Why was it so much better than Sekiro?
Why was it so much better than Sekiro?
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I have a PS4 and played Bloodborne to the fullest, the only thing it has over Sekiro is the setting.
Better setting, better lore, more varied weapons with interesting movesets, more character customization.
The core gamepaly is better in Sekiro.
All the things i've just named MIGHT be secondary to some people, but for a lot of people, they aren't.
Unironically because it has soul. You can tell the devs wanted to make the game and put care in every corner of it.
Now Sekiro was made to make some quick bucks to help the development of Bloodborne 2.
Japan Studio
Variety of weapons, enemies, and actual builds. Sekiro is a goodass game, but Bloodborne has massively more content.
Because they're two different kinds of games?
It's already becoming the worst From Game.
DaS2 is "we're just going to phone it in"
Sekiro is smaller and rough, but it still has soul, it just has less soul compared to BB, but that's just because BB is a masterpiece.
Sekiro is nowhere near phoned in as something that truly has no soul, such as DaS2, or something that almost completely is borderling soulless, such as DaS3.
Try so much harder.
Is DaS3 the most soulless cash grab ever made?
>Variety of weapons, enemies, and actual builds
But we're not talking about Dark Souls, we're talking about Bloodborne.
miyazaki already called sekiro a franchise, which means that after armored core the next game will be sekiro. meanwhile BB2 will never be made thanks to sony having the IP rights
>Bloodborne has no weapon variet-
I don't fucking know, I think literally all of the Souls games are more fun than Sekiro. I beat the game once and was glad to put it down, which was pretty disappointing. Not sure what people see in the combat system, it's very linear and even more focused on autistic memorization than it's predecessors.
>it's very linear
Let me guess, you got filtered at Chained Ogre.
What part of "I beat the game" do you not understand?
Funny how Sekiniggers are so delusional they think everyone who doesn't suck the game's cock hasn't played it.
It has a better setting, yeah, but I don't think it has better lore. Bloodborne lore relies too much on headcanon. I read Paleblood Hunt for example and while it was a good read, I think the game asks for the player to fill in the blanks too much and too often. I preferred Sekiro's story, which made sense from the get go without a need to finish the whole game first and then start filling in the massive gaps the story has. Sekiro reminded me of Demon's Souls which was the same way, it had a main storyline which made sense from the start, and what was left for player interpretation were just the nuances. I didn't like the absurd obscurity Bloodborne puts over the meaning of Paleblood, for example. Aside from that Sekiro has better combat, better level design, and I found the quality of things like bosses and areas to be more consistent than Bloodborne. My only problem with Sekio was that the game was too short, it felt very polished and consistent but once you remove the initial roadblocks which mask it in your first run, the game is pretty small. I don't care for the One Weapon thing because I'm sure that with Sekiro's combat system having a different weapon would have made no difference at all. Another minor complaint is that I'd have liked for Sekiro's combat arts to suck less. All in all I enjoyed Sekiro more, but I do love Bloodborne and I think both are 9+/10 games. Anyways I have to go now so I won't be able to discuss this much but I wanted to give my 2 cents.
>Make objectively false statement
>Get called out on it
>Immediately refer to ad hominem
Yup, filtered at Chained Ogre.
No that was Dark Souls for being Demon's Souls except multiplat.
Nah that's still DS2. DS3 is an apology and end piece like DMC5.
>24 weapons, some of which reuse moves or don't even transform
>Armor is fashion outside slight status resistances
>No equip load
>No roll tiers or distance scaling
>Only six stats, two of which are ignored unless you do the one build that uses them, every build invariably winds up some variation of 40/40/40/40/x/x
>Every character build moves and plays the same
>Shortest Souls game, by far
>Bloodgems were a cool idea but the best ones are always the straight damage percentage upgrades
>Chalice dungeons are repetitive filler and you only get the best gems from them, defiled dungeons are the literal definition of artificial difficulty
>The game constantly throws hordes of enemies at the player but is mysteriously exempt from criticism
Bloodborne is a good game but its still a watered-down Dark Souls with faster combat. It chucked half the RPG systems out the window and dumbed-down the ones it didn't.
this guy gets it
this faggot is wrong
>The game constantly throws hordes of enemies at the player
[citation needed]
It's pretty bad even if not DaS2 bad.
DMC5 has problems but i'd never, ever compare it to DaS3 quality wise.
DMC5 is pretty great in itself and has the potential to be amazing with the right DLC/re-release.
The first ten fucking minutes of the game has the player walk down a narrow street/corridor with a good 20 enemies fucking around in it.
>I beat the game once and was glad to put it down
Same, desu. I just went right back to playing the Souls games. Sekiro made me appreciate just how good Souls games are. I'll take Dark Souls 4, Bloodborne 2 or Demon's Souls 2 any day over a sequel to Sekiro (which I probably won't buy).
Every complaint you could have about dark souls 3 in relation to previous entries can be applied to dark souls 1. Fight me.
Straight lines are shit, DS3 is creatively bankrupt and didn't even implement ANY of the improvements to the combat both DS2 and BB introduced, like actual dual-wielding, power stances and attack strings deeper than R1>R1>R1.
And they're extremely meticulously placed to ensure the player needs to approach the situation with a strategy in mind. The Souls games have always had good encounter design, barring DaS2.
You don't fight them all at once aside a couple of groups that are slightly bigger.
They're really weak individually.
The game doesn't really throw huge groups at you that are highly damaging or dangerous unless you're doing specific chalice dungeons.
You're grasping at straws here.
Why is Sekiro so much better than dmc 5?
>Sekiro made me appreciate just how good Souls games are.
Fucking this.
The difficulty wasn't a fucking joke.
>Its okay when based Bloodborne does it :^)
They're not "meticulously placed" you fucking cocksucking fanboi. Every area with human mooks has hordes of them every 50 feet. You're better off sprinting past them half the time because there's so fucking many and they don't drop anything but vials and bullets.
You can pull every enemy in DS2's grand-total of two "enemy horde arenas" one at a fucking time.
>24 weapons, some of which reuse moves
The two saws, and ludwig's and kirk's ss mode. That's it.
>or don't even transform
Patently false.
>Its okay when based Bloodborne does it :^)
This but unironically. The human mobs in Central Yharnam compose of enemies who use guns, meaning that they will stay back, and enemies who use melee weapons. A smart player can run and take out the ranged enemies and then focus on the melee ones. They're not difficult to take down at all; a few R1s will kill them. Meanwhile, Dark Souls 2 throws multiple high level and difficult enemies at you in a big room and that's it.
>You don't fight them all at once aside a couple of groups that are slightly bigger
So just like DS2, then?
Why the double-standard, you fucking insipid fanboi? You can pull every single Alonne Knight in Iron Keep one at a time, you can aggro every hollow in Forest of Fallen Giants one at a time. Shit like the first open area in the Forbidden Woods shits all over anything DS2 throws at you in the "fighting multiple enemies at once" department. Its literally just a giant open field with 30 enemies farting around, with a good half-dozen or more dogs to boot.
If you criticize DS2 for throwing 4 enemies at you at once because you literally ran in and aggro'd every single one, but give BB a pass for absolute horseshit encounter design like the above, then you're a drooling, brain-dead fanboi. If you shit on DS2 for boss fights like Ruin Sentinels but give pic related a pass, you're a fucking raging fanboi faggot.
Ultimately i prefer DaS3 because it's more artistically coherent.
DaS2 feels put together with staples and glue, by blind lobotomized baboons.
I understand SOME of the design is objectively better but i just despise that game so much for how it looks, and feels overall.
DaS3 might be more boring and creatively bankrupt but it felt more like a proper souls game that didn't want to make me rip my eyes out at the very least.
I made my own fun by using shit like the Farron Greatsword with it's flashy looking moveset, tho i would be lying if i didn't admit i missed shit like the amazing fist weapons in DaS2.
Tonitrus doesn't transform.
Did you even play the game?
that's ONE (1) weapon
Are we really pretending that Onions isn't the best gank squad boss in the series?
Oh, it's a DaS2 fanboy retard.
Of course there's one of your kind in every thread.
>waa so unfair
>das2 get such a bad rep
>i love pvp!
Shoo, go back in your monkey cage.
Stay on the losing side of history and die alone.
>DMC5 has problems but i'd never, ever compare it to DaS3 quality wise.
>DMC5 is pretty great in itself and has the potential to be amazing with the right DLC/re-release.
I don't remember comparing the quality between them, but I figured someone would bring it up. They are the same in that it's an apology from the owners of the IP for the last attempt, and an end piece of their stories, the flame and the sons of Sparda.
>absolute horseshit encounter design like the above
They're some of the easiest bosses in the game.
How shit do you have to be to die to them?
oh god Im having vietnam flashbacks from that webm
fuck dark souls 2, the dlc is just as shit as the rest of the game
Yes, you're literally giving BB a pass for being worse and throwing hordes of enemies at the player in damn-near EVERY area of the game, but boil every DS2 encounter to
>lol i run in like a fucking idiot y so many mobs :(
and say its shit. If you played BB like that you'd get the same shit, you insufferable muppet, try dropping your bullshit double-standard.
And those gun-toting mooks in BB don't just hang back, they fucking shoot at you from 100 feet away. BB does NOT give the player the tools they need to fight multiple enemies without just poking and dodging repeatedly. You have no poise, you have no shields, you have no heavy armor. You have one playstyle, poke while abusing hyper armor and dodge so you don't get staggered to death by multiple enemies because you have no way to deal with it other than dodging.
DAS2 is trash and so are you and your shitty opinions.
>level design
>visual design
>sound design
Basically everything other than the most important component: core gameplay.
>mikiri counter
>kick counter
>mist raven
>fan shield
>lightning reversal
vs Bloodborne
>press Circle to not die
The combat is too fucking simple
ONE (1) thing you were fucking objectively wrong about, fanboi faggot.
It's honestly a travesty that Sony has the rights to the franchise. I want to play it at 60 fps 1440p
Read the post again, its not referring to the boss fight.
You're acting like Bloodborne enemies have hit scan guns. You bait out their attacks, dodge, run at them and mash them down with a few attacks. Central Yharnam is a masterclass of both level and encounter design. The DaS2 developers should play through it.
I mean, if Sony hadn't funded it, we would've never gotten it. You should really be blaming From for not being able to properly optimize their games.
Thats a fair fight. There are 2 big stones you can hide behind and one corner. The enemies are slow as fuck too. You can just run, wait for the guy who catch up, hit him a few times and run again. A DS2 version would throw a few dogs in and remove any place you can hide behind
there's multiple enemies, true
but your in the fastest souls game to date with just the right mobility
now compare it to the crippled deadzones in DaS2
literally artificial difficulty
Your lot is beyond insufferable and you only sully your precious game's reputation by spamming your insipid nonsense all day. Kindly kill yourself.
>No counter-argument to the objective fact that BB has no playstyle beyond poke/dodge
Maybe if it were a proper RPG, but FROM decided to chuck that out the window for Sony's target audience.
Any way to play bloodborne without having to buy a ps4?
Why do DaS2 fans see an attack on their game as a personal attack?
Probably never. Or once the ps5 is out
Imagine spending your time trying to defend such a literal garbage game everyone hates and seething over it constantly.
Based retard.
DaS2 is trash.
Dude I fucking knew something is wrong with the movement in DS2. I could not pinpoint what exactly but it felt like walking on water the entire game. I remember fucking up that tutorial jump and I knew there is something off about it 5 minutes into the game
seriously fuck DS2
>I mean, if Sony hadn't funded it, we would've never gotten it
Says who? This wasn't Bayonetta 2. From had an existing contract with Sony that had nothing to do with Bloodborne before they decided to make it. Bamco could have easily funded and published it if not for the exclusivity contract, sold more copies and made more money because it wouldn't have just been on PS4.
I think there's an emulator out there but I can promise you it's garbage.
This but unironically.
Because humans emotionally attach themselves to everything
Because they're the biggest losers in the souls fanbase and they know it.
They're incredibly insecure and easily triggered.
Sony also helped developed the game and gave them funds for things like a fully orchestrated score.
wow, get a load of these pantywaisted non-arguments. go back to your trap porn, kiddos.
And it would have been worse. You can definitely see the Japan Studio influence in the overall polish of the game, sound design, use of lights, color palette and overall aesthetic. Both DS3 and Sekiro was a huge letdown in these aspect.
Also BB development started even before the PS3 was released.
Still better than BBfags that must shitpost every From Soft games to keep their trash game relevant.
>muh deadzone
This is what you have to fall back on after being utterly BTFO?
It makes precise forward movement easier and helps prevent circle-strafe backstab fishing, or did you actually like that in DS1?
It's not even about the fanbase it's about humanity as a whole. You yourself are part of your own tribal fanbase.
I meant ps4 obviously
Because, as I said, they had an existing exclusivity contract with FROM for [X] number of games, one of which turned out to be Bloodborne.
Sony didn't fund it because otherwise FROM wouldn't have been able to make it, they funded it because they paid for the ability to do so and have it only release on their platform. FROM didn't shop Bloodborne around looking for a publisher and find no one but Sony was interested.
>It would have been worse if my based Snoy overlords hadn't dumbed-down the RPG systems! Muh polish and visuals and shit that doesn't actually have anything to do with gameplay!
Yup, sounds about right. Snoy can do no wrong and its okay to dumb shit down for a wider audience when they do it!
Got tears from laughing at that webm. Just finished the main game. What a mess.
Streamlining != bad
Bloodborne has by far and away the best weapon roster of the entire series. There is also more than enough build variety to keeps things fresh, like BLT/ARC.
Oh, it's a DaS2 retard.
Here's a nice list, disregarding the PvP centric mechanics, because I don't give a shit about them when 70% of the game is total dogshit:
Level Design (literally DaS3, with more branches, more forgettable boring environments, and nonsensical world design)
Endurance split
Stamina consumption by spellcasting
Roll distance affected by weight
Base stamina regen
Weapon timings
Weapon type resistance values being all over the place
Inconsistent attack tracking rules
Attacks still hurting you even though you interrupted enemies before they hit
Baby Jumps
Level Design
Art Direction
Sound Direction
World Design
Scholar's existence
NPC invaders being so abundant you start hating them
Fucking Forlorn
God fucking damn I hate this game.
>waah waah why everyone are talking about sekino. That's not fair. Why my bloodbord machine has been made irrelevant by the better game.
>proceed to flood the board with sekiro shitposting and trash BB thread
Feels like you BBfags are the one coping.
>No connection between Main Hall and Inner Sanctum
It's shit.
God DaS2 is such a terrible game.
How the fuck does it unironically still have fans?
They must have brain damage or something.
>Streamlining != bad
Literally "Its okay when Snoy does it"
PROTIP: Its not "streamlining" its removing complexity and depth.
It WAS bad in this situation, because "streamlining" the game didn't add anything to the experience, it just made it less complex and removed depth from the character-building. Nothing about the faster combat with longer strings and trick weapons was dependent on dumbing down the character-building, they could have made those improvements without crapping all over the character-building.
Fucking based
Just tell me the good armored core games
>He's STILL butt-blasted over ADP balancing rolls
Go play Straight Line Souls 3, rollspam retard.
better for casuals
>trying to redirect the conversation towards Sekiro
I like Sekiro and BB.
DaS2 is complete trash, and so are you.
>Better than Bloodborne
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>press Circle
I recently finished bloodborne and man what a fantastic game also got my gf into is and the co-op is fun
Absolutely based, saved.
Its not only a longer/bigger game, but the areas consistently hold up the entire time aswell. Sekiro doens't have any shit areas/zones but BB being the bigger game and also not dropping quality is one of the big reasons I like BB over Sekiro.
I'd also rather just cut half the minibosses, use the mechanics and make fleshed out big bosses to round out some areas. The Corrupted Monk illusion was lazy
holy shit based
autistic das2fag in this thread get fucked.
And we got the most fleshed out weapons from all the games. Midstring combos with trick weapons, make allow for more depth than any weapon from any of the other games.
>also not dropping quality
Tell me exactly why you have this opinion
What part of it? The enemies that respawn other enemies? I don't have an issue with that area besides One Reborn being a terrible boss fight
Better setting, soundtrack and replayability.
These are facts.
About the gameplay you can argue.
t. radical centrist
>use combat art
>pause, change combat art
>use combat art
>pause, change combat art
>use combat art
The level itself is basically a straight line and the three hunter fight is the most bullshit moment in the whole game. The NPC hunter fights are already bullshit because they have infinite stamina and bullets and the game has you fight three of them. I know you can bypass it if you went there earlier, but it still sucks. The One Reborn is also just a glorified punching bag.
I mean how do you think the sekiro gameplay is cringe. It's literally amazing that you can execute these combos. I mean I think bb is great too but don't blind yourself like an enraged monkey
Wait has he called it a franchise? Shit man, I'd be down for some more Sekiro. Got a link?
>TFW can't remember a single track from Sekiro's OST
What went wrong?
BB unironically has the best vidya OST of all time, but Sekiro's was utterly forgettable.
Honestly sekiro was fun, but a couple playthroughs is enough to get you familiar with the mechanics, and it's simon says style rhythm to the combat, so much so that the game becomes too easy in subsequent NGs and NG+s. It was challenging first, not so much now. And the fact that no builds exist and there's no weapon variety, why should I pour more time into it? At least in BB you could do dedicated builds with certain weapons and tools.
Better lore
Better setting
Better artstyle
Better bosses
Better weapons
Better replay value
More difficult
PClards are just seething that they still can't play Miyazaki's magnum opus
It's longer and has more built variety. Also, it has a better setting if you're not a fan of YOOOOOOOOO. Sekiro is still dope though.
>More difficult
Absolutely not. I agree with the rest, but Sekiro was way harder.
Unlike BB, Sekino doesn't need to shitpost other games to exist. Everyone talks about Sekiro on its own merit. BB needs to be compared to Sekiro to exist. That's pathetic.
There's some shit in the chalice dungeons (the ones you make using offerings, not just the default ones) that are legitimately the most hair pulling, difficult, brutal shit in the entire seires.
But most players didn't experience them, they're optional, as standard "stock" game, Sekiro is harder on average and requires more from the player.
Were Chalice Dungeons a mistake?
False depths exist. Without them, we'd never be able to access any and all weapons within the 3rd boss in the game.
I can never decide.
They're lazy, and it's 100% clear that it was Sony trying to artificially pump replay value out of the game and they were handled by a side part of the team, and all that time and effort could've been used to make the main game even better and bigger instead.
But on the other hand, it gives people a reason to keep playing the game to this day (tho not all the time, shit can get pretty boring), and it spawned dedicated communities that share dungeons, find ways to even hack them and modify them for interesting results etc.
The aim of them was to give the game a stronger long terma appeal, and they sorta succeeded at it, but not in a particularly refined and intelligently designed way.
Unlike the rest of the game, their design is rough, unfocused, unpolished, it all stands out.
Chalice dungeons are to the main game what going back to smoking cigarettes feels like after doing crack.
It'll work long term, somewhat, but it's not the same experience.
-Better Lore
-Better World Building
-Better Voice Acting
-Better level design
-Better Bosses
-Better Music
-Better artstyle (though CA is cancer)
-Better setting
>>press Circle to not die
And Sekiro is "press parry to not die".
>all that time and effort could've been used to make the main game even better and bigger instead.
This is what gets me the most. BB is the shortest of the games by a quite a bit, even with the three optional areas, and I feel like the game could've used two more areas or so after Rom.
>Better Voice Acting
This, how did From get such god tier English voice acting for their games?
Sekiro is the better game, but the Japanese setting is boring, almost as bad as bald white guy marines
It also seems like they knew the Jap shit was boring because they shoved Chinese dragons & a European Knight into it
>t. literally can't read, saw the word "linear", and started spouting off about world design like a fucking monkey
kill yourself
Yes, but you have to do quite a lot more thrown into the mix.
Sekiro is gaining a good reputation in terms of combat system for good reason, there's multiple tools you need to use, you can't just parry and that's it.
You CAN just parry for certain enemies, but not all of them.
Nice concept, terrible execution.
Yes, they were boring an a waste of time. They could have done 3 more main story areas if they didn't waste time on this grindfest.
>He played the english dub for sekiro
Atmosphere, arguably combat mechanics though the two are different enough and both fun as hell in that regard. Trick weapons. Chalice dungeons.
Both good games but my preference is eldritch alium adventure over nippon mythology.
What's wrong with japanese settings?
I miss when a ton of games had japanese settings/themes.
I'm glad it's coming back for a bunch of games coming out lately.
>you can't just parry and that's it.
Yes you can, you cna also just spam parry and LB+RB to win fights
Wow, so amazing. Sekiro's combat isn't even that fucking good. Are you the same idiot who thinks it revolutionized melee combat when it isn't even better at melee combat than the turd that Ubisoft shat out a couple years ago?
Why would I not play the game in my native language, especially when From has had god tier English dubs in the past?
>You CAN just parry for certain enemies, but not all of them.
Almost all of them. Mooks are 90% of this games enemies, and that tactic works on all of them. The lone shadows with no names especially.
Wolf sounds like shit in Japanese, his voice is comically too deep.
It might be a better game if it didn't play at a silky smooth 22fps+dips+chromatic abberation out the wazoo.
I seriously have no idea how console players deal with frame rate, I'm kinda jealous of their lack of autism
Yes there is ou nigger, go around the inner sanctum, behind it is a wooden door you can open to main hall
>Why would I not play the game in my native language
Americans are the only people who have this attitude when it comes to foreign media. That said I don't think Sekiro's Japanese voice acting is any special.
Is there any reason why their past games had such good voice acting, but Sekiro's is meh?
>Overall Boss Quality:
>Graphics and Lighting:
>Lore, item descriptions
>Area Design:
>Logical World Design:
>Non-linear world design
>Playstyle/Armour/Weapon Variety:
>Length excluding DLC and Chalices:
>Weapon mechanics:
>Performance on console:
Because it wasn't handled by the same VA company.
>Someone says something stupid and tries to say 30 FPS is good so that means it's good
Yikes, nigger.