Why do his arrows curve?

Why do his arrows curve?

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Because everything has ridiculous tracking in this game to pidgeonhole you into the parry mechanic.

The same reason enemies can spin 180 degrees mid jump attack
Because fuck you

Yeah but what's the lore reason

Its windy

He's secretly Shou

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He learned the heretical art of trickshotting to filter journos

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It's a From game, all the arrows curve

shit anime game

That's enemy tracking which is very noticeably forced. The arrow curves seem intentional like they're an ability of his.

He is a turk adopted by Ashina clan


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It makes them better

Or how enemies can do a jumping attack 20 feet over your head but you can't run under them to get behind them?

All arrows curve slightly in From games. I might be talking shit but I'm guessing it's because they need to be slow enough to give you a chance at dodging, if they travelled totally straight they'd be too easy to dodge though

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They have to make this game hard somehow. They failed though

Not true


>attacks track me because Miya is trying to fuck me over

Patrician 1000 IQ:

>attacks track me because the game is actually making it EASIER to make the attacks predictable and i can parry or dodge them more consistently once i learn the pattern

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Well the nice they do is not make the projectiles in the games come out instantly, so instead of having to dodge when the shot is taken you can usually dodge the projectile while its flying at you. So tracking I guess is a nice compensation for the slower moving projectiles so that they can't be completely ignored by the player

I think the only move that isn't the case is the super charged shot Genichiro does

>op doesn't know arrows curve in real life

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>attacks have tracking
>I can dodge them more consistently
Contradictory statements

The tracking in the game isn't 100% impossible tracking.
It's only enough to set up the attack in a predictable position that is going to be similiar each time so you can learn how to deal with it.
It's actually removing random factors for your benefit.

That's not true at all. Dark souls 3 is that. Here there are only certain moves that can be dodged, there are some moves that you will never dodge unless you dodge outwards to get outside of range before it hits.