The battery life on this is fucking garbage, how is this shit allowed?

The battery life on this is fucking garbage, how is this shit allowed?

Attached: 5580915_sd.jpg;maxHeight=640;maxWidth=550.jpg (550x345, 24K)

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it's sony's fault for sticking in so much fucking garbage in there
who the fuck needs a touchpad, a mic, AND a fucking speaker on a damn controller, jesus

You could alway just go with the XBox. I'm sure their controller has less battery issues.

Anyway, the fact is that the light bar drains the battery. It's required for VR and it was build with that ahead of time.

not a problem if you don't spend you whole day playing

I don't but I usually play with headphones plugged in and it drains the battery even more

What the fuck is the point of the pad? I think Tlou Remastered is the only game I've seen use it, and even then it was an inferior method to just hitting other buttons. I'm so fucking sick of it getting in the way when I go to take a screenshot

Because you bought it. That means their marketing strategy worked. Nice job playing yourself, retard.

just plug it in bro

I think they imagined it might be used for gesture support back when that was supposed to be the wave of the future on touch devices

>the fact is that the light bar drains the battery
stop propagating this retard myth, the light bar is a tiny LED that is refracted through a little piece of plastic

Attached: 1000 hours in ms paint.jpg (474x452, 88K)

i like it as my push to talk button when i'm playing on pc, stuff like shitty console ports - it was also pretty nice in killzone as swiping in 4 directions gave the owl bot orders. most games just uses it as a big inventory or pause button though

Headphones will drain battery regardless. It happens with Xbox controllers too. I simply plug the controller in. Fuck the battery jew.

You guys see that upcoming Xbox themed DS controller?

Attached: Screenshot_20190410-132311_YouTube.jpg (1080x609, 225K)

I kinda like those features desu. It's the light that sucks up the power, and it's the light that's useless. I wish I could just turn it off.

I bought one a week ago and I turned the light and gyro off and I turned to touchpad to just button presses on steam. It lasts for 8-10 hours. I don't know if it will get worse as time goes on.
Tbf I prefer it to having to use external batteries on the xbone one.

So why is there no option to turn it off if I'm not using VR? I can turn it off using custom drivers on my PC.

Also why is controller tracking like that really needed for the DS4?

>It's the light that sucks up the power, and it's the light that's useless.

ot was for that ar bots software that came with the ps4 camera and vr games, no one else really makes good use of it

>people say that the LED is the reason the batter drains fast
>use DS4 on PC
>program that allows you to disable the LED
>battery still drains just as fast

when are faggots going to learn that the LED doesnt effect the battery life?

not to mention that leds are one of the most power efficient ways to generate light

>60-80 battery life
>the d pad and shoulder button inputs don’t register properly

Attached: 7BBE72FF-8332-4FFC-833B-F9A6D4D122C7.jpg (300x300, 14K)

Mimimimimimi. Buy a fucking cable.

It's pretty pathetic that it has more options on PC than PS4.

mine must be wrong because it has no problem

and the rumble feels like literal cancer

The Dualshit has been the worst controller every gen since it was introduced. The fact that you're only noticing now speaks to your incompetence.

its the useless touch pad that does it, they also gave less capacity to have the pad and keep it 60.

Every rumble feature of every controller feels like cancer. Rumble is a literal meme.

it would be the best controller if the battery life & form factor weren't such garbage

i always turn my rumble off anyway, i feel like it fucks with my gameplay

Go into your device settings and lower the speaker volume all the way and dim the light all the way, I saw a significant improvement on the battery life of my controller
But it couldve just been a placebo and I'm talking out my ass

>Open up Dualshock 4 controller
>Shim four leftmost contacts on lightbar ribbon
>Battery life extended by an hour, light is off
>Pull ribbon plug from touchpad
>Battery life extends to almost a day

Really hate how small the controler is compared to the xbox one's, especially the analogs. I guess this was made for gooks who have small hands. After playing so much with the xbox controller I can't really get used to it. The R and L buttons are much nicer though.

>$120 for a bunch of gimmicks and an xbone stick layout
haha no thanks
holy shit fuck no

The dualshock is larger than the xbox controller.

Attached: ps4-xbox-one-controllers_0.jpg (740x493, 36K)

i applaud sony for making a controller bigger than xbox heug and managing to make it an uncomfortable piece of shit

Tiny hands confirmed

After using a 360 pad for 10 years and swapping to this when it died, I can claim that this is the worst D-pad I have ever experienced

no d-pad is worse than the 360

Exactly my feeling on the matter. I don't need Michael J Fox shaking my hand every time I'm trying to focus.

the Switch Pro is

your pro controller must be broken

It's baffling how nintendo fucked up a dpad.

>made me check
I never noticed that the ds4 is marginally wider yet thinner than the xbone controller, true masterpiece that sony made it less comfortable to hold when you have big hands

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