren't combat robots, or at least aren't designed for combat the way a motobug or buzzbomb is.
I consider that a downside. Don't you want villains who try to fight you? That sounds fun to me. Sticking with helpers who are "pure bantz" is more story-oriented than gameplay.
When did this fucking happen? Why is everyone saying this?
Remove every character that isn't Sonic, Tails and Knuckles since Heroes proved they all function the same. There ya' go.
>Twisting one's words when you can't provide a compelling argument
But you get villains who do fight alongside your bantz bots. Best of both worlds, right?
A simple typo I made and they use that against me instead of making a good argument.
Just proved my point here
>You're just as bad as the so-called people that only want Green Hill Zone and Eggman only whenever someone brings up the fact that the FF's have served their purpose.
P2 Sonic and Red Sonic are literally just one powerup away from being just plain Sonic.
I think user misinterpreted the "Sonic and her" part. The first user was referring to Sally I think
I should mention that Ian's notes for the Archie reboot stated that Amy was specifically barred from being a love interest for Sonic beyond chasing him. Funnily enough, Ian also noted that, while he feels it has chemistry, Sonic and Sally is also flawed, especially with how yoyo'd it's been and how it forces Sonic to slow down.
>Sonic's 20th Anniversary was 8 years ago
Man to think back then Sonic was going to get better after Generations
No, it caused a twitter backlash because Penders is JK Rowling-ing the fuck out of Archie Sonic, a comic that he killed with his own two hands.
>Just proved my point there
That Sonic should be the same shit forever with no new life? No thanks.
To be fair, they started it by making his character a filthy turncoat.
Remember when everyone thought Mania was going to be the future of Sonic after it both sold and scored off the charts? Sonic has taught me that optimism is a farce.
Ah, thanks. That's what I get for being hasty in a Sonic thread.
>Enjoy your future, its going to be great
Like that other user stated, what do these characters bring to the table, gameplay-wise? What do they add outside of characterization? Please take your time.
Sonic and Sally was better when Sonic was irresponsible and mouthy. She was a good contrast back then. Plain old "just a guy who loves adventure" Sonic doesn't have much to bounce off of.
>Half the characters you mentioned have either made only one appearance or had a small cameo,
Wrong. Mighty, Ray, Nack and Bark have gotten much more than just small appearances and cameos, all of them on both comics and Mania.
>according to SEGA only allowed in one part of the Sonic universe.
I seriously hope you're not acknowledging anything of bullshit Iizuka has said.
>Hardly comparable to the Freedom Faggots.
I suppose so, but your initial comparison was poor and not convince-able too, especially with the fact you first said Amy renders Sally useless, and now, you're suddenly claiming you don't like Sally's personality.
>Jet hasn't shown up outside of Riders.
Black Knight, dude.
>But you get villains who do fight alongside your bantz bots. Best of both worlds, right?
Best of both worlds would be Bantz bots who actually fight. Then they can taught you when they win (like in Mean Bean Machine).
Imagine how different history would have been, had they gone through with the plan of having Team Hooligan and Team SegaSonic in Sonic Heroes.
>Black Knight
Justified given the story and theme of the game.
She was almost in Sonic Mars tho.
Also talking to Penders at a convention he mentioned she would get a GBA game. Glad that never came to pass.
>GBA game
Really? All I knew about was the Genesis pitch (which I think was also connected to Mars. Mars in general was just weird).
I was always bummed out sally's brother got pendered. He was sexier than her anyway.
It was literally just rule 63 Sally. You sure you're even gay?
Please. Sally wishes she had eyebrows this magnificent.
Well she would have been if the SatAM game wasn't canceled.
> Sonic as a slow paced cinematic platfomer with highly detailed animation
Way too ambitious.
>an actual good sonic game
makes sense why it got cancelled
they wanted to protect their legacy
Why does he have a fox tail?
>an actual good sonic game
Now you're being contrarian for the sake of it.
Thank you Ken Penders
The only Freedom fighter that could fit into a sonic game is Bunnie, and only if she goes full gogo gadget stretch arms + arm canon + jet boosters +cowgirl outfit pre reboot incarnation and not her bland post reboot incarnation. but even then I have no doubt that ST would fuck her up somehow.
>>Rouge serves as the older female character better than Bunny
Not really, given she's tied to Shadow at the hip and writers have to walk on eggshells due to her fucking massive and well known porn community.
She had all of those things except the cowgirl outfit in the reboot, and said outfit blew.
>due to her fucking massive and well known porn community
Isn't that the Sonic franchise in general?
>writers have to walk on eggshells
Honestly, I'm pretty sure that given time and creativity, they can use the forces OC gimmick to make not-Sally Acorn and not-Bunny Rabbot
Tangle and Whisper already exist.
Whisper is not-Nicole because she and Tangle are lesbians.
Keep the movie. Yeah it'll be atrocious but at least it can be a dumpster fire we can all laugh at
And a monkey. Sonic went and got himself some yellow chick tho.
the movie. unless you mean kill, in which case ken penders because he actually fucked parts of the franchise up.
>She had all of those things except the cowgirl outfit in the reboot
Its been a while since I read post reboot So some things have obviously slipped my mind.
>and said outfit blew.
These are fighting words though.
If Sally and the rest of the Freedom Fighers are going to get in the games, then the other characters from all the extended Sonic media should be able to get in, too. It can't be just SatAMshit.
The hat is a cute accessory on occasion, but the leotard fits the series aesthetic better. The jacket's too much.
Also simple ponytail > braided and hose limbs > sleek shafts.
Ha ha, you silly bitch. You forget that companies like money. Meaning they'll shove in as many oc's, original or not if it means they print more money
What purpose would she even serve?
Can a human impregnate Sally
user i know you're just doing this for shock value but i felt bad that you weren't getting (You)s so here (:
We can try
>At least cwc was only a danger to himself
And the cartoon characters weren't?
Rouge has the most porn but not by as much as you'd think Amy's pretty close behind
The same purpose the Chaotix Serve. And Silver serve. And Blaze, and Knuckles, and Amy, and Shadow, and Rouge, Omega so on and so on. The only arguable needed character is tails. The rest are just there for jokes or to pretend to be useful
>canonically a slut
>sonic is now a kuk
Oh nonono sallybros how could this happen?
I want a fat sally gf
Gameplay purposes? What can Sally add to the gameplay? What role would she serve?
Reminder that this character appeared in the games and got official Sonic Channel art while Sallycucks continue to get NOTHING.
give her a gun
Strong independent female that don't need no hog. Seriously even as a kid picking up the Sonic comic from convenience stores a long ass time ago, I always felt it was weird as fuck for a character like Sonic to have an established love interest. Sonic had such a bright future back in the old 2D/OVA stlye days. Then between the western show, Sonic team, and the Archie comic furfuckers, they had to warp it into what would eventually spawn modern cringey as fuck Sonic.
I like Sally, do you think she could take a human dick?
Shadow already had a Gun. Gamma already had a gun. Omega already has two guns.
Try again.
The men of the East don't have entirely bad taste, I'll give them points for Sticks.
Why do you have these images saved?
How do people get off to this shit?
Hopefully none and would stay as a back ground character. Its sonic's friend that gave him such a hard time in the first place. The only playable ones should be Knuckles, Tails, and Shadow
sticks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sally by a fucking mile
Does Yea Forums like Tangle?
Garbage character that's probably a dyke.
Hold my beer dude...
I don't really follow the comic but she looks like a tomboy and that makes my penis the big penis
I like him
stop kink shaming
>That one porn comic with her and Knuckles
god damn it
Jannies please just ban this faggot, dont nuke the entire thread.
Sticks actually surprised me at how much I liked her in Boom. Actually Boom surprised me at how much I enjoyed it.
Sorry bluesphereanon
I don't think anyone here would oppose to this. Probably everyone here is really hungry to see more of Sonic stuff from extended media in the games for the sake of potential and fanservice, besides fans of SaTAM.
>What role would she serve?
She can be the irritating npc character who won't shut the fuck up during gamplay and give you the play by play of all the off screen shit Sonic Team is too lazy to show so that all the other sonic characters can actually be playable for once, instead of being irritating npcs who won't shut the fuck up and give you the play by play of all the off screen shit Sonic Team is too lazy to show.
Oh my goodness gracious I want to do terrible things to this Sally.
Kink shaming *is* my kink.
I oppose this, the series is already clouted with too many side characters as is
So X5 Alia or X6 Alia?
Don't we kinda have Omochao for that?
By """"accident""""
That's pretty much what reboot Archie was. We saw Game Gear/Master System stuff, stuff from the TV show, and I'm sure that if the OVA and Sonic X didn't have rights issues attached to them, they'd be in there somewhere too.
And then it got cancelled.
I was like 10 and I had a crush on her too. I love big bangs, big pony tails, and pink hair.
why do I want to fuck a cartoon squirrel
Ken Penders. He erased an entire universe and it never recovered. Hell is the IDW switch been proving beneficial, or have things gotten worse because of how hard SEGA is walling the comic with the restrictions?
>Don't we kinda have Omochao for that?
Pretty sure Omochaos was entirely for tutorial purposes, I was talking about Sonic Forces use of characters
X5. I think X5 alia was the irritating one who stops you like 3 time a level just to tell you things that you can clearly see on screen, but then again I barely remember anything about X6 so maybe she was worst reploid in that one too.
I hate Pontaff and like Maewaka's storytelling. I don't care for the freedom fighters because they drag Sonic down and ironically enough limit his freedom. Sonic should always come and go, like the wind. Keeping him stuck In a single location like Knothole would go against his whole character. The only way the Freedom Fighters could work in the games is if they stayed as a completely seperate group that Sonic and friends work with every once in a while, but they should never be very major characters.
As someone who would regularly and frequently buy and read the Archie Comics series, good god did the art suck.
There was actually a Yea Forums thread the other day. Consensus there is that it's worse because the plot feels decompressed and generally the issues feel samey.
I do like how Neo Metal Sonic was portrayed though. 10/10 Metal.
>defending archie shit and the FF
>We have these amazing game characters what to do? Keep pushing the FF XD oh and add lesbians!
Legit glad that shit is dead
>Hell is the IDW switch been proving beneficial, or have things gotten worse because of how hard SEGA is walling the comic with the restrictions?
The comic has been Sonic + random sidekick for a straight year. Its kinda like pre flynn archie where the cover of the comic is way more interesting than the story within.
>Even in redundant roles, Sally is redundant
Cream was in Sonic Advance 2 first
>how hard SEGA is walling the comic with the restrictions?
You motherfucker
>tfw Palcomix draws Pender's OC's better than Penders
Truth is, pretty much every role is filled in the games. Except maybe Antoine. Excluding Black Knight, we don't have a stable sword-wielder.
Just because the FF are in the book doesn't mean the game characters can't be.
Sonic Universe even had entire arcs starring the game characters (Team Dark had a storyline, Team Rose featuring Blaze instead of Big had a storyline, Team Chaotix had a storyline). And it's not like Sally and Nicole were making out on-panel either.
In all honesty, you just sound like you never read any of it and are trying to criticize it based on what you heard.
I wanna get into the comics and lore. Where do I start and what do I read/play and in what order?
Everyone can draw Penders' OCs better than Penders.
>We have these amazing game characters
All the game characters that matter at all save for fucking Chipwere featured prominently in the comic and had storylines tied to them. Who the fuck else from the games did you want?
Infinite has a sword
Infinite's sword isn't canon
You don't. Save yourself the trouble.
And just like what little potential he may have had. It was never used
The Forces prequel comics are canon though
And if Infinite ever shows up again, he won't have the Ruby so he'll probably be able to use his sword
Never used it in the game. But if he were to come back and had it with him, then yeah, that role will be filled, too.
Pre-Reboot Archie has a whole bunch of stuff, I can't give you a good guide other than start when Ian Flynn comes on and backtrack when necessary. I started pretty late in the series, but one way or another I picked up on most of it (even without touching most of the Bollers/Penders stuff).
The reboot happens at #252, after the first Mega Man crossover. The crossover is stand-alone and, outside of one cameo, mostly based on the games rather than the comics. The reboot begins with characters reacting to events prior to it,but shortly after becomes its own thing. The reboot mostly follows the game canon, though some events play out differently (seen in flashbacks). It also takes the GG/SMS/GBA games into consideration. The only game that hadn't happened at that point was Unleashed (which makes up the majority of the reboot's run) and Lost World (which was teased and kinda happens in the second crossover, but not really).
IDW is unconnected to Archie entirely. That one begins where Forces leaves off.
How long until this is valuable?
Or will it just never be valuable?
The movie easily. At least the movie can be forgotten. And I mean that with the hope that The Last Airbender and Dragon Ball Evolutions was forgotten, but then again, they don't have the Sonic fandom autism.
>Rouge serves as the older female character better than Bunny
You literally just compared a honorable southern belle to a conniving thieving bitch. You could have at least said Vanilla my nigga, holy fuck
I love my wife Sally
Based Berserk post
It has emotional value, user.
probably never, burn all the first editions but yours to make it valuable.
They tried in Sonic Unleashed and Black Knight
You say that, while we still keep receiving more and more new characters, such as Infinite, the Wisps, Modern "Classic" Sonic, the mysterious flying raccoon (?) in TSR, and the avatar, as well the ones from the IDW comics. The mountain still keeps growing, and as long Sonic Team never learns enough is enough, then it will NEVER stop growing. ENOUGH of new characters.
The problem is not that the franchise has too many side characters, and the solution shouldn't be cutting them out. Rather, the genuine problem is that Sonic Team has the tendency to left out much of theses side characters to eat dust forever, after around two or three games that they have a major role. Sonic Team is QUITE lazy.
They could, for every Sonic game they plan, choose some old dead side people (no matter from which media, and not just SaTAM), to appear on the new game, and bring them either a minor role (as an NPC) or a major role (as an important character), and both theses roles can provide fanservice AND more characters to play as in the gameplay. Rinse and repeat. This is, perhaps, the best choice to handle this complex situation.
>And then it got cancelled.
I know. :(
And there you have it, Bunnie is no longer needed when Vanilla exists.
Why are you even here if you don't like the comics, dude?
Alright I'm on it
You hush :)
Because he knows he'll get (you)s
It's about a $50 book in mint condition right now. I would just hang on to it for now. Some of the later comics are actually worth more like the SA1 and 2 adaptations. I've seen those go for around $100 each in mint condition as well as some sketch variants that went for around those prices.
Maybe they don't deserve to be in the games, maybe they don't deserve to be the main characters in the comics. But they deserved a proper send-off after 20+ years. We've been cucked TWICE out of a fleshed-out universe with no ending. I think that's what hurts the most: we didn't get say goodbye.
This image will basically guide you.
Does the IDW series get any better? I read the first 4-5 issues and got bored of it.
>Mania had too much story
>At least you can usually skip cutscenes in the 3D games.
They literally last at least 10 secs max. How can you get triggered by a immersible cutscene that actually lead you from place to place unlike the shit modern Sonic forces at you for a plot that's either retarded (ShiTH) or dumb (Colors/Lost World), that lasts a minute or two tops.
If you hate what Mania did, then you hate 3K which was regarded the best game in the series with the best narrative in Sonic.
>But they deserved a proper send-off after 20+ years.
They did. The Reboot universe before it got cancelled.
Fucking christ, of all the tickle spots on the body and it's almost always the goddamn feet. Fucking footfags.
You're still wrong though, your comparisons were just astonishingly ignorant. There still isn't a female character in the games that is associated with the "Power" catergory (like Knuckles, Omega, etc) and the other canons have provided at least three. Vanilla is a non combatant, Amy and Blaze are speed types, and Wave and Rouge are flight.
>I own a version of Eggman
That's not how it works, Penders. You just own your drawings, and even then, it's a grey area because it's of a character you don't own, so it becomes like fanart.
>I made this edit almost 6 years ago
>still getting circulation
Warm and fuzzy anons. The feeling is warm and it is fuzzy.
just start at 160 and read on to end. the archie run is dead so theres no point in getting hung up over references.
Looking back this gives me Comic Zone vibes.
Because I like the games, faggots. I want the gameplay to improve, and adding those faggots from the comics isn't the solution. OP asked why Sally wasn't in the games and I gave my input. Deal with it.
This entire thread is fuel for more Sonicfaggotry videos by BlackbusterCritic
>There still isn't a female character in the games that is associated with the "Power" catergory
Does there need to be? And if so, why not just make a game character for that role? No need to bring Bunnie or whatever marsupial Eggman had as a henchman in the comics in. Rouge in SA2 was more or less Knuckles with kicking. She can easily be the power character if you work around it.
Dang that's like right where my collection stops being comprehensive and starts being random scattered issues. Oh well.
Then SEGA is retarded for confusing her as a Sonic X character for when Ian Flynn was asked about it.
>Jet hasn't shown up outside of Riders.
Jet frequently appears in all the multi character party titles. He's been in several of the olympics games, he was in Black Knight, and most recently he's in the mobile version of Forces. Come to think of it, I think he just got added to Sonic Dash. I'll have to double check. The point is he's an active character now
>then SEGA is retarded
Holy shit the sky is blue?
Sega is a mess with their adaptations, or at least their Japanese ones.
I think they barred Emerl/Gemerl for similar reasons.
Didn't Sonic X come out in 2005? Heroes had been out for 2 years how could they possibly fuck that up?
Not coming back
>the Wisps
Not even characters past Colors
>Modern "Classic" Sonic
not a new character
>the mysterious flying raccoon (?) in TSR
Not appearing past TSR
>the avatar
Not appearing past Forces
The other user already told me, and I'll say it again, those appearances are justified. Jet is more of a speedster like Sonic and contrasts him nicely with wanting a challenge, something Shadow can't really do as well, or even Knuckles.
That sucks, but it makes sense why those issues are more valuable since many people (yourself included) stopped buying the comic around that time. I think I even remember reading somewhere that the comic was almost initially cancelled around that time as well because of low sales.
Because she isn't an original Sega character.
It came out one year prior to Sonic Advance 2. 9 months to be exact, in 2003, not 5.
>Jet only appeared in Riders
>But he appeared in other stuff
>Well those were justified, he doesn't count.
Dang user, you never told us you could lift. Those goal posts were pretty heavy.
>Mentions my last post admitting to my mistake
>Pulls the goalpost card
You're sure I'm moving the post?
>and adding those faggots from the comics isn't the solution. OP
Dude, no one here has implied that, and the wish for non-game characters to appear on games has been around for a QUITE LONG time. In fact, the wish might have birthed when the very first Archie Sonic issues has launched.
There are much of discussion to be discussed on what went wrong for Sonic now, in the departments of gameplay, story, quality and others, but NO ONE is practically yelling NOW that the comic characters should appear on the games in order to magically fix the franchise. I feel like Archie Sonic is your boogeyman or something.
>OP asked why Sally wasn't in the games and I gave my input. Deal with it.
If the kind of "input" you have shared have phrases like '>Archiefags still pissy over losing Sally' or 'Blame Penders. In a sense, I'm glad he did what he did.', then let me personally say that, yeah, no. It doesn't look like you're here to discuss. You're just here to piss off others, with your apparent constant annoying moving goal posts and intended inciting of flame-wars. Sorry.
>espio just casually waking up the wall
That's what I suspected.
Yeah the comic got pretty fucking weird and the degrading artstyle certainly didn't help things. I chirped out for good when Sonic went to space and fought fucking aliens or something but this thread's making me pretty nostalgic so I went and dug out a big stack of comics for funsies.
Still man you'd think an issue #1 would go up in price a little. It was around $50 when I got it in the early 2000s.
You said Jet was "justified" when they could have used any other character.
What makes him "justified" over them?
Based Penders.
Sega did say they split the franchise as of Mania between "Classic" and "Modern" Sonics. Modern Sonic has no future, but give Classic some time. It's clearly the one that still has a chance anymore.
>and the wish for non-game characters to appear on games has been around for a QUITE LONG time. In fact, the wish might have birthed when the very first Archie Sonic issues has launched.
And it still hasn't happened. That should tell you enough where they stand on those characters.
>but NO ONE is practically yelling NOW that the comic characters should appear on the games in order to magically fix the franchise.
Look in this same thread and you'll see it. People crying about the game characters being shitty as if the Archie characters are any better.
>If the kind of "input" you have shared have phrases like '>Archiefags still pissy over losing Sally' or 'Blame Penders. In a sense, I'm glad he did what he did.', then let me personally say that, yeah, no. It doesn't look like you're here to discuss. You're just here to piss off others, with your apparent constant annoying moving goal posts and intended inciting of flame-wars. Sorry.
Because you faggots need to be put in your place when you talk the shit you talk. People want the games to improve in both gameplay and story, but with latter, suddenly you shitters come in and cry about how developed the comic villains were like the majority of people care about them like that. Sally hasn't appeared in the games because she HAS NO NEED TO. The Freedom Fighters already have their roles filled by the game characters, there'll be a serious overlap issue with them and the game characters and SEGA does not care for them. Given Archie's shit, I don't blame them for not wanting them to return. Let the new comic flourish and stop bitching about the lack of a story or faggy development.
Jet is a cocky character who seeks a challenge and loves to race, similar to Sonic. He's more or less Sonic, just with a bird motif. He fits the role he plays in Riders and is popular enough to appear in other roles in side games where he can fit in just right. If the comicfags had their way, Jet would be Scourge.
>Still man you'd think an issue #1 would go up in price a little
Agreed, but I only see it going up in the coming years. The movie (even if it's complete shit) should bring Sonic back into the spotlight along with the upcoming Genesis Mini. And, ironically the Archie series cancellation a couple years ago got a lot of people interested in collecting it on top of the fact that most (if not all) of those issues will never be reprinted ever again.
What are other interesting female anthropomorphic characters in vidya?
>Does there need to be?
There probably should be at least one. Demographics and all that.
>And if so, why not just make a game character for that role?
Because you asked for a place a non game character could contribute, and I provided a solid unfilled niche to answer exactly that. Anything further is you moving the goal posts in an attempt to not hold this L.
Ironically enough, I don't give a rats ass about the FFs being in a game (anymore) as Sonic Team themselves have irreversibly fucked their own lore into oblivion as of Generations. Shit is so fucked up right now I don't even know where to go from here desu. I'm about ready to chuck every remaining modern character into Forces Speed Battle, every remaining classic character into a Mania 2 and just put the kibosh on this whole fucking franchise. Even the comics are a damn shit show now
>tfw the first issue of the Archie series I read was pic related
Holy fuck was I confused.
Go to bed you autist.
I think you just have a general persecution against comicfags.
Yeah sure, there are people who want the FF in the games, but I think most would be fine with just the comics.
Overall, sounds more like a you problem. Probably had some bad run-ins with Archie fans.
>Jet is a cocky character who seeks a challenge and loves to race, similar to Sonic. He's more or less Sonic, just with a bird motif. He fits the role he plays in Riders and is popular enough to appear in other roles in side games where he can fit in just right. If the comicfags had their way, Jet would be Scourge.
Fair point though.
too bad her voice actor sucks
>Even the comics are a damn shit show now
Is the IDW series that bad? I read the first few issues and thought it was mediocre but does it get worse?
>Let the new comic flourish and stop bitching about the lack of a story or faggy development.
IDW has been doing nothing but floundering like a damn slice of life show, and a comic of all places is the number one place where you SHOULD bitch about the lack of story. Like what the fuck are people paying for if it isn't going anywhere?
Nah it just stays too safe and doesn't "wow" anymore. I think Ian is partly to blame, for starting off at Forces and having nothing to go off, and Sega is also partly to blame because of odd restrictions on what can and can not happen to their characters.
I forgot to add they must be pantless too.
This shouldn't be as true as it is
>Demographics and all that.
Fuck you and your inclusive faggotry.
>Because you asked for a place a non game character could contribute
And as said, said characters are redundant when SEGA would probably make a powerful female character, which I feel Rouge fills in compared to Blaze's speed and Cream's flight (Sort of).
>I think you just have a general persecution against comicfags.
No, I like the IDW comics and Tangle/Whisper haven't been spoiled by the cancer that SataM harbored for two decades. I have a massive prejudice for the Archiefags crying about their comic and characters and not wanting the new comic to shine on its own merits. For the last three years since the first signs it was going under, those faggots became insufferable and it doesn't help that SEGA reached a new low with Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.
>and a comic of all places is the number one place where you SHOULD bitch about the lack of story.
Like I said, I'll take a boring comic over the lowest points of Archie's comic, especially if SEGA is keeping an eye on it to prevent that cancer from developing again.
>Sally hasn't appeared in the games because she HAS NO NEED TO. The Freedom Fighters already have their roles filled by the game characters, there'll be a serious overlap issue with them and the game characters and SEGA does not care for them. Given Archie's shit, I don't blame them for not wanting them to return. Let the new comic flourish and stop bitching about the lack of a story or faggy development.
I would argue that a game like Forces could be a good fit for the FFs to turn up in. In any case, the FFs don't perfectly overlap roles taken by game characters.
>If the comicfags had their way, Jet would be Scourge.
From a conceptual standpoint, I see nothing wrong with this. Put him, Shadow, Jet, Silver, Metal Sonic, and of course Sonic himself in a Sonic Rivals 3 and make that shit about how all of those fuckers are like Sonic but flawed in some way, and how Sonic keeps netting the W because he doesn't have the vices they have.
>Is the IDW series that bad?
Sonic hasn't even fought Eggman yet. They've spent over a year building up to the main hook of the franchise
What's your beef with Archie Sonic, anyways? If you're listening too much to the fanbase then that's a "you" problem, not a "them" problem.
I just listed my problems with them nigga, read my post.
Just give her Adventure-styled levels that focus more on exploration
What in the fuck?
>Fuck you and your inclusive faggotry.
I feel as though you didn't read the original post.
>And as said, said characters are redundant when SEGA would probably make a powerful female character, which I feel Rouge fills in compared to Blaze's speed and Cream's flight (Sort of).
Sega isn't adverse to making loads of new characters to fill established roles. Why are you opposed to them importing ideas from comics?
>No, I like the IDW comics and Tangle/Whisper haven't been spoiled by the cancer that SataM harbored for two decades. I have a massive prejudice for the Archiefags crying about their comic and characters and not wanting the new comic to shine on its own merits. For the last three years since the first signs it was going under, those faggots became insufferable and it doesn't help that SEGA reached a new low with Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.
Nigga you're just butthurt here.
>Like I said, I'll take a boring comic over the lowest points of Archie's comic, especially if SEGA is keeping an eye on it to prevent that cancer from developing again.
The lows of Archie were abysmal but I'd argue a boring comic is even worse, because there's no reason for you to care.
not him but I'm totally going to find a torrent and do this very soon. I only had odd issues growing up, one involving Kintobor and Horizont-Al and Verti-Cal, one leading up to SA1, and others I haven't thought about in years. looking forward to embracing the autism deep within myself
Ken without a fucking doubt. I don't think Sega is even allowed(Which is goddamn bullshit) to make an anymore Echidna sonic OCs for future games.
>Why are you opposed to them importing ideas from comics?
>Sega isn't adverse to making loads of new characters to fill established roles.
Answered your own question.
>Nigga you're just butthurt here.
Given the responses to my posts, it's the opposite.
>Fuck you and your inclusive faggotry.
Ironic given the rest of your post
>And as said, said characters are redundant when SEGA would probably make a powerful female character, which I feel Rouge fills in compared to Blaze's speed and Cream's flight (Sort of).
The fact that you had to make an OC to fit your position shows how flawed it was to begin with. Rouge has been hard locked to flight since Heroes and has shown no signs of reverting. Hold this L, bitch.
>No, I like the IDW comics and Tangle/Whisper haven't been spoiled by the cancer that SataM harbored for two decades.
All signs point to them being fucking dykes which falls right into that "inclusiveness" you hate so much.
>I have a massive prejudice for the Archiefags crying about their comic and characters and not wanting the new comic to shine on its own merits. For the last three years since the first signs it was going under, those faggots became insufferable and it doesn't help that SEGA reached a new low with Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.
Ironically, your biased bitching is just as bad and a sign that you should probably do like them and shut the fuck up
>Like I said, I'll take a boring comic over the lowest points of Archie's comic, especially if SEGA is keeping an eye on it to prevent that cancer from developing again.
TOP KEK my nigga. Those fuckers couldn't even manage Forces properly. They made what is probably the most popular OC since Shadow and then proceeded to kill him off so hard that even IDW and the Forces mobile game can't use him, all while they keep pushing Red Bowser that literally nobody fucking likes, and you think the comic has a snowball's chance in hell of being GOOD under their eye? You must consider Iizuka's asshole a fucking delicacy, and the only cure for that cancer is death. Thanks for the (You)s my nigga, I'm out
>And it still hasn't happened.
And a genuine total and GREAT 3D Sonic game with heavy emphasis on momentum and physics ALSO hasn't happened still. I suppose this also tells on where they stand for the whole franchise.
No. Fans, with their general consensus, will still demand for what they want to the company, FOREVER. You can't stomp out completely the wish of many fans, and then, be done with it and move on for your next schemes of generating profit. Many years will pass, and the internal wish of fans will still prevail, and they will still hope that it will be realized. As in, Sonic fans are still waiting for a great 3D Sonic game with focus on momentum, just like the same case with the fans that love the comic too.
Just because it hasn't happened with, it doesn't mean they will stop ever hopping for. Oh, by the way, a new F-Zero game when?
>People crying about the game characters being shitty as if the Archie characters are any better.
Criticizing game characters being bad never implies that they want Archie characters. I bet you like the recent portrayals of many side-characters on Forces and Lost World.
>Because you faggots need to be put in your place when you talk the shit you talk.
Ah, so you're just here to incite useless fight by acting like the "superior" moral bossy guy over us, the "inferior" plebeians, just because you dislike what me and others like. Okay, I got your message here. No more replies to you.
>Let the new comic flourish
Alright, then. Just don't get too cocky, come back to me, and cry on my shoulders when the IDW comic, in some form, gets ultimately ended abruptly and cancelled.
If that person is willing to generalize one group because of one bad fan or because someone wants FFs in the games (as well trying to move goals posts), then it's not worth to talk with him.
>Given the responses to my posts, it's the opposite.
Since when is logical counterarguments butthurt? Oh, I get it, you have a chip on your shoulder about Archie.
Okay, concession accepted.
>And a genuine total and GREAT 3D Sonic game with heavy emphasis on momentum and physics ALSO hasn't happened still
>Implying a complex amount of coding, planning and programming compares to adding in a chipmunk in a vest and a gay walrus
Tsk tsk, this is why I have to keep telling you fuckers why the gameplay is crucial to Sonic games being successful or abysmal.
>No. Fans, with their general consensus, will still demand for what they want to the company, FOREVER. You can't stomp out completely the wish of many fans, and then, be done with it and move on for your next schemes of generating profit. Many years will pass, and the internal wish of fans will still prevail, and they will still hope that it will be realized. As in, Sonic fans are still waiting for a great 3D Sonic game with focus on momentum, just like the same case with the fans that love the comic too.
Just because it hasn't happened with, it doesn't mean they will stop ever hopping for.
Pic related.
>I bet you like the recent portrayals of many side-characters on Forces and Lost World.
I don't. But that doesn't mean you bring in Faggy Down Syndrome Walrus and Slut the Nuteater.
>Alright, then. Just don't get too cocky, come back to me, and cry on my shoulders when the IDW comic, in some form, gets ultimately ended abruptly and cancelled.
I'm more worried about getting another Mania game than the comic's future, but I'm not expecting it to last as long as Archie's did.
>New F-Zero game when?
Ask Nintendo.
You just have proven my point (granted, I agree that Wisps need to fuck off).
The Avatar (now turned as a standard red wolf character, let's say) and Infinite, for example, won't come back, because, like I said, Sonic Team has this tendency of scrapping new characters right away after their debut, but they still insist to create more and more new characters. They have been doing this for years.
Repeating: basically, Sonic Team needs to recycle old non-game characters (as well old game characters, of course).
>Okay, concession accepted
>after getting thoroughly blown the fuck out by multiple posters
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
>Tsk tsk, this is why I have to keep telling you fuckers why the gameplay is crucial to Sonic games being successful or abysmal.
Heroes and ShTH's gameplay was utter shit but it still gets fans.
>Pic related.
Go to bed you child.
>I don't. But that doesn't mean you bring in Faggy Down Syndrome Walrus and Slut the Nuteater.
Stop projecting your fetishes.
You have got absolute shit taste for detesting and bashing Rotor.
>after getting thoroughly blown the fuck out by multiple posters
>Multiple people agreeing with one another means someone lost a debate
>This is what Archieshitters believe
>He actually likes the fat homo walrus who was Pender's self-insert
>Multiple people agreeing with one another means someone lost a debate
When all those people agree that you're a fucking retard, yes it does.
I don't even like Archie btw, I just call bullshit when I see it
>He actually likes the fat homo walrus who was Pender's self-insert
What? Have you even read the comics?
Penders had Rotor in a relationship with one of his ebin Knuckles recolors in that future storyline.
>Implying Pendersshit is canon.
>first thing Ian does is kill the lover
Based potto
It was in the comic at one point, you can't ignore that fact.
This is the one that hurt me the most
It was in the comic, but presented as a potential future.
Unless you're Ken and counting as the truthfully true future.
But she has big tiddies
I know I've seen the original online. No need to settle for magazine quality.
When i see Rouge , Shadow , Blaze , Cream , Silver , etc i see characters that are from the sonic universe and fit.
When i see Sally , Bonnie , Rotor , the sword fag i see furry oc that could fit better in the game with the green cat that plays like old sonic. They look NOTHING like sonic designs. Its so fucking jarring.
What i am trying to say is if you like the FF you are a terminal furry that obe of these days are going to fuck a squirrel or a bunny.
But I thought he still existed in the post-reboot comics, except not related to Eggman anymore.
>if you like the FF you are a terminal furry that one of these days are going to fuck a squirrel or a bunny.
3DPD, dude.
I'm upset that we lost this qt
I mean in the IDW comics.
Friendly reminder that the MLP:FIM comics from the same company that is publishing the Sonic Comics is still outperforming Sonic despite the ponyfag fandom being dead for almost 3 whole years now.
Ian Flynn is literally fucking killing the comics and for some reason everyone is fine with it.
>They look NOTHING like sonic designs. Its so fucking jarring.
You can't just say that when the reboot specifically redesigned them to fit in with the other Sonic characters.
The point is they dont fit design wise
Whisper and Tangle fit the videogame design much better.
Sonic is also dead. Sonic Mania sold less than Shadow the Hedgehog.
>They look NOTHING like sonic designs. Its so fucking jarring.
Their post reboot designs fit quite well into the wider stable of Sonic character design.
>The point is they dont fit design wise
But they do.
>Sonic Mania sold less than Shadow the Hedgehog.
And Maniafags recovered from this?
This would mean something if the last 4 issues of the Archie comic didn't outsell almost every issue from the IDW comic with the exception of the first two issues.
Furthermore even with that said the logic here doesn't make sense. The only people buying the MLP comics anymore are people who are too autistic to get out of the ponyfagdom and let go or legitimate little girls who are really really into the show.
Sonic has multi-media fucking appeal and appeals to a much more larger demographic than little girls and has over 2 fucking decades of history.
The comparison here is retardedly in Sonic's favor and yet the MLP comic is still outselling it by at least 10,000 units. That's actually fucking hilarious if it wasn't so sad for me or anyone else who was a fan of the previous comic universe. Fact is that if the sales for the comic drop any lower now then it literally will not be worth IDW to continue publishing it.
I mean ffs the Sonic comic is literally dropping sales by about 10% each fucking issue. That is outright depressing.
No? They still look like they are comic only and not part of the sonic universe.
And yes i am talking about the reboot with the Sally laser arms and shit.
Not really. It was an improvement from their old appearance, but not very much.
She was in Sonic Spinball.
Well, then we'll have to agree to disagree then. Especially since some of the covers even allow you the FF in 3D and they look fine.
And if you're the guy who claims that Whisper and Tangle fit, but the Freedom Fighters don't, then just forget it.
>Didn't even know there was an MLP comic book.
>Sounds autistic as shit and was expecting retard-tier OCs and shit drawings.
>The fucking artwork and cover art for each issue is insanely high quality and it only has OCs that are from the show.
Actually what the fucking hell? I can already tell you the reason why the MLP comics are selling more than Sonic is because it simply looks 10 times better. I was not fucking expecting that kind of quality from a bunch of ponyfuckers.
This, FF fags just need to accept their autism isn’t wanted/important
he's going to ruin the horsefucker comics too don't worry twitter.com
So nobody else has to go searching for it like I did.
the absolute state
Sally looks derp
Why do you have to lie like this?
This shows Sonic beating MLP by ~4000 issues sold In January. Furthermore, the site was tracking Sonic at ~11600 sold for issue 13, and 11300 for issue 14 in February.
Please refrain from spewing bullshit in this thread.
what's with the 500 topics for Sonic on this shithole lately, did you people flee the /vg/ general when it got down the autism hole or something? Where the fuck did you losers come from?
>I mean ffs the Sonic comic is literally dropping sales by about 10% each fucking issue. That is outright depressing.
Because it's boring ass hell. It has the basic story strutucure of Nu-Sonic. Go to point A to Point B, smash some robots, and make "witty" remarks.
The plot seemed to have tried to make itself interesting by making it look like Sonic contracted the Metal Virus, but summaries for upcoming issues reveal that he's okay.
You can badmouth the Adventure era all you want, but if the games still allowed those kind of stories, the comic would be more interesting, but now we're stuck with Boost!Sonic stories, which are a big pile of nothing.
Penders opened his mouth again.
Blame that Ken penders tweet
this cannot be fucking real. I refuse to believe it.
According to Ken Penders, Sonic was supposed to get cucked by the skunk, Geoffrey St. John.
"The one story I couldn’t tell was Sally losing her virginity to Geoffrey. Sonic may be fast, but Geoffrey was faster on the draw in that department." - Ken Penders via Twitter.
Unique character aesthetics, personalities and (if a dev gives a shit) abilities reflecting said aesthetics.
Fucking hell why does he keep talking about sonic business he has no part in?
A desperate attempt to be seen as relevant?
Because he REALLY wants to get rehired to write a Sonic comic.
He's doing the exact opposite of what someone should do if they're interested in being hired. Did he think Sega would let bygones be after he constantly threatened to sue them? We all remember the pendering
Sega doesnt need the furfag vote
I think he just wants to run everything Sonic in the west, because according to him, he was writing the comic when it was most relevant, and that's across the hallway from CEO, right?
Oh god, this fucking piece of shit.
He's unironically not wrong here.
I find Sonic paying eggman a Chaos Emerald to literally rape the shit out of Amy while he watches for his own twisted satisfaction to be strangely in character.
Sally isn't owned by sega. She's made by Dic or something.
What he's claiming is he owns Robo-Robotnik, an alternate universe version of Robotnik who showed up in issue 19, then later in issue 75 where he was defeated again and his Robo-Robotnik body destroyed, while his mind went into a new robot body that is Dr. Eggman's design from Adventure onwards.
And by extension of that Penders tried to claim that he owns Dr. Eggman.
He's REALLY stupid, is the moral here.
seeing sally and sonic kiss so much in that goddamn show did things to me. its a miracle i didnt turn out to be a furry.
>Hulkster Robotnik
Has a porn artist ever been featured in a Sonic comic? This is important.
define "porn artist"
I think so.
No but Im sure a couple got into the sonic fanart of the comics
>newfag thinks wojac will have a longer life then anonymous.
This shitty Wojack meme will die but user is eternal.
It wasn't a millenial thing, it was there all along...
Have any of you poor shits seen my bitch?
True facts: Rotor is the only Archie character at least attempt to mimick the Sega design standard.
It absolutely was the canon potential future of that universe meaning that Rotor was always gay.
Someone please post the gif.
I'm sure if any were, it would be Palcomix
A wojak posting site