reminder that if reddit didnt fuck this up there was a decent chance that we could have:
>halo:ce third person beta
>ninja gaiden black
>panzer dragoon sequel
>jet set radio future
>crimson skies
>entire classic xbox library running at 60fps
reminder that if reddit didnt fuck this up there was a decent chance that we could have:
>halo:ce third person beta
>ninja gaiden black
>panzer dragoon sequel
>jet set radio future
>crimson skies
>entire classic xbox library running at 60fps
Makes me mad everytime
>Not even that strong of a build at all
>Gutted and wiped it, no chance for a non-brainlet to get anything that might’ve been on it back
I’m still mad.
There was someone selling a kit for 700 bucks last year.
Google it.
If Yea Forums was serious about it you'd all pool your money and buy one, it doesn't seem impossible.
Just sayin'.
Reminder that Xbox emulation would be perfected if people cared
Emulators have gotten further without a devkit
It's literally designed to be similar to PC Architecture. Even if Microsoft put to the original Xbox software completely open source, it still wouldn't be as sophisticated as PCSX2 because no one fucking cares
My friend has one of these, and the prototype xbox, which is bigger and clear. Hes thinking of selling it.
What should he do with it instead?
the funny part is it originally wasnt tagged with that, he changed it when he realized what he had done and went into full psychological damage control mode.
Proof please
lots of people on Yea Forums care, thats why these threads get made alot. Everyone here is brainlet though, and i dont trust money pools
I know these are all beautiful possibilities we can think of, but wouldn't Microsoft have descended with a C&D anyway, kinda similar to ElDewrito before the devs went to work on the PC ports?
Nigger Xbox dev kits are all over the place, what you need is documentation about whatever the fuck is inside the Xbox.
I should've taken a photo. The prototype xbox is just in the front room. And the tower is downstairs.
I promise he has one, but what should he do with it? How could he use it for making an emulator or whatever?
no, we wouldn't have literally any of these, because the hardware wouldn't have helped with literally fucking anything at all. You know what helps emulation? Like actually helps it? Dev leaks about the actual hardware, not the approximate hardware that comes from devkits. PSPs were hacked through leaks and faults in the coding. The DS was hacked through faults in security. The PS2 was hacked through security faults. The 360 was hacked through hardware faults. The PS3 was hacked through fucking algebra.
I want you to look into the history of emulation and console hacking, and tell me how many actually have any devkits involved like, at fucking all. There's a guy on youtube by the name of Pixelbutts or some shit who has like, every PS3 devkit ever made. Guess what? Nothing on those has helped with RPCS3.
Fuck off with this meme. You're literally only raging at a redditfag because someone else on Yea Forums raged at him and you think they're right because of it. If you had any idea what you were sperging out about, you would literally not be mad.
> it still wouldn't be as sophisticated as PCSX2 because
So pretty fucking bad?
>The PS3 was hacked through fucking algebra
Where can I read about it? I'm a bit of a tech brainlet, so the possibility of using algebra to hack a console sounds insane to me.
>Can do all that on an xbox one at this point
Okay. Who cares?
Next time I'm at his place I'll take pics.
Jesus christ is this for real?
It's fucking wild. Fail0verflow's hack was genuinely one of the most wild things in console hacking history.
everything is hacked via algebra if you get abstract enough
Also I wanna add, I can't remember which direction it was, but Sony was so incompetent with PS3/PSP security that one being blown the fuck open helped hack the other when later firmwares came into play. I think it was the PS3 helping the PSP but I'm not 100% sure.
pc losers
>you can still buy Xbox dev kits
>I guess Yea Forums want it for FREE
This is basically true.
It's because the OG Xbox sucked dick.
Yes, i'd also love to play JSRF and NGB, but a small handful of games just doesn't spark the interest to counteract difficulty and effort required of such an undertaking.
Yea Forums, not that many people give a shit.
Maybe it didn't have shit on it
100% bullshit that it was a legit kit they were selling you dumb cunt.
This reddit retard HAD a legit kit and wiped it.
Yea Forums
There's already an Xbox emulator in the works
For real tho, if the kid just wanted a gaming rig, why didn't he just sell the dev kit and use the money to get the parts he needed?
This too. Not only would the devkit have done literally nothing at all to help emulation but even if it DID there's no one in the world who gives enough of a fuck about these like, five games tops to make an emulator play them. JSRF isn't even as great as people make it out to be, it's just a consistently ok-to-above-average experience from start to finish that's highly memorable because it's a highly stylized game.
OG xboxes have been easy to hack for fucking years. You could have literally every game ever made for the system on a 500GB hard drive. You know why people keep begging for this shit? Because they're lazy, and they want this shit for free, so they rage at redditors despite being totally ignorant because they're too lazy to fucking educate themselves.
I hate this place and I hate almost everyone here.
reminder that this was outrage bait and you all fell for it, fucking morons
That's his point you idiots
Nah you're just a retard.
His dad made a thread on Reddit a few years earlier and tried to ask what to do with it, but nobody cared
Nigger, what fucking use is it to us if you say where it is in your faggot trailer park house? Pics or it didn't happen.
Retard, you're clueless so shut your low IQ mouth in the future
you're trying too hard
>halo:ce third person
halofovhack achieves this
Send it to the fags at
Or dd the drive and upload the image
got anything else about the ensuing fallout?
Brainlet here, I don't get it. What exactly did he "do"?
No evidence for this bullshit. These machines come up on ebay a couple if times a year. The more st prominent guys in Xbox emulation attempts have already gotten hands on them and are totally unable to make any use of them in developing anything. They're neat relics, but that's it.
A guy bought an old special sort of pc and gutted it to use the case. A bunch of retards who are so into the idea that they're game enthusiasts and intellectuals that they pretend this was significant flipped the fuck out and started overstating the importance of the thing this guy wrecked.
It was his own property. There's no evidence these kits help emulation and documented cases where guys who actually know stuff got hold of them and emulation did not flourish, they sold them on again because they're worthless junk.
Anybody getting upset over this is just doing it because it makes them look like a nerd with a stake in the hobby. None of them even program.
Devkits have literally never helped emulation. All they do is maybe explain how the console functions without the requirement of signed code, but any hacked console does that. A hacked console does more for emulation than a devkit has or ever will.
Converted a rare developer XBOX kit into a crappy PC rig.
If you want some real shit to be mad about let me remind you about the time when some Redditor found a copy of the source code for Starcraft and fucking returned it to Blizzard
>piss off the entirety of Yea Forums with one simple move
I'd do it tbqhwyf