Haha! So relatable!
Haha! So relatable!
widdle incel upset?
this is implying women are always player 2 and im shook
I think I had seen a survey recently that about 60% of those who qualified themselves as gamers/checked that they consumed a fair amount of Vidya were in Celibate.
how long is it going to take before someone gets triggered that mrs. pacman is wearing pink?
Pacman world had a coop?
i love you pac-man
Fellas, why is Pac-Man so great?
fucking THIS
Girls nowadays care more about your social status than actual looks. If your poor you might as well be a fucking stray dog to them.
I lost two girls I liked and took out many times just because of this. They see my life, my shitty car, and it's all over. "well user I think you're a good friend, don't take me wrong but..."
Starting poor in life is truly the hardest mode and it's impossible to get out without serious help, which I never had so, here I am.
a week this clownworld shit is getting out of hand
okay but look at how happy those yellow balls look :)
The only thing women are good for are fuck holes. They literally add nothing to your life.
he's a nice family man with a big appetite and good games
Girls decide if they want to fuck you in the first few seconds they see you. If she doesn't seem interested and you have no desire to be friends with her, move on immediately, do not become an orbiter. Dating is a numbers game no matter who you are. Maybe your chance is that 1/1000 girls will want to fuck you. That simply means that you will have to approach 1000 girls.
The Pac-Man twitter is very wholesome
>Good guy
>Traditional wholesome family, has a wife and kids
>Lots of great games outside of mobile cash in shit
>Fun Smash character
He's a respectable guy
How do I avoid ending up like pc related?
They are a great accessory. In theory, you should be able to and can live without, but when you lack one while everyone else has one, you feel like you are missing out.
>be in one of my university classes
>sat near a group of girls all semester, dont pay much attention to them
>one day, while working on a problem, I actually work up the confidence to ask for some help from them, as they seem to know what's going on
>the girl next to me starts talking to me after we figure it out, we keep talking the entire class
>manage not to spill too much spaghetti and she's actually fun to talk to
>as we're getting up to leave, she says "hey user, can I get your number?"
Is... is it really that easy?
That doesn’t look like Ms. Pacman. Is he running around with a mistress?
You got lucky, don't fucking mess this up
look good, have a non-autistic personality.
must be nice to be attractive, scumcunt fuckbag