Ronnie has kissed a girl.
What's your excuse?
Ronnie has kissed a girl
>hand over mouth
That's like saying you lose your virginity when using a condom.
I had sex recently, what a mistake.
I don't think girls like skeletons
a girl kissed me in kindergarten
that was the only time
>her eye in the bottom left panel
Ronnie dodged a bullet how horrifying
I only remember one kiss on the cheek and I have never felt a woman's lips outside of greetings
I kissed my mom
>Not using condoms
Enjoy your unwanted pregnancies and dramatically increased risk of STDs.
> Imagine being this autistic
I kissed 2 or 3. Does my cousin who turned out to be adopted count?
>implying he'll ever get the chance to enjoy it
Have sex
I've received one full hug and one half hug from 2 different girls over my life. I'm pretty autistic and bad at talking to people and especially bad at making eye contact due to childhood trauma.
Does a hand-over-mouth kiss really count? It's basically just the girl kissing her hand in front of you..
I kissed a girl during ring of fire last friday
I did almost literally the same because I was unsure if she really liked me and feared it could have been a joke since I was a insecure piece of shit at the time.
She had two friends with her when she asked for it, so I couldn't trust her, but we just few interactions prior to that.
I didn't liked her that much before though, but I might have lost my single chance in life to get laid, I was and am also fat but I go to the gym since before that time.
>was in relationship for 8 years
>only ever kissed during the first few months or if we were REALLY into the sex
What's the point? I think it'd be annoying to have a gf that cared about that shit
>What's your excuse?
I already did kiss a girl and that relationship was a mistake
>turned out to be adopted count
Fair game in my book!
How do you lose the bitterness of it? I haven't tried to look for a relationship for over 4 years because it feels like a gamble and never worth the effort.
I'm sure I'll have my first kiss soon. Can't be much longer.
>How do you lose the bitterness of it?
Just look internally and catalog it so you can sort through the emotions don't look back and see what you should have done but instead look forward and see what you will do, you just gotta get past the feelings and then go out. For me it's been over two years since I broke up and I only just have my first date since planned this Saturday. What it took for me is to wake up and realize that past is the past it won't make much sense to let it control me or my future which I can change. Sure it's a gamble but life is a gamble video games are a gamble in a word where everything is up to chance it makes sense to ignore the fact that dating is a gamble and just instead go for it. It might not be worth the effort but what about when you put that effort it and see that actually it was?
I lost my virginity at 21 to a guy.
You got any non herms
Or at least herms fucking women
Insightful comment in the middle of furry porn. Thanks user.
>tfw fucked 13yo girl when I was 17
This achievement locked behind timer and you all missed it.
Why do these random dumps happen out of nowhere?
there's also an achievement for staying a virgin after 30
the game is meant for replays bro
Same here, overrated.
I just hope I didn't lose my wizard powers.
If that counts I was raped when I was 5. I can say I am no virgin without lying.
That is perhaps the most uncomfortable position I have ever seen for two arms
Someone tries to kill the thread by attracting mods.
>Literally just let a really cute girl that was smiling and waving at me keep walking for these exact reasons
I should have started shitposting much sooner.
No problem man I hope it works out, I just wish I didn't spend over a year thinking about her but hey you know what they say if 20 years was the best time to start something then the second best is right now.
judging by the pictures you post its clear you've replaced them with fake cartoons anyway so why care or even acknowledge it
>Fucking STD-riddled whores
wew lad
That achievement like a prize for participation. Pathetic.
I dont think you count, I was actually willing.
So have I
I actually kissed multiple (3) women who weren't related to me or forced into doing it.
by that logic I lost my virginity to a horse and not another person
It's weird, I knew this was an April Fool's joke by panel 2
>That's like saying you lose your virginity when using a condom.
Even tho i don't use condoms this still triggers me for some reson
>expect Ronnie thread
>get furfag shit instead
I hate this place.
ah its been a while since I've seen you start dropping these
Don't worry friend, I'll try to save this thread
ah its been a while since I've seen you start dropping these
this one is nice, and the only one I haven't seen
I have kissed a girl.
But it was my cousin when I was like 12-13. She heard about sex from some kids at her school and wanted to experiment. We ended up making out until my mom walked in on us.
I don't think about it much, but it leaps to mind when the subject of kissing comes up.
It's just one enormously buttmad user who's posting furry porn. Don't be more retarded than usual user
source fast
>at work
Lad, what kinda fucking madman are you to post furry futa shit at work, either on your phone or company payroll. Why.
M Italian nose pokes the eye of my gf before we can touch lips.
O-ok then. ;_;
You never have to use a condom if you don't fuck
Just kidding, I've fucked 14 people so far =^)
I never understand the punchline of his jokes
It's fun effort though.
I'm ashamed that I end up seeing most of the pics that go on e621
this image is what made me realize how much i'm into futa, and it was probably you that posted it
thanks for making my dick happy
Why would someone tell lies on the internet
Also why are you so angry
It's either that he's a nerd, loser, fat, depressed, suicidal, or all five. In this case it's fat and loser.
my first kiss was with my cousin.
my second kiss was when some girl kissed me out of no where because she got dared to kiss me.
like and subscribe and don't forget to smash that LIKE BUTTON
>jannies purging the furry porn
Don't forget the alt text
As she stares at the illustration, Agrias laments, wondering if she can get away with using such a hairstyle that is familiar to wheezing passersby who may wish to regail her of the tales of this, as they claim, underappreciated anime. She then sighs and says aloud, ''At least it's a girl.'' Ronnie's sweating increases.
Well, I can admire your spirit. Not your taste however, post some human on female anthro (actual female), least then most folks will dig it.
well, it was fun while it lasted
Wtf where'd the like button go, fix your dumb site Hiro
This. Your tastes are superb user and I like the cut of your jib
Another one bites the dust.
Try almost certainly, because I doubt you're resetting your work wifi that quick.
Keep LARPing, loser.
No, its akin to saying you are not a virgin because you masturbated in front of someone, CK style