Is it your GOTY?
Is it your GOTY?
Yes, but it'll never actually win the award so who cares really
It’s still pushing my shit in. I have to take breaks for days at a time. I love it.
Bloodborne is the only Souls game that isn't terrible so no
I haven't beat it yet but yes
No. I'm probably in the minority though.
Best game I've played this year
Probably, need to play RE2 and DMC5 though. Never played either of the games in their respective series' so waiting for them to go on sale
Not by far. I had much more fun playing Resident Evil 2.
No, I dropped it after beating the guy in the well with the shitty camera. I'm tired of From reused shit.
>Dark Souls 2 bad because reused MMO tier bosses
>it's ok when Sekiro does it
I found it infuriating desu
Overall I enjoyed DMC 5 waaay more, but I think Sekiro is the better made game
Are we not supposed to use guides
it's okay because Miyazaki is based
>Implying anyone will talk about or play this in 3 months time
Meanwhile DMC5 will live on forever
It is, but only moviegames win awards.
Nah, Anno 1800 will be my GOTY.
Sekiro is good, but to much of it is basic bitch game design.
>Eaves dropping mechanic that literally screams hints at you for bosses etc treating the player like an absolute slobbering retard
>Stealth grass
>Dogshit mob AI with painfully short memories
>Mobs in general are way too fucking easy, doubly so if you abuse stealth
>Lots of shitty and inconsistent mob animation/combat design where you can stagger some moves/attacks, but other times enemies will just ghost through your slashes hitting you because reasons
>Game relies too much on bosses to gate keep progression rather than good level design/mob placement
>Constantly swimming in items
>Item description pop up every fucking time you pick something up
>Boring skill, stat and ability progression
>No real replayability
>No real penalty for falling off of cliffs etc, just respawns you back up top
>Ledge grab move feels really floaty and just looks/feels like shit
>Collision boxes on a lot of stuff are fucked not allowing you to either step over, jump or double jump over obstacles that you can visually clear with ease
>Prosthetics are poorly balanced, lots of them do little or nothing to enemies they should be really effective on, for example oil + flamethrower does literally nothing to tons of mobs, including the big fat club/mallet soldiers which you'd expect it to be effective on after the Ogre fight etc makes experimentation really unrewarding
>Pacing between mobs/boss fights seems really off at times
>Opening up shortcuts seems utterly fucking pointless 90% of the time
>Not-Bonfires are way to frequent
As I said it's good, but a lot of it feels really sloppy.
no one outside of a handful of spics even talks about dmc anymore. meanwhile sekiro sold way more than DMC5 and will be getting a sequel whereas itsuno will actually be spending his time making a good game now (DD2)
>better made
>rehashed bosses out the ass
>obscure skill tree
>input and buffer lag
>okay soundtrack at best
>some really dumb "souls-like" bosses
>no replayability
>only 4 locations
>wonky camera
>boring grinding for 100%
>Bloodborne is one of the greatest audiovisual and atmospheric experiences in gaming history
>combat is literally just "press Circle"
>Sekiro is lacking for replayability, lack in atmosphere and music by comparison
>combat lets you choose between dodge, jump, deflect, block, mikiri counter, kick counter, and all of them are important
I'm torn on this
Its the game of the decade
I liked DMC5 more.
Depends on whether Bannerlord comes out this year or not. So most likely yes it is.
From have all the pieces of the puzzle now.
>Souls world design
>Bloodborne visual and atmosphere design
>Sekiro gameplay
>Pewdiepie skips all cutscenes and never reads tutorials, died like 10 times to the first miniboss before even blocking for the first time
Year's far from over.
You watched Pewdiepie so you get what you get.
No, it's a 8/10 in my book
1) Sekiro mini-bosses still not MMO tier shit
2) These mini-bosses literally necessary thing to learn players about different mechanics you will have to use in final fight
Streamers and let's players don't play for themselves but for the entertainment of zoomers who spend their days watching reaction videos.
Its up there. I'm not sure if I like this or dmc5 more.
it would be if it wasnt for doom eternal
pewdiepie never played sekiro on stream or on youtube, baited lmao
>it's like dark souls
>what's this?
>no weapons except katanas
>no blocking
>no magic
>no RPG elements or customization
>1 tactic (stealthkill if can, parrykill otherwise) only
>press X to not die
>wolf only
>final destination is the same as every other, some random feudal town/city filled with invisible barriers
the only award this is getting is "most dissapointing". if this exact same game were released by Ubisoft, it would be called "assassin's creed no. 5000", but loyal fanboys are convinced it's OMG BEST GAME EVAR because MIYAZAKI.
I NEED HELP. I already beat the game ,but I saw some people do this one move and I don't get how they fucking do it. Basically you do a plunge attack on small dragon guy things and after it you get a huge slash attack. How the fuck do I do this?
>another soulshitter who thought he was getting dark souls in japan and got filtered by the first miniboss
I have no idea what you mean tbqh
t. beat the game on ng+
If I understand correctly you're talking about Bestowal Ninjutsu. You get it after Headless Ape fight. It increases your swords range by a lot.
Ninjutsu moves work on enemies that you deathblow from behind. Either by sneaking or vaulting over their heads when they're ready for blow.
Wasn't he just making fun of people who think they're hardcore just because they play a From Software game?
No this is dragon fight specific. You jump kill one of them and then swing it around
No he just thinks making a point of how little he cares about games now but reads books instead makes him more of an adult somehow
Wolf does that automatically if you plunge attack them. But only the white ones.
I thought I needed to use some combat art for it. Anyway thanks
With how dry this year is.
It's probably my GOTY.
It's honestly my second favorite Fromsoft game after Bloodborne.
I like this direction more.
>dry this year
you should probably play more video games fäm
this year is better since at least 2016
No. So far it's either Resident Evil 2 or Chocobo Dungeon. A remake and a remaster.
What a fucking year this is.
Not even close, I like it but it feels like a lot of things weren't fleshed out enough. Classic From problem.
>DOOM Eternal
>Borderlands 3
>Pokemon Sword and Shield
>Rage 2
Even for a cynic, this year is incredible compared to anything we've seen in probably a decade. There's something for everyone on the horizon.
Did you play DMC5?
there is no confirmation silksong is coming out this year
Not enough social justice bullshit to justify appreciating it.
1. DMC5
2. Baba is You
3. Maybe Sekiro