Why does everyone like geoff now?

why does everyone like geoff now?

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He seems to like videogames enough to keep trying to make an award show, but is aware that he can't achieve that without using his el dorito powers

Litteraly who?

Kid's got passion

the dorito pope

He's retro cool and he tries damn hard

because he humiliated perturbed pablo

He is the only man who can rival Reggie

he conducts himself like a professional, which is a pretty rare trait in the industry

He's one of the few game jurnos who actually does his job sometimes

He clearly is in the position he is in because of a passion for the industry. He probably has political leanings but I wouldn't know because he doesn't try to beat me over the head with it regularly. He became successful as a games "journalist." I don't know how but he did. He's also great at being on the receiving end of a lot of deserved mockery, wether its doritos or mountain dew or The Aspergers Awards show.

because he is based

Decent sport

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Dumb newfags

Before videogames were invaded by progressive activists the worst thing a journalist could be was an industry shill. Nowadays it's just the lesser of two evils.
I honestly like Geoff though, he wrote a great article about MGS2 ages ago and seems to be a true professional overall. Not his fault he's stuck in a shitty industry surrounded by freaks and idiots.

Dumb kid becomes a videogame journalist because he likes videogames, loses himself in the shill sauce surrounded by a shit industry. Doesn't put out his passion for bing bing wahooos though, after climbing up the ladder he realizes videogame award shows are usually garbage, tries to do it justice by himself.

He always asks devs what we want to know even if it makes them uncomfortable. He's one of the most based journalists.

what do you mean now, geoff has always been based. liked his mgs stuff.

I'm getting tired of his shtick where he latches onto whatever the most popular trend is in the industry and tries to turn it into literally GAMERS RISE UP with his tweets like "us gamers have been pushed around for too long and it's time for our voice to be heard," He's a shill, whether he realizes it or not.

he's one of the few people left in the industry with actual passion for vidya

because he is a literal chad who hates video games but that deosnt stop him from making money of the dumb nerds and video game publishers
>oh you got the money?
>You want some meaningless reward for a few $ more?
>GOTY here everyone

He also got a load of cash to try and make western games relevant again with his website while shitting on Japan games during the 7th generations.

>soooo we can expect multiplayer soon? no? oh.


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Used to always laugh at how mad he'd make Reggie, then see the seething cuck fanboys on Yea Forums cry thst hes being """"unprofessional"""" when he's acting incredulous that Cranky Kong in Tropical Freeze was the "'"big announcement"" they hyped up for two weeks.