About to play this for the first time ever, any tips to improve my experience?

about to play this for the first time ever, any tips to improve my experience?

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dont shoot things unless the only way past is to shoot them
be sure to closely examine puzzle items you put in your inventory

this is good advice also if you kill multiple zombies make sure they die on top of each other so you can burn them together.

Play Jill

Dont play 0.

Play the difficulty at the bottom (Normal).

Jill is the "easy mode", two more inventory slots, can lockpick certain doors instead of needing small keys and some events you get the help of Barry, but she also has lower health.

Try to avoid killing zombies as much as possible and if you have to, make sure to burn their bodies if possible or blow their heads. Later they can revive as Crimson Heads which are even stronger and faster. Remember ammo conservation, this is not an action game, every bullet counts.

the difficulty at the bottom is very easy

Play ps1 first, it will make you appreciate remake more.


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Don't play as Chris.
The difficulty questions it gives you at the very start are for very easy, easy and normal.
Make sure to pick the "challenging" one for normal or else you'll drown in items.
Also you'll need to inspect items in the inventory for puzzles. If you find a new item make sure to inspect it.

Remake is trash anyways, the original is better.

Original for b-movie horror kino
REmake for genuine spooky
everyone needs to experience both at least once

>Dont play 0.
Don't listen to this faggot.

Check your map, OP. If the rooms are red, it means you didn't collect everything there.

Just go in blind, but no doubt you have spoiled all the fun for yourself already.

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Get a notebook. Draw the map on it. Every time you get to a puzzle or item you can't pick up, mark it down. There, I made the game ten times more fun for you.

Play with a d-pad, not the stick
Play with the original control scheme
Use multiple save slots so that you can revert to an older one if you fuck up
You are supposed to really struggle for the first hour and a half, its normal
Play jill first
skippable door animation mod makes retrying less cumbersome but door screens are a huge part of the atmosphere and serve as tension relief/buildup

>dont shoot things unless the only way past is to shoot them

What kind of retarded advice is this? Unless you look up vids on how stupid the zombie AI is and how easy it is to exploit their grabs every fucking enemy in this is in your way.

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>There, I made the game ten times more fun for you.

No you fucking didn't autist holy shit never suggest this again.

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there is literally an ingame map that tells you when you end up picking all available items per room you literal autist

Is better to kill zombies in areas you'll be crossing through constantly, for example.

>Play with a d-pad, not the stick

Literally the most significant information in this entire thread. I feel like that should be the first post of every RE thread for all games from the 1996 original through to RE4.

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Die a lot so you can hear Jill's cute death moan

Ah yes, not wanting to run back and forth between item boxes and puzzles because you didn't look up what item you needed. How dare someone not want that ENGAGING GAMEPLAY? Better give that person a hostile kneejerk reaction. But of course, this is the part where you pretend that you used your SUPERIOR LOGIC to always have the right items in your inventory, right?

I can't get into this game. I've played and beaten 1-4 countless times. But this and 0 feel so fucking weird. When you shoot zombies there is no impact like there is in 1-3. The guns sound really weak and don't push the zombies back. Also the layout/design of the game makes no sense. 1-3 had a nice flow of getting a key and then the game puts you in the next direction of what to do next. This is random fucking shit like getting dog collars and a stupid fucking whistle.

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don't worry about ammo, that's just a meme lol

Seems like you're the retard. I never looked up anything and I was able to dodge them. The guy was right anyways it's best to run past things. Maybe you just suck

You are not wrong user. RE2/3 gunplay has considerably more oomph than in REmake/Zero. There is also an odd bit of latency between shooting and hitting shit in those two games. Oddly few people ever bring this up.

0 is a clusterfuck and while its very pretty, its very poorly designed and you cant help but feel frustrated while playing it, but in a bad way.
REmake is pretty cool but not objectively superior to the original RE1. They are yin and yang and in many ways the original is harder. One should experience both.


There's a more that tells you exactly how and where to use the whistle. These games aren't hard, but I still think you're too dense for them

it's the sound effects and the animations
you don't get a hefty blood splatter in 0 and REmake, and the guns all kinda sound pretty lame
plus, when you shot a zombie in 1-3 with a shotgun it always reacted somehow, in 0 and REmake they don't react as much

Play the Resident Evil DS instead. It's the best and most perfect RE1 iteration.

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>tfw bought deadly silence new like 3 years ago for $18
>now people want $50 for the cart
what the fuck happened

In RE1-3 shooting a handgun cracked like slamming heavy wood blocks together, the zombies staggered and a big spaff of blood flies out. You dont really get this in REmake or 0. Especially with the dogs, it feels actually dangerous to fight them with a handgun.

>Play with a d-pad, not the stick
fucking kek

Zoomer faggots missed out on DS and now it's considered "retro." So by default anything old is now "rare."

You're a retard. For anyone that played it on GC first, the stick is more accurate and better.

>what the fuck happened
memes happened

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Download the no-door mod.

thanks for the advice cunt. I think i know how to play REmake thanks. D-pad only. Gamecube or otherwise.

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>game has digital controls, no matter how little or hard you push the stick the character moves, and more importantly rotates at the same pace
>stick is somehow better than dpad

You are retarded and gamecube dpad is horrible so no wonder you are stockholm syndrome'd by your inferior kiddo toy system

rofl stickfag BTFO

>has better graphics and lighting

Only thing that is good about the HD is it's 60fps on PC.

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>go check out the fucking PC wiki and cut it to pieces on your first playthrough

Fuck off user. Just let the fucking game be.

He's right though, you are still fucking retarded for using stick in an RE game.

Not him, but people were drawing maps and shit for the original Metroid thirty fucking years ago.

The obvious way to play is with stick.

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>uses nu-controls with stick
>hurr durr guys its the way to win

It is. Stay retarded.

Quite impressive considering you played like a retard. Its like watching those faggots play Darksouls with a pair of wiichucks or bongos i suppose. Well done for being good but still wrong at the same time.

So you admit to using nu-controls that break the game, gotcha. Your trophies are trash then.

Playing remake with a Wii remote and nunchuk is extra comfy.

now the monetarily deficient will never get to experience the joy of touching the butts of jill and rebecca

Are you honestly telling me that playing with dpad is better? How? I mean, you can play with a keyboard, idgaf, but I just want a normal explanation, if you are able to write it.

>actually admitting to using the alt controls



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What are alt controls?

obligatory response

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>Are you honestly telling me that playing with dpad is better? How?

RE games have a digital input method for movement, not analoge. The stick has dead zones and rotates, a d-pad is 100% more acurate for moving where you want to go. A d-pad is made for games where input is either 0 or 1. The feed back is INSTANT. A stick Moves beyond the point of your input meaning its not as responsive if you have to suddenly change.

The fucking nu-controls you literally said are better earlier on. An user said "uses a stick with nu-controls hurr durr its the way to win" and you replied that it was the case. The ones that let you play like its DMC dont act dumb.

When playing for the first time, back in the PS1 era, I used dpad and manual aiming. Long story short, with the arrival of GameCube that changed. Since then I played on stick but used auto aim.
OK, now I understand what people meant; nu-controls are alternate controls, right? I've tried that, but is just weird. So yes, analog, original controls, but auto aim. Although I prefer X360 controller over PS3; PS3 analog is shit.

Alt controls = non-tank controls tackeld on in the remaster. Basically character turns to the left side of the screen no matter what camera angle. This results in breaking the game because you are able to face one direction and then instantaneously rotate 180 degrees and go to a different direction without stopping whatsoever. Grants the player quite faster speed and unnatural movement without adjusting zombie AI movement to match it, meaning its hilariously easy to avoid all damage. It also looks wonky as fuck animation-wise.

However dumb people without any analytical nor critical capability don't mind it, much like how they don't mind playing in a cropped 16:9 mode either.

Imagine playing RE on a CRT TV and placing ducttape on the top and bottom portion of the screen. That's literally how widescreen mode works.

Are you twelve?

honestly, dino crisis was the superior game
if the puzzles had made more sense and it was easier to know what you were doing, it easily would've been the new RE

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*Beats up james for standing in my way*

explain why Dino Crisis 2 is a much more fun and overall better game then

>using the Dreamcast's ass D-pad for RE3 or Code Veroncia
No way bro. That reminds me, I forgot to save after the section of getting the cure for Jill as Carlos and fucking hell the Hunters are tearing me a new one as I reattempt it. RE3 is crazy fun, but it's the most frustration I've had out of the PS1 trilogy.

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personal opinions

OK I fucked up. I didn't know you were talking about alternate controls. Moving with alternate is fucking weird.

>i prefer to play classic RE with analoge sticks which happens to be with the controller with the worst d-pad of all time just to top it off

You are fucking weird mate. Do what you want but dont think you are giving good advice, that is so weird. You even literally changed the intended input method for zero reason once you got to gamecube meaning you actually know how to play with d-pad too. I dont get it.

Do the medium difficulty.
The highest difficulty will make you angry at how tanky the zombies are and the fact that they can turn on a dime (and unlike RE2make you have very limited control over your aiming).

The zoomer control scheme with the stick actually comes in handy in boss fights. I recommend alternating.

>b-b-but im playing on a trash console with a trash controller

How is this my fucking problem exactly?

He cant play the highest difficulty until he has finished the game once on normal

Because your dumb ass seems to think that analog = bad even though the only remote reason for that applies to REmake. By all means, keep being a dumb zoomer.

Imagine having to do this.

I dunno. It's easier for me to play on analog (with original controls, obviously) ? You are saying with dpad is easier?

The door skipping mod is essential, ignore anyone who says doors are a core part of the experience, they exist to hide loading screens and get repetitive very quickly.
And it's not like Capcom didn't know this, the PC ports of RE2 and RE3 let you skip the door animations.

controller or k+m?

>Because your dumb ass seems to think that analog = bad
It is
>keep being a zoomer
Literally the opposite you cuck. Im the one telling YOU whats up, not the other way around kid. D-pad. As the mechanics were built around.

>The door skipping mod is essential, ignore anyone who says doors are a core part of the experience, they exist to hide loading screens and get repetitive very quickly.

If they exist to hide loading screens, how are you able to skip loading then?

Imagine being this fucking dumb, for real. It's a great mod for replaying the game or speed running, but not for the very first playthrough where it definitely serves the goddamn purpose.

Right tool for the right job. Dont steer your car with your feet just because you can, its bad advice.

While mkb is not really undoable, gamepad is definitely superior.

>Any tips to improve my experience
Yeah, shut the game off and play a better game than this outdated, overrated, adventure game snoozefest


How to spot a complete fucking faggot. Any cunt that says its "essential" as well completely fucking ignore, they are baiting you big time and just want to feel mustard special.

Well, what's done is done. Platinum is here, so I guess it works.
And what would that game be, trollanon?


I'm not a troll. Go buy REmake 2, or RE7, or RE4. You'll see what I mean when you're done with REmake 1


But user, I bought and finished RE2make and 4 already. 7 is garbage.

This. The faggots who usually say "mod this its essential" or "just skip this game in the series" give that terrible advice usually only after not following it themselves. They experinced it fully first time round bu choice and then tell people "nah i already did it, just skip this, and this and that." Tards.

Skip games fags are the fuckig worst.

If you thought 7 was garbage, you're going to despise REmake. It can put you to sleep if you're buying it for that

But he enjoyed REmake 2.

I'm not OP, tho.

REmake 2 is good.

REmake 1 - 6.5/10
REmake 2 - 7.5/10
RE4 - 8.5/10
RE7 - 10/10 Best example of survival horror ever made


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I may come across as ironic, but I'm serious. If you want to play REmake where the game is literally 90% puzzles and doors creaking open, go right ahead. It's an adventure game they call survival horror

I dont care about catagories as long as its a good game. Call REmake a platformer if you must idgaf

Try playing it more than once and the vast amount of puzzles will expose the game's weaknesses. There's unironically not enough shooting or cutscenes. It's just puzzles the whole way through with two onsters thrown at you every hour or so. The game loses steam once you've cleared the mansion of zombies. Just run past enemies or auto aim shoot them.

It's an antiquated mess.

>Try playing it more than once

Nibba. Lets not go into how many times i have played REmake.

Gamespot gave it a 7. Just looked it up. That's close to what I gave it, yet 48% of Yea Forumstards say it's the best RE title. Never trust Yea Forums

don’t be too afraid to save, just don’t save after every room explored. Keep more than one save going, don’t overwrite saves. Don’t think you need to kill every zombie you find, kill the ones you think will give you trouble when you run through an area. Same with burning zombies, burn the ones you don’t want to worry about at all in the future.

>gamespot are the real deal bros just like me!

anyway its not "teh best RE ever" thats RE2, but REmake 2 is close second. Tendies are actually mad and delusional about the best and EASILY most polished looking video game on gamecube be a third party RE game.

i wish i could play that for the first time again


>playing with a controller
game is unironically better with original controls and mouse + keyboard

What does RE2 do that REmake doesn’t do better?

fuck off Pfatggot this is a console game built for consoles.

Stupid nostalgia faggots on Yea Forums, man. Keep trying to fit in you horse's ass. REmake is a 7 or 6.5. You're the one who's delusional you cornball

of course its a console game, i just find it hilarious that keyboard and mouse work better for it

>more soul

yes user, yes, everyone ELSE is wrong its just you with the correct insight. In fact the more you keep being told you are a faggot, surely the more correct you are. Fuck off.

the mansion is literally one of the most iconic locations in gaming, though

There are fewer than one hundred people who voted in the poll, and about half voted for REmake. Yes, I'm saying that the fifty of you circlejerkers are supremely retarded. I'm not sure yet whether it's nostalgiafags or zoomers trying to fit in.

Sure is, i didn't say it "lacked soul" just that RE2 has more. More people bought RE2 on PS1 alone than RE1 and REmake combined.

What fucking poll? The fuck are you talking about retard? REmake has been a 10 since day one. Fuck off. Not everything you hate is "nostalgia" or are all your top games releases from 2019??

>user acting nu-Yea Forums tier levels of absurd contrarian just for show says OTHER people are "trying to fit in"

I performed a poll here two days ago. 48% of voters said REmake 1 was the best RE title among the likes of RE4, RE7 and REmake 2.

But it's not contrarian. You're the contrarians. A bunch of circlejerking contrarians who want point and click adventure games to be a triple A endeavor again

Paper and pencil. Have them ready.

Yes and? Next time dont put something to a vote if you cant handle the fucking result. Tough shit.

>want point and click adventure games to be a triple A endeavor again

And it did just that. Fuck off actionshitter, its over for you now. Otherwise make an actual case for this supposed "contrainism" despite REmake HD's great success in 2015 being a contributing factor to the horror focus of recent RE games.

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If I go hang out on a forum, I like to know that I'm in the company of intelligent people. This isn't the place for me. Continue jerking off to Jill jpegs. "OMG 10/10"

Really? Maybe i just wasn't that dumb of a kid in 2002, what the fuck is all this "write it down" bollocks?

I never said REmake 2 wasn't a good game. It has puzzles and shooting in the right proportions.

you are just baiting at this stage aren't you? You aren't even making cases for your prefrences.

You just sound like zoomie zoom faggot to me m8 i dont know what else to say. Everyone praises REmake but you think THEY are being contrarian or doing it for the e-peen or some retarded shit in your head canon.

Not everyone praises REmake you fucking dolt retard! It got plenty of 7s! Off yourselves for recommending this game to people who liked RE7. RE7 BRUTALLY SHITS ON THIS GAME YOU FUCKING TWAT

>got plenty of 7s


christ you really are faggot


no u

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Not including remakes:
2 >> 1 >> Zero >> 4 >> 3 >> Dead Aim >> 5 >> Umbrella Chr. >> Rev1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rev2 >> Code Veronica >> 6

As in to write down the colors and numbers of the answers so you don't have to go back to an entirely different room across the building to check, so you don't have to second guess which key opens what, so you can do math for plant killing formulas or so that you know where shit is when you can't carry anymore. It saves time. Or you can be a wanker and just go at it and just fumbling through it. It also makes things faster the second time around.