Made the best game in the world

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>sold minecraft to microsoft and got a lot if money

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Never played minecraft and I always think anyone who does has autism, but it's pretty disgusting that game journalists have started trying to push some revisionist history agenda where Notch "didn't actually do that much work" on the game or whatever now that he's making """redpill""" tweets

We, made the best game in the world.
Half the features in minecraft were brainstormed by Yea Forums, by us, when Notch would come here and ask for advice.
All he did was rip off a template from a free game, add ideas that we gave him, and then make millions off it.

Then he detached himself from us when it became too cumbersome for his career, sold the entire thing to microsoft, and now he just shitposts on twitter all day.
He lost his wide, lost all his friends, and is now a hermit NEET angry at the world.
For anyone here thinking he's based because he shitposts on twitter the same things you do, but without using a smug anime reaction image, remember: he doesn't give a fuck about you, when the time was right, he cast us aside like an used condom.
He's not on your side, he only ever gave a fuck about himself.

Minecraft could have been so much more, the lost potential is really disappointing.

I haven't seen those journalists but that's just wrong. Notch did all the work that made Minecraft what it is. Some people helped a bit, but everything important was done by Notch. Maybe except the music.

>rite man think he better than Nip Genius

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ikr. I heard people saying he "repurposed code" like wtf does that mean? If I haven't written the assembly language myself I don't get to take any credit for my work?

It happened on a giant bomb/beast cast recently and they only ever parrot the general sentiment of game journalism.
Such as hyperbolically referring to notch as a "horrible person" and being glad that his name is being removed in certain places by minecraft's current team

Imagine being such a sperg that you can't keep your fucking incel thoughts to yourself. You think I don't agree with what he said? A lot of people do, it's just that they're smarter than posting it online.

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>keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself because I am smart
dangerous territory

Saying he's a horrible person and being happy with his removal is one thing, that's just their opinions, but saying Notch had nothing to do with Minecraft's success is a straight up lie.

Notch barely did shit.
All the best features implemented came from us.
The original idea was ripped off from Infiniminer.
His code was fucking atrocious.
Most of the optimization and refinement process was done by other people in his team later on, while he was blowing his money on incredibly extravagant shit like a retarded workspace that made no sense and had tons of unnecessary "entertainment" in it.

You try to say that other people are trying to be revisionists when you're doing the exact same thing because you think he's "one of the good guys".

And it makes leftards butthurt as all hell. I love it. Great guy, great game designer and possibly the only game dev left with principles.

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>I'm smart because I follow the norms of society to gain approval from others with no other benefits to myself
>All the best features implemented came from us.
no shit, he's just one man and the game has sold over a hundred million copies and is open source so relatively easy to mod
>The original idea was ripped off from Infiniminer
plz explain why Minecraft is a household name and no one has heard of Infiniminer

Why are fat men such great human beings while fat women are absolutely worthless?

Well I think it's negligent to refer to someone as some kind of monster without explaining why, especially if you purport yourself to be a journalist.
But if they did go out of their way to say "He tweeted some harmful statistics about trans people so I hope he loses all his money somehow and secretly wish he would die" that would make a percentage of their audience raise an eyebrow.
Trying to distance his initial product from him is just another step.

He made the game, who gives a fuck? I don't like Todd Howard but I won't pretend he didn't have a hand in making Morrowind, which I really like.

>the only game dev left with principles
Nigga he sold the entire thing to microsoft.
Isn't that the exact opposite of having any principles at all?

People have been saying that since 2010, zoomer.

Because you're a fat man and your perception is colored by your circumstances.

Which one is it, Yea Forums?

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well he actually left very early, there sure wasn't goint to be any minecraft without notch but most the content there now has nothing to with him, but that's just how things works, most people associate games with a singular person rather than with a team (like miyamoto, kojima and so on), they sure give the game the artistic direction and so on, but but I'll say this case is a bit different notch just set the skeleton for it and then left

People I don't like have never accomplished anything ever, people I like have been responsible for everything great ever made.
Nothing personal, the world just has a me bias.

But the most famous fat man in recent history is /ourguy/ Notch, who created Minecraft and brought joy to millions. The most famous fat woman in recent history is Trigglypuff, who gave us this gif which entertained some of the internet for a short while.

Checkmate, landwhales.

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Everybody already bought Minecraft at that point. The best he could do is sell it.

d-do you like me?

Name one thing a fat woman has accomplished.

The best he could do is actually fucking finish it and turn it into the game he originally pitched, but since he never actually had any principles he just sold out.

That's your opinion.

>He had principles for abandoning his original vision and just selling the game to a soulless corporation for a quick buck
If you actually believe this, do your parents a favor and fucking kill yourself.

Not sure why you're mad, but the base game alone is so good that millions of people worldwide loved it. Not to mention it's a PC game and those usually rely on the community who make mods, etc. Same reason Doom is still alive although not as much recently thanks to leftwing political AIDS.

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That isn't Hideaki Itsuno

Dude's got billions so I don't think he cares what other people think of him. Having said that, dude's got billions so I'm sure he could be using his time better than shitposting on Twitter with the rest of the world's lowly peasants. He should feel above that.

you don't understand how the business world works.

He had two choices
>try to sell the game himself, which is extremely time consuming and full of uncertainty
>just sell it to MS for over $1 billion and move on with your life
He was just smart. It's just a game and if he wanted he could easily create a new game, but why waste time with your Java game and try to bug fix this broken piece of shit of you can just do something else?

The only really bad thing is that other people know that he is rich. He will never find people in life he can trust, because as soon as you are rich, everybody who knows this will try to rob you

Maybe in the video game world. In the real world it's probably more like GRRM and Amy Schumer

Point still stands though, one made one of the most popular shows on TV right now, the other makes shit movies and jokes about her vag.

Notch is a billionaire

yeah, yeah, he sits on a billion dollars and says "fuck you" to one and all

well I suppose that does make him scum after all

"Made the best game in the world"

Stop trying to pass your subjective opinion off as fact, faggot. Another dog shit waste of a fucking thread.

Yea Forums is trash and if i ever make it big ill throw you away like a used whore too
you faggots are pathetic

He didn't do any work. Yea Forums has been saying this for years and saying he ripped everything from Infiniminer.

>All he did was rip off a template from a free game, add ideas that we gave him, and then make millions off it.
Fucking brilliant, he styled on you faggots and made billions, I love it.
T. Bought it in 2009 on the back of one of his threads and got my 9 quids worth

this post is funny because Yea Forums constantly bitched about notch taking vacations and not working on the game and stealing from modders until he became an alt right mouthpiece

>Class multiplayer game with block-based building and destruction mechanics
>block-based survival game with a sandbox
I get that Minecraft shtick was inspired by Infiniminer's building and mining mechanics, but how original is building shit with blocks really? You may as well say Infiniminer just stole their idea from legos or megablocks

Imagine becoming a billionaire by copying Infiniminer and adding some features from Dwarf Fortress.

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You're not wrong, but you're greatly exaggerating as well - on virtually all these points.