does Yea Forums play touhou?
Does Yea Forums play touhou?
Other urls found in this thread:
Only true 4channers play touhou, but I'm just a shitposter and I'm not a weeb so no I've never plain toehoe. Get with the times man Yea Forums is no longer about the japan shit anymore
Although the songs are ok
I do and jannies are newfags
>Some guy asks a question about running the games
>Thread gets instantly deleted because not videogames
By the way I'm currently working on Imperishable Night and getting my bomb storage wiped by Marisa for the billionth time
Post gameplay footage
cringe but sadly redpilled
I like the puppet dance fangame since I'm shit at bullet hells.
You the guy from the previous thread who was upset being called a secondary?
Remi is such a good girl
Jannies are fucking retarded
The absolute state of mods, fuck off faggot I'm not going to /jp/ with the mentally ill ERPfags
She cant keep getting away with it
game? i see it posted a lot but never catch the name of it
That's a touhou, it's not a videogame
I do. There's a lot to sink your teeth into, both official works & fangames.
Luna Nights
Kaguya is best 2hu.
Touhou Luna Nights. It's a very good but short game and it's on steam
Luna nights
yes, i love touhou and have been a fan since 2011.
You have to go back stupid NEET
thanks friends
Is this that game that was cancelled recently?
why that cat look like janny tho lmao
No one cares if you're secondary as long you genuinely just want to discuss things and not shitting up the thread or raising a fuss. There are people who only come here to post music or fangames from time to time.
no, that was Shanghai.exe, which was heartbreaking
some anons on /jp/ have been putting in effort to translate and finish the game, since it's written in C and can be decompiled.
No it was never cancelled but I think you're talking about Shanghai.exe
cat look like janny LMAO
Same to you, murderous hobo.
>thread gets deleted
>immediately make 3 more threads
Based 2hufags. Don't surrender to janny's bullshit.
It's not fucking fair bros, I miss her so much
based capcuks
Looks like janny's a butthurt secondary though
Fuck off punk dyke
No, but I still shitpost about it
I used to play it a ton back in highschool. I was good at it, too. Now I can barely clear the games on normal, and 1CC is out of the question. Getting old sucks.
The problem with secondaries "discussing things" is they never talk about the games or official content, and they don't know jack shit about what they're talking about. This is a core reason why Yea Forums has a long history of mods killing touhou threads.
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
you look for fresh prince
tranny jannies: 2
touhou tismos: 0
oh nononono
clown cunny
.t Akyuu
Have fun dying in 3 years you stuck up librarian bitch
>Be me
>Ironically doing janny application
>Got in for some reason
>Actually love the cozy /vjp/ threads
Koishi is driving me crazy and Philosophy of a Hated Person is bullshit
Here's your 2hu roster, bro.
>tfw suck at the photo games
lmao shut up cuck
>admitting to be a janitor
Great way to get yourself fired.
>>Got in for some reason
Prove it
Fuck being a janny
I fap to 2hu on a daily basis, does that count?
please take screenshots of the janny board and post them
>here's your bullet pattern bro
Delete my post or else you're bullshitting
Prove that you're a janitor by deleting this literal tranny thread.
thanks i hate it
Koishi is cute cute !! let's fund a koishi pray church.
or maybe someone else idk
I want to play 2hu, never played before, and I don't want to deal with moonrunes.
Here's your """""""""""""""""""""pattern"""""""""""""""""""""""""" bro
the absolute madlad
no, that's stupid and gay
Oh shit
Someone else did. Delete a post ITT, like mine.
There are fan-made translations available.
Fuck. Now try to make Yea Forums a better place (or leak everything you can from /j/, I don't care).
fits exactly with your tastes user
How much do they pay you?
Only the annoying ones are the problem, really. There are more secondaries here than you think but at least they are not too appearant or actively trying to be cunts.
I have no reason to be mad with a nice user who admits he's a secondary and just want to discuss Shanghai, right?
They're translated. Start on 6. Start off on normal. If you play easy you didn't actually play it.
You can download the games with pre-installed english translations here
Akyuu is a lovely girl who struggles daily with the fact she's going to die young, and you just said something so mean and unwarrented i'm genuinely mad at you
no u
Make a thread on /j/ calling ABIB a nigger and post pics.
Given that EOSD cucks you out of Stage 6 on Easy, it literally is like he didn't beat it.
Let's try again. Delete the first two posts of this thread, then delete the thread itself.
So, has anyone played the new Fantastic Danmaku Festival game that came out some time ago?
>he wastes a bomb on Eternal Meek
>he gives Sakuya what she wants
Nope. I'm only aware of the names of a lot of the touhous because of the porn.
I looked at it at least
the graphics are pretty decent, not a fan of some of the music remixes (what the FUCK is yuyuko and yukari's new themes), don't really like that they changed yuyuko's final card to be beatable instead of a survival card, yukari's keyblade shit just looks tacky
ran is actually pretty fucking neat as a boss though
>Actually decent janitor/Touhoufag reveals himself
Fuck off and let him enjoy 2hu
Holy based
Why are these threads being deleted? They're actually about video game discussion, and the characters in question are from a video game series. What gives?
>claims to be a janny
>can't prove it
He's LARPing for easy (You)s
To be fair, that thread is completely off-topic and should be deleted regardless of who's the janitor.
I haven't bothered with any of the spin-offs except Fairy Wars. How are the Photography games?
>Can't prove it
>Already deleted a much more degenerate thread
janny is having a rough day so he abuses the little authority he could ever have
i try to but i'm terrible. can't even get a 1cc on normal.
RIP you, I guess.
He didn't, some other mod got rid of it and the timing happened to be perfect. I asked him to delete one of my posts and he didn't do it, he's faking it.
jannies can't delete threads retart
got 'em
>mfw I fare better on random pattern than fixed ones.
I don't know why myself.
Why did the last thread get deleted?
They can.
fun. They're pretty much full games of extra stage-tier spellcards since there's only one difficulty. Spoiler stage in DS is kino.
good going retard
you're too cynical
lmoa loser
You need practice to get decent at it
Shmups and ecpecially bullet hells
If it can help PCB is the best place to start imho
And you're a faggot, back when Yea Forumsalve happened some janny proved he was one by deleting posts on request. Unless he does it, he's bullshitting.
1cc'd MoF on Lunatic last sunday. What game should I play next?
god I want to fuck this clown
The photo ones
which 2hu is the most cute and funny
it's only logical
That's a small Kanakp.
>being this assblasted over nothing
calm down m8, why do you even care
SA Lunatic with Marisa B
Wait the for free meme is literally from the application page?
t. outted fake janny but still tranny
Do you have a 1cc chart?
>claim X
>can't prove it
>"lol why u so mad xddlol"
Get fucked retard
You must be new here
>Janitors need to have a basic understanding of Discord
didn't this used to say IRC?
did you know that Rumia is so weak she only eats old men after she pleases them
Lurk two years before posting
I'm not him you know, I'm saying you're overeacting over nothing like a sperg, doesn't even matter now since he got banned for impersonation anyways.
Find a flaw
you're gonna draw that insane dude
I actually like DDC
stage 5 theme is fucking great
That one fucking part in stage 4, you know the one.
Everything involving Seija
He said a flaw.
The fact that Seija won and we'll never see her again as a result aside from meaningless background cameos in the printworks because she'd be fucking dead if she ever saw her face proper again.
Hey now ISC was pretty cool.
Pretty unbalanced difficulty curve
Unfun gimmicks to deal with
Some of the most broken shot types in the series
Made my wife dorkier
Why would this user think that they have to delete 2hu threads. Dose this dumb mother fucker think they're not Yea Forums related.
Glad he got the ban, would have been a shit janny
I've been here for years I just never checked to be a janny faggits
>tfw will never finish it because I refuse to move on until I no-item 8-6
Can't be assed to make one right now, maybe in a later thread. I've played every mainline game up to 14 except SA because I don't like the characters except Yuugi.
Double Spoiler or Shoot the Bullet?
She's a darling, isn't she?
Screen flipping is an annoying gimmick
Seija better only stay in ISC
You talking about TD?
Ha e you played HSFS?
Easily the best nu-2hu
Marisa B
but who's the best nu-newhou?
Kaguya is a creepy bitch that crushes balls!
What’s the barrier for nu-2hu? MoF? HM? DDC?
I am the dork one now
No bully plz
Double spoiler
MoF. IN was originally slated to be the final 2hu so ZUN went all out.
I assume most who use these terms would either point it to either UFO or TD
Keep at it dude! You're using the doll as passive, right?
Do you seek the death of your future children?
its okay, the covers for TD and DDC suck anyway
I don't believe it.
I legitimately don't think my attention span can hold long enough for me to actually complete the card
I've never actually gotten her to the point where the hit sound effect changes in all 1891 attempts
Yes, but Yea Forums never discuss the games because is too ashamed to admit that he can't get a 1cc
Yea Forums usually takes pride into playing games on the highest difficulty, but on Touhou most of Yea Forums can barely win on Normal
Aunn is my daughter!
UFO is the last game of the first modern era
Everything after is nu-touhou
Classic era is from eosd to pofv
Retro era is the pc98 stuff
I'd gladly let her crush my balls if I got to suck on her tits in exchange.
That was your last moo!
It's ok because no one actually likes TD. No, Taoist scum doesn't count./spoiler]
Fun facts about Remilia:
Remilia is fucking stupid
bottom text
Just the other day I 1cc'd it on Hard for the first time with Reimu spring.
Is this the best shot in the game?
You can't say that about the ojou-sama.
You missed this fact
This is my wife Patchouli Knowledge. Please say something nice about her.
Fall seems to be the best release bar none
remilia is my wife dude
>the VD reveal that you're playing fake sumi and trying to kill the real one
was pretty kino but ZUN had to ruin it by swapping back for the final spellcard.
She's a liar, alright.
Just spam bombs bro
Shitty fans
Probably smells
Shit taste famalam
Old hag with health problems
You will never do a suplex to remilia-sama
why to keep being alive
Play the bullet hells while drunk or something, I started to play them as a joke because I loved PDP, but eventually I got gud after a few days
Jannybro! NOOOOO!
Wtf I love Violet Detector now
UFO and SA are my favorite games desu
Do NOT bulli the remi
>japanese asanagi
>like touhou
>/jp/ is a rotting carcass
>Yea Forums or /vg/ threads are merely infected with a different kind of cancer
>both are past terminal stage
>doujinstyle was infected with discorditis
>doujin scene in general was cancerized by gacha
>artists and circles just up and disappear
Video games.
RIP Jannybro
I regularly play TD because the musics are nice, fuck you
you have read the best touhou doujin ever made, right?
Bulli bulli bulli
Why do you like UFO?
welcome to hell. shall we not succumb to the crap like F/GO or granblue
>doujin scene in general was cancerized by gacha
Explain further.
Sanae > Reimu
Prove me wrong
blocks you're path
Are Touhou fans the most oppressed fans on Yea Forums?
Heey I remember you from /jp/. I know that feel of going into 4 digits retries. I know my words won't help much, but nonetheless I hope you'll get it soon.
Get a load of this love coloured master spark
characters and the overall theme. Plus I like playing as marisa the most in that specific game
I never understood this being a thing.
We wuz fucking japanese give reparations janny
I don't believe 1cc Normal is that hard, with practice it should be easy. The main reason is that the games have nothing to discuss, they are pure feel
The recent Yea Forums threads were rather fine when faggots didn't try to actively ruin them
9brained post
they rarely talk about the games so everyone else doesn't know touhou is actually vidya
I think he meant FGO, Azur Lane, etc
juraposting is enlightenment
It's simple. Gacha is now the only thing to get doujinshi. I'm not talking about just touhou, which still has some level of production and reitaisai, but nowadays even seasonal anime gets much less than before because everything is gachashit. Especially FGO. And it's always the same tags.
>Yea Forums
I'll give you that this thread is actually better than the one that got deleted just recently to an extent. Sometimes Yea Forums still has good things. Sadly its touhou threads are largely not among those due to said faggots.
I also like because it's the only time we visit Makai again.
I just want to know how Shinki's doing.
What kind of gods are we speaking here?
Byakuren is the best final boss in the series.
>even seasonal anime gets much less than before
This bothers me the most.
screw mima
shinki's the one that should come back
Kids these days have no respect for flat
Do people still buy and upload 2hu fangames from Comiket?
What is the last 2hu fangame from latest Comiket with available link?
Mystic Square's extra credits roll is easily one of the most kino moments in the franchise. Just wanted to bring that up.
Not him and I have yet to play it, but
>it actually does something different for the danmaku
>amazing OST
>cool, diverse cast (sadly underrated)
>It's one of the hardest games
I love Minamitsu btw
What? There was a new thread? Dammit, I was distracted playing world of Mayhem.
You can buy every game you want
I got HSFS before the steam release
I prefer ichirin more
I love Yuugi, and not only did i make 2 fumos of her, i also have a few really nice pieces of yuugi merchandise coming itll basically be all the non keychain merch, which isnt much
I am confused, this user was banned...but the thread is still here.
Go play it user so you'll probably gonna hate it
whats the easiest touhou game
It's kind of a waste ZUN chose to completely disregard PC-98 lore
why is the combination of kirby and touhou always look so comfy
Yes, and I have physical copies of some of them.
both are cute
I can't wait but I'm still busy hating Koishi
your favorite
It makes sense when you think about it i guess
IN is the only one I've ever managed to 1CC so I'd say IN.
Is UFO the one where the world record holder hates it but still went for world #1 just to prove it was not a case of a scrub being a scrub?
Flandre is just a cute marx
Rumia will still fuck you up.
They are naturally compatible.
it's also the comfiest game
>I refuse to move on until I no-item 8-6 after 1891 attempts
I know that feel
it was nice knowing you jannybro
IN is rather easy once you get a hold of its gimmicks
damn he got shot
This thread needs some china
yes i play touhou but i'm not very good at it .
Where did you get it? Are there TH 6-10 still sold in physical copy?
Yes. Poorly.
>tfw I will never get the opportunity to punch tenshi in the stomach so hard that she collapses and cums in the spot
Reality is often disappointing
What is this moron talking about? 2hu is literally vidya.
I was going to say he's full of shit but considering how dumb jannies actually are I wouldn't be surprised if it is actually true.
RIP ex-meido-kun
>Yea Forums
You guys have seen this?
Releasing on next month's Reitaisai apparently, but maybe I totally misunderstood.
oh no!
who is going to clean this shithole now?
Jp was created to be the "touhou board"
So they are as off-topic as generals on Yea Forums
you need to learn to take it easy user
best girl
I used to think Jo'on was shit, but now I like her! what happened to me?
Following it since a long time
Can't wait for eng patch of touhou franbow
was this directed by the guy that made those koishi animations?
Now we're getting somewhere
Looks cool and unique, but too bad for the crappy choice of protagonist. At least it's not Flandre or Clownpiece I guess.
Yeah, since celestial skin is at least hard as rock FYI
That's from canon source
post em and rate em
It's shit.
2ch trying desperately to find new touhou memes
you're alright
Wait, so this guy is the one that killed the tow previous threads?
hmmm I wonder whos my favorite
curious, sauce
Yes of course, it's Yea Forums not reddit
When you want to discuss stuff but people are too busy imagedumping and ERPing you'll definitely get lonely
I like it
The cast was solid all around, the music is remarkable, the characters are related to each other other than stage5-6, newbie friendly, and the PoC mechanics encourage you to be daring instead of turtling
do you like your 2hus serious or comedic
Whats the name of that Touhou Pokemon-like game? No talking about Touhoumon.
>sorting all that shit
what do you want to discuss
This might sound dumb but how is she manipulation her movement speed like that? It looks like she's focused the whole time
>Yukari messed with border again
>It's a Moriya shrine conspiracy.
>You're drunk
>Eirin's shady drug
>You have shit taste.
hey it's that one guy who likes ichirin
those eyes make me diamonds
Puppet Dance Performance
im the user that made the yuugi fumos
The photography games have three levels of movement
There's normal, unfocused movement, there's focused movement, and then there's a slower version of focused movement where Aya or Hatate charge their camera
Puppet Dance Performance?
Dumb cat
Touhou Puppet Dance Perfomance. Don't forget to get the expansion as well.
Look for the dialogue with Sakuya
No. Yea Forums is the Catholics of the internet. Channers don't play Touhou but like to believe they do. Although that was then. Do modern channers even know what Touhou is?
Im a different guy, but i have been liking ichirin more often as of late. eiki is my favorite really
Both, as long as serious doesn't mean Grimsokyo
vg was a drastic measure against an urgent requirement to contain starcraft, lol and katawa shoujo, generals were fine when there was an idle monhan general permanently roaming around page 7 or such
But that doesnt mean you cant talk about monhan here anymore
A lot, but this thread is good so don't worry.
Light-heartedly fucked-up or fluffy, both are good. The secret ingredient is extra homosexuality.
Both but leaning towards serious
2hus are straight, go home /u/.
neither side has been outright confirmed or denied, both sides have memes that support them, but with no official sources, just images
Made me think in her, good theme too.
By this point you should know that nothing, material or not, lasts forever
imperfect metamorphosis level is good for me
Do not bully the dork goddess
God damnit that guy wastes such a colossal amount of potential.
Shion Is canonically pretty gay
I always imagined touhous as cartoonish little girls ( pic semi related ) and not as grew up women ( like on most " serious " touhou fanart )
Cant complain about the porn but, never really got into the game though.
Fool. She lives on forever, in my heart.
/jp/ got destroyed from idolshit and 3DPD trash because jannies refuse too do their jobs correctly over there. Shits practically half a blueboard /s/
The Westaboo artstyle sucks, but maybe it can be interesting if the game mostly focuses on the abstract.
What's going to be the gimmick for Touhou 17?
Who's going to be the other playables?
True for Remi and Flandre, but it depends on the characters. I don't imagine these two as lolis.
I'm currently playing it and I'm having way more fun with it than I did with MoF or SA. Bombs not being tied to power anymore makes it like ten times more enjoyable.
I'm not a fan of the characters but there's some good music, specifically the stage 4 theme, and the UFO gimmick is fun though I can see why some people don't like it.
Is Koishi Yea Forums or Yea Forums?
Anyone playing this game?
Here's your final boss
There are characters that canonically had a husband or children, but there still isn't a tiniest piece of evidence of anyone being lgbt.
And no, ambigious manga screenshots that can be somehow interpreted as a implication of yuri is not canon evidence.
Playable Mima, Playable Yuuka, Playable Shinki. Old hags only, no sluts allowed.
Moco is flat.
Hopefully Clowpiece will be playable
What is it?
Mokou looks about 11 before she takes the elixir in CiLR, and it keeps her body in the state it was when she injested it
She's a genuine perma-loli
The game is actually just a screen of Sumireko doing a middle finger
That's the whole game
A lot of touhouposters aren't touhou players but just like it for the " meme " thing i believe
I'm expecting SA round 2 with tenshi/komachi, marisa/sanae, reimu/kasen, and cirno/star as the meme typing. Game will be about all the batshit currently going on in hell,most groups trying too get in too deal with issues while reimu/kasen fight too get out. I'mean kinda hoping the 4th oni diva shows up in that.
It's part of her style
Nobody cares anyways, it's not like this shit plays a significant role in either the mangas or the games themselves
Doesn't it have paywall? It's chinkshit after all.
Look nice, though.
>Implying she isn't just binding extremely tight
That would be creepy
A Dota 2 mod map which is a tower-defense game with gacha mechanics.
I don't think it has paywall, though it has in-game currency.
I like how Shion Is always floating around tenshi, like she was her stand.
A Touhou Tower Defense custom game on Dota 2. It was very infamous Dota 2 custom game during early 2018 (I remember it's the most played custom). After the microtransaction gacha fiasco, the author complied with ZUN and release it new without microtransaction later.
Yukari looks like a toddler in CoLA so I'm not sure how seriously you're supposed to take the artwork in literature
Favorite card? Virtue of Wind God is the one of the most aesthetic imo.
In-game currency was removed, every cards are unlocked by default now.
It's the same when she is with Jo'on.
Leeching off someone is her thing, I guess.
Prismiver final card is comfy
>discord jannys
She is not with Jo'on anymore...
RIP Janny 2019-2019
"He Did It For Free"
But I thought you had to buy copies of a card using in-game currency. Maybe it's because I'm playing the English translated one, which hasn't updated in forever.
I recently tried making Kijin in VRoid using this picture as reference so that I could port the model out and make her an avatar in VRChat
Any advice for people who like touhou but are too bad a it ( the danmaku games i mean ) i-it's for a fren
What if spreaded some red mist around Yea Forums?
Koishi isn't exactly the best choice for a protagonist and the fact Flandre shows up already irks me but it could be a good game if they execute it properly.
hold shift for focused movement
Just keep playing & set yourself objectives fitting of your skills, time & patience. Don't try to 1CC Lunatic right away. You're just setting yourself up for failure & frustration.
Get trigger happy with bombs. If you lose a life with bombs in hand, you fucked up.
What do you think of Touhou Lunar Nights?
Stick with it and git gud
Progress will slowly come
If it's too much for you just Play on a lower difficulty
Clear videos are awesome if you struggle with one spell
Who knows user. Judging from their story mode, it's not like Shion hates Jo'on even after what happened during their boss fight in Reimu scenario.
Shion just got a new friend, that's all.
Pretty basic, but I love them
Nobody really expects you to play this garbage, just listen to doujin screamo/hardstyle remixes and learn about the plot secondhand from futa porn like all us cool kids do.
Practice. Get buttmad. Uninstall. Reinstall. Try again. Repeat until good.
Try again. Your list is invalid.
You're alright user
Do any of you have a guide to entering the Touhou games? All I know is that there's as many of them than there are Final Fantasies and they're all impossibly difficult.
Also why are all the characters young girls? Is it like a harem anime? It's a bit creepy.
New one here:
Still have English and play just fine.
Here, someone made a really detailed guide a while back, games and everything else included
I take very much pride in my shit taste and practically random characters showing up that high, along with irrational hate.
Kind of did it lazily anyways, shit was long.
you FACE is what's invalid
10/10 for this post user-kun
Wasn't there a touhou fangame featuring Flandre that is supposed to be easy and teach how to play touhou better?
>a Remiliafag
>hating on Mokou and Futo
i understand that ESoD is obligatory if you are doing a castlevania touhou game...but the thing with nitori pissed me off.
Pretty solid list nonetheless
I know SakuyaB is a shot for scoring but I can't 1cc with it, and I've cleared all the other mainline Windows games.
Stage 3/4/Extra themes are in my top 10 tracks from the whole series, the music is top tier.
because young girls are the incarnation of purity user !!
Didn't realize people would get banned for claiming to be a janitor
Yeah Moedan
>user impersonating Yea Forums staff.
Is this the kind of series where if I skip games the characters/plot make no sense? Or are they self-contained? Also where can I d/l them in English?
i also want to know
she burned MILLIONS
you can find them in english everywhere don't worry for that user
Just look at her
And the world was better for it.
I reclear TD just for the vibe, I don't do that for any of the other games. The OST for TD is what got me to play the games in the first place.
B*ddhist scum don't count
They are mostly self-contained and simple plots, don't worry too much about it getting in
DL links here:
You can skip stuff and it wouldn't matter. All the plot is self-contained, though the newer stuff references some of the old.
You can find most of the games in
you died like you lived, hidden and in shame
Thanks Anons I'll download #6. What should I know about difficulty settings and whatnot?
fucking lmao
You should be glad it was only millions. She was merciful.
Is fucking stupid
You can start playing any game with a "Don't try to understand, just exterminate yokai"
It all makes sense as you play more and get into the setting
forgot to put this pic
If you haven't played any shmups before, you should start with easy and get used to the gameplay before going for normal. In the options you can choose the amount of extra lives, 3 is default but increasing it to 5 is a good idea for a new player
Shit uuuuuuuuh
MS' Alice fire pattern with the waves because it felt so fucking cool the first time I saw it.
Kaguya's last spells
Kaguya's Light Spring Infinity because I can get so close to her and I could smell her hair
Byakuren/Shinki's Devil Recitation
Narumi's Gigantic Pet Bullet because it's so fun to dodge
Okuu's Petaflare because explosion sound spam
IaMP Suika's Pandemonium because hahaha what the fuck
Pristine Danmaku Hell because Pristine Danmaku Hell
Rusted Dragon's wingless phase
On top of my head, lots I'm forgetting.
>IaMP Suika's Pandemonium
I remember getting a version of IaMP where Pandemonium was kind of glitched and the sound effects went ham, straight to 100% despite my settings. I usually had to take out my headphones because it was just unbearable. I think I had the same issue with some of Yukari's spells.
Touhou 6 is the best one to start, but keep in mind that on Easy mode you will be kicked out at the end of stage 5 (so you will never fight the final boss) and to get the good ending you need to win with a 1cc (no continues allowed)
That said, practice with easy and max starting lives/bombs
If you can't get a 1cc move on and play the other games, by the time you reach TH16 you will get good enough to get the good ending on most of the games
Photo games>mainline games
needle Reimu>homing Reimu
This already invalidates the entire list
Right about everything but the lunarians, filthy sagume poster.
Oh man this is going to get so many (You)s and we're already at 450. Rip thread see ya next time
Sagume's posted it though, so all of those should be reversed
I'm a respectful man I really am, but you are wrong in almost every single one of these and it disgusts me
Poor Gu, messing up on the Reimu shottypes and the Lunarian part. Would have been a good post otherwise.
fucking lesbians
Such a good and respectable post ruined because he's a Lunarian sympathizer.
Now move to the gas chamber.
The game refuses to accept windowed mode either in the game's options menu or the config tool. In Japanese locale, W7. Solutions? I don't want a stretched fullscreen aspect raidou.
I actually finally beat EoSD for the first time on normal using continues today. Should I fuck myself up in the Extra Stage or move on to PCB?
since we're nearing the end of the thread, post music and remixes of said music
all three of these are used to make this arrange
If you just got EOSD Normal with continues, then jump to PCB. You're not gonna survive more than 2/3 spellcards at most.
Try downloading the vPatch, I had that problem with EOSD too
how do you move this smoothly the arrow keys feel really stiff
that's just basic arrow key movement while holding shift for focused movement
don't bother with extras until you can 1cc. Extras are usually between normal and hard with more gimmicky cards.
Can you actually unlock the Extra stage in EoSD if you use continues?
I use a gamepad.
I play EoSD, PCB, and IN on lunatic. Not interested in the other mainline games because I don't like the bomb/lives system they introduced. I also really really enjoy shoot the bullet and double spoiler!
I want to marry Yuuka!
I can't believe people still use FB much less saving anime images from it
I'm just gonna post remix
Need more 2hu A E S T H E T I C S
PCB has the biggest input lag issue, you need the vpatch
Recommended for all other classic-era games too
It's gonna be awfully small while windowed, I recommend changing your GPU driver settings so it maintains the 4:3 ratio fullscreen
>fb filename
>image quality is shit
Why does it keep happening
I come from a realm down under!
just b urself.
How do I turn replays into webm?
Team Ladybug really knows how to make good movement and physics. Hope they do a bigger game soon.
Why the fuck is Seija so fucking cute?
record them and then use a program for webms like webmforbakas or boram
She's literally Yea Forums incarnate
Communists are deceivingly attractive
I use shadowplay to record and then xmedia to convert to webm. Webmforretards is what most people use but I like xmedia since it gives more control to get the most out of the 3mb size limit.
More like anarchist
the triality of Yea Forums
tomboys are the best
I was able to double the window size, AR intact, using the vsync patch instead
Stage 4 is so fucking good man. That one level could be the whole game and I'd be satisfied
do you like the tenko Yea Forums
she doesn't do anal
cookie is
this damn tenshi artist conflicts me so much
>the music sync with the massive moon appearing the background
>the boss theme playing when it turns into a fucking high speed chase through the bamboo forest of the lost
IN is stuffed so full of kino that it's amazing it can keep it all contained. I'm still convinced it's the best touhou ZUN has made, although SA almost matches it in quality.
dat ass tho
>been recently alternating between lunatic PCB and hard SA
>starting to get kinda frustating because i choke like a retard every run
>this fucker appears
>bump limit
Well, today was an interesting day, have a happy elf anyway.
>two threads derailed by a falseflagger and deleted
>one got a janny fired in public
What a day.
That rhymed!