Some Overwatch competitors flashed the ok sign on stream last night, in defiance of Blizzard's new rule

>Some Overwatch competitors flashed the ok sign on stream last night, in defiance of Blizzard's new rule

Fucking KEK

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What’s the story behind this?

isn't this the thing they did it that episode of Malcolm in the Middle where if they made you look they got to punch you?


In a nutshell? 2017 /pol/ cast a meme magic spell to convince radicals that the OK hand gesture is a symbol of white people. After two years the spell took effect.

No it’s a hate symbol.

>every "white supremacist" on the internet is actually a shitskin
really makes you think

but if you can stick a finger in the hole fast enough then you get to punch them

blizzard are dumb as fuck. what goes on in the management to create such a problem out of nothing?

Look at that smug fucking white male on the left, disgusting.

Both dudes aren't even white

That's an urban legend, no one ever succeeded to prove it. Those who say otherwise are liars.

they're trying to suck in as many costumers as they can by appealing to their retarded nonissue beliefs

the left just says the OK sign is a white supremacist thing because Trump does it when he talks
it's all to try to get people to hate him, the original post on /pol/ was by some buzzfeed tier journalist probably

>brown guy
>scrawny white guy
the absolute STATE of drumpf supporters

Well credit where it's due to /pol/ I guess. Though I suppose in this era of hyper-reactionary individuals you could probably convince some people that anything is a white power symbol (which is clearly the point pol was trying to make).


what did they mean by this

>Blizzard fell for a /pol/ meme.

Attached: OK (2).jpg (858x1077, 206K)

>6 figure salary playing video games
>risk it all with a white supremacist gesture

What fucking idiots. Hope they get sacked.

I'm convinced they're doing it for free publicity. I didnt know the OWL was on until people kept making these threads complaining about the symbol

Action needs to be taken immediately.

>playing on PS4

>white supremacists started using it unironically
>/pol/ still thinks they're epic memeing

i don't understand that pic but it looks like it came from reddit

Really that's what /pol/'s best at, convincing the mainstream that whatever they want is a hate symbol. /pol/'s reputation makes it way too easy. They did it with milk and most recently they're doing it with clowns.

Blizzard's Overwatch department being pants on head retarded with their rules and regulations. Whoever comes up with this shit is one anal motherfucker, because last year they banned somebody from the game when they don't even fucking have it.

The white supremacist serial murderer in NZ literally flashed that sign in his mug shot. Wake the fuck up.

If you're talking about the shooter guy, he was doing the gottem game.

>bend over backwards trying to please these people
>forget that they're actually secretly vermin who say nigger in private just like the "racists"
>still don't realize it will never be enough for them

come home video game man

>mixed mutt legitimizing white supremacy via construction and manual labor hand signs


>le 56% creatura thinks he's being so cool and can't wait to hop and tell this shit to his discord, reddit and Yea Forumseddit friends
Back to ledit, negro

he loaded his guns with gottems.

He didn't get the high score so he will be forgotten in time.

Do people unironically think it's a nazi symbol?
I know people from China that have been doing it for years

I'm certain he identifies as white.

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The guy who runs the Overwatch division is a fucking retard who cares more about banning players over the stupidest fucking things than he does fixing the game's own problems.

the mutt is just being a good ally.

I think the finger spacing matters. If you just make a ring, it's the punching game, if you spread your 3 fingers to make a W, then it's the hate symbol?

>/pol/ meme designed to rustle the jimmies of snowflakes.
>Acitivision Blizzard lose their shit over it.
>Esport shills make a fool of themselves on Youtube over it.
>Twitter users have mental breakdowns over it.
>Half of Yea Forums gets triggered by it.
/pol/ has their moments I will give them that. There is a method to their madness.

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>via construction and manual labor hand signs

This is why you brainlets get made fun of as soon as you leave this site.

Hope they're banned. Sure it's "just an okay sign ;)" but doing it like this is a clear message. And that message is "I support in some capacity alt-righters". That's their right but it's no right to play Overwatch professionally.

/pol/ didn't start it. Some ignorant journalists tried pushing it as a symbol for "white power" in pop culture for one of their clickbait rag hit pieces. /pol/tards thought it was so retarded that they started meme'ing it here and there with others and a mass shooter eventually jumping on board.

But Trump isnt even white, he is orange

the alt right needs to get more creative

instead of the OK sign and drinking milk, they should start wearing yarmulkes, eating Ben & Jerry's while reading Harry Potter

Ironic white supremacist symbol starts being using by unironic white supremacists.

Who cares, faggot.

That's not the OK sign. That's the "Haha made you look" middle school shit though.

>white supremacists started using it unironically
the only people using it are aware of how stupid little things trigger the people they hate. it is being used ironically. the left is being memed to death

what absolute mad men

>mfw /pol/ meme magic is so strong that a mass murderer doing the circle game as a joke gets the OK symbol turned into a white power symbol.

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Here's your nutshell you stupid idiot
>/pol/: hey guys wouldn't it be funny if we tricked liberals into thinking the OK symbol was a white power symbol?
>/pol/ starts using it everywhere
>actual white power stormfront trogs start using it because they think it's a white power symbol because /pol/ is telling everyone it is
>it's now effectively a white power symbol and recognized as such

/pol/ essentially played themselves

The media ignored him because of his posts saying he wanted attention

>they're doing it with clowns.
I hope to god they make clowns unironically hated by the mainstream


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nobody bit

I think they are laughing straight to the bank.

This meme is so stupid. There is nothing magic or next level about this. People just heard that /pol/tard now use the OK sign and then we go "huh, guess I won't do it anymore lest I'd be mistaken for a fucking /pol/tard thinking I'm ironic and clever, and I will also be a bit worried if I see some suspected incels doing it because I don't want to be around those".

Multi racial white supremacists!
How will libtards cope?

Kids, I hope a disease kills you all.

>HoTS died for this

wrap me up and toss me in the ocean

It's a meme, you dip

i think you will die before me, seething trans person

10000 years of inbreeding makes you a paranoid nutcase

Go to bed, gramps.

>/pol/ essentially played themselves
So you can basically turn anything into a white power symbol?

He got close, high score in the southern hemisphere

still have no idea why anyone would ever visit /pol/ tbqh

it's literally nothing more than an edgier Yea Forums

There are some confused people in this thread in need of education.

The killer is doing the circle game and it has nothing to do with the white power OK meme. The trick is media has associated it with that.


Fuck off back to pol and take your white power words with you.

yes if you get actual white supremacists to do it.

They are gonna meme the rainbow flag next
Fuck it I hope msm and outrage culture literally goes down in flames

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cant fucking wait

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You know, when people use it to mean "OK", I've seriously only ever seen them do it by holding it up to their face for like a second. If you hold it somewhere else or if you hold it for longer, you're obviously doing something else. Not that there's any doubt as to what these two idiots are doing anyway, as they'd been warned, but there isn't even the plausible deniability of them meaning to say "OK".

incoming ban/fine

They might sexually identify as a white guy user.

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No, /pol/ created it
The little infographic showing the W and P originated from /pol/ as a joke and they got exactly the reaction they wanted
Same thing happened with milk on a smaller scale
and now some places are starting to pick up on the clown world stuff also

It's what Hitler did with the swastika

You look pretty dumb waving the Nazi flag insisting it's a symbol of peace

You just answered your own question.

I bet if they knelt in protest of the American Flag you'd have no problemo

Yes, it's pretty simple actually. Most people don't want to be nazis so when nazis do something, even if they mistakenly think they are protected by layers of irony, others will stay away from it. Not a very fantastical notion. Would you go to a bar frequented by white supremacists? Would you hire someone who wore a kekistani t-shirt? It's really easy to tell (and autists actually can't comprehend this which makes it kinda funny) if someone is doing the OK sign to say OK, or if they are """ironically""" pledging allegiance to nazi frogs. It's all about context and character and there's no mistaking it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got 'em!

I think Eddie Murphy helped popularise it too

You tried too hard with these long ago and it didn't work.

hey leftyfaggot keep thinking you can restrict behavior without consequences. advocate banning more things PLEASE I beg you.

>they got exactly the reaction they wanted
So far no innocents have been accused, though. It's literally just people noticing actual white nationalists using it. How is that remotely like what /pol/ set out to do?

He also breathed air wore clothes and probably shit in the toilet instead of his mouth
Guess you cant do any of that anymore

Hitler did it with a backwards pajeet symbol so it's not like anybody is breaking new ground

Excuse me while I take my buzzfeed employee store coupons to write a story about how the term "milquetoast" is really a convert way of saying "n-word lovers," and tie it into the idea of how baseball coaches are enforcing white supramacy when they use hand signals to tell black kids to steal a base.

If there's any old dances that are racist now after being featured in Fortnite, the mass lynching simulator, just let me know.

The swastika on a Nazi flag is different than the Hindi one
People can tell the difference, same with the Iron Cross

libs already think ben shapiro is a nazi and he always wears the tiny jew hat


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You're really, really stupid if you think that's any kind of comparison at all.

Yes. Fuck America, fuck the troops and fuck you.

>Would you go to a bar frequented by white supremacists?
>Would you hire someone who wore a kekistani t-shirt?

you do know /pol/ is outrage culture as well, right?

>the left just says the OK sign is a white supremacist thing because Trump does it when he talks
Literally no one has claimed that despite /pol/'s hardest efforts.

You know what else /pol/tards do? They breathe, so if you breath that means you are a literal nazi. So how does it feel, breathing like those /pol/ bastards? I bet it feels real good breathing and microagressing the jews and the trannies.

>People can tell the difference
People see this as a symbol of Nazi branding

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I hope they also sexually identify as someone younger.

There's a story behind that.

Coincidentally (?) you're not in a position to hire anyone though.

Can we turn wearing pants a white power symbol?

It's basically an accelerationist plot to further divide people by associating an innocuous gesture with white supremacy. By co-opting a common gesture, the goal is to have innocents labeled as racists, upon which they will either prostrate themselves before the public as an apology, or begin to develop frustrations towards everything being labeled 'racist'.

/pol/ also tried to take the peace sign ("two genders")

As an Eastern European can someone tell me how America and Western Europe is any better than Soviet Socialism used to be

>Say something non politically correct, lose your job
>All CEOs and company leaders had to share the Party's policies
>"All hail Leader and Communism" is said all the time like a mantra, just like "Diversity is our Strength, We support LGBT rights"
>Go to jail for anti-semitism

I genuinely cant tell

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>a month ago
>a long time
What's it like to live in the normie time dimension? Dear God that time dilation/relativity must suck
Pol didn't start shit (they) did
Hitler didn't just come out of a vacuum

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I mean, at least you're honest about having a bias.

lol, it's like you only read whats on reddit and twitter. as soon as /pol started their little project, it got picked up by lefties who "infiltrated" /pol. they then proceeded to write clickbait stories like, "is such and such thing a racist dog whistle?" and, " so and so made a hand gesture and because of that they are proving they are racists". as soon as it got out that a simple hand gesture causes melt downs, people began using it for lols

it's ok since one of them is a brown mutt, Blizzard only cares if it's whites who do it because Blizzard hates racism

>unironically doubling down on it
We truly are in a clown world

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lol if you dont think they will use this in the next election

>Same thing happened with milk on a smaller scale
don't forget t-posing

>/pol/ also tried to take the peace sign ("two genders")

That's funny and I love it.

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Gamers, rise up, AND UNLEASH THE STORM!!!

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People have been accused.

The guy who did it first time at the blizzard event got banned for life.
Someone working under Trump got accused for making the ok sign during the whatshisname hearings for rape.

Shocking how people can think Ben Shapiro is a Nazi. Nazis wish death upon Muslims and Jews, whereas Ben Shapiro only wishes death on Muslims and SOME Jews. It's sickening slander. smdh.

thats not the hindu one user

This is what I meant by how funny it is that you autists actually can't wrap your heads around how easy it is for us darn neurotypicals to figure you out. Yes, nazis breathe and so do us evil libs, yet we can spot you. Online, irl or anywhere. You are not being subtle, you are never clever and you are just a dumb nazi. You fell for the old jewish conspiracy and the racist meme like retards before you and retard will for all time where retards will exist. You think you are cutting edge but in fact you are embarrassingly mundane and utterly predictable. Because you are just one in a long line of retards.

this typo still makes sense

It wasnt about innocents being accused
It was merely to show that you can get them to label anything as racist
just because you dont like someone doesnt mean they are a white supremacist nigger

Never watched that show, so I don't get it. The black wheelchair kid wants to join in the circle game and starts pounding on the older kid because the wheelchair kid is a sore loser?


Ausfag here even we didn't escape this shit
I'm ruddy bloody buggered of this facken seppo culture wars crap and just fanning the flames until the black holes finally reach critical mass and swollow us all in the infinite darkness

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have sex

user, the right may operate on memes but the left still has some intellectual integrity.


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i really think the alt right should take the rainbow colors (seperate races) away from sjws/gays and use brown for sjws (mixed races)

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and if he makes the peace symbol it becomes a hate symbol?

Wow very controversial! More drama in the Overwatch league WOW! I'm going to have to watch this more!

The same left that just supported a guy for faking a hate crime?

But still no innocent has been labelled racist.

You ban evaded didnt you user

Belts are already a symbol of white supremacy considering how many dindus keep their pants around their ankles

Funny how this is proposed hourly on /pol/ yet it never happens. It's almost as if this meme magic isn't strong at all, and the only reason you can claim anything is because you go after things that don't matter.

No they didn't.

Bullshit started picking up from clickbait in response to the new generation of kids suddenly using the "okay" sign and emoticon more broadly, especially in crass or mildly pejorative situations where boomers couldn't quite understand it. Like anything else, really. Cue sensationalist spin from outrage culture.

/pol/ tried to push the rainbow flag is a white supremacist symbol by saying that keeping the colors separate was good.

Good job broadcasting how new you are.

Rainbow was the symbol of pagan European Gods, especially the Nordic Gods
It was very deliberately chosen to be the symbol of gays, and the dumb kulaks ate it up

>People have been accused.
Yes. So?

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>the left still has some intellectual integrity.
should we count cry ins, screaming at the sky, and every over dramaticized reaction to the 2016 election as behaviors of "intellectual integrity?

where is there proof of actual nazis using this symbol?
not teenagers memeing, ACTUAL nazis?

>It wasnt about innocents being accused
No, it literally was. They planned it publicly. To claim anything else is historical revisionism.

You‘re really, really stupid if you let a a meme gesture offend you

I dont have it saved but theres a /pol/ infographic that has a rainbow flag for segregation and a brown flag for multiculturalism

yeah, its too difficult to meme. clickbaiters know that the rainbow colors are too critical, and think its not worth the free clicks.

You know what does this word mean?

Yeah it does take a bit of intellect to pull some of the underhanded corrupt shit they do without immediately being caught

We own all media, banks and law

You flip burgers at Subway

Who? You mean the guy who was acquitted?

You can make 2+2 = 5 if you really wantes.

Just don't forget to remind yourself that the minus symbol is sexist and homophobic for having implicitly negative connotations in post modern culture, and shall henceforce be known as "drop-plus good."

Christchurch shooter used it in court. Guess that means nobody EVER can use it again. Stupid kneejerk reactionary bullshit

Whatever dickhead it's hard to keep up with pol since it moves so fast and I've been here since 2006.
It's all a big blur of shitposts bleeding irl
They don't need proof.
That's the point pol wanted them to react and they played right into what they wanted.
Can't wait for the next hairbrained scheme meme from them desu I only come here to crosspost and shit on console losers while waiting for good vidya that never comes

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Im not a nazi though, i hate all people equally

Gentile landowners

You have no idea what you're talking about, user. Just sit this one out.

Yeah the guy who was acquitted and exposed corruption

>it's been two years

See, you still don't get it. There is no meme magic. It's just a bunch of /pol/tards doing the okay sign and people noticing. Yuck, /pol/tards.

I thought you were all about representing the downtrodden?

still cute

Imagine living in an era where you're not allowed to do a harmless hand sign, it's almost like its fascism

>the asian guy lmao

You act like there's a difference

There are only 2 genders.

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>We own all media, banks and law
the ones having cry ins, going to safe places to play with baby toys are not in power, those are the cattle
you are owned by them

nobody bit

It's so fucking tiresome.

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>to create such a problem out of nothing?
Congratulations, you just described modern world.

>blizzards are stormfronts that kill minorities (aka homeless people) and cover the world in whiteness
blizzards are white supremacy symbols
you heard it here first

holy shit thats hilarious

but his manifesto states he did everything on purpose

if that's true /pol/ would be laughing their asses off

>a joke? no....CRYPTO-FASCISM

>those ears and nose

kek, fuck blizzard

If nazis started waving the American flag around and paying taxes you'd probably stop doing that shit as well. You've missed the point so spectacularly that you've fooled yourself into thinking ignorance is greater understanding.

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>anonymous anime pic poster
Trolled that employed and positioned lad hard! How will he ever recover?

>actual nazis
This isnt the 40s
There are no actual nazis anymore
there are degenerate neo nazis and mutts larping on the internet

the war ended in the 50s and the national socialist workers party of germany doesnt exist anymore.

Nothing to see here, fellow goymer.
Remember to buy loot-boxes!

it wasn't even /pol/, the retards in the MSM started it by themselves because it looks like the hand gesture the original smug pepe is going

Except there are many clickbaity articles seriously explaining how the ok sign is now a symbol for the alt right. Because they know they can do this without causing any problems

They could also do this with the rainbow colors but shy away from it, because they feel this is too big of a deal, will make people seriously redpilled etc.

when did the left become the party of old miserable white people who hate fun and humor and the right become the party of shitposting teen memers?

No, sweetie. It doesn't work like that. This must be so frustrating for you, because I too get a bit frustrated. It's like I'm trying to explain colour to a blind person. You might never understand why but just trust me and know in your heart that you are never being clever, and what might sound clever coming from /pol/ very rarely is. You can ask a neurotypical family member for help to double check.

getting paid by a jew doesnt make someone a jew

>thinking politics can meme at all

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Probably by arguing with kids on twitter some more while Gognald Blomp causes the last lingering strands of hair to fall out.

>he's not a shabesgoy
Enjoy your debt.

Some day drumpf won't be president. I wonder what you will say then. Probably still crying about Hillary (is she in jail yet? wall status?).

Well, for one, Soviet socialism has nothing to do with cultural marxism and Frankfurt School lunacy that is currently infesting the West.
SJWs and liberals would've been immediately GULag'd if there were to find themselves in an actual Eastern Bloc state.

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let me guess you got done with Reddit, hopped over toe encyclopedia dramatica, now feel you're ready to roll with the big kids after sharing all your "dank"facebook memes that no one could handle

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People didn't read the manifesto
Governments made it illegal to read the manifesto
People don't really care if they're feeding into his goal


You know that the nazis paid tax right?

where does this end then
nazis eat food, if I eat food, am i a nazi?
nazis drive cars, if I drive a car, am i a nazi?
nazis speak, if i speak, am i a nazi?

i guarantee once Trump's term is over, all this paranoia over white supremacy will go away and the media will act like it never happened
this is all about him, how can no one else see that?

No I'll just go on with my life like a regular person.

Maybe under Stalin

Lenin, and the Weimarian communists, would have LOVED current day politics

user, allow me to explain your folly, and how you don't even understand the "meme magic" you try to employ (I guess that's why they call it magic).

The ONLY reason this shit sort of worked with the OK symbol is because when used as a white power symbol, it is identical. That was, in fact, the point. But your belaboured attempts to associate blizzards with white power will never be identical with Blizzard, the company. Even if, somehow, you could get the association to stick, it will never actually reflect on Blizzard in any way. In fact it won't stop people from talking about meteorological phenomena either. So in the end all it will be is a bunch of sad memesters thinking they are clever by making off-hand "blizzard" references á propos of nothing, and everyone will be able to tell they're doing it because they're a bunch of /pol/tards. Just like with the OK symbol, really.

Morons falling for a /pol/ hoax. That's it in it's entirety.

about halfway through the obama era
it was the reverse during bush
and its probably gonna reverse again after trump

you put as little effort into this reply as possible

And that point is that people don't want to be associated with nazis (even if the latter think they're being ironic)? Whoa, deep. Another cerebral plot from the masterminds of /pol/ that totally blew my mind. No wonder they come up with these epic plots like IOTBW

The SJW stuff is used as a battering ram to create the conditions for the gulags that can then house them. Soviet socialists were absolutely spreading that crap to weaken the West.


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>If nazis started waving the American flag around
What do you mean "if"?

I have 0 debt
I dont play with jews

anyone else feel like there is something they dont want us to know about hitler so they made up stories to make him a villain

>doubling down
Just admit you fell for it and move on

>pepe and all frog depictions are now hate symbols
>"okay" hand gesture is now a hate symbol
you getting memed on, boi

Your folly is assuming that I even browse /pol/ or vote republican.

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We control everything. Never forget that Yea Forums trannies. Also KYS if still think blizzard is a good dev

Still, consider joining winner's side.

The real /pol/ magic is writing a false narrative after the fact.

Having seen it all in real time, no.

I'm just saying /pol/ running with the idea through memes doesn't mean it was started by them. You had shitty yellow journalists trying to sensationalize a bunch of innucuous shit as discriminatory hate symbols by pulling it out of their ass, and this was just one of them.

It is what they do.

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show me any germany nazi soldier or official party member waving an american flag around



>there are people who unirnocally watch trannypoints in hopes of finding "white power" symbols making them living in constant paranoia


75% of the Jews in Weimar Germany were part of the bourgeoisie, in a period where Germany was in extreme poverty

The Jews were fucked even if the commies won

Dude, there's literally documented evidence of /pol/ coming up with it, followed by a wave of kekistanis on twitter using it, followed by the media picking up on the story as "/pol/ came up with a fake hate symbol and now people are using it for real". Its lineage has been known the entire time. That's not what's being disputed at all. The only point of contention is whether /pol/ actually tricked people, or really just failed miserably and went "h-ha, tricked" anyway.

>In 1952–1953, a group of predominantlyJewishdoctors from Moscow were accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders.
>A few weeks after thedeath of Stalin, the new Soviet leadership stated a lack of evidence and the case was dropped. Soon after, the case was declared to have been fabricated.

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>Winning side
What do you think is going to happen to the West with the demographic shift is complete? It's going to be a third-world hellhole with no ability to project power. A regional power at best. The only winning side here is China. Do you think the parasites will be able to infiltrate and subvert a collectivist society in which they cannot even pass themselves off as one of the natives?
There is no happy ending for our "guests".

can we turn dabbing into a white power symbol. Ooh or rap that would be funny, what if rap was a white power symbol?

Who said anything about Republicans?

absolutely wrong.

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10/10 for the Dark Forest reference, my friend

Except for Aussies, they have to be tough to survive in that shithole where you can be killed by 50 different species of animals per step you take and i respect that

Absolute madlad

>don't even know what this means
Fuck zoomers lmao

>The only point of contention is whether /pol/ actually tricked people, or really just failed miserably and went "h-ha, tricked" anyway.
That just depends on how many idiots react to normal usage, i.e blizzard or fucking anti-defamation league.
Anyone with a brain would just see it as a lame psyop and not pay it any attention

>Having seen it all in real time, no.
Except you didn't, because you apparently literally missed out on the inception of it all, on /pol/. When they literally said "hey let's convince people this is a hate symbol".

What, he accidentally flashed an OK sign on the sign of his head in front of a camera when things clearly were not okay? My, you guys have real issues if you honestly think you're being subtle.

Never forget.

>nazis deliberately use mundane signs to communicate with each other both to maintain secrecy and give themselves plausible deniability when someone calls them out
>they choose mundane signs because then, when someone calls their bullshit, they can go "HEH you SJWs think everything is racist these days."

Don't let yourself be fooled by the poltard.

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>making alt-right symbol

Isn't that what /pol/ is? I don't go there very often so i just assume it's a trump hivemind or something.

This disingenuous goalpost shifting is also a tell-tale sign of a Nazi, fyi

Stalin already killed off countless innocent people because he thought they were spies, the Jews were very very lucky that he stroked out when he did

>the left still has some intellectual integrity.

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jews really need some diversity

Nice cope.

>throws the game
>proves their point of being a dumb nigger

Ironically, Lenin and the rest of the commie squad got redpilled hard after a few years of witnessing degeneracy running rampant in the early USSR
>According to Clara Zetkin (Memoirs of Lenin, 1925), Lenin commented on the "glass of water" theory as follows:
>"I consider the famous glass water theory to be completely unmarxist and on top of that unsocial [...]. Thirst wants to be satisfied. But under normal conditions, will ordinary people lie down in street excrement and drink from a puddle?"
>He also indirectly blames Kollontai for the fact that young people have become completely wild

it goes way before 2017 I remember seeing this EXACT IMAGE in like 2009 posted in YLYL threads on Yea Forums as a joke. It was funny because it was absurd to think that extremely commonly used symbol was a white supremacy symbol. Fastforward today and its real. Yesterdays jokes are today's reality. Memes really do tell the future.

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Yes, but don't tell them that. They think they are somehow different that republicans. So different in fact that no one could ever, according to /pol/, define or label them. Of course, when you quack like a republican that's all you are.

>That just depends on how many idiots react to normal usage
No one is reacting to normal usage. They're only reacting to """"""ironic"""""" white power usage.

I can't tell if posts like these are satire anymore.

Leftist have made such a clown world

Hey all you leftists browsing right now. Bite a bullet. Stop pretending you are better then the right and the sane. You aren't, your shit ruining our civilization.

Nothing to see here, just another (((pure coincidence))), guys.

Attached: I wonder who could be behind this post.jpg (800x764, 17K)

>oh no, someone is posting easily observable facts
>they must be satire

Don't shoot up a mosque, nerd.

tomorrow belongs to memes

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Have sex

>posting a manny tranny

>white supremacists co-opting and culturally appropriating again

Ok nigger thanks for the update :^)

>The only point of contention is whether /pol/ actually tricked people, or really just failed miserably and went "h-ha, tricked" anyway.
1. was pol being serious about OK meaning WP? no
2. are retarded people serious about OK meaning WP? yes
it worked. the only people who are trying to deny it are triggered people who are realizing the foolishness of their ideology

It's real because it's really being used that way, not because people are seeing things that aren't there.

it's just marketing

is that a dude or a chick

See, this is clearly autism. There is no such thing as a benign or neutral gesture. Only associations. Do you think raising your arm is an inherently evil or problematic thing? Of course not. But when enough idiots do a thing that thing will be associated with said idiots.

/pol/ used the hand sign, talked about the hand sign, spread the hand sign and then people realised "/pol/ is doing the okay sign. fuck /pol/.". Explain how that is meme magic or anything other than a standard cause and effect.

>your shit ruining our civilization
>Says the meme-addled worm-brained post-post-ironic mass shooter in training
If you represent my civilisation, it's in dire need of complete reform.

>getting so assmad at people posting clown pepes at you, telling you to chill out, that you try and steal the clown meme

So first it was the NPC meme, now clowns. What's going to be the next hot meme right wing nutsos steal for themselves then drive into irrelevancy? I'm going to guess it will be another Wojak. Maybe with alien eyes and grey skin again, something about how the world is all a game by aliens or something like that.

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I'm not reading that, but the fact is you fell for a blatant hoax and did exactly what they set out to do (believe anything as long as it's anti-Trump) just proves them right.


Why would an ASIAN support the cause of white supremacy?

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let the black israelites into israel

Cant wait until they says the middle finger is a terrorist sign.

Both. Just like in your hentai doujins.

>Leftist cartoons
No thanks faggot

I heard nazis breathe air too, maybe we should ban that?

>was pol being serious about OK meaning WP? no
Actually yes. Not the guy who posted it initially, but the meme kiddies who missed the point, certainly. So,
>are retarded people serious about OK meaning WP? yes
Yes, but those people are also /pol/.

And then other people simply noticed. That's not what the plan was so no, it didn't work.

>take random things
>make them racist for fun
>somehow a bad thing thing or them
How exactly? I'd be laughing my ass off.

White supremacy doesn't fucking exist you little ugly leftists. It's a myth you construct to hate Europeans and having the nerve to believe they have a right to exist. How long you gonna keep perpetuating the myth until more people realize that white supremacy isn't real?

You got trolled. Deal with it faggot.

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It's the next best thing to asian supremacy, so if the latter isn't an option, they'd naturally go for the former.

It's magic to them because they don't understand society or people.

a meme is nothing but somebody doing something funny, other people repeating it, and then other people noticing. thats it.

"meme magic" is this "trump becomes president because this post ends in a lot of 7s" thing

t. idiot in a clown getup dripping wet with milk

Here's a pity (you), for you who has posted the same "joke" every thread with no response. Might be time to get a clue, realize you sound like a gradeschooler trying to being clever.

sorry goy israel is an ashkenazi ethnostate only

mizrahim and khazars get fucked

and especially not those fukcinng nubians they are NOT the children of David fucking ngksdljfsdfsr

>they get baited
>make a shit comic because they got baited
Perpetually salted

>White supremacy doesn't fucking exist you little ugly leftists.
Tell it to the 100 people who got shot last month.

so when's the ban?

Shhhhh. You're bringing logic into this. There is no room for facts and logic, as they are both racist and problematic.

Like clockwork

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>It's basically an accelerationist plot to further divide people by associating an innocuous gesture with white supremacy

Dude I was there, it wasn't accelerationism we just wanted to test how stupid they could get.

It turns out they are incredibly stupid, you could make the ADL hate itself and censor itself if you mock them hard enough.
Heck we could even force it to rename itself if we make the ADL anti black or gay.

>Actually yes. Not the guy who posted it initially, but the meme kiddies who missed the point, certainly.
oh, you must be one of those people who "infiltrated" /pol
>Yes, but those people are also /pol/.
lol go back to twitter. don't try to take the Yang Gang shit seriously either

I assume you are the lad from the other thread yesterday, cheers bro

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Have sex lol

noooo something has to stop white supremy its literally the 4th reich

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What? Didn't some retards on the Overwatch stream or whatever got kicked out for doing the symbol? Or they were white supremacist? LUL

>he thinks supporting white nationalism is some meme or evil

Yeah, go fuck yourself leftists. I don't think you understand us.

If they do and you manage to grab their finger you may beat them until they can escape

user, these are all thing anyone can see with their own eyes. It's frankly slightly disconcerting that you think you can just wriggle your way out of it through the sheer power of denial. But then again that's kind of where the entire right wing is at now, isn't it?

Well fuck. That's scarily accurate.
I know several guys who draw cartoons, and the left leaning ones tend to rely on walls of text to get their messages across.


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Ain't that the guy that shoved a dildo up his ass on stream to prove he didn't hate gays

>The future is memetic
>We've memed ourselves into the bizarro earth timeline
I want to stay in this timeline

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I'm pretty sure it started as a joke. I'm 100% sure, actually, that the White Power thing started as a joke. Its just that some people don't know what jokes are and take everything seriously.
The one bright side of the internet getting overrun with normalfags and tumblrites is that Trolling is alive and well again.

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it was also a fun gesture done under the hip and if somebody looked you would punch them. You would probably know that if you had any friends in highschool

People need to learn to enjoy humor without having to be offended and pretentious about everything. Why are you people even on Yea Forums? Go to reddit if you want the unpopular thought filtered out and put on the bottom.

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best timeline.

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IOTBW was unironically a huge success though.

Yeah, those kids look like what I imagine when I think about edgy incel nazi wannabes.

This is pretty accurate except that it plays into the /pol/ delusion that they are anything other than stormfag troglodytes. If anything it's stormfags who control /pol/tards by making them think they're incorruptible freethinkers who ironically all tow the party line and agree with each other.

he's gay


We got another clown here!


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They were either white supremacists or pretending to be. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you pretend to be a Nazi all the time you're functionally indistinguishable from a Nazi. People still say the Christchurch shooter was just memeing, but his memeing did end up with 100 people shot. At some point, it doesn't matter.

No, actually, I think it's still not okay to be a white supremacists. And yes, I am so sorry, but we do indeed read that much through the lines even if you were being so clever and subtle.

Guess that dildo helped him discover some things huh

>white supremacy
Did no one proof read this?

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Because everything you just listed is limited to the imaginary world of social media and video games.
Also people have food. Women

>user, these are all thing anyone can see with their own eyes.
lol, have you seen the clickbait articles people write on deciphering /pol lingo? that's you. here's me laughing at you: HAHA

Thanks for the (You), but that was the first time I have posted it.

>Carried on fraudulent Russia investigation for years costing millions

Smug little cunts think they're clever. I agree, kick them out, they obviously know what they're doing.

who gives a fuck what that cunt did.

>literally accusing people of wrongthink

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user, they unironically think that logic is a white supremacist tool

>missing the point of IOTBW
Yeah you're one of the retards that got hooked i see.

>provided enough evidence to send a dozen men to prison and secured enough assets to pay for itself

>it was also a fun gesture done under the hip and if somebody looked you would punch them.
Yeah, no one cares. We've already established it has different meanings. Is THIS one relevant here? No, unsurprisingly, this one isn't either. Maybe you can find another one to deflect with.

Honk pepe is actually slowly working, just not in the way /pol/ intended.

Jesus why are there so many faggots in this thread. You guys are so easily triggered by such mundane things. The lefts psyche is so fragile it's like it's going to crack at any moment.
Roodypoo Candy asses in this thread legitimately saying that when nazis do things they don't want to do it. That's the dumbest cognitive reasoning ever. You sjws could be doing the most mundane symbols and memes in your groups that nazis have done that u'll never know.
Guess you should just all stop living if you dont want to be le racis evil whity that much.

You can't have racial supremacy without diversity. Which, of course, means nationalists aren't actually supremacists.

It really makes no sense

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Are you retarded or just autistic?

Dear lord are you fucking serious? Are you seriously arguing the FUCKING OK SIGN is a white power symbol because some fags says it is? Dear lord grow a fucking spine nigger.

This guy is a walking soiboy stereotype.

gamers are RISING UP

No, user, it's exactly the point. It's the post-ironic age. The age of memes.

>. Is THIS one relevant here? No
it was done under the hip by a cheeky teenager I would say this is very relevant. You people really had no friends growing up and it shows.

They don't seem to realise the doubling down and trying to desperately claim they weren't trolled just makes it funnier.

Attached: trolled.jpg (368x543, 75K)

Attached: state of white men.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

overwatch is fucking garbage

you literally dont see this hysteria in other games, nobody gives a fuck

So you are saying that /pol/ had nothing to do with it even though it has existed since 2009. If that is the case, why weren't SJWs getting mad about it back in 2011? That's right because /pol/ made a specific campaign to get it noticed.

The original source of "first" of something rarely matters, it the person or group that makes it famous/popular.

Xerox had the mouse for years before anyone else did, Steve Jobs took and made it ubiquitous.

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um actually sweaty we turned a profit off the investigation just from the shit we seized from manafort

turns out prosecuting white collar crime is beneficial

You think the lefty here would be scared shitless of trying to demonize white people, and attacking their right to exist, given that its clear some of them are gonna snap from this double standard hypocrisy and remove you from the gene pool which everyone here is gonna support.

I mean, this entire thread is just one fucking loser trying to make a point that falls apart if you realize that there is no such thing as "white supremacy".

This is fucking great. I wonder whats /pol/ gonna meme next.

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No it's not. That was the entire point. No actual white supremacist organizations are using it /pol/ is not a white supremacist organization, nor do they hold regular real-life meetings and it only serves to get innocent people thrown under the bus, like this guy. It's a deliberately foolish prank that is being taken seriously because modern leftists are exactly as stupid as the ones in 1920's Germany. Any claims to the contrary are just you trying to save face after the fact.

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they look like they're having a good time on the left image
happy for them

>Hey guys! Let's pretend this hand gesture is a nazi thing, it's gonna be fun!
>Actual nazis start doing it
>N-no it's just a j-jokey joke heh y-you got trolled!

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Poe's law is truly in effect with this one

Yes, the point is that you think there is some notion in the west that whitey is being persecuted. Problem is that this is a white supremacist fantasy, and as such the "ads" can only reach from one white neo nazi to the next.

I never understood how could someone play a shooter with a controller, is just so fucking bad.

Proof right here that the average /pol/ack is just being edgy for the sake of it and the left is convinced it's a bunch of kkk skin heads plotting to genocide all non-whites.

Dark Cloud was my favorite PS2 game.

I think whats funny is the reason all those things even have those meanings and connotations with racism is because the left decided to give them that power. The purpose of the okay sign and milk being chosen to be associated with racism was because they were mundane things; to have them associated with racism highlights that lefties are to quick to label things as racist and serves to make them look ridiculous, Pepe was a popular meme for normies and it was chosen to be corrupted to as a way to demonstrate how easy something can easily be turned into something deemed wrong if you force a narrative hard enough. Clowns is also a mundane thing but is chosen as commentary to society with the whole "we live in a clown world" meme and is associated with nihilism. Its all very deliberate and /pol/ would stop having so much power and narrative control if their opponents weren't the ones giving them the megaphone and narrative control in the first place.

the kicker is they're not even white

>they unironically think that logic is a white supremacist tool
Jesus Christ, no wonder everyone's taking the piss out of them

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Dude the point is that people would get mad over a simple innocent sentence.

IOTBW is no different from IOTBB or IOTBG, the point is that people got mad because they perceive white as evil.

It exposes people that actually judge on race and drives the point that the current narrative is actually racist.

There is no phase two, just reactionary antiwhite people losing their shit while we people of all colors and countries in /pol/ laugh at you.

Jews aren't white supremacists, retard, shut the fuck up dumb ass.

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It makes perfect sense when you realize "white supremacy" is just left speak for their inherent hatred of European and "whiteness" (some disgusting term they coined and how they try to justify attacking and demonizing whites).

No one thinks whites are superior, they just think non-whites are inferior.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

The lefties aren't going to be killed by whites. They're going to be killed by the replacements they import.

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Oh yeah you've been here a long time, huh

There is nothing to decipher about this. I've already given you the exact timeline of events. What you fail to understand is that you didn't "trick" people, you just fundamentally disagree with them about "ironically" being a Nazi.

Though funnily enough I rarely see /pol/ agree that it's "just shitposting" when people talk about punching Nazis. Is a little consistency too much to ask for?

>Actual nazis start doing it

What NAZIS?!!??!?!?



See, only white supremacists thinks anyone is actually saying that it's not okay to be white. It's a self-empowering narrative that binds you retards together against a common enemy of whitey. The problem of course is that it's a fantasy only white supremacists buy into.

As I say, you're making me laugh

>multiracial white supremacy

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That's why some dumbasses start jumping the gun to normal usage?
Least it's just rare occurances

Rather, it's proof that there is nothing wrong with racism and supremacy. It doesn't mean you have bad relations with other races, hate them, don't enjoy hanging out with them, don't cooperate with them, or want them killed.

Jesus christ you must be on of those retarded twitter warriors who actually fell for it and is now going into full defensive mode. I bet you make snarky tweets about trump hourly.


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>author, columnist, fantasy writer

of course

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If actual white supremacists start using it, yes.

>That doesn't make any sense
It's all starting to make sense now

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>Are you seriously arguing the FUCKING OK SIGN is a white power symbol because some fags says it is?
Yes, user, because that is how symbols literally work. They derive their meaning from people saying they have meaning. And if you've been exlpicitly told not to use a symbol due to its associations with white power, regardless of whether that association is even identified correctly at that point, well, then you're really just doing it for those associations, aren't you?

>Says the guy triggered by an innocuous statement like "it's okay to be white".
Still not getting it

I'm a Mexican mutt, you see /pol/ achieved true diversity by allowing anyone to say everything.

IOTBW is fun because it exposes actual racism, the thing you call /pol/ is one of the most diverse places in the internet.

Niggers hate Asians. They're happy to include them as """minorities""" when it comes down to showing it to whitey, but they'll just as easily turn their backs on Asians when they're done with it.
Also Asians tend to be xenophobic, and PARTICULARLY hate niggers.

stfu incel. your days are numbered.

>actual nazis start doing it

stopped reading

Let's meme the basic handwave into a nazi white power symbol. Also the handshake too

>/pol/ suddenly likes diversity


>only white supremacists thinks anyone is actually saying that it's not okay to be white.
they literally have college courses on abolishing whiteness but but but whiteness has nothing to do with white people alright where's the abolishing jewishness course?

pretty much everything leftists say is just projection

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>it was done under the hip by a cheeky teenager I would say this is very relevant.
Except that cheeky teenager must have been aware of Blizzard's official statement on the matter. This is childish "I'm not touching you" tier logic to justify fucking with people.

Not him but while it did pay for itself this could have been done without the russian investigation and with a lot less manpower. All the shit they found and charged them with could have been found years ago if the government actually cared about white collar crime. Instead the government only enforces this stuff when select individuals or crimes come into the spotlight so the people regain their trust in the government and then everyone moves on business as usual

>look up "study"
>not peer reviewed
>no scientific method
Sociology is considered a joke science in the scientific community btw

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How come they never ever have a real job?
It's always some made up bullshit blogger

Can you even imagine some guy being like "fuck white people, fuck nazis" and his profile says he works down the steel mill

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>do you have any idea of how ridicolous you look

I think the guy on the right would have looked less ridicolous compared to your average tranny or blue haired sjw clown with billion piercings to be honest famalam.

Did you know that white supremacists have been found to breath frequently?
It's been rumored that it's to insult those of Semitic origin that might have had family that died in the gas chambers.

The best part, the left guy is not even white. It's like when call Shepiro (a jew) a white supremacist. How words have meanings at all?

Oh no, you actually think you're the cause of this, don't you?

Anyone who disagrees with this should remember this character. He openly disliked his neighbors and thought they were inferior, and while they thought he was a boor they ultimately got along and worked together when it mattered. Having a low opinion of certain groups does not make you incompatible with a society if you contribute to it and aren't a prominent obstacle to well-meaning members.

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I don't know what this means but I am enraged.

>No it's not. That was the entire point.
Well, tell it to the people who started using it that way, then, because they kinda made it so that you're wrong now. And again, doing it """"""ironically"""""" still counts.

>"Nobody's been accused"
>yes they have

Attached: goal-posts-moving.jpg (640x426, 157K)

>This is what leftists actually believe

Why do you people fucking hate white people? Why do you think its NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE!?

No wonder whites are being radicalized. Just watching you double down your left wing stupidity and justify your anti-white narrative by bringing up the myth of white supremacy. Too bad the average person sees it for what it is, the left hatred of whites.

Listen. Genes are real.

Genes influence traits.

Traits differ between races.

IQ is genetic and differs by race.

Its okay to be white

Its okay for whites to justify their existence

Its okay for whites to have their own nations

Its okay to stop immigration

White nationalism is okay

Its not okay to perpetuate the myth of white supremacy to justify attacking whites.

This doubling down is always hilarious since I can't see how it makes you look any better

Same with commies. Not one of them working a blue-collar job, yet they claim to speak for the "working class". Fucking retards.

He also used the strayan shitposter as his avatar and said Spyro was an inspiration for him, are you going to ban those as well because your smooth brain cannot diferentiate a joke from reality you fucking soi filled dumbass?

It is okay to be white, but the implication is that someone (I'm guessing da joos, soros, mom or da libs) says that it's not. As such, rise tf up whitey and fight for being white!

And now you are going to tell me that it doesn't mean anything and that I'm just paranoid because /pol/ told you that's how you're supposed to sell it. The problem is, again, that these rules and intricate schemes autists think are waterproof are in fact utterly obvious to normal people.

And too bad, your brother in arms here is giving you away by breaking with the narrative . Dammit! It's supposed to be subtle!

>multiracial white supremacy

Attached: 1478979188886.jpg (400x450, 89K)

Do you retards not know what a symbol is?

Literally the point they're making, it's a gesture that means "ok" and nothing more. Of course they'll be branded and evil nazis, cast out and made to pay a several thousand dollar fine in the form of a generous donation to the ADL if they want back in. Hopefully they have more spine than to bow to that demand though.

Better yet meme drinking water into a racist symbol and watch retards die of dehydration.

The peace sign was briefly transphobic(two genders), so you're completely right.

Yep, it's pretty clear it's just their way of putting others down and sowing division in order to gain social and political power.

cause they dont work, and all they do all day is browse reddit and twitter shitting their diarrhea opinions everywhere.

No one is going to stop drinking milk over this, user. But they're not going to film themselves drinking milk and making an OK sign into the camera whilst wearing a MAGA hat unless they're /pol/tards. Well, that's my Saturday night shot. Thanks /pol/.

No, but really, it's all about context.

>I've already given you the exact timeline of events. What you fail to understand is that you didn't "trick" people, you just fundamentally disagree with them about "ironically" being a Nazi.
oh wow, thanks professor. im glad you taught me that the OK gesture being a Nazi symbol is not indicative of anything wrong on the people who are triggered by it. truly this is the design of hitler to make people use the OK sign. lol

>there are literally fucks in this thread that think the goddamn irish or italians are white

baka senpai

They don't even say that anymore, they now openly hate working people. If you ain't on welfare you are a nazi

Hitler also believed in good grooming and despised animal cruelty. Time to dress like tramps and ban veganism.

>I believe every outlandish claim thrown out by shitposters on a Mongolian goat herding board
Par for the course, really.

are you just now realizing that the media calls anyone who disagrees with leftism a white supremacist?

There are people who think Trump is a white supremacist because the TV told them.

>>Didn't go to trial
>> Aquitted
Libtard education.
We did learn political connections have privilege, not the color of your skin.

Yes, this convinced me that IOTBW wasn't a white supremacist thing.

You know, I'm a true oldfag, been on the internet for far too long and there is no way your cringy politics could offend me. Oh you like Hitler I'm so shocked. What gets me is the anti-intellectualism of it, and especially how you delude each other into thinking that being asinine and annoying makes you smart.

Blizzzard does it on purpose
every 2 to 3 months there is a new "controversy" surrounding something dumb by them and theyre talk of the town for a week or so

everytime, either with gay or whatever heroes, some esports drama they created or support saying something dumb with that nerdy guy from the videos

its every fucking time, like reality tv, its fabricated and fake so I dont care anymore and you shouldnt care either

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>tell it to the people who started using it that way, then,

I'll be sure to tell all zero of them. Then again this is a fallacy, as anyone who uses it as a joke or in protest (see OP article) will be labelled a nazi by you anyway. It's cyclical and nonsensical, like all leftyfag """logic."""

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The act of inhaling is symbolic of Aryans not being gassed.
A symbol doesn't need to be inherently visual

If IOTBW is an innocent sentence then so is BLM. Why did that get such an outlandish response, then?

>author self-insert: calm, cool, collected, rational, and in the right
>opponent: I AM SILLY
it never changes does it

Anyone remembers the time people tried to engineer black male Asian female couples but failed dramatically because Asian women hated blacks?

When has this argument ever worked for one of you stupid Nazi cunts? When has anyone ever said "oh right my bad I wasn't actually aware of that" instead of some variation of "Nazism as an ideology obviously lived on you disingenuous prick"? Why do I keep seeing this dumb argument that only serves to add two filler replies into the chain?

why is mado sitting like that?

is /pol/ just full of non-whites insecure about their race? it's weird seeing non-whites promote an ideology that promotes the ideas that their people are inferior to whites and worthy of eradication

>trying so hard to read between the lines and looking for hidden messages
Yep. still missing the point.

I pity all the /pol/tards who can't appreciate how poignant and witty this is. I pity them for a whole lot of things actually.

Why are trannies so angry?

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>are you just now realizing that the media calls anyone who disagrees with leftism a white supremacist?
I've known that for ages, I just never figured they'd be this blatant with how they use it as a synonym for "people that don't think like me"

Just a cotton-picking minute, is that what I think it is?

You know nothing of /pol/ or the ideology that most of its users adhere to.

No one is looking hard at all, bud. It's right there.

Like clockwork

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Nobody's trying to convince NPCs like you, you're beyond help, but if even one onlooker realizes how much of a pompous ass you're being and decides to question these events then he's done some good in this clown world we live in.

she subconsciously wants to be raped once more

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/pol/tards actually got triggered by this comic lmfao

There are definitely Jewish white supremacists. Outside of /pol/ they generally are considered white, user.

enlighten me :^)

I pity the several million years of hereditary evolution whose hard work will die with you

>Be Congolombian
>See this drama
>Remember that there is a gambling and money transaction company in our country with an ok sign as logo
We nazis now

Attached: 522881_1.jpg (1000x530, 32K)

Dependency on drugs mixed with a mental illness fucking destroys you.
They're stuck in a perpetual state of hostility and think of nothing but revenge fantasies of situations they made up in their heads.
They're literally unlikable people that somehow weaseled their way into the oppression Olympics.

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based [RUS] poster

But the other guy threw the game by playing Junkrat...

I said no one innocent, user.

Indeed, it's a message from one white supremacists to another. My point exactly.

At the end of the day you still got triggered by an innocuous statement.

>it's all about context
It really isn't since everyone has shown that context never matters if it fits within the line of certain narratives

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>he actually fell for it

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That's a six with a hat. I don't blame you third world for not knowing how to count though.

people need to stop breathing, if you didn't know nazis also breathed air!!!

Is there any proof that the OK sign was ever used as a white supremacy symbol prior to Yea Forums trolling gullible leftists into thinking it is?

This has got to be the dumbest shit I've heard in my life. I can't believe people are actually defending the OWL on this.

>Literally the point they're making
I'm pretty sure the only point they're making is "lol epic hahaha trolled xDDDD"

>t's weird seeing non-whites promote an ideology that promotes the ideas that their people are inferior to whites and worthy of eradication
it's wierd that even though whites are the root of all evil, no one would prefer to live/work in a non white majority place

>Nazi cunts?

Attached: come_on_just_call_him_a_nazi_and_win_the_debate.jpg (658x860, 37K)

There's also people in this thread that think North Ireland is a sovereign nation


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>be 0.02% of the population
>think the entire country--nay, world--should adapt to suit them

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The average person has no idea about any of this shit. If you went out on to the street and said the ok sign is a nazi symbol they'd look at you like you're an idiot.

Wow look at that Nazi on the left

If only it was that which triggered me. The upsetting part, what triggers me, if you will, is how fucking stupid you'd have to be to think that IOTBW is clever. Your stundedness saddens me.

>gaming and money transaction company's logo is 666

Attached: call it.gif (328x328, 1.46M)

Based Bogard

Mental illness and deep down realization that their fetish will never truly be realized. This culminates in their need to control what people say and do in order to protect themselves from being constantly reminded of the truth.

Nationalists don't want "eradication" they want separation and independence. It also doesn't matter whether a group is inferior (though it does help to make the case for separation when 13% of the population commits 50% of the crimes), separation is viewed as good even when the Other is high quality and cooperative.

Yeah, that little cunt can shove his revisionist narrative up his bunghole along with that stupid hat.

>Not the guy who posted it initially but the meme kiddies that missed the point
Holy fuck a fellow old /Pol/ack, hi there. That statement right there is right on the money as to why Pol sucks now, it's a bunch of kids who think they're in on the joke, but in reality they're the ones we made fun of

Why did he drop the pizza on the floor

See? You're disingenuous as fuck, downright evil. Can't even deny it anymore.

>tfw you are so indoctrinated into hating whites that you don't even have to look hard to see everything related to them as evil

Attached: honkhonk.webm (427x240, 2.93M)

The left is turning /pol/ memes into self fulfilling prophecies by banning normal people from doing mundane things (and thus making those things solely the territory of the right)

Its not like logic plays into any of this, you made that clear when you decided everything you dislike = nazi

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>Actual nazis start doing it
And? Does it hurt anybody? Does it do anything? It's a hand gesture

Because it got weaponized as a political movement.

Also BLM argument chokes the moment you realize cops shoot more whites than blacks by virtue of 13% vs 40% of the population and white slums being a thing coupled with the fact that most of the BLM martyrs often did something incredibly stupid by attacking the cops first.

Dont get me wrong, I would love to have a discussion against police brutality, however BLM ruined it by making it race charged and then weaponizing it politically.
College was a mistake.
When everyone is a Nazi no one is.

first day on the job, nervous, hands shaking

The face of the Resistance.

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the part I don't understand is how people can be offended by symbols

How could Obama do this?

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user, if you do the Hitler salute in Germany as a joke or a protest, you're still running afoul of the laws against Nazism. And it also raises the question, why do you want to do the Hitler salute so badly?


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Honkety honk

Attached: honkhonk.gif (607x609, 821K)


>their fetish

Life will get a lot easier once people start realizing the vast majority of these people are sub-beta autogynephiliacs, and nothing more.

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Nah m8, no matter how much whinging you do the amount of reception the autism campaign generated proves you wrong.

I assume you being factious since that Kid literally did nothing but stand and smile and the whole media was quick to label him racist for being a white kid with a red hat. Lets not even mention that Native guy with the drum actually lied to everyone.

No, just the Nazis

>/pol/ wants to trick people into thinking OK is a symbol of white supremacy
>people start believing it's a symbol of white supremacy
But yeah, that user is the dumb one :^)

Does this work as a reaction image?

Attached: do you have any idea how ridiculous you look.png (276x413, 124K)

>Does it hurt anybody?
yes, it hurt somone's feelings. procecution is imminent

How it was in my school, and even friends in college from different highschools knew of it. If it means something new now, I wouldn't know and would expect to be punched after looking.

i think it's cause the nazi party was defeated in 1945. hope this helps.

The average person is borderline retarded. I've seen people who can't even change a lightbulb.

>implying europoor law will ever apply to me

An okay hand gesture is not a Roman salute.

Attached: back to NeoGaf.gif (500x500, 779K)

That's unfair, my ancestors could just rape anyone they wanted to continue their line right up until hundred years ago.

>Non-white refugee flashes ok sign
>SJW confused as fuck and still trying to blame shit

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on reddit and resetera maybe

At this point, I agree with Ye Wenjie. We're beyond saving. BRING ON THE DROPLETS

Well it works as a way to identify tranny posters alot easier.

>Invite pizza guy over
>It's the wrong pizza and he sleeps on your couch
>Eats all the pizza himself.

I always though the name "Barrack" sounded foreign. Bet he's some fucking German nazi.

Attached: image.jpg (399x284, 117K)

Sounds like you need some re-education, and hormone pills, fella.

And fuck the media too for immediately caving to right-wing pundits crying about the "full story" when the full story in fact did nothing to exonerate the little prick.

Reminder this caption is completely fake and the video in question was about probability.

Bill Nye never said that. This too is just right wing bullshit.

You guys say shit about /pol/tards but they are the only ones in this shitty website causing lulz these days. You should respect them for actually being this retarded.

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Who, all the niggers in Chicago?

who calls ordering a pizza "inviting pizza guy over"? I didn't invite him over for shit. Just give me the pizza and fucking go bro

>Because it got weaponized as a political movement.


Can you think of other times that might have happened

>white supremacist serial murderer in NZ
your lies don't quite pass muster on a website where a link to the manifesto is never less than five clicks away

>say something absolutely retarded
>post smut anime girl

You really think you are being clever?

>outright lying

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I wanna eat out at Wendy's. Then eat out Wendy

explain this

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B-but think of the hidden meaning! Think of my feelings! Think about micro-agressions!

Isn't this the same guy that made the infamous comic every champagne socialist links to when you call them out for buying expensive gadgets they don't need?

It is an analogy, user

>literally never says what's in the caption
>n-no you are lying!

i got about 10 seconds into this video before this retard started saying some retard shit and i can't watch anymore

Now you're just baiting.

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>some nigga just gonna lie on the innernet
Okay, back ResetEra with you now

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what the FUCK bro you weren't supposed to point that out..........

Nyarlathotep brought the Nazis back to life

But user, the USSR collapsed :^)

A majority of people shot are killed in inner city areas with stolen handguns by minorities and are themselves minorities. Maybe it's not some white boogeyman and it's instead something in their communities?

Have you tried not being a pussy and not being afraid of being proven wrong?

why are white people so corny?

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Hussein is definitely a popular name in Germany right now

It normalises white supremacy.

It hurt 100 people last month.

why are most white supremacists ugly as fuck?

>there's nothing wrong with letting nazis communicate

I don't think you understand. Your kind is universally perceived as human garbage. Nazis are nothing if not waste to be stomped down.

shill your shitty communist channel somewhere more appropriate, like resetera


far right people can shoot up places of worship but everyone hates the left more because they’re obnoxious retards

>a group of memelords on /pol/ make a joke
>the retarded activist part of the board takes it seriously and tries to weaponize it
>the even more retarded media and normalfags popularize it
>it backfires in some way
Every time.

These people are being paid to use this symbol to generate controversy. You people are being played like fiddles. t. man on the inside

Attached: cute.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Christchurch was literally some white boogeyman who was definitely not part of the community.

HAHAHAHAHA you are the most retarded person ever. You over reading and reacting to IOTBW is precisely what /pol/ wanted since it isn't a sentence that means anything to society at large but maybe to people wagging in the "culture war" and by over reacting like the retards you are you are only giving /pol/ more ammunition to show how retarded you guys are.

social scientists are only a bit higher than kindergarten/elementary teachers and on the level of highschool teachers?

I read that as Medical Orcs
>tfw low 90 IQ and software engineer
Bringing that bar down one concussion at a time

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He already clicked, faggot. He is literally no better than game journo that covered his eyes whenever he saw softcore porn in Yakuza.

>oooh nooo this thing makes me criingeeeeeeee

Sack up.

Isn't this comic extremely racist?

500 guys laughing their asses off at people getting angry over IOTBW papers and it appearing on the news is not a political movement.

>minorities who live in neighborhoods full of similar minorities kill other minorities so white supremacy doesn't exist

>You flip burgers at Subway

Attached: no pickles.gif (577x474, 69K)

>B-Rock "the Islamic Shock" HUSSEIN SuperAllah Obama.

Man at least the right wing was funny under the Obama presidency.

good old fashioned whataboutism

>He isn't friends with his pizza guy
It's like you're not even fat

You're a retard. Go CTR elsewhere, tourist.

Unbalanced representation. There's about hundred million times more Janitors than "social scientists".

What are they communicating with an ok sign?

I can tell you for sure that muslimmosque was also not part of the community at christchurch

Yeah he looks really Scottish to me. Which is surprising given he's Scottish.

It's ok, inceloids. You too can find salvation like this guy did

Leftists think that some random anons making a thread is the equivalent of a leftist activist organisation.

That can't be it, otherwise /pol/ would've single-handedly caused the Communist revolution by now. No, it's because the establishment prefers reactionaries over revolutionaries.

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whites don't act like those people in chicago, dummy