Is there really anything wrong with having sexy women in video games?

Is there really anything wrong with having sexy women in video games?

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the ones that actually complain are in the minority but for some reason devs feel like they are the majority.

I like regular milk.

There's two threads with hundreds of pages and thousands of comments on Resetera explaining why there is something wrong. So yes.


I bought SFV just because of Laura

Maybe you should go back there, then.

i dont visit tranny sites why would i know OR CARE what those faggots has to say?

Why should we listen to a bunch of hateful fascists like Resetera

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No, its a bunch of insecrure women in the industry and on tumblr, combined with genuine incel men virtue signaling.
Remember, a women walking down the road topless in a thong is empowering
But a women portrayed in any media in this way is objectification

Things have gotten stupid

They have industry connections and thusly have sway in the industry. All journalists go there and all devs want to bow down to them.

Is there really anything wrong with having sexy men in video games?

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>I want a female Link to be playable
>No not Linkle. I want LINK to be female
Fucking hell why do they give such little shit over established characters? What would be the issue if Linkle was the MC? Why does it have to be Link but a girl?

i dont play western shit. again why would i care?

Snoy says hi.

I don't really have a problem with them, but I hate the culture/community surrounding them, no matter if it's for or against them.

Based. You're a literal nigger if you go to resetera with your resetera account to screencap SJWs being retarded to make threads on Yea Forums with some faggot ass posting style like "Is he right?" or "Why are people like this Yea Forums?" or even going all the way and straight up saying they're based instead

I have always wonderd what the context of this picture was. Somebody did a major party foul. Maybe the camera man said something akward just before pic was taken. I think girl on far left didn't hear/see whatever it was.
Or maybe she is one of those freaks that liked/thought it was funn.

SJWs love to bitch about stuff.

>implying i own a sony playstation(R) 4
common now
why would i own the normalfag console if i just said i dont play normalfag games

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I feel objectified

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the person who wrote that wasn't playing games before 2010 clearly

You think Japan is safe? That's cute.

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So it makes trannies upset?

>haha it's funny and acceptable now because a nigger said it!!!
If a white guy made a tweet like this he'd probably get called a fucking Nazi mysogynist and burned at the metaphorical stake.

Based Master "Nigga" McDonnel Miller.

Literal nigger here. Please don't associate us with resetera trannys, thanks

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There should be hot bitches in every game.

Based Japan keeping it real.

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Realistically, when has a black person ever bitch and whined about big titties?

Still though. Linkle is pretty much all they want. if they made a female 007 like they want they obviously won't keep the name James Bond. So what's the issue with Female Link being...Linkle? It just makes no sense.

got love this meme

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There's obviously nothing wrong. These fat whales will grow out of it and focus on VR once that becomes mainstream.

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They hate the idea that Linkle and Link can exist simultaneously. They want girl link because that means she's the only canonical hero

When he was gay which is a lot of the time because homosexuality is statistically more common among brown people

Don't pretend like Yea Forums doesn't bitch just as much as the biggest SJWs.

Doesn't Japan have low crime rate
Or there is more to that country?

I pointed something like that since the day a bunch of articles were claiming bayo 2 to be good but sexists and offensive.I got the game from my gf and she actually said that she was pretty badass and posh at the same time, and most other normal women thinks she is cool. Just the weird colored people think that shit like that is sexist

Crime rate is pretty damn low there yeah. You'd be safer there at night then anywhere in the U.S. Obviously a retard can still get in trouble though but IIRC most criminals there specifically avoid tourists to avoid any big incidents.

How can one nigger be so based?

>why are videogames now filled with

Do these clowns think this is something new?

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>Doesn't Japan have low crime rate
there is a realy low amount of black people in japan yes

Actually I can understand the thought behind that just the slightest bit because back when people still had hopes of FFXV not being complete garbage I was sad that they named the girl Cidney and not Cid.
Not angry or offended or willing to make a storm in a cup over it, but just thought it would be cute to have a Cid who's actually a cute girl for once. But even Cid's had plenty of different appearances, different ages and personalities, it was never a more or less homogeneous character like Link is, so there's also that.

If they somehow do rally every game journalist to full on hate on Japanese games I wonder how they'd respond.

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Not a damn thing and I'd love to see a liberal prove otherwise.

If the sales didn't drop at all I'd laugh if Japan just kept on trucking


When Leftists use this term I always find it very funny because they don't actually have friends, they're a bunch of turn coats who'd assault you and stab your back as soon as its profitable for them to do so. They're a bunch of lying cunts who fabricate assertions out of thin air.

Ones a name for boys though.

>raises chances of sexual assault
I would like a source on this because I've never heard of it.


It's almost certainly complete bull, especially because he claims it increases the chances tenfold

It's low because of the organized crime having a low tolerance to unorganized crime.
Also yakuza don't like to target foreigners/tourists because they're a source of income for their businesses.

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The problem there is that when Yea Forums bitches, it's mostly contained here. When SJW bitch, it's usually on a platform much bigger than Yea Forums, like Polygon or Kotaku. SJW have a much bigger audience and outnumber us by quite a bit.

Well we've seen Koei-Tecmo simply pay them lip service and refuse to patronize them literally, DoA6 was mostly a bunch of marketing lies with maybe a nerf to no more than three girls, whole with DoAX3 they just didn't ship it to the West.

Is there really anything wrong with not having sexy women in video games?

So if I wrote enough about why you should kill yourself you would do it?

Yeah this is the signal telling you SJWs are just white suburban moms of the 21st century because they truly believe shit like this.

And? who's the one who actually gets listened to? Sure as fuck not us. Not even faggot Redditors. It's the faggots in Resetera and Twitter.


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Are they? Are they really filled with them? or is it just that one game

No, but to make them unsexy on purpose in order to not offend people who don't play games anyway is stupid.

They handled 6 in a piss poor way though. They kept switching back and forth every interview. They just pissed everyone off in the end.

>Is there really anything wrong with having sexy women in video games?

Only if their attire is retarded in the context of the game.

The problem is that Yea Forums is just as nitpicky and random as resetera in their bitching. I don't care about how things are outside of Yea Forums, this place is a pure shithole devoid of proper video game discussion. It's just bitching about graphics, character design and SJWs.

first of all what are degrading clothes?

Not really. They intentionally make the women look like shit though. You can tell with how much better the male models look. Like in Andromeda.


>that perfect hover hand
Literally only a grand master could pull this off.

Don't lie, you've never been on there in your life.

>Do you like it?
It's degrading
>It it plain and boring?
It's not degrading. Unless you like it.

A lot of them are goons so yes, pretty much.

Yes, but that is a symptom of something much larger. We bitch because we can't do it anywhere else. 99.9% of the internet agrees with the mentality that sexy girls are bad and when they try to change it, what else is this place supposed to do. If they would just leave the games we like alone, we'd be fine. We just want to play games, but these game journalists keep trying to ruin them by trying to convince devs that their games are toxic.

Just stop shipping them to the west and we go back to the time of fan translations.

Nice outing tranny.
That's the second thread since the first one got so huge.

There is if you're white.
White guys are extremely gay, hence why they hate sexy women.

BASED Master Miller telling it like it is

Can you imagine saying your a game "journalist" lol. Its just telling someone your a fucking blogger. Which is embarressing enough on its own.
>"What are you credentials?"
>"oh I use tumblr alot"
my god

>not to mention it raises the chances of sexual assault tenfold
literally victim blaming and also using a completely made up statistic that he pulled out of his ass and is also untrue

Wouldn't that be great. We'd get a more accurate translation too.
Oh you have? What are you doing out of Resetera?

No, but you're trying.

Reminds me of Anthony Burch who spent the entire day signaling his wokeness on twitter but still could not get laid. I don't know at what point stupid internet points become more important than actual real life. None of the people on resetera are liked by actual biological girls so why are they pretending to have some moral highground?

Except only whites capitulate to faggots, so when a brown faggot complains about sexy women the rest of us tell them to shut the fuck up and fuck off.
Meanwhile white people platform them and encourage their stupidity.


A while back there was a blacklisted game journalist who answered some questions about them. The dude apparently was blacklisted from every major game journalist website due to some collusion but anyway he said they HATE HATE being called a gamer and prefer to be called a gaming enthusiast. He said they hate their reader base and would rather be doing anything other than what they're doing now. Oh and he specifically mentioned that
are all connected through some big group chat and email list.

Because the minority (with the unwitting help of a majority) has fostered a culture where we cater to the minority (because the minority is comprised of these certain groups) when they feel upset.

Master "I ain't a slave, I won't behave" Miller
Master "Anime Titties in American Cities" Miller
Master "21st Century Cuck Genocide" Miller
Master "Back that ass up" Miller
Master "Your wife writes my articles too" Miller
Master "I'm the Master Now" Miller

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Nothing wrong with having sexy females but there also isn't anything wrong with a game that doesn't have sexy females

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Are they ever gonna give up and leave Japanese devs alone?

>Will ban you for liking big boobs
>Will ban you for liking small boobs

What can you like on ResetEra?


A lot of people have known this for years, but it definitely is real. I remember a few members of Giant Bomb even being on the list.


Shut the fuck up, darkie.

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Realistically speaking, wouldn't you want to play as the sexiest/cutest girl available if you were a woman? Any argument implying otherwise always seemed kinda stupid to me.

Why do you need tits in a video game? Just go outside losers.


They don't play those games user. You can find a ton of quotes of them saying shit like
>I don't play X but
They just don't want other people seeing it.

Pic attached is an example

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Women get bitter and jealous when they see other girls prettier than them.

Trannies are also like this except the "prettier than me" pool is 100000x larger.

>Ridiculously large


What a completely original thread.

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But there is something wrong with taking previously sexy characters and making them ugly for stupid reasons

japan lies all the time just like china, a lot of their statistics can't be trusted
never trust a slant

>I hate these games, why don't they make them for me?

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Like every other subject that has been talked about many times. It's only because you don't like the particular topic that you start bitching.

>sexy video game directly lead to rape
Not even Anita would say anything remotely as extreme

>haven't played any dragon quest

Do you really think there are actual born women discussing video game boobs? it's literally just men speaking in the name of women and trannies.

I assume you'd rather yet another dumb console war thread?

There's literally nothing to talk about, the same exact posts get made, and there's nothing to discuss, same with all twitter threads, it's just so tiring.

>If you don't like X you must defend Y
Another argument I haven't heard 500 times before.

This. My gf doesn't give two shits that I like titties in my games, because guess what? They're not real women. Hell, she even knows I find certain celebs attractive and it doesn't bother her because she knows I wouldn't do anything if I had the chance anyway.

>boobs are good
>we all like boobs
>Lets post some boobs and get mad about the same anti-boob fuckers

Every time

Then leave if you don't like it or better yet, make some new original thread if you're tried of it. Why would you purposefully go into a thread for a subject you didn't like?

They're bigger misogynists than any of us could ever hope to be.

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>let us talk about our obsessive bullshit in peace!

What fun would that be?~

Because these threads should be deleted on sight but the mods are incompetent.

ResetEra has nothing to do with video games.

>attractive people in media causes unrealistic standards
Oh fuck off. It can create insecurity, sure, but where the hell are these people who think everyone's supposed to look like actors and vidya characters? Yea Forums doesn't count.

>There's two threads with hundreds of pages and thousands of comments OF FUCKING BULLSHIT

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Anyone notice that on a lot of these screenshots it's always the same dozen or so users? How many active members does that site actually have?

I love communities like Resetera because they teach you that your hateful, toxic, lying ways are justified as long as you conform to your community's values. In that way they vindicate my own hate.

gr8 b8

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They're handpicked and it makes it seem worse than it is. Don't get me wrong it's still really bad but it's over-exaggerated to seem like hell itself

People that play fighting games don't give a shit either way, they just want to play the game.
Incels make it a mission to bitch and cry about the lack of cleavage and don't even play fighting games.

ResetERA is a shell of NeoGAF. Only the crazies of old GAF reside there and they don't have nearly as much gaming influence as GAF did. NeoGAF is effectively dead and ResetERA is just a funny reminder of the slain evil.

People who say Yea Forums is "toxic" has never been to twitter or any leftist echo chamber or some meta subreddit.
On the letter there are people that genuinely belong in a mental hospital.


We have this thread every day,stop

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What game is being talked about here? Bayonetta?

I pretty sure it's a stock video

tits too big

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SFV just frustrates me because there's no porn like it.

It's their reaction to Senran Kagura's producer stepping down.

western journalists won't be able to do anything about japanese games but Sony for one, has really fucked up.

Senran Kagura when the director left the company. They cheered until they realized the series isn't dead.

Leftist worms want to eliminate the beauty from art, more news at 10


These are the same people who will call Yea Forums toxic for laughing at games like Lawbreakers flopping

False equivalence user!


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>you grope and slap girls until you force them to give you a kiss
How does anyone FORCE an overpowered ninja to kiss you? Or how do you even force an imaginary girl to do anything if she's already programmed to do it? I just don't get it.

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You don't even force them to. They clearly haven't played the game.

>what if they don't want to marry the hero of the game
Oh, most games do have those. They're called "not a fucking love interest".

Jade and Kitana still look sexy though this is like saying Mercy isn't sexy because she has body armor on.

True but if the character was ugly to begin with like for instance D'vorah there shouldn't be a problem with her not being sexy in the next installment. I really can't think of ugly characters right now I apologize.

Not at all. Sexy ladies can not make a bad game good, but it can make a good game great!

As for your pic, damn, it's amazing how much has changed in just 3 years. There's no beautiful women in sexy clothing in any major Western game any more.

>How does anyone FORCE an overpowered ninja to kiss you?
That's a good point that's rarely used. If liberals want to act like fictional characters have rights, then they should acknowledge their abilities as well. Every Senran could effortlessly maim any of us if they wanted to. If anything, they are showing players mercy.

Have sex

They'll just say it's fiction and doesn't need to make sense.

It's not about wanting a female link. It's about ruining link.

I like their redesigns, I think they all look cooler, especially skarlet. I just don't like their reasoning for it "designs were bad and unfair in the past" thats just BS.

Are you a misogynist? You must be, otherwise you wouldn't be so quick to encourage people like me to interact with women.


Any game that relies on big boobies to sell is most likely kusoge.

left looks cool, the other two look meh

It's amazing how much that simple phrase triggers the incels on Yea Forums into responding.

This, games can only be good if the female characters look like post-wall feminist roasties

Why does she look super Asian now? Looks like the mom from that Filthy Rich Asian movie.

tits too small

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You don't need a woman to have sex.

Not enough.

>Games Done Quick.jpg

pretty much sums it up

Imagine being so obsessed you don't even read a post.

Yeah, I read your post and I agree with you. If you make female characters attractive then you are relying on that to sell the game. Therefore characters must look like feminist post-wall roasties.

Come on, you know what Gamers™ are like. Telling them to "have sex" is basically giving them permission to rape.

I see resetera brought up here a lot in recent times. What is that site and why is it disliked?

frequented by trannies

You sound pretty gay.


why is America such a shithole?

I wouldn't wish myself on anyone.

Those are the biggest I got.

Then stop fapping to anime girls, they'd be just as disgusted by you as real women are.

Because violence is more enjoyable and amusing than shitty ass sex.
You brits are too busy raping children to try out shooting someone.

too much freedom and too little critical thinking

turns out democracy doesn't work if the majority of the population are half braindead and living in a fake reality

Because she post 2B

>stop fapping
No way, fag.

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funny how they use SFV as an example, a game that features big titties, Chun li's 2tons legs and Ryu on underwear

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anime waifus aren't judgmental cunts like real women :^)

school shootings are jewish conspiracies. boobs are the only true thing in life

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They live in a perfect world where everyone is handsome, so of course they don't.

Why don’t you leave and find out

I have a problem with games that don’t have sexy women in them. I don’t want to look at average or ugly women in my video games. I can ride the bus to see that.

And of course the weeb incel thread turns into /pol/shit.

Who saw this coming?

You first, tranny.

take the honkpill

You're free to leave anytime.

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Get a new catchphrase

Get a new hole.

You're the only one that doesn't belong here.

>I see resetera brought up here a lot in recent times. What is that site and why is it disliked?

Left wing totalitarian progressive shit hole

>Anime shit

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frankly it seems like some kind of self flagellation to not make all of your characters as aesthetically pleasing as possible. imagine working with these character models and having to stare at their ugliness for hours and hours.

unless you're deliberately going for some sickdark aesthetic but people who make that shit are already fucked in the head so whatever

How so?

It's the relaunch of NeoGAF, which was a left-wing extreme video game site.

Anime porn belongs on /h/, /pol/shit belongs on /pol/.

This is the video game board, not the incel hentai circlejerk board.

But her design was objectively better in previous installations sexy or not.

Beautifully feminine women and strong masculine men. Art is best when it strives for an ideal, not to mimic reality.

If I wanted to stare at ugly people, I'd go outside or look in the mirror.

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How can video game sexuality be harmful to girls if nobody wants to date a sweaty incel gamer?
It's one of the mysteries I can never figure out, otherwise I'm pretty onboard with the idea that sex can be harmful

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New Kitana looks alright
It still amazes me that they managed to make her even LESS sexualized than the already meager X look.

>user is suspended
damn, the checkmark mobs gets him

I'm breaking no rules. If stricter moderation is what you want, try ResetEra.

There are only things that are right with them.
Especially the part where they make fat ugly bitches angry.

>How can video game sexuality be harmful to girls if nobody wants to date a sweaty incel gamer?
THIS. Liberals of Yea Forums, you owe us an answer.

>Sargoy of Cuckad

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They're afraid of assault.

Not anymore now that Sony HQ is in California and Japan's government is getting stuffy due to the 2020 Olympics.

They changed her design to be less Monster like now sadly I don't have a picture but the old one they showed is not the one being used

>all crime is because of black people
Nice proof.

>I'm breaking no rules
You're wrong, actually.

I'm a liberal of Yea Forums that's why I'm this far on the edge of the question.
Sure I can accomodate newfriends and make them feel welcomed and included, but they werent interested from the get go so why should I change?

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Y'know, I was thinking about this, and on the surface it sounds silly. Men like big titties, women want to have titties, if women in videogames have big titties everyone wins: Men get their eyecandy, women get their wish fulfillment. Why WOULDN'T you want that? What's so wrong with female sexuality? What's so wrong with male sexuality?

And then I started thinking, and it occurred to me: The Resetrannies are absolutely, positively right. Or at least, from their LIVED EXPERIENCES, they're right.

Think of it this way: suppose you're an overweight pink haired legbeard that's been forcedfed feminist dribble since you preschool. Every single person who is sexually attractive that is in your social circles is an absolutely terrible, vile person. Consider: What kind of person with anything positive in their life actually spends time on places like Reseterra, or agrees with things like the need to punish men for Stare-Rape? No, seriously, what kind of man does that? Absolutely vile, horrid, predatory men. Is it any wonder that these types think male sexuality is literally nothing but raping? The men who are actually attractive are all literal rapists and psychological/physical abusers, and the men who aren't are those creepy weirdos who honestly think that they deserve to be awarded with sex for not committing rape. That's a level of misogyny that makes tuxedo-pepe look like fucking Betty Friedan.

And that's just the men. Imagine, if you will, the kind of woman who is actually sexually attractive, yet pays more than the socially necessary lip-service to these beliefs. The only women who do this are literal psychopaths.

Is it any wonder these poor things have such a fucked up view of sexuality? Their ideology forces them to associate with only the most vile and heinous members of society.

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>How can video game sexuality be harmful to girls if nobody wants to date a sweaty incel gamer?
I guess it can cause Rape or something

Mercy also doesn't have her face covered.
Mercy also still has long hair, emphasized by the hairstyle, not hidden.
There's more to attractiveness than boobs. Jade's a downgrade but it still works, the other two are CLEAR failures.

roasties literally seethe at this kind of shit too

i shit you not they are invading the comments of fashion videos on youtube talking about how its oversexualization even when the clothes are designed by women

2021 everything will go back to normal once they realize what a mess foreigners will make. I'm expecting a huge uptick in crime too.

So the Yakuza aren't really organized crime so much as corrupt cops who aren't accountable to the government?

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm a NEET. When I do have to leave the house, I avoid women if possible. What harm could someone like me playing video games cause?

Resetera is trash. Yet porn and sexualizing games is also trash. Get over it you incel idiots

Porn and waifu tier "dont find a real girl just jerk off to this fake shit" makes you weak and cucked. Porn is cuck tier. Fake women are missing what makes women (or men) actually good

Like you jerk off to fake pixel tits. You get maybe 4 mins of ok pleasure. You dont get cuddles or foreplay or kissing or such or best of a family who loves you

Remember historically people used smut to weaken men and women and pretty much destroy nations. Smut has always been ((((juice))))) tactic because bombs and bullets only make people want to fighr back

When you lock yourself in your room and only want love from something who can never actually love you is the most beta onions weak cuck tier thing you can do

Have a damn family and get a job. Stop lisenting to pick up artist and idiots online who want you to hate women.

Fucking idiots. You are resetera bad.

Well, they are mentally ill.

How so?

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>Mercy also doesn't have her face covered.
So then just remove the masks?
>Mercy also still has long hair, emphasized by the hairstyle, not hidden.
So does Scarlet though
>There's more to attractiveness than boobs. Jade's a downgrade but it still works, the other two are CLEAR failures.
I can see how Skarlet does but how does Kitana? She had a costume like this before in MKX that worked well

Its not that the devs think they're a majority, the Devs agree with them.
Modern game making is filled with beta males.

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you ok?

I still don't have a lot of faith. The colors in general of all the designs have been underwhelming. Also everyone looks like they're wearing cheap pleather half the time. Sonya's default looks like she got it out of a "future cop" halloween costume bag.

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You keep using that word.

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>not called neoneogaf
Bad meme

off-topic thread

The tl;dr of the Yakuza is that if you make things illegal there's going to be people who break the law. There will always be organized crime. So, take a group of far-right romanticists who like HONOR and stuff like that and let them be the official mafia of the country. The government looks the other way, and they keep the peace. There aren't drug dealers on the streets of Japan: if you want drugs, you go to the Yakuza Den (It will have "Yakuza Den" on the front sign). There aren't hookers on the streets of Japan: If you want a hooker, you go to the Yakuza Den. The Yakuza keeps things orderly, and is allowed to do so because without them, things will be disorderly.

take a breather user

it'll be ok if some nerds don't want to get laid as badly as you do

wut anime is this?

>reddit spacing

I do agree with you there but I still have a little faith in it after the Cassie and Jaqcui reveal

Everyone knows the day Olympics are done and all the tourists go home Japan will 180 back to normal. Though more non touristy areas in Japan are unchanged so there's that too.

Senrans are vidya.

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This is literally a tweet from a British newspaper. Do Europeans see Americans lurking under their bed every time they go to sleep?

I liked this post

This is a twitter thread though


Authoritarians hate humor.

Also why gore gets a pass. Gore doesnt weaken men or turn you into neet tier idiots. Porn does. If you jerk of to cocks you are a cuck/fag and if you jerk to fake pixel tits you are below beta tier.

Ill wait for "lol you a lefty" bullshit. No. They are bad too because they too want to destroy the family and women/men. You just do it by thinking women are bad because you are horrible with them

Defend your trash tier waifu tier "women" who will never mother your child. Who will never actually love you or want you. Chun Li doesn't exist. And neither does 2B or peach or whoever. They will do nothing for you

Again. Have a family. And if you think "but muh divorce. Muh redpill. Muh MRA" you are legit a faggot who is the reason women are sometimes broken and men too.

Grow the fuck up cucks. You should be on resetera. Your end goals are pretty much the same

>Why are video games NOW
Where have these people been the last 30 years?

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>Why WOULDN'T you want that?
you ever had a girlfriend bro? If a dude sees an underwear ad with a male model with a 6 pack he will think "damn if I stopped eating pizza and fries I could look like that" or he will respect the work and dedication it takes to have a 10/10 body. While a woman seeing an ad featuring a female model will have her soul shattered and be overcomed by her insecurities. I had a gf who piratically had no tits. She couldn't fill the smallest bra. I never cared about it. Big or small you gotta deal with the hand you're dealt. No matter what I told her, her insecurity about her breasts ate away at her very soul. She'd get triggered and be upset if she caught me merely glancing at another woman's cleavage. Women are fucked in the head.

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Imagine seeing fictional girls as competition for attention.

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But that would only be accountable for violence and rape-centric themes. Objectification, i.e. big fat anime milkers and a thin waist would be excluded

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>Like you jerk off to fake pixel tits. You get maybe 4 mins of ok pleasure.
It's called edging you fucking casual. I could jerk off to hentai for over 3 hours if I wanted.

fuck off

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>all female character's in games must dress in a way I personally deem to be modest
>all female character's in games are dressed to immodestly for me and thus laws must be passed to make all fictional characters conform to my demands
>forget actual women who may dress in a way that is haram, as art and media are things magical that are completely independent from humans
>Seeing women who are extremely attractive makes men hold all women to that standard and this is bad since seeing women who are extremely attractive makes men reject women who aren't
>this means that men will commit ten times as many sexual assaults as "normal"
>Japan with its extremely low crimes rates is a country that needs to accept sharia law
>we need to contact our journalist brothers who are there in order to change the culture of these infidels
>They must learn to bow to our superior American ways!
This fucker is deranged. Forget that fiction is fiction and characterization might include sexuality in order to tell a story, just the thought that something is too titillating to you there fore it must be banned is bonkers.
>blurring horses in media so bronies won't get hard
Further, sexual selection is determined by females, as males perform to win the ability to breed with females who judge them worthy. Thus, as demonstrated in various pieces of research on the subject, even human males aren't as picky about mates as human females. This means his central claim about males developing unrealistic standards (but not females presumably) based on consumption of media is crap. Though his claim becomes even dumber when one considers that research into representation of women in media targeted toward women found that, echoing female sexual competition, women are the biggest critics of other women. Also when given the chance, women favour depicting women who are non-threatening to one's own sexual chances i.e. twigs with pretty good faces.
Fuck these flagellants and their imperialism.

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>Is there really anything wrong with having sexy women in video games?

>There should be a law.
>because its gross.
These people have more social power than you. Remember that.

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>Have a family.
Bringing a child into the world in 2019 is literal child abuse if you're not rich. Anyway I kind of wish you believed a word of your faggot post but I can't even be arsed to try to spite you harder

how many posts are needed telling you you're a faggot before you consider it fact?

Hundreds, better get to it, user.

Nice, maybe we'll make progress if they didn't ban everyone with a different opinion

Maybe? I'm not to sure how any of this works

>Another Yea Forums circlejerk hivemind thread

the difference is the attitude taken while bitching
When Yea Forums bitches, the only implication is that you have poor taste and are wasting your time
When Resetera bitches, the implication is that people who enjoy something are amoral and they write directly to game developers to change something that most gamers either don't care about or actually enjoy

British leftists are some of the most vile anti-Semites around
t. Labour Activist

>261 images
>almost no tits

You fucking disgust me.

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Companies pander to these idiots because they think it will expand their market. It doesn't expand, because these idiots don't play games

Well it isnt very difficult, there exists a study on the causality of people consuming violent media against women and then men scoring poorly on the IRMA test.
But somehow people have also linked in the conclusion that objectification causes bad outcomes, which frankly doesnt make sense to me
If there's big round milkers it doesnt make a difference if the target audience for the consumer is someone you wouldnt want to talk to in the first place

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fuck off sargon.

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No and anyone who says otherwise is a gay kike and shouldn't be allowed to near any legislative position


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also, based maser miller

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>now filled with

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Mileena isnt Skarlet you retard

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Miller is my spirit animal.

Yes, but also bear in mind that their police tend to only report crimes they can solve. Even extremely obvious murders will be reported as suicides so the police can save face, if they can't find a suspect and have a slam dunk case against them.

The 99.9% conviction rate makes this pretty obvious. They don't do any better police work than any other country, they just bury most of their crime. Or forge evidence.The Phoenix Wright games poke some fun at this with their parodied take on the Japanese criminal justice system.

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Is there really anything wrong with having fully dressed women in video games?

>What’s really bothering me is how he feels the need to needlessly project his sexuality into his professional video games design work.


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Depends. Do you want to actually sell video games? Sexy men and women on the covers sell copies to the various people interested in seeing such things.

Some 300lb zoomer chick with purple hair and dressed like she just woke up doesn't really grab anyone's attention.

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I can’t read this blurry shit and I don’t believe any of you can either. People need to learn that if you’re going to dump giant text conversations you need an actually legible resolution

fully dressed women aren't a problem. we're disagreeing with the idea that they HAVE to be fully dressed

No. If that's what the people making the game want then they should be allowed to do it. If people want a game where all the women dress modestly and have flat chests then they should make that game themselves.

I say that as someone who likes modest dress. [\spoiler]

This is the sexiest Kate ever has and will be. Change my mind.

Open it in a new tab.

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They always think they're being clever when they pretend heterosexuality isn't the norm, which is why it is jarring when faggotry is projected into games and only internet point seekers care about the other way around.

Want proof that is is the norm?
>There's still a human species, barely.

>These people have more social power than you. Remember that.

Not for long, they're a joke that went past uncool a long time ago.

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it would grab my attention, just through disgust. that boxart for the new farcry for example. it just looks a mess.


The fuck?
This has been the norm in games for over 6 generations.

hahahaha i fucking love incels

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>we're disagreeing with the idea that they HAVE to be fully dressed

If you compare the amount of half dressed female characters to fully dressed female characters I'm pretty sure that there will be an overwhelming amount of female characters with the same boring unoriginal body type that focuses on tits while lacking everything else that makes a woman sexy, dressed up like a cheap Thai prostitute.

stop being phoneposter or a newfag.

Based. Whities accepting their woman craving for BBC and letting them fuck their black bull is natural

Only if they're appealing to men. Because being sexy has nothing to do with what the opposite gender likes or wants. Yes.

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That's just Japan and their fascination with the Irish ass and little boy hips

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I wish women would be more streamlined in their sexual appetite, it'd make it easier for me to draw gay porn

The US would be like 3 times safer without all Blacks and Hispanics. So...

what happened to you dewey?

NeoGAF was killed by mods blackmailing the owner. Fucking leftist scumbags.

And don't forget the 10 year old plastic doll face.

good image ruined by jimmy hopkins in the middle there

laura is brazilian retard

Thomas Malthus.

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Well, they're right, I would rather jack it to anime than waste my time with some roastie

I literally won't buy games unless it has titcows in them

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Don't browse this site from your phone then dummy.

ALRIGHT LISTEN UP. I went to Wake Tech for SGD and literally all my teachers (who are ex epic devs) literally said this shit over and over. Most game developers at Epic and Red Storm hate anime/japan because they say jap games are misogynistic !! they teach young developers to hate japan

Attached: Aisha Eskandari.jpg (200x200, 9K)

despite making up only 13%...


Disgusting, how can devs get away with objectifying men like this?

How dare you point out the truth about clothes designed by women for women.

meanwhile japenese women continue to create "mysogynistic" rape porn and loli hentai out of their own free will

really makes you think

Seriously this. This "journalist" obviously has never seen a video game in their life until now.

>Western game devs wrung out by capitalism and discarded frequently
>Indie holier than thou clicks that no real person can stand
>Jap devs have been treated like rock stars by their population since before the "whole country skips work for DQ commercials" ever came to be

Why do western devs act like such bitches? Is everyone else in the world actually misogynistic or are they just effeminate whiny fags?

No, there's sexy men in games and sexy women in games. People like looking at hot people unless they're so insecure that they perceive everything attractive as a threat. This is dumb and has always been dumb.

>When Yea Forums bitches, the only implication is that you have poor taste and are wasting your time
Or that you're a cuck,sjw,commie,nigger,tranny,anti-white,etc.

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same guy, literally my first day of class in SGD 111 this bitch (picture) showed us a video of Dead or Alive and King of Fighters and went on a tirade on "boob physics"! The first fucking day of class!!! everyone was quit and sort of like "wtf" even the fat landwhale girl and the indian feminist cunt

I find it tacky, but to each his own

Email her and ask her what she thinks of the new developments in independent boob physics where each tiddy can flop out of sync to the other one. I forget which games have this now but it is a thing, and she is not.

really assholes? linking restranery? I'll fuck you both in the ass.

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So does Yea Forums, it's just a lot more behind the scenes than Resetera.

Nowv if anyone knows you post here, you get a load of shit, that's why we used to get AMAs all the time and then they stopped.

No the problem comes when every female character has to be sexy.

if the post is by The Daily Telegraph why is he replying to Sargon of Akkad?

Lmao at a moron calling people not supporting the extreme right wing isreal government "anti-semetic"

>made by non-whites
>half the cast are lesbians
>zero white male characters
Figured Resetera/oldNeoGaf would eat this shit up

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Goddamn why are black people so based? White men are so domesticated and scared of everything. Even right wingers bite their tongue to be "civil" like no one can actually have free speech

I like sexy women in videogames and regularly ogle them and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me.

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No, for all the paranoia and fear mongering not even the sjw crowd thinks you can never have a sexy woman, they just focus on empowerment over objectification, keep an eye towards representation, and have different ideals of beauty than the average incel nerd who plays games for the boob and thinks the height of beauty is an anime girl alien with totally just shy of developing their own gravity well.

Of course nuance and depth are wasted here where most and probably even you are just baiting for an opportunity to circle jerk.
It's like the whole "you can't be racist towards whites" thing. While I don't nessecarily agree I understand the argument isn't that you can't be BIGOTED towards or discriminate against whites but that they're working under a definition of racism that states that it's an entire system of oppression and those in privilege can't be disaffected by it. All that nuance is kinda boring and technical though so it's much more fun and validating(via persecution complex) to reduce it to a strawman that you can do no wrong against whites because they deserve it.

Go back to applebees to eat that alabama black snake Sargon.

Outstanding bait

Japs don't get any of the benefits of being non-white

I'm making a 3D loli adventure game, how can I piss off as many "journalists" as possible while also not going full /pol/

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Yeah, I won't buy them.

>You'd be safer there at night then anywhere in the U.S. Obviously a retard can still get in trouble though but IIRC most criminals there specifically avoid tourists to avoid any big incidents.
It's hilarious how wrong this is.

Most crimes aren't reported in Japan because 1, most people assume the criminals have connections to the Yakuza, who have official ties to the government and police, and 2, it's considered dishonorable to your family to admit to having been victimized, which is one of the reasons rape and molestation rates are so low, but the country has to actively try to separate the sexes to keep it from happening.

If you're going to be a weebshit, at least try and research the fucking country a little bit, retard.

This. Probably for the best as it'd weed out all the ironic weebs considering you'd have to actually learn Japanese to play these games again.

Lol whatever you say resetera tranny. Cry some more. How about you do more research rather than read sensationalist Ex-Pat resources?

Because it isn't about representation, it is about taking things away from their hated group.

Same reason they write shit like in the OP>

>anyone I don't like is a tranny discord shill
About the reaction I expected from a completely deluded weebshit.

>How about you do more research rather than read sensationalist Ex-Pat resources?
Mmmm, yes, and what anime's have you gotten all your research from, dipshit?

Cope with how your country is shit with its high crime rate. I bet you read that in Japan Today. You're absolutely safer there then fucking America.

If there's going to be crime, it might as well be organized crime.

Literally just make it lewd while not being straight up pornographic to increase exposure, also make it a bit rapey at times but be subtle about it.

>Have a damn family and get a job.

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How about you both fuck off with your bullshit. Both of you have clearly haven't been there.

>tfw no small-chested gf who despises seeing big boobs in video games because they make her feel inadequate

I'm still disappointed that we can't have strong Yea Forumsidya males threads here.

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Imagine /pol/ but left

Now kiss.

This shit's been around since the 80s.

Okay but unlike the US people aren't constantly getting shot and schools aren't bloodbaths.

"Classical" Liberals are just stage one of the cancer.
They push to dismantle the old ways. Then when those ways are dismantled, they push on the next thing, and the next.
Until gender is a hat, children can consent to major surgery, and you're a bigot if you don't bake the cake while playing a flute with your ass.

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I like Jade's the other two look like bad halloween costumes.

Are these unrealistic bodies or beauty standards?

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>Cope with how your country is shit with its high crime rate. I bet you read that in Japan Today. You're absolutely safer there then fucking America.
Not YOU personally, because you're a filthy gaijin, and unless you're Japanese born and look Japanese, you're essentially hated or biased against internally by 80% of the country's people.

You also know absolutely nothing about the country's criminal networking. You accidentally trip and knock over some kiosk shelf that the shop-keeper was paying the Yakuza for as protection money? Expect to pay 5,000$ in yen for damage to the shop-keepers store and to keep the Yakuza from breaking your fingers. Hooker spits in your face after you're done paying her and you call her a bitch? She goes back to her Yakuza buddies and gives them the ID she stole from you and they break into your apartment and steal your shit/beat you with a blackjack.

How about you wake up and quit sniffing the farts of slave-wage child-porn keeping anime animators and doujin writers, you fat fucking virginal retard?

the 158cm girl is the cutest of that bunch

>99.9% conviction rate
Nigger what

bruh moment

Nope. Never was, never will be.


Different user but are you both talking about the same scenario?
>Walking at night
>Accidentally damaging shit

>eyelashes appear on top of hair
pretty fuckin unrealistic

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They have to be beautiful to actually be beauty standards. Take your flat, same-face moe-shit and fuck back off to Yea Forums, nig


Yes, I don't have enough hands to play and fap at the same time.

>be American
>get chainsawed to bits by cartels to send a message
>later your kid gets hit by a stray bullet from a gang shootout while a drugged out meth zombie starts cannibalizing them
Ahhh, a much better, civilized country.

Why don't guys ever complain about unrealistic man standards?

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Not him, but it would help your argument if the literal number one argument for why low-reporting was a sign of bad things wasn't, "They're just not reporting it."

Because, that's the case for anything. One cannot build a case on imaginary numbers that may as well be pulled out of their ass for as tortured as the numbers they present are.

Sounds like you'll be right at home there then.

>>Walking at night
Japan has a social curfew, and if you're out past 12, unless you're in a major 5 million+ population area, you're considered to most likely either be a criminal or in a gang.

>Yakuza messing with a tourist
Okay yeah you're talking shit. Unless you specifically do something absolutely retarded they won't bother you. You're both over exaggerating. Japan isn't the safe utopia nor is it the gang mafioso war zone.

A story ends with the hero marrying on of the Female heroines.
> "Wow, how they know that she want to marry him?"
Emmm, because she say yes and they marry in the end?

>>get chainsawed to bits by cartels to send a message
This isn't mexico, spic.

>my knowledge base is from reddit internet meme info
Yikers. It's like you think the Yakuza series is a documentary and not a video game.

NeoGaf died and spawned a retarded child called ResetEra. It's like a holding pen for the internets most mentally ill.

If the number of posts on a topic indicated how right it is then Yea Forums would out autism everything retarded into being right.

Who do you think is bringing the drugs into the US?

video games aren't real and the same way you can kill everything, fucking or lusting for fictional characters shouldn't be a problem.

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SEETHING burger.

No you contrarian zoom zoom, similar to their rape statistics yes things are under-reported but discounting that they'd still have a crime rate nowhere near the west, even the lower end Asian nations have extremely lower crime rates than the west and you'd have to be in the wrong place wrong time or the worst of ghettos to get robbed.

And this is with crime, rape being just as under-reported in the west and just as much corruption albeit non Yakuza connected and more self interest or lobby linked. In particular, ghetto areas will not report crime because snitching culture is frowned upon and a general distrust of establishments and police forces, so those giant ass statistics you see are even larger. Asia has their own fucked up issues, but general violence and petty thuggery is far from one of them and mostly common place in the Philippines (a westernized Asian nation with an explosive birthrate akin to western ghettos). I lived in LA and Miami for years, while I was also born and lived in various parts of Asia aside from extensive travel, your safety factor is night and fucking day.

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Why the fuck would a tourist be in the boondocks in the middle of the night? This ain't no Nioh shit.

Mules who work for the cartels, because they don't want to step foot in the US because US police and border patrol have actual training and ordnance to deal with them, unlike the security in Mexico which is just as corrupt if not more than the cartels.

fuck off and join the 40%, you motherfucking mouthbreathing negroid faggots

>No you contrarian zoom zoom, similar to their rape statistics yes things are under-reported but discounting that they'd still have a crime rate nowhere near the west,
That's your problem, comparing the entirety of the West to that of Japan. Compare the entirety of Asia to the West, and the West has spectacularly lower crime rates. This is a false equivalency first and foremost.

>unless you're in a major 5 million+ population area
Well where else would a tourist go? You think they'll go to some literal who tiny population location where nobody would speak English?

Because we know that if we put in work we could get a good body

>City with less than 5 million population = boondocks

Zoom zoom zoom!

It's closer to 90% but the justice system in Japan heavily favors prosecutors. Basically if you're accused of a crime and there's no evidence that you didn't do it, you'll get convicted. Nominally it's innocent until proven guilty but in execution it's closer to a preponderance of evidence standard. Pheonix Wright games make fun of this because, in addition to proving his client innocent, he also has to find out whoever actually did the crime before the judge lets his client off the hook.

You're taking things too literally.

You really can’t win. My gf has huge, perfect, gorgeous boobs. Absolutely breathtaking, flawless, better than most porn stars dream boobs. And ALL that she EVER says about them is that they’re saggy and she’s fat and no matter what I say I’m apparently just trying to make her feel better about her fat saggy tits. It’s maddening. I literally couldn’t design a better pair with the powers of god and still she worries constantly.

Your only mistake in thinking is attributing this to “all women”, like half of humanity is born insecure. It’s the entire earth’s culture that makes women insecure, and it sucks, but it’s a real issue that DOES NOT have a solution that everyone just has to sack up and deal with. Just by merit of our biological setup, women will always be insecure in some form until the day they figure out how to utterly rule all societies like men do.

These "people" should be stuffed alive into garbage cans and burnt alive
They are literal parasites trying to oppress all of humanity's freedom and trying to tear down any empowering portrayals
Every single one of them should be exterminated.

This entire conversation has been about Japan you dingbat.

You really think it's that arbitrary?
>Place has 4.5 million people
>Guy is out at night
>Bro that must be a criminal
>Takes step into 5 million population city
>Lol look at that dumb gaijin

Its funny how easy it is to make Yea Forums seeth

Um you're literally raping those womyn, sweetie?

Now post the image where a fat man is admiring the fit dude he's looking at, and a fat woman is calling the fit woman a bitch.

The best and brightest don't exactly go into game dev mate.

If you hate it here feel free to leave anytime.

>Says "the west"
>compares the crime rate of an entire region to one country
>b-b-but we're talking about Japan!
Absolute retard

>they figure out how to utterly rule all societies like men do
Yeah, this is something that they will just 'figure out'. They just haven't had enough time in the centuries of recorded history to 'figure it out' yet. You fucking moron.

There's only a single city in Japan with more than 5 million people, and that's Tokyo, so...

Have minority characters, make them stereotypical with a bunch of jokes, but they're still good guys. Make sure to show character development and qualities such as competence and bravery. The stereotypical jokes offend SJW's, but the characters' good qualities will make people feel justified in defending the game.

Doesn't change the point.

The bra is too small, that's why they're moving so much. But it's when boobs move a LOT even after the person has stopped moving, then it just looks weird to me.

>If you hate it here
I didn't say that and I don't.
If you're triggered by my presence you're welcome to take your own advice and leave rather than projecting your feels on me and hoping I somehow accept them as my own.

No, actually. The problem is that Devs like to listen to the people who bitch about this stuff for some idiotic reason and assume that less sexy women in games will make them sell more.

Homosexual shirtless men


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Devs make it a point to do the opposite of what Yea Forums wants right? Next game before its released lets ask for a ton of diversity and uggos.

....obviously they can’t. It’s impossible. Due to our biological setup. Like I said in the post you’re replying to. Dumbfuck.

'The west' isn't a 'region', you unimaginably stupid pile of shit, it's an entire half of the globe. Also, yes, that user is correct that this entire conversation is just comparing Japan to the jew-infested countries of the west. This thread is basically comparing the level of jewish subversion that exists these countries.

The general population sees nothing wrong with having attractive women on VG


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You made it sound like they just simply 'haven't figured it out yet.' You are correct in asserting that it is impossible, and I apologize for jumping down your throat.

Daily Telegraph, we've had tits in videogames ever since there were graphics to show them.
Slow news day?

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>good looking physical or sexual content in my video games?!
>no way fag
>g-g-go outside and look at other humans
>nothing in video games should be visually appealing
>fuck your desires and interests, you goddamn misogynist bigot
>p-p-please buy my game

>if you ignore them they will go away


>using resetera and coming to Yea Forums to pretend to hate it
go away

based negro
NO, there's nothing wrong, just like there's nothing wrong with showing jacked dudes, people want attractive characters not fucking goblinas

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Notice how anons never tried ignoring them and they haven't went away yet?

people from Resetera aren't even human

they're robots programmed to think a certain way

sorry i can't bring myself to put niggers into my game


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Just because someone said it on the internet doesn't mean it's true

I know anons here do it too to that site but why are they constantly on this site too? It's done from our side to shitpost but what gain to they have from always being here? Shitpost? they don't shitpost.
Also good luck trying to ban me. I posted in that Resetera thread already on page 174

Linkle would be somehow a new character. So, the character Link (male) would still exist. For the disease, the idea is replace and denigrate the original character with a new one or rewrite the character to fit their vision.

So Starbot. You're actively browsing Yea Forums then going to complain on Resetera? You sure you ain't one of us hiding in sheep's clothing?

He's not lying.

Prove it.

These faggots all have a loose screw and should be committed or euthanized

Fucking based (and redpilled).

>Is there really anything wrong with having sexy women in video games?
No. Next question.

Don't get arrested in Japan bro its easy.

Attached: 1335252747.png (645x86, 8K)

>he think anons ignoring cucks will win over the entire media and marketing in social media industry

>dressing attractively is automatically soft-porn
>anything bigger than a B cup is ridiculous
>attractive video game characters are a new revelation
>appealing to men (and LesBis) who like sexy women is somehow bad
Premium clickbait, just like this thread.

Sorry guys that's my sock puppet account, I use to farm (you)s from those inbred retards.

Attached: devilish.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

For a long while I actually thought resetera was just some joke a guy came up with, like it wasn't actually a site you could go to.

So the only way to win is give it more attention and basically free marketing?

I have one too. Page 174 try to guess which it is.

>I hope the mods know about this.
[Laughing reaction image].gif

You literally can't even make up the utter communal self-delusion that goes on in that place. It's literally a communist indoctrination camp under the guise of a gaming website.

Homosexuals and trannies are a massive burden upon the shoulders of humanity and should be launched into the moon
Fuck their open faggotry that demands we can have no straight interests in any medium they deem unnecessary

>someone tries to get me banned
>mod comes in and bans the other guy for using "toxic language"
The thrill is like playing russian roulette every time I post and seeing the cognitive dissonance.

Attached: goldkek.jpg (250x217, 8K)

I'm more concerned about there not being enough softporn heroines in videogames.
Capcom even had to throttle back to appease the cucks and sjws who don't even give a shit about Street Fighter.

Attached: recent.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

And fuck the jews for giving them carte blanche do do whatever the fuck they want without consequences.

>Is there anything wrong with exploiting incels?
>Is there anything wrong making mentally stable consumers cringe?
>Is there anything wrong with promoting unrealistic beauty standards?
>Is there anything wrong with fueling the depraved fantasies of mentally ill and stunt their social development?


Dogs, horses and little children don't count, you fucking pedophilic tranny

>demands we can have no straight interests in any medium they deem unnecessary
Lol imagine being such an oversensitive persecution complex fueled baby that seeing gay people triggers you so much that you need to cry about straight genocide and the end of the world.

>I hope the mods know about this

Attached: Bwahahaha.gif (500x361, 1.79M)

It's really easy to play them.
>Have profile set to Non-Binary
>Never use curse words
>Bait them with different opinions
They're always so quick to think of the absolute worst that they just play themselves.

Attached: 3251.png (590x720, 59K)

I honestly wish for a nuclear holocaust so this can stop being a thing.

It's the Telegraph mate, woefully out of touch bollocks that only appeals to old people and the terminally stupid

luck you

>Half the threads on Yea Forums every day are just a bunch of people judging video games based on how hot the female characters are.

That means the guy comes on here all day everyday. Which one of you is it?

>Is there anything wrong with exploiting incels?
Yes, but this isn't exploitation. They're literally just giving 'incels' the sexual release that they can't get in life.
>Is there anything wrong making mentally stable consumers cringe?
Normalfags are not mentally stable. They like to call you a pedophile for playing Japanese games, but utterly ignore the fact that their culture is run by pedophile jews.
>Is there anything wrong with promoting unrealistic beauty standards?
Which part is unrealistic?
>>Is there anything wrong with fueling the depraved fantasies of mentally ill and stunt their social development?
Yes. Why do we allow jewish-only schools to exist?

So like the fascist indoctrination that goes on here.

These motherfuckers don't even play fucking video games. Stop giving them attention.

Attached: 1519144892570.png (326x745, 346K)

>haven’t play a dragon quest
like. fucking. pottery. why do these retards bitch and moan about series they have no interest in

It really is a fucking hugbox safespot like /pol/ but instead of fat virgins it's fat trannies and literal soi boys talking about progressiveness and feminism.

If you said 'National Socialist indoctrination' you might've had a point, but you're literally too stupid to know what the terms you use even mean.

Pretty sure they're talking about the Resetera mods. They think that all the sockpuppet accounts we have will suddenly invade that thread. Pfft.

I have my suspicions that OP cobbled that image together in mspaint and posted it here in the hopes of pissing on everyone's chips

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

Attached: 1498134007211.png (264x191, 10K)

>/pol/ is a hugbox
Kill yourself and your entire family.

Attached: how_pol_works.jpg (1859x1418, 666K)

I'm not reading any of that you stupid nigger. Go back to Resetera.

That is clearly a screenshot from /pol/. So if you want me to go back anywhere, it's /pol/. How fucking stupid can you be?

Go back to 7+1chan, please.

Attached: SHARPEST HEDGEHOG OF THE HELL.jpg (400x366, 41K)

Your kind isn't welcome here, tranny.

what are they talking about?

No, but manipulative cunts would have you believe so.

Go to the Resetera thread and post there as if it were pol.

Eat a bullet, homo

How about you respond to other people's arguments instead of telling them to leave, you cowardly pile of shit?

You have to go back.


Because you're not.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.
Yea Forums, BAY BAY!

Attached: 1426642876921.jpg (225x225, 8K)

This is why you tranny cocksuckers will always lose. You refuse to even listen to your opposition's legitimate grievances. No sweat off my back, you and your entire family will be wiped out in the coming years.

>and all devs bow down to them
How did that campaign to smear Reuben Langdon go?

It’s cool user you’re not a dumbfuck

Have sex.

>homosexual pushing for more gays and less straights in our mediums
Imagine stuffing you and your whole lineage into a blender and chopping you up into a dozen pieces
Lmao roflmao lol @ your screaming

Understand jews.

>redditor thinks he can turn this in to another leftist circlejerk
please don't post outside your retard daycare

how many of these fucking threads do we need to have? Why are you so obsessed with 2D cute girls? Why do you losers constantly obsess over polygonal tits?

Why haven't you hanged yourself to be with your waifu in Balamb Garden yet?

>>Half the threads on Yea Forums every day are just a bunch of people judging video games based on how hot the female characters are.

Thanks for the link!

This doesn't have to be this long. Just say that if mutt jews who think they are tropicals raised in deep city public schools surrounded by diversity and fed nothing but sacrificial liberal poison can't stay unbigoted than what hope is there for anyone? If someone who whites call a beaner who black girls call light skinned can't stay not a racist after 20 years of liberal indoctrination than how can there be any truth to find?

You give us liberal poison and we continue to spoon up tummy fills of the damaging dizzying sweetness.

I feel like telling a liberal : There appears to be a God that punishes me for not hating interracial couples and homosexuals but no matter how much he has destroyed my life I still stay believing it. Now explain how that sounds like virtue signalling?

Or better yet even shorter
What isn't virtue signaling?

>abloo bloo all these guys with health desires
Have sex

eat shit

>Why do you losers
Why can't you ResetEra faggots even pretend to blend in? Why do you have to be accusatory and insulting to the native people of this board? Is it, perhaps, because YOU are the people that are intolerant of other cultures?

>muh joo
>muh joo
>muh joo
Upset /pol/-cel spotted.

Same goes for you Resetranny if it matters so little why do you all bitch so much about it?


Even as a faggot, the fact that they made the females wear burkas while the males got sexualized like that will never cease to make me mad. I was legit considering buying the new game before that.

You will either live in Israel, or be dead, in the next five years, jew.

>make it a bit rapey at times but be subtle about it
are you the loli in this game? if not you can do something like Ys 2 had, or if there are other lolis then it could still work.
also this

>This post is extremely low quality

As exploitative as an issue of cosmopolitan
As cringy as somebody going into the womens romance section as a male who doesn't read
As unrealistic as 2019's Miss America
As deprived as an Anne Rice book

Look at these niggas trying to take the social highground through literal throwaway entertainment.

>The 99.9% conviction rate
You realize that America's isn't much lower, right?