Blood, nudity, hype
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The trailer is great, but i want ones for the newer characters already
Calm down Galford
sick of this trend of fighting games having these little zoom ins and cut scenes during combat. Horrible.
>start character intros with the least liked character in the series
>sick of this trend
Nigga it has been happening for over a decade at this point, and these aren't even long.
Man the music in these trailers have been amazing.
that's not mina
Anyone has that pic comparing Nakoruru graphics in KoF XIV vs Samsho 2019?
>no sprites
I think it is distracting and takes away from the combat. Instead of being in the flow you gotta sit there and watch little 2 second clips randomly. i hate it. I guess im just an old faggot who likes games like 3rd strike and cvs2 still.
I hope these tracks make it in, the music from the PAX demo was nice but all pretty standard. The trailer music has been so good.
One half for Haohmaru, the other for Galford. Everyone wins.
>least liked
Maybe by the faggots who are still asspained about her initial KoF incarnation. I mean holy shit it's been almost 3 years since. As far as SNK goes she's mascot-tier for them, even moreso than Haohmaru who is one of the main protagonists of her series.
>The ESRB rating flashing for a single frame on 0:24
How the fuck does that even slide by in the fucking promotional trailer uploaded by the fucking OFFICIAL channel???
God I hate the 3d graphics.
Is there no Samsho 3 move where you dodge attacks with A + B and if you're close to the opponent you can sneak behind your back?
Is this a Samsho2 wankfest like Megaman 9 was with Megaman 2?
How does the gore work in this game again? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Shodown
>Is there no Samsho 3 move where you dodge attacks with A + B
There is
>least liked
Your age is showing
That doesn't excuse it.
Street Fighter 4 was cancer and ruined the genre.
KO with a heavy slash
>old faggot
>liking turd strike
No, you're a millennial.
Old faggots like Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition.
can I just play as a burb
Haohmaru would refuse
It's been average at best.
Thanks lad
As always, ending with some hits trigger special death animations. Mind you, these are tame when compared to, say, the other SamSho 3D fighting game that flopped or SamSho V.
Thanks user, she looks alot better in this game.
Guess he's going for wizardhood.
two of those games are already out, can't you fuckers get proper screenshots?
>guro on little girls
Based japan and their balls of steel
Alrighty, this is what I wanted to hear. Nakoruru is my jam.
she cute and funny
The game will die unless they announce Cham Cham. Only the power of lolicons can sustain it.
Rimururu when
You're an idiot
Hibiki is going to be in this, right?
Imagine licking her cute and funny place after she was cut in half, wouldn't that be funny haha
regular or 80 years old spirit loli Nakoruru?
Isn't she a couple of hundred years after samsho?
i like super turbo also, but ive always preferred 3rd strike and cvs2. They are all good.
Last Blade is 90 years after SSII I think. That means Genbu is active because he is 120 years old
Why? see these little zooms makes me not want to play this game. ruins the flow of the fight.
You're trying to act like an OG who hates these newfangled camera angles so much, when everyone was over them ages ago. Also is a silly complaint for SamSho where most stuff takes an age anyway, if you land all 5 hits of Yoshitora's hard slash it takes a life time.
I want to fuck this nigger
IDK how common these camera things are now. I havent really played much fighting games since Tekken 6. When i play fighters now, its old stuff usually.I guess thats why they stick out to me so much when i see them.
>balls of steel
They sell resident evil 2 censored out there. Even if you buy the uncensored version for more money its still censored
I may just be sick but I cannot see any nudity in that trailer
New waifu bait looks cute and sounds cute
Can't decide if waifu fags will hate her counter base style, or love that they can bully button mashers full screen
>No sneak around move
Into the trash this goes
Why do they insist on making games with less features than a 24 year old game?
Also does Nakoruru have her Kamui Risse Move?
How will Mamahaha even work, will it be cool like in SS3 where you could combo shit with it or will it be a lame fire attack like in SS1 and SS2.
This Issen attack seems to be casual as fuck, I don't like the sound of it.
>with less features
But it doesn't, you complain about Issen being in when it has been a feature since 4. Plus they should just keep piling on new mechanics on old would be a terrible way to design fighters. Causes bloat, picking and choosing while mixing in some new is always the way to go.
>SS3 where you could combo shit with it or will it be a lame fire attack like in SS1 and SS2.
Cause what everyone wants is SamSho is combos. You know that 2 and VSP are generally considered the height of the series right? Not 3, which isn't regarded highly outside the stages looking great.
Only if Gedo is in too to eat her and burp her shorts
I found it cute that yuyu said shes gonna play her cause she looks just like her
Post it faggot.
I just hope she doesn't cry again.
and Yuyu is?
Trailer music doesn't really fit the pace of SamSho matches though.
>said shes gonna play her cause she looks just like her
They rook arike?
It's most likely a youtube thing, both the last MK11 and Detective Pikachu trailers on the IGN channel have had the same issue in that the first frame of the video get repeated in flashes throughout it, only difference being that it happened A LOT in both of these.
Also those games play very differently to each other, ask for Last Blade 3 instead
It has had rock tracks before, so it wouldn't be too weird.
Nudity's probably referring to based Tam Tam
Yeah, Galford has a history of more upbeat themes too, I guess the trailer music could work.
i will take a guess and say its the ESRB flashing.
No PC no buy
I still don't know how I feel about the graphics they look a little meh to me. But I'm definitely still getting this day one
I think they kept Tuna for Galford's theme
I mean having the trailer songs in the game, not using it as Galford's theme.
Is that a giant chicken's foot?
Man, the engrish in these is superb.
>this fiend will have your butt
>the rures of the ninja are fulfilled
Think it is a dragon
this deserves better audio quality
Never played a samsho game before but I think it looks really cool I wanna try it. Will it have a decent scene or die off like so many other games do?
It'll be a small scene, but the EVO numbers are promising
>nothing anything new on the gore side is shown
>bloody things happen off screen
>the cutting people in half still looks goofy doofy cartooniesh instead of doing MKX-11 medical accurate gore.
Samsho never did MK type gore and probably never will for several reasons. There's people who find that stuff amusing, but personally I just find it tasteless.
Good. Moron Kombat is trash.
anyone know why did they make nakoruru's voice in ss2 so sickeningly sweet back in the day?
what were they thinking?
This is SamSho, not MK.
>no PC
why the fuck would you like MK gore in SS
was reading some wikis and found that Nakoruru has an evil half who lusts for Charlotte, wtf?
>no female nudity then
>following Sony's new dogmatic SJW shite
Guilty Gear is the only 2d->3d transition fightan series that doesn't look like ugly trash in my opinion.
I really do not like these Street Fighter style visuals at all. Its ugly as fuck.
PC and Switch are getting a release this winter.
why not? its about raising the bar
>who lusts for Charlotte
I don't remember that part. Also I hope she comes back.
>its about raising the bar
Pretty sure it's supposed to be about emulating old samurai flicks with quick beheadings and cheesy fountains of blood and so on, not long x-ray shots of internal organs like what MK is doing
Have you considered that including MK kind of gore would actually be lowering the bar?
tehy really keep cashing in on that hideous american inspired style on character's faces and modeling that makes people look like monkeys, it looked bad in SF4, its even worse in SFV with the outsourcing, and its bad here.
How much of a snowflake can you be?
Lowering the bar you mean.
MK is the most bottom of the barrel game around.
Who else needs to come back?
Go back to MK already
Even in MK the long fatalities are shit. Spine Rip and Kung Lao's hat slice will always be the best because they are quick and brutal
Nah, you can fuck right off. I'm not scared or anything by it. Shit's just not my thing. If I wanted realism I wouldn't be playing vidya. SamSho just never did things the way MK did.
Xrd only looks good in still shots imo, don't like how it looks in motion at all (though ArcSys were generally never good at animation, the Persona 4 fighter probably was their most fluid-looking game by a big margin)
I've accepted that it makes no financial sense to go back to sprites now but I don't think 2.5D will ever look as good as good 2D, all they can do is keep trying to "compromise"
Wrong game user. SS doesn't need this garbage.
While it looks pretty damn cool the demanding that everything look like it are idiots. It'd be boring as hell if everything emulated it. Each game needs to find what works or is intended for it.
*the people demanding
But not cute and funny.
>why not? its about raising the bar
No that would just be homogenizing and not doing your own thing, which is the opposite of raising the bar
Hows the cunny game in samsho? Is there more besides her?
seems audacious to ask for another samurai game
3 so far AFAIK, Nakoruru, Charlotte, and that new glasses girl.
Pretty sure SNK said that they were happy with how TLB ended and don't want to make anymore anyway, guest characters probably will be the only way you'll see it again
would make more sense to ask for a new Neo Geo Battle Coliseum or something I reckon
Nakoruru isn't even a loli, she's borderline at best. Cham Cham meanwhile is 10/10 and her outfit is too dangerous to model in the new engine so she's left out in favor of her big brother.
There's her younger sister, although she'd probably end up as DLC.
>You know that 2 and VSP are generally considered the height of the series right?
Yes by fucking morons. Especially that playmore trash 5 special.
3 is the best for any non-retarded casuals.
4, 5 and 6 suck.
1 and 2 are outdated ancient laggy shit.
Hold the fucking phone, ChamCham is also borderline!
Cham Cham always oscillate a lot. Fan art of her gets younger with time, official art you get both and her sprite is hard to tell
>Nakoruru isn't even a loli
Pretty much. Those who do are on ironic weeb territory. Fug, I've even seen people call Athena a loli.
All three of those are adults and two of them could ara ara if they wanted to.
I thought 2&4 were generally considered to be the best by the widest audience
Vsp is kind of like SF Alpha 3, people love it's roster so they look past how much of a buggy flawed mess it is
Umm SS5 sucks in every way.
Now SS1's Earthquake theme or SS3's Galford themes(the original arcade versions not the arranged crappy ones) are better examples.
Thats it? I need at least 5 cute and funny characters in a game to wanna play it.
Any new footage of nagamaki samurai batman?
too bad her game is set in the future
I mean, she's smaller than Nakoruru at the very least. She's also clearly depicted as a loli in more recent art, like in those mobages.
Was not expecting this of her, but I'm fine with it.
It depends who you ask. 4 has some weirdness like the combo stuff. SamSho2 is probably the most popular in Japan and with a lot of the older western FGC. 5S also still sees a lot of action and is generally favoured by current western players. If you went on fightcade it is 5S they would be playing.
It's the fucking hands and feet. They are so large and exaggerated that it is comical.
>instead of doing MKX-11 medical accurate gore
MK's finishers and gore these days is more annoying to watch than cool, it amazes me people still lap up the excessiveness. MK9 did it best, now it's like I'm watching people playing with bloody mincemeat which is just cringe.
Best one isn't in so go ask for her user.
I keep forgetting how shitty KoF14 and SNK Heroines looked.
It's 2 and 5sp by faggot fightcade zoomers.
Boomers only liked 1 and 2 and stopped playing after that.
True fans know that 3 despite some of its problem was the peak of the series and were disappointed by how shitty 4 turned out and know that 5 and 6 are even worse garbage(5 was so bad it invented the x-ray bullshit Mortal Kombat used in MKx).
3 removed that bullshit input lag 1 and 2 had.
I don't understand how anyone can think 2 plays better.
>I thought 2&4 were generally considered to be the best by the widest audience
SS4 has the best atmosphere and presentation in the classic series but is a bit on the sluggish side.
Why does no one play samsho 3 and 4?
>medical accurate gore
is this a new meme?
Visuals look worse than SFIV.
I fucking hate that SNK abandoned 2D for this trash.
How doesn't SNK realize that their main competitive advantage over their competitors was their amazing sprite work? Metal Slug X still to this day is so impressive.
A single character's pixel spritework in the last 2D KOF game was millions of dollars wasn't it? And off of rotoscoping 3D models questionably at that.
People still asking for sprites don't actually care about the game. Otherwise SNK wouldn't have gone bankrupt again.
It just isn't viable financially to do a full 2D pixel art game that's up to today's standards. I also doubt enough professional pixel artists even exist to work on such a game.
that's your sex life you're referring to
>It's 2 and 5sp by faggot fightcade zoomers.
>Boomers only liked 1 and 2 and stopped playing after that.
>True fans know that 3 despite some of its problem was the peak of the series and were disappointed by how shitty 4 turned out and know that 5 and 6 are even worse garbage(5 was so bad it invented the x-ray bullshit Mortal Kombat used in MKx).
are you me man? i LOVE samurai shodown 3!, and hated how they butchered the animations on 4, also something about the tone of 4 felt off.
>post garbage spritework
I'd rather them re-use old sprites ala Morrigan than continue with this blender-tier shit.
they obviously cant do 3d
looks like shit
they don't care about the product and everyone in that corporation is incompetent or they wouldnt have come out with stuff like this
You have my attention. What is this about?
Sorry, but you do not understand what "raising the bar" means, unlike myself, James Cameron.
>millions per character
I doubt that it costed them $20 million in just sprite work
That's a very disingenuous thing to say. If anything, not appreciating what they did and wanting more of it is a sign that YOU don't care about their games.
Was KoFXII not profitable?
>PARTIAL nudity
don't bothet
Keep coping, despite missing them too, sprites aren't comong back. They're still improving and while they still have a ways to go to catch up when compared to bogger companies, they're currently in a better place than before in regards to 3D.
They tried fo a bit and it resulted in sprited what while the game looked good over all nearly killed them and that's despite a bunch of the designs either being roided up or sticcs, with some headswaps, and a bunch of missing moves and animations. To top it all off XIII's sprites weren't even fully HD with some idiots calling XII a snes game despite people beating their dicks about the sprites now. It'd be a fucking nightmare for them to keep up with nearly everyone pushing for 4K with the same level of quality and animation they had before. Reusing the neogeo sprites is probably a no go either as they'd probably be called lazy for doing so, some even did during the atomiswave days. Personally I wouldn't pay more than $20, their home releases of the UMs, XI, and NGBC were sold for that by SNK even then. I loved their old spritework, but it's time to accept that it likely won't come back.
the same can be said of your parents when they came out with you
it's never too late to abort
i want to see her cut in half
Because it does play better you self-outed zoomer. Ridiculous that you'd pretend to not be some newfag and then spout retarded newfag nonsense, but we are on Yea Forums so I'm not actually surprised. 3 had a great roster but was a straight downgrade mechanically. There's a reason 2 is still considered the high-point of the series and no one gives a shit about 3.
because the games still sold like shit.
>Was KoFXII not profitable?
Judging by the mediocre reviews across the board for it, presumably not. XIII faired a bit better, but it certainly wasn't a million copies buster kind of product.
Did that downwards dash off Mamahaha always have a stunlock? Especially this huge? What
>That's a very disingenuous thing to say.
It is true. Compare the amount of bitching for sprites to XIII's sales, doesn't add up. If there was actually that much demand the game would be a multi million seller. Also if they meant so much to you, I'd like to see your hours played.
better than no nudity at all.
i literally had a gamestop employee try to keep me from buying kofxii because it was so barebones
when i brought kofxiii to my college campus people passing by thought it was a super nintendo game i was emulating on my ps3
>Compare the amount of bitching for sprites to XIII's sales, doesn't add up.
What a dumb thing to say. Your bitching about people's preference for good sprite work from an SNK game is what doesn't add up.
>SS4 has the best atmosphere and presentation in the classic series
God no.
1, 2 and especially 3 all have better sprites, better art direction, better colors, better everything.
4 looked almost as bad as the Playmore games.
get some fucking taste
did somebody say "bully at full screen"? Picked the fuck up, carried to the corner, and hard knockdowned.
I love bullying people from fullscreen.
>little japanese girl kills you and says gomenasai
I hate it.
he's not wrong
for the amount effort AND spending that went into it, the roi was very minimal to about negligible levels that they'd just be better off occasionally porting the game as is to newer systems without adding anything to it except a few extra modes
they sure as hell ain't gonna add new characters
i do, that's why i called you a failed abortion project
>people complain about texture quality
>nobody talks about how clean and good animations look
Shower day soon, stinkies
ah you're a raging 30yearold neet virgin
I get it
>medical accurate gore
this shit sucks though. MK was at it's best in trilogy when you could watch as multiple ribcages would fly out of people during a fatality.
Fuck off with this sprite bullshit already.
Sprites are fucking outdated.
Not to mention they look like crap to actual animation like Cuphead.
I hate that whenever somebody mentions 2D you automatically assume that pixel shit is the only way to do 2D.
Traditional animation is easier, cheaper and looks million times better in the end.
Also I fucking hated KoF XIII's look.
It was dumb animating sprites on top of 3D models and it was dumb to have 3D backgrounds. It looked like MUGEN trash, it looked like some faggot fan trying to imitate SNK's 90s art.
>hate how hard SNK always pushes Nakoruru
>get to cut her in half
no, i'm a raging 35+ had sexer army vet who works at a flooring store
true. Their animation has always been shitty. It's like there are missing frames or they are skipping too many and it make transitions seem forced and weird.
It's hilarious to think that SF3 it's like 25 years old and still has better animations than most modern 2D fighting games.
But she doesn't want to do it user.
should have finished school maybe and acquired some taste
>b-but nintendo
Rent free
SS1 sprite work is serviceable but incredibly rough.
SS2 is a step up from SS1 but not a leap forward.
SS3 ainimation is the best but the shading/colours are crap.
SS4 Has the best colour palette and atmosphere, shame they reduced the animations that were in SS3.
SS5 is when things started to have corners cut in the artstyle but this was around the time SNK was going bankrupt.
This is fact, suck it up user.
>character intros
Fuck yes, are they going to be releasing these now? I want to finally see some fucking Tam Tam action
i finished school a long time ago
so now i have taste
>Traditional animation is easier, cheaper and looks million times better in the end.
Wasn't Cuphead a huge undertaking? Isn't traditional animation in general which is why the west and Japan is pushing for more 3D stuff?
What's the general consensus on SS6? I know it got some flack with its arcade release because it completely changed the voicecast but the home versions fixed that.
SS4 was downgraded heavily visually in order to have a bigger roster.
Fair enough since they were limited by the cart size, but what I really never liked was how dumbed down the gameplay felt.
5 has no excuse whatsoever since they used much bigger carts and it still looks like doodoo crap.
>the roi was very minimal to about negligible levels
Do we know this? I'm trying to search for sales numbers, and I see that for KoFXIII on the PS3 it had .30m, Xbox 360 had about .33 million. Steamspy estimates more than 500,000 people own it -- but who the fuck knows if that's accurate. Then there's arcades and everything else. The number don't add up to prove that it is financially bad.
Either way, it is dumb to say people that expect good sprite work from SNK games don't actually care about SNK games. I'm actually excited about the new SamSho, but it doesn't surprise me at all to see this reaction.
0/10 try harder
suffering from autism and mental retardation doesn't mean you have taste
yup, this game is a huge leap in terms of visual for SNK, good shit they step up their game, it was pretty much the weakest aspect of KOFXIV
it's so boring
I'm just glad SNK is back and are making games. I don't understand how these people find so many shits to nitpick over. The same people complaining about 3d graphics are the same ones calling 3S turd strike. It'd be great if it had pixel graphics but for me as long as I can recognize the characters and make out what's fucking going on in the screen it's good enough for me.
based and ryonapilled
It isn't the worst thing ever. But the gameplay didn't improve anything and hits seem weaker. It is an oddity that at points didn't even feel like SamSho
They didn't have to cut it so each hit matched the beat. But I'm glad they did.
>Because it does play better
No it doesn't.
It's barely better than 1.
3 is lightyears ahead of this shit.
3 didn't have a great roster, it only had 12 characters and that was one of the complaints towards it. Zoomer spotted.
you've never played a second of any of these games you namedrop
a bullet in the head is good enough for you
What the hell are you talking about Nakoruru is insanely popular.
Yes traditional animation is intensive at every level and anyone who thinks it's easy has never animated anything in their life.
just because it sold a third of a million per console doesn't mean anything if what was spent to make it outclasses how much it it made in sales
you need to think about business and the bottom line and why investors get angry when they actually lose money on a project
as for getting angry at sprite work, people can be angry all they want, but if it gets to a point that they outright refuse the logic that is clear of why snk went the route they did and play the blame games, they who whine are not offlimits to criticism of their especially vocal opinions either
that is what a forum is about, not a monologue where someone can bitch and have everyone listen to him on his gay megaphone
oh well i guess you do not have taste then
get some taste
and have sex
t. twitch kappafag
>those kicks matching the beat at :17
SS1's sprite work was not "rough". It was very good albeit more goofy. It lacked animation though.
>SS4 Has the best colour palette and atmosphere
God no. SS4's color palette was almost as bad as 5's.
1, 2 and 3 all have better color palettes.
You're gonna tell me there's anything in 4 that looks remotely as good as this?
Okay, why?
we all know it retard
you're blowing hot air every sentence you type
>you need to think about business and the bottom line and why investors get angry when they actually lose money on a project
Actually I don't really have to think about that unless I'm associated with the company, like you I guess. That said, they surely went into making KoFXIII with an expected sales goal like every fucking company. They would have had their target in a something they could realistically forecast based off their past and the current market. I don't think KoFXIII was supposed to have a 10 million unit world wide sales goal, and I imagine they considered it a success.
The reason they went 3D is because they saw that they could be lazy.
Yeah kinda out of character for Nakoruru.
Her catchphrase is "This is Nature's Punishment" after all.
Man i remember how surprised i was to see Nakoruru referenced in this show. at the time i hadn't thought about Nakoruru since playing CvS2 on the gamecube.
The animation doesn't look very good either, my dude.
They imitate the old attack animations, but outside of that the rigging is pretty primitive and all of the characters looks like dolls in motion.
what animoo is this
Same girl dressed up as King too but no one really seems to talk about that as much.
>little japanese girl kills you and says gomenasai
>I hate it.
She has an alter ego where she's vengeful, cold and more than a little crazy. Unfortunately I don't see Rera getting in this game, but hey it existed.
going by what you said, you don't really understand much at all, with that comment about lazy
i don't listen to anyone on this board about lazy
shitty high school drama type show but with nice animation
>sprites aren't comong back
Okay, then I'll gladly continue not playing SNK games.
personally i didn't know King because i only played Nakoruru and Kyo from the SNK side of the roster.
You weren't going to play them anyway, go away.
>got beat out about sales numbers
>decides he wont listen anymore
I guess this is check mate.
This is such a retarded point of view.
>"If you really cared about [series] you wouldn't be upset that the creators gutted one of the strongest points of the franchise to save money!"
You never played any of them.
hyouka is so boring, but i like oreki as a character
also empress is best girl
feel what you want, lazy shit
Nobody uses sprites anymore. Capcom don't. SNK don't. Arcsys doesn't.
I would if they would release another game with 2D animation.
Do you have battered housewife syndrome or something? Why are you defending these obviously shit visuals?
HaruChika was better anyways.
>little japanese girl kills you and says gomenasai
God I wish that was me.
>Arcsys doesn't
Does babytag no count?
I think the only reason all these new ArcSys games are using the Xrd artstyle is because of how striking Xrd's graphics are so Bamco & Cygames (I think they do GBF right?) want to jump on that bandwagon
Because they aren't shit and because they aren't important unless you're trying to come off as a shitty secondary falseflagging on Yea Forums
Can I cum cum in her tum tum?
>Arcsys doesn't
Tag Battle had new sprites
Granted they were all pretty bad
It takes less work than pixel art and looks better in the end.
Instead of the artists having to deal with the bullshit limitations of pixel art they can just draw the character's animation frames on a sheet of paper, scan them in high res(8k or something) and scale them as they see fit with minimal to no loss in image quality instead of having to worry about how their character will look.
It still takes work but it's much less of a headache.
Neck yourself hispter neckbeard.
never watched it, but now i want to watch good morning vietnam again
army made me want to watch a lot of war movies i swear
I actually totally agree
It was at its best when it emulates bad Kung Fu dubs and flicks. The cheesy B-movie style was so awesome
>but the home versions fixed that.
Pretty sure they didn't.
It got flack because there was no blood in it.
That's true, and also sad. But those other companies also have competent 3D modelers/animators; SNK does not.
>Because they aren't shit
So it's just a coincidence that it's always the first thing people bring up? You're in denial, dude.
MKX's fatalities were so fucking boring to watch
MK9 had the right balance of quick pacing and gore
How the fuck are you calling the lazy now? They've been reusing old sprites for KOF up until XII. You've been fine with that but now when they actually wanna make new character models and all that they're lazy? Would you rather have them go back to neogeo sprites 20 years ago?
According to jap polls back in the day Nakoruru was the most popular SNK character (yeah, ahead of Mai)
>So it's just a coincidence that it's always the first thing people bring up
They're the first thing "people" bring up because they aren't knowledgeable to talk about the game and are just drive-by shitposting. Fuck off with that shit.
You really fucking saying bbtag looks better than ggxrd?
>Jap polls
I mean by this logic Kira Yamato is the most popular male character ever
>The same people complaining about 3d graphics are the same ones calling 3S turd strike.
Underage fag detected.
SF3 was a bomb when it launched and not even Turd Strike bringing back the old cast managed to salvage it.
It wasn't until the mid 2000s after multiple ports to multiple systems that Capcom was able to profit off of it, it was that bad.
You need better reading comprehension skills. You said Arc don't do sprites any more, I was replying to that. I never said babytag looks better than Xrd
Then why would everyone agree that it looks like shit, you retard?
It is visually unappealing. Anyone that isn't in denial can see that.
nigga on every poll Nakoruru is the second most popular SNK character with Terri Bogard being the first.
what other metric is supposed to be used instead though
Fuck it, just give me Capcom vs. SNK 3
but babytag uses sprites, and sprites are superior to 3d inherently! so by nature, babytag looks better than ggxrd because xrd uses 3d instead
even though there are some inbred people who think ggxrd is sprites, but they are wrong and retarded
lol snk already turned that idea down in an interview
The jap polls are the only ones that matter.
Nakoruru was so popular that her voice actress Harumi Ikoma had a dedicated Radio show in Japan about Samsho.
You know, you'd have a much easier time if you just said "graphics don't matter!" instead of trying to pretend that the new SNK games don't look like complete shit.
The former is a defensible point of view, but your current approach is just dishonest.
>trusting modern Capcom with fighting games
>everyone agrees
>on an anonymous image board
Why do low IQs think any game that doesnt look either realistic like mk or like twink anime shit looks like street fighter? It's a moving paint aesthetic like okami, looks nothing like sf
rather have a snk vs capcom 2 since some old capcom fighting game devs are at snk now
Yoshimitsu or riot
I just want my Hibiki and Hibiki tag team again, I don't even remember who I used for my third
Cool argument dumbfuck.
people who want a new fighting game by capcom like running into walls with painted tunnels and they continue to wonder why they can't go into the tunnel while they continue to run into it
Oh I'm sorry for being dishonest about not wanting to seriously engage when your entire point of view consists of "it's shit" (read: I don't like it). You aren't giving criticisms you're just screeching autistically in every thread about how "nobody" likes the game. Maybe you'll find better audience in hugboxes such as resetera where they think deflecting with accusations of dishonesty is a legitimate tactic in an online discussion.
I want my old man who makes those heathen tricks with paper.
>Harumi Ikoma
It is weird that she came back as King in XIV but not Nakoruru
>but babytag uses sprites, and sprites are superior to 3d inherently! so by nature, babytag looks better than ggxrd because xrd uses 3d instead
Personally the only problem I have with new samsho visuals is how the attack effects are so fucking flashy and bright
To be fair SamSho 2019 is giving me strong SSF4 opening vibes with the watercolor stuff
KoF XIV's voice cast is a total mess
I'm still mad they changed Terry's VA
A feudal Japan game has more right to sumi-e aesthetics than SF who used them just because they looked unusual.
All of their games suck now.
Street Fighter 5...lmao what a failure that is. Crapcom only makes that shit now for Le E-Sports playerzzzzzzzz.
Fuck these soulless developers. When an indie studio like Studio MDHR can make a game like Cuphead look as good as it does, it's a joke that Capcom doesn't make a good looking Street Fighter that way(which would require less animations anyways due to the nature of the genre)
i said,
Are you brain damaged?
I am talking explicitly and solely about the visuals of the game. The visuals do not look good. The models and animations are stiff, the lighting is rudimentary, the textures looked slapped on, the paint and paper effects are overdone and garish and are clearly only there to mask the afforementioned.
>Because they aren't shit and because they aren't important
Newfag spotted.
This is not what an oldschool SNK fan would ever say.
This game looks a shit-ton like SFIV, you're out of your fucking mind.
The hit sparks, the proportions, the black ink effects, the textures, even the fucking color scheme is a dead ringer.
Oldschool fans of SNK had to live through Playmore ages. You think I'm not used to SNK having no money?
I'm still salty about that. Still salty that she got replaced in the series.
She was so good as Nakoruru.
This goes for every other character as well.
Rera is based.
Ok call me a retard or whatever you want me to call but what was so bad about Third Strike? It's my favorite fighting game. I like super turbo too before you say I don't play any fighting games or something like that. I admit I didn't play fighting games when it was out in the arcades but I genuinely want to know what's so bad about 3S because I like every street fighter series (except sfv and ex since I haven't played those yet)
I like her costume so much. I hope if there's 2nd wave of DLC or something they'll consider Rera.
if visuals are all you care for, just go stick with anime instead because that's the only medium you play with, and by play with i mean play with yourself
bbtag is likely to have been designed as a stopgap way to occupy the blazblue fandom while they prepare a base cast for a xrd-o-vision blazblue.
isnt that because terry's va was retired
That doesn't prove him wrong. It was ugly in Street Fighter 4 and 5 and its ugly here as well.
And we're still living through Playmore ages.
Just because the company dropped the Playmore moniker doesn't mean they're a high quality company again like they used to be.
They originally said they wanted Xrd to be its own thing, and not Xrdify BlazBlue. We'll see though
I hope Kokonoe stays 2D though if you know what I mean
>if visuals are all you care for
God, you're stupid.
Finding one aspect of a game important doesn't mean it's the only thing you care about. If a game had shit music, or shit voice acting, or cliched characters, or a dumb plot, or a bad UI, or shitty gameplay mechanics, or ANYTHING BAD it would warrant complaining about. This game has shitty visuals, so I am complaining about the visuals.
Oh shit I haven't seen this girl yet.
>dark hair
>big tits
Only cringe here is frogposting after 2012.
>I would if they would release another game with 2D animation.
excuse me but you're basing your purchase solely on the visuals so no, i'm not stupid for pointing out your logic
go watch anime you dumb sticcboi sakugaboorufag weeb
>tfw no basara
i'd only care for him for his naked waifu
Again, finding one aspect of a game important doesn't mean it's the only thing you care about.
Visuals are an important part of video games, especially fighting games, and super especially SNK fighting games.
If that part of the game is fucked up, I will not buy that game. Anyone with half a brain would realize that doesn't mean that is the only thing that matters, but then no one ever accused you of having half a brain.
Waifufags love counter-based characters though. Just look at Asuka in Tekken.
Pro Tekken player. Pic related.
Sieger, Yunfei, Akamusa, Basara, ChamCham, Nicotine, Zankuro, J.
>what was so bad about Third Strike?
The parry system was broken, the game was severely unbalanced, it's very slow etc.
These are issues that people generally agree with.
IMO it had an awful art direction. I'm not talking about the animation here, I'm talking about the character designs. They got way too over-the-top, even more than they were on Alpha.
>Super Turbo
Please don't assume that just because I rag on Turd Strike that I fellate Super Turbo because I don't.
If anything some of the issues the franchise has in general started with Super Turbo. The art direction in this ST is super inconsistent(as well as what were they thinking with changing the voices, especially Guile's) and the fact that they just uncapped the CPU to just make the game run as fast as it could was a dumb decision imo. This is why Nishitani left Capcom to begin with.
Street Fighter peaked with SF2 Champion Edition back in the CPS1 days.
>Again, finding one aspect of a game important doesn't mean it's the only thing you care about.
bullshit, you said it yourself, don't try to pretend it meant something else either because the meaning was clear
you don't really give a shit about the gameplay you lying bullshitting weeb faggot
go stick with anime sticcboi
Why did you point that comment towards me when I was saying how prohibitively expensive spritework can be for what was a stodgy end product? Also traditional animation needs talent and vision, and that's not easy to come across either.
Unless it's the whole "ASSUME 2D IS SPRITEWORK" thing, in which case until more recently in indie gaming, it DID mean spritework. And how many of those 2D indie games in modern day aren't just a bunch of artwork bits awkwardly animated with a lot of shortcuts that make the animation look more like puppetry?
>lying bullshitting weeb faggot
>go stick with anime sticcboi
So you're just shitposting and aren't worth talking to? Got it.
Have you confused the term "spritework" for "pixel art", user?
All games with 2D, frame-by-frame animation use sprites. Some are fully HD, some are not.
Not that much, her hypocrisy on that topic is called out by the game itself through the existence of Rera.
I'm so glad Guildmarm is in this game.
Who will you main in Samurai Shodown?
Your mom
I've never played any of them. Does it play like any other fighting games I could compare it to? Watching gameplay is one thing but how it feels to play is another.
>Using that shit-tier downgraded ss4 sprite
your mom you charting loser, drink water and exercise instead of writing a bunch of poetry garbage you art beret wearing tosser
Was it rape?
This game is ruined already.
People with glasses have no business fighting.
Dude, the people who developed the sadind even went on to say they never once referenced SFIV. The brush strokes thing was being used in SamSho art long before it became a thing in SF.
This got me all wrong. I've been playing Charlotte since SS2 and I want to dominate her, not the other way around. I will admit her old hairstyle was better, though.
>Also traditional animation needs talent and vision, and that's not easy to come across either.
There is plenty of good animators in Japan who would cream their pants if you allowed them to animated at 12fps let alone at 24fps considering they're used to working at 6fps or even 4fps in shitty anime studios.
It's 2019, pixel art is outdated crap that only indie trash uses anymore. Modern displays can't even display the shit correctly so all of them look like shit because we don't have CRT's anymore.
i guess that goes for sfv (nash), guilty gear (that fag guy), blazblue (litchi), kofxiv (hein), melty blood (that chair guy), unist (that other gay guy), ...
that leaves us with mortal kombat 11 and dragon ball fighterz
>Jubei and Genjuro
Fuck you got me
Goddamn this chart is retarded basically boils down to boy good, girl bad.
It's not a hypocrisy, she simply only sees her viewpoint.
Rera is her alter ego.
>Nakoruru was trash in the only relevant SamSho games
Nakoruru was phenomenal in Samsho3(AKA the best one) so you're wrong.
One of the fighters that has a slot in DBFZ wears contacts canonically or something like that. There's the android who has glasses just because.
who Kyoooooshiroooooooo here
guess we'll have to play only mortal kombat 11
i get dibs on s.jade.w.!
I can take on any of these but fuck Shizumaru, fucking broken bishie prick.
>saw the samsho game with the most striking visuals
>'hurr it's the best one!!!'
Are we going to ignore the shoddy hitboxes, the game's awful balance and how the movement options are a step down from SS2 (save from adding roll on wakeup)?
What are the odds the Switch version will run at 60fps?
I have a massive Neo Geo collection on my Switch and it'd be weird to have one of the Samurai Shodown games on anything else
Those are all unrealistic.
I always saw Samsho as a bit more realistic than most fighting games at least.
Tokugawa era Samurais with glasses just feel so off-putting to me.
>Nakoruru becomes the guardian of nature in the late 1700s or whatever
>Right before the industrial revolution, world wars, and all the pollution and destruction of nature that entails
Man, Ruru's bad at this.
It won't sell if it isn't 60, that's way too important for a fighting game.
I'd say there's a good chance, it's not like it's the most graphically intensive game out there. DBFZ made the jump with minimal issue.
I'm really interested to see MK11 on Switch though, they're claiming it's not downgraded and is at 60. I'll believe it when I see it.
>game looks cool
>it's a fighting game
Not again.
>bit more realistic
>haohmaru literally shoots out a tornado like he's samurai joe higashi
>there's notblanka with choi claws and is totally not related to mai shiranui
>galford is the american idea of a ninja complete with ninja lightning and teleporting magic
you're totally not copping out
Who's even going to play it on Switch?
P2P on Switch is infamously awful due to all the kiddos playing on wi-fi and the PC version comes at the same time so provided the game doesn't just die out before that everyone will switch to PC rather than Switch.
Either Yoshi, Hanzo, Shiki or the chinese girl.
Why are these kinds of images always so vitriolic and bitter sounding? None of these are funny in the slightest and you sound like a completely jaded faggot.
SamSho is wuxia as fuck, did you only play the terrible 360 shit? Japan loves this corny shit where a dude looks innocent and then can explode your skeleton with a single finger flick.
It only ever worked with the MK64 roster picture
We get it, you bought 2 when it was on XBLA and you want to look like an oldfag
What else could it have been then user?
are you guys playing samsho yet?
It's also really off base because the only two things the writer knew about the game are that Nako has been really unstable tier-wise and that Jubei has a projectile and the rest is just LMAO WAIFUFAGS
The balancing is crap in all of them even in 2.
The hitboxes are janky because they rushed it.
I don't understand how anyone can prefer 2's movement to 3's. 3 has the best movement with that sneak/dodge move, the air-blocking, the way the dash works(you can cancel your dash much easier) etc.
Really just the fact that you can cancel out of many of your moves gives 3 a huge dimension in its gameplay that 2 lacks.
And in Nakoruru's case...oh god is she good in this game.
I love the various combinations I can pull with her and Mamahaha like: Sending a tornado to the opponent then catching them in the air with a C slash or stunning them with Mamahaha and then dashing towards the opponent with a B slash and then hitting them with an Annu Mutsube or alternatively hitting them again with Mamahaha to stun them or you can pick them up with Mamahaha or throw a tornado at them but the timing is not easy to pull off.
By comparison I find Galford(Slash) to be kinda meh in SS3 since his dog actions are delayed in comparison to Nako/Mamahaha.
Bust Galford is better.
SNK's largest audience is on Switch. Heroines died on PS4 long before it did on Switch.
He was asking for it and had his warnings
Best version I can buy/emulate?
>the trailer end killing his future husband
Is that why Switch release is delayed until fucking December then
Pretty much all Japanese players.
Some other genre I can play.
Thats because switch has no games
I'm the only one annoyed they replaced Wan-Fu for this Waifu?, it's not fair.
>Playing on switch with usbc to gigaeternet and projectile spam so lag cucks get owned
hey that's pretty complex
If you're born with a pair of hands and a set of eyes you can play some fighting games user
Hes like in 2 games oout of 10 dumbass
Practice, user
It's fun. Trust me, I used to be shit still am, but I can at least school my friends but I would just go into training mode and do the arcade modes until I got good. I'd try to beat the AI in different ways. Looking at the move list and seeing how I could integrate those moves into my routine.
It's real rewarding, user
2 is fairly balanced aside from Ukyo and arguably Gen-an and Charlotte.
Personally speaking I liked being able to duck under opponent's attacks rather than using that early-KOF dodge, and having rolls freely available is always a good thing for a character's mobility and options (especially with roll cancels, which were in 2).
>defending airblocking in samurai shodown of all games
Airblocking had no place in that game and I was glad to see it gone in SS4.
You forgot half a braind
You also need to be fat and smelly
New to the series here, which game is considered best? Which one should I avoid?
So just beign an autism
Wasting countless of hours that you could expend with friends or fsmily or generating money
Kek fatso
Yeah, I'm feeling it
2 and 5 Special seem to be the recommend installments. The rest are approach at your own risk of time because of balancing issues and strange design choices.
It's not worth the amount of time.
>Using waifu to refer to female characters in general
>little girl
Naku isn't even human
WHY IS MAMAHAHA MUTE, all I want is to hear her classic screeching on full 16-bit goodness. Nako isn't complete without it.
In this game she still is since it happens before 2
>SamSho is wuxia as fuck
Dragon Ball is wuxia not Samsho.
Anyways megane characters feel off-putting much like Iroha did.
Yes there's joke or non-samurai characters in Samsho but they were always treated as outsiders(guys like Galford, Charlotte, Cham-Cham etc.).
It fits with the ancient japanese myths the game is based on.
The megane character looks too modern for Samsho if you get what I'm saying.
Glasses were already around by the time the game takes place, primitive compared to today and available for a select few, but still around.
>there's notblanka with choi claws and is totally not related to mai shiranui
Genan is based on ancient japanese monsters.
Galford was always treated as an outsider just like Charlotte. He's the gaijin character.
The point is that the megane character looks too modern.
Anyone wanna play on Fightcade for a bit?
I still cannot imagine a fighter from this era wearing glasses.
Pretty sure you were not even allowed to the army if you had bad eyesight.
This is a cheesy anime trope. Samsho always did well to avoid a lot of these tropes I thought.
Why are all the female character descriptions filled with so much autistic asshurt?
>that webm
Samurai Shodown 5 blows
oh you're that guy who hates her glasses because it's not the right kind from the 1700s
i remember your twitter account
Damn somebody actually spent time writing all these and thinking that they are funny. I feel sorry for them.
Do you think anyone here actually plays the games they bitch about?
Wan-Fu at least fit with the theme unlike this crappy trope character.
prepare for the new SamSho with Justin Wong (who's gonna play the game for a week and drop it):
Also an explanation of all the mechanics shown so far including parry, dodge, recoil block, the multiple ways to disarm an opponent, etc:
what were the issues with part 3 anyways?
nah its the best in the series
>Samurai showdown
>There are chinks in there
The most rounded overall is 2. Visually 4 is the best (3 is maybe better but its unplayable)
People keep saying 5 is good but I think its just a meme (never played it too deeply and visually is a step back)
>Dragon Ball is wuxia not Samsho.
They're both Wuxia-styled you dip
The ocean?
>implying other asians don't find their way to Japan
>2 is fairly balanced aside from Ukyo and arguably Gen-an and Charlotte.
Nicotine and Cham-Cham are broken.
>Personally speaking I liked being able to duck under opponent's attacks
Well the thing is that the strike zone in 3 is narrower. You can still use Annu Mutsube to go underneath Kyoshiro's fire attack for example.
The dash being more usable more than make up for this. I love how you can dash forward and then tilt the stick a bit back to not dash too far and then use A + B to quickly get around the the opponent's back.
Air blocking was the best thing ever it added so much depth to the game. This is one of the reasons why Samurai Shodown 4 sucks.
SS3 made air game viable.
If you airblocking(even though I'm not sure why) there's the very interesting Upper Grade mode where you can't block at all.
>loli hime cut cute girl
>not popular
maybe if you are homosexual
>beta male in there like three times
>not into femdom
insecurity most likely
the dark souls of fighting games
>30* angle eyes
always hated that retarded look
each single character on KOFXIII, a SINGLE character costed between 1.5 to 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS. A fucking SINGLE CHARACTER. Smash that in your fucking skull dickhead. They literally lost money doing it, reason why they pretty much died. We have SNK today thanks to some glorious billionare chink that bought SNK from hell to resurrect it just because this was his childhood company. How fucking based is that? Sheesh.
and then we have this fucking piece of ignorant trash. Not even worth a real reply thanks to this offensive display of idiotness. Ignorance is fucking daring uh? Cringy as fuck.
>that stance
>cool moves
She’s just female Ukiyo
raise this bar
This is NOT ok, incels
women are stronger than men, but violence against women is not acceptable
Tokugawa because he makes Amakucks seethe by his name alone, is a CHAD, and for 7th sword trolling
>Daigo Ikeno is a bad art director
FUCKING KYS millennial trash. Dorks talking about art really grind my gears. Holy shit at this guy, this is nothing but a retarded 21yo vomit on a post. I fucking bet you wear sandals with socks and cargo pants. What a horrid display of bad taste. And opinion forged by a turd life lacking any artistic grow.
>cham cham
t. Can't predict obvious crossup attempts
Also Nicotine on his own is hot garbage. How the fuck you think he's broken is beyond me. Maybe you just suck?
Also Samurai Shodown is the last game that needs an air game. The game was perfectly fine when jumps were just as risky as they were in SF2. If anything SamSho benefits from having riskier movement options, given that the game is based on reading and punishing your opponent's moves. The ability to airblock then strike is about as deep as 3S's parry system and doesn't necessarily make SS3 a better game.
People who whine about SNK games not having sprite art anymore like KoFXIII have never actually fucking played the game or else they'd know why. Literally entire chunks of movesets were cut because it was impossible to animate it all. It isn't just a matter of budget anymore, at least not in the way you people seem to think that every game just has an amount of money assigned to it that comes out of thin air, it's that great sprite animators are these days in very few supply, and that means they can charge whatever they want because they know people have no one else to turn to.
People aren't arguing that the ability to make a game with sprites is impossible, it's just highly unrealistic and exorbitantly expensive when you're trying to make a game on the scale of something that could compete for an EVO spot.
what was the name of her wolf again?
Except it's not explicitly mentioned he's military iirc. She's basically just a government worker tasked with investigating leylines afaik, unless I missed something
>Characters with glasses is an anime trope
>making a tier before the game is even out
>before people even touched any of the new characters
this is pure unfiltered autism and you should consider die
Is samsho a hard game to get into? Never played one before.
>I still cannot imagine a fighter from this era wearing glasses.
>Pretty sure you were not even allowed to the army if you had bad eyesight.
Two strikes, one more and you are out
Looking pretty good.
>SamSho avoided goofy anime tropes
Two characters are a fat man from Texas and a blonde ninja from California. An heir to the shogunate wanders the country wielding seven swords instead of being pampered in a palace. Haohmaru is literally just Toshiro Mifune with big anime hair. If there's any kind of ninja in the series they can probably do a 30 foot izuna drop.
think street fighter but no combos and heavy buttons are slower and do retard damage
That's unfair though because Andrew is the ultimate Chad president.
I won't dispute the fact they're owned by the chinese, but stop perpetuating the myth that they're here thanks to them. They did get bought out, but their mobile games and cheap ports is what did the heavy lifting. If it was thanks to the chinks they might've gotten some semblance of a budgetary boost, but they got jack shit. They even mentioned having a small budget for XIV. The chinese owners might b fans, but at most they've probably barked an order here or there as far as financials go.
How is SamSho Anthology?
>Pic unrelated
>it's that great sprite animators are these days in very few supply
They explicitly mentioned this too in an interview besides having a smaller budget of XIV. They tried to find talented sprite artists, but didn't find enough fo the work needed.
I don't use twitter so no.
This. Most of the players are going to be new anyway, we have no idea what they'll be like.
Exactly what I'm referring to.
Some of these stupid inauthentic characters are what I hate most about the Playmore games.
>Two characters are a fat man from Texas and a blonde ninja from California.
Neither of these are anime tropes.
Thanks for playing.
Wait for the neo geo collection coming soon. If its anything like the SNK 40th anniversary collection it'll be good and have a museum filled with sketches and developmental stuff plus details on the series history. Only thing it won't have that the anthology does is 6.
That's not 3.
Except another user mentioned inauthentic characters that were made before even the playmore era.
only cringe here is debating with mk shills like you who literally get sandy over LITERALLY any single critic against ur shitty franchise
btw why does the new chick have a cube for a face
why do you think 3 is the best?
>Weird foreigners isn't an anime trope
Very few really, and there were mostly there because it was rushed.
Some shit like the hitboxes being janky and sometimes the dying animation not loading when the opponent is KO-ed(usually happens when both fighters collide, it's rare but it's there)
Utterly shits on both 2 and 5sp otherwise and it's not even close.
I know each character took like 6 months to make but I have never heard of costing a million dollars. That must be complete bullshit because SNK doesn't even has that much more to blow on a series that doesn't even sells one million per game.
But it still had others, you are deliberately ignoring them and picking and choosing. hell besides being based on a historical figure Haohmaru's looks are entirely based on a manga character.
imagine playing the virgin haohmaru instead of the chad genjuro
pretty shit
the first 5 neogeo games with no 5 special, and ss6
Best gameplay
>best physics
>smooth movement
>air blocking
>back attack/dodge being GOAT in this game
>canceling moves is the smoothest in this game
>the dash move is very controllable and you can be super precise with it
Best graphics/presentation
Best art direction
Best music
It's a joke to compare it to playmore trash like 5.
I wish she would return, she was my sub in 5S
I'm assuming you realize it's one of the most broken SamSho games balance wise and just don't care about that aspect of the game.
anyone that tries to proclaim samsho is more "realistic" is retarded when one of the series' most legendary characters is a priestess that fights demons, attacks people with a hawk, and has an evil side that mauls people with a wolf she rides on
Do you think the people making those sprites get paid minimum wage? And it wasn't 6 months it was way more than that. It was like a year and a half if an individual did everything for a character. Some of the devs mentioned it took them about a work day to do a sprite, even as butchered as they are that's still a fuck ton of frames.
I was always maining Genjuro. Like since mid 90s when I first time played SS4 on arcades.
>besides being based on a historical figure Haohmaru's looks are entirely based on a manga character.
Which itself(the manga Dororo by Osamu Tezuka) is based on the Sengoku period so it's not really the same at all.
That's not a word you fucking dumb spic.
Back too >>>/taringa/ with you
>not a manlet
>peak performance
>half of his official art is him fucking bitches
>beat Haohmaru in their final fight
What makes 3 shit isn't even the balance but the nonsensical hitboxes. A great fighting game can have awful balance but things not working the way they should is something that can cripple a game easily.
>Daigo Ikeno
Literally who.
Just did a search and he was involved in trash like DMC2, Turd Strike and SF4 lmao.
A Hibiki is literally just Bust mode ukyo
B Hibiki is a shrodinger's trap
Iori, Moriya, Genjuro > Haohmaru, Kaede, Kyo
I mean isn't it obvious choice?
>He's handsome as fuck now
I bet he ends up killing that girl.
Iori is a faggot
Air blocking makes it so that morons can't blindly punish opponents for daring to have a different play-style.
You can still punish them but you have to know how exactly, it's not braindead like in 1 and 2.
Air blocking makes it so that you're not a sitting duck in the air but you it's not broken because there's a window where the opponent can punish you when you're landing as well as grabbing you mid air.
For example you can use Galford's Dog teleport move or Nakoruru's various Hawk moves to delay the opponents landing and change his position ever so slightly where you can punish them with a mid-air normal(preferably with an heavy slash which has the biggest radius).
Really there's multiple ways of punish them you just have to know how the game works and where the precise hitboxes are and stuff.
We can thank Atlus' Power Instinct game(very underrated game though the sequels sucked imo) for introducing this mechanic in 1993.
I don't like how limited and braindead other games in the series feel in this regard.
It just feels primitive.
No user, phonon type characters are the ones who get bullied by her.
Kyoshiro turned into a total chad since 3. He was already man enough in 2 in which he ends up making Mizuki fall in love with him.
Just emulate them on MAME.
t. Kyo
All of them are broken.
Every single one.
I'll grant you that Shizumaru in that game might be the most broken character in the series but to pretend that Samsho ever was well-balanced is a joke.
Post more faget
>We can thank Atlus' Power Instinct game(very underrated game though the sequels sucked imo)
Matrimelee is fun
Really hope he can still frog some dudes.
>What makes 3 shit isn't even the balance but the nonsensical hitboxes
This is one real issue but it doesn't make the game shit and is way overblown.
Considering you have the dodge move this mitigates this issue by a lot, if you know how to use it of course.
Some shit like Genjuro's Hard Slash not connecting when you're too close to the enemy is silly.
I remember somebody fixed this issues by exporting the 4's collision detection to 3's somehow and made a rom of it a while.
>Hating on VS
You piece of shit, you piece of actual fucking shit
>Considering you have the dodge move this mitigates this issue by a lot, if you know how to use it of course.
That's doesn't mitigate the issue at all. The problem is not about things hitting you but things not hitting when they should. I agree that it's blown way out of proportion but then you can apply the same logic to SS4 and its combo system(which isn't as predominant as it haters would want people to believe and is not used too often)
>Air blocking makes it so that morons can't blindly punish opponents for daring to have a different play-style.
if you don't want to get anti-aired stop jumping in like a dumbass.
I guess that depends on your perspective. Most games in every fighting game series are not well balanced. I was just comparing it to other Samurai Shodown games.
I think there's a good reason why air blocking got removed or got seriously nerfed in most fighters after the SFA era.
I never played that one but it just looked to me like a KoF clone.
The first game was unique with the double jumping, the weird floaty movement, the very odd but very pleasant dash system(probably the best dash system in a fighting game) and being able to execute special moves which were only available when you were in mid-air(I believe it was the first fighting game to do this).
And of course the art-style was fun but they had to ruin it with that idol shit in the 2nd game-onwards.
The weird thing is it had a separate American soundtrack.
I always preferred the American Themes myself.
>but then you can apply the same logic to SS4 and its combo system(which isn't as predominant as it haters would want people to believe and is not used too often
That's a whole other can of worms.
The problem with SS4 was that it was dumbed down in general not just the dial-a-combo bullshit.
Looks like a shit game
Matrimelee has the double jump and floaty movement, it only took the control scheme from KoF
The only thing that got dumbed down in SS4 was the art direction. Attacks now work the way they should and the Rage meter got more nuanced, dodging was a bit weaker but then again you don't want such option to be too strong, you want it to require actual thought on when to use it and to be punishable when used thoughtlessly. There's a reason why 4 was way more popular than 3, it's just a way more polished title all together aside from the visuals which was a needed nerf if you wanted less slowdown and more characters to fit into the game.
Anyone who isn't a millennial piece of crap hates this fucking game.
It's the perfect representation of the horrible company that was SNK Playmore.
It's the Metal Slug 4 of Samsho
Why should I?
It gets boring playing the game a certain way all the time.
Air Blocking gives a new dimension to gameplay.
And it gets boring when retards can just jump mindlessly in a series in which anti airs were never too strong to begin with. Jumping is a strong option and should have bigger consequences. If not being able to jump 24/7 is making the game boring then SS was never the series for you since appreciating neutral that's not mobility all day was always it's main attraction.
I dunno, judging from videos it doesn't feel like PI1.
Also, the art-style is really KoF-esque and not at all like PI1.
I already hated what they did to Annie's design in PI2 but they turned her into a Mai clone in the Neo Geo games...bleh...
Bitch please, at least try to make an actual argument instead of going "muh millennials this and that".
>daring to have a different playstyle
I think you just prefer jumping to be another movement option rather than an offensive gamble like it typically has been. In that case, I think anime games are more your speed. Personally I like how jumping is usually a huge risk in Samurai Shodown because the backbone of the series is that you have to be careful with your movement. To be able to pussy out of an offensive manuever like jumping in a game where missing even a medium slash can lead to your doom is totally ridiculous. Samurai Shodown is a game that greatly rewards using your offensive options wisely, and jumping, given that aerial heavy slashes are very powerful (and can even combo depending on your character), should remain as a great risk, given its potential rewards. Samurai Shodown does not need deep aerial options because jumps as an offensive risk are fine for this sort of game.
>The only thing that got dumbed down in SS4 was the art direction.
I disagree completely.
The back attack/dodge was nerfed, the movement was downgraded, the physics felt off.
It felt so static and lacked the dynamism of 3 almost completely.
It was a massive disappointment to me. It felt like a much more shallow game.
The physics and movement are mostly the same, 3 has more slowdown during some attack's hitstop but that's about it. You sure you're not wearing nostalgia googles? Because the changes here weren't anything big.
>There's a reason why 4 was way more popular than 3
It's because of the bigger roster and you know it.
It brought back a lot of old favorites like Charlotte, Tam Tam, Jubei.
4 was a piece of crap.
Is this the only faggot in the world who genuinely thinks SS3 wasn't one of the biggest missteps of the series? It's the Tekken 4 of Samurai Spirits please.
yea get hype for blood and nudity w/ snks awful 3d graphics
Nah, people don't play a game just because it has more characters. All of the gameplay changes are far more important at doing that than just having some characters back, and even then a bigger roster is still something that this game did better than 3.
Holy fuck you're beyond delusional lmao.
3 was beyond busted and the hitboxes were poorly programed. Fixing that is the main reason why 4 was more popular than 3, in other words because it was a more polished experience.
>And it gets boring when retards can just jump mindlessly in a series
They can't if you don't suck at the game and know how to punish them.
All air-blocking does is that it make it harder for 1-dimensional counter-attacking players to play their game and thus potentially encourages them to experiment more.
Much the same way the original Samsho made life hard for rush-down type players Samsho 3 does the same for defensive players who are used to spamming DP-type moves.
Instead of spamming anti-air moves making pixel perfect air strikes in Samsho3 is more important for example.
>In that case, I think anime games are more your speed.
No they're not.
And jumping is still a risk in Samsho3
My problem is that jumping being an offensive gamble makes the game feel limiting and doesn't really encourage creativity see Instead of spamming DP moves to counter-attack you have to be more calculative in Samsho3 which is what I like.
>They can't if you don't suck at the game and know how to punish them.
You can't punish them as often with airblocking. With proper spacing it becomes way harder to have viable options besides just defending from them or trying to avoid.
>Samsho 3 does the same for defensive players who are used to spamming DP-type moves.
You mean a type of special move that has always been high risk low reward and overall pretty weak in this series? SS1-2 were already doing fine in not being DPs galore, so you didn't fixed anything here, if anything SS has always had weak anti air game compared to most fighters so here you just broke the balance even more.
A polished turd is still a turd.
Meawnwhile 3 was a flawed but good game.
Going by your logic 3 was a turd, 4 was a polished turd.
oh man, is Samurai Shodown 3 going to replace bloody roar as the shitposting game that no one actually plays?
fighting games are shit why is this one a big deal? That mortal instintc or killer showdown whatever the fuck it was called was supposed to be a huge deeal and nobody even remembers it
4 is a polished 3, unless you're too fixated on the art direction which was better in 3. Gameplay wise 3 was just bad execution of what 4 did better.
I love Samsho 2
>My problem is that jumping being an offensive gamble makes the game feel limiting and doesn't really encourage creativity
Jumping over and over again is not creativity. You can already jump often in SS if you know what you're doing anyway and plenty of characters have movesets that benefit from constant aerial offensive.
Well in Samsho3 Haohmaru's Kogetsu Zan still works as does Shizumaru's Umbrella thing.
But it becomes harder to hit your opponent mid-air with normals so it makes you focus even more on zoning and paying attention to where you and your opponent will land, paying attention to minute details like how long does it take for them to block after landing and how much do I have to hit them.
I like that it's also a viable way to run out the clock if you're skillful enough.
I like the freedom of strategy that comes with it.
>4 is a watered down 3
>I'm retarded and I think bad hitboxes are good
You're such a fucking faggot.
cause you can enjoy a fighting game w/o being a combo autist
Because nobody buys their fucking games for their spritework and they realized its not worth catering to a market that refuses to support it both short and long term?
>spamming anti-air moves is not creativity.
2 can play at that game
>so it makes you focus even more on zoning and paying attention to where you and your opponent will land
Being able to hit them with air normals already require proper positioning and attention on the opponent's jumping arc. In other words you're not adding more options, you're removing them.
>I like that it's also a viable way to run out the clock if you're skillful enough.
SS has plenty of timeouts, making them even more viable is not a good thing in a game that's already slow paced and heavily defensive.
>muh hitboxes
enjoy your crappy dodge/back attack
enjoy your shit movement and lack of dynamism
enjoy your cheesy dial-a-combo KI-style bullshit
Correct, it's punishing an uncreative player with his own medicine.
cuphead is sprites dumb retard
>Being able to hit them with air normals already require proper positioning
No it doesn't, it boils down to who hits the button the fastest while mid-air.
It's fucking crap and I've always hated it.
>enjoy your crappy dodge/back attack
Sounds better than broken hitboxes. Now I just have to put attention on when I do it instead of relying on it all day.
>enjoy your shit movement and lack of dynamism
Same movements so nothing was lost here, but you're a retard who thinks jumping all day is creativity so I doubt you're aware of this.
>enjoy your cheesy dial-a-combo KI-style bullshit
So shit that barely happens and is heavily punishable?
Holy fuck they ruined my awfully programmed game, how dare they!
Counter-attacking playstyle is the definition of anti-creativity.
It's boring one-dimensional crap.
Nope, because depending on your button and jump arc you might not be able to hit them. You have to juggle both variables because otherwise just hitting some button early is not going to do a lot.
On the contrary, it's something that forces the opponent to play creatively because otherwise he's going to eat the same shit over and over for not going for different approaches. An opponent who can get away with jumping over and over again is not only rewarding uncreative approaches but bad design.
This faggot is only going to make everyone hate SS3, shame because I've always hated how 5s and 2 get all the attention.
They're barely even usable lmao.
What's the point.
No it's not the same movement. It's so slow and lame compared to 3.
Yes jumping all day is great to troll clownass pussy 1-dimensional defensive players like you lmao.
I mean what's the point of even jumping if you're 100% vulnerable in mid-air? The reward is never that good, which makes the air-game in most fighting games that don't have air-blocking completely pointless to the point where you might as well get rid of the jump ability altogether.
4 couldn't even get the HUD to look visually pleasant let alone the fucking gameplay.
You have to have supreme shit taste to like this game, but then again people like 5...the game that had to come with a patched version later and it was still shit.