Oney thread

Back when times were simpler, man.

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Oney was never unique. There was nothing that separated him from every other Let's Player. He only got attention for using grotesque thumbnails

These memes were so bad back then

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Chris is good at entertaining but it's squandered on let's plays. Reminds me of Jontron honestly.

>e-celeb faggotry thread

Oney seems like the type of fag to not have an off button. Having a friend like that would be very tiring. Are all Irish people like this?

I'm glad julian's gone, his comments about matt were sexual harassment at best.

Ding dong was cool though.

I think he's neat. Plus he's a gamedev!

Yes. This isn't even sarcasm, all irish are basically oney, some are more soft spoken than others but they all have a case of never shutting their fat drunken mouths.

I thought him hanging out with NakeyJakey was pretty okay even though he's not my cup of tea. Why do Gen Z kids like people like Jake and Gus Johnson? I have no idea what kind of content they make other than people talking about them on social media all the time.

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I was upset t find out he never said this in the game and it came from a streamer. You gay young faggots will parrot anybody these days.

They want to live vicariously through others who have a little more confidence than they do, but aren't exactly the most attractive (more so Gus there) It's just normie shit.

>There is nothing separating him from every other Let's Players
>Except for what separates him from other Let's Players

It's not their fault. Irish people are a mutant offshoot of anglo resulting in them acting like niggers despite their caucasoid features.

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He's actually funny tho
At least when DD and Julian are around

Vidya culture fag
Deal with it

He's also a dev now

Judging by the episode where he brought on 2 of his old friend from Ireland
I'd say yes.
It was like 3 oneys in 1 vid

Hey nannies, it's VIDYA CULTURE
Pls do not prune

I feel bad for Gus and his Sam Hyde looking body His siblings look like a bunch of beautiful Aryan people and then he looks like that. His genes are wasted on him. Also that faggot Eddy Burbank is insanely unfunny and needs to step away from anything relating to a fucking camera.

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Were they even speaking any English in that episode? I legitimately had no idea what the fuck they were saying.

Stop making these threads to intentionally send newfaggots to his channel

Oney is already a well known e-celeb. Why would anybody shill for him? It's not like he caused any controversy like what Dunkey recently did.