we can all agree on this right?
We can all agree on this right?
In reverse.
Is that Fallout 76 near Bloodborne? kek
Lol nintard go play trash 4.5
boy am i so fucking glad to own an xbone this gen so i can be left out of memes
I play on Switch and PS4 and I think you’re a silly billy for confining yourself to just one out of some pathetic sense of loyalty
>mfw I have only played bloodborne for the last 4 years
>Thing I don't like bad
>Think I like good
>having to shitpost all day because no games
Literally laughing at so(n)yboys
I can agree with pic related
>all those ps4 games
>bloodborne is the only one worth playing
Hey i should make this as one of my plans...Clickbait the people
Pretty accurate.
Still mad at the State of Play?
new xbone is the most soulful desu
golden face was unironically reduced to wojak/pepe tier
>yeah guiz just buy these 3 platforms to play games that are on just 1 platform
What would the fresh shitpost be if BB ever actually got a PC port? It's literally the only good game ps4 has.
Sony released Bloodborne on PC with psnow. You can even play it for free for one month
NintendoPC has always been to definitive way to game, especially moe so in recent years. Sony and MS exclusives are steadily coming to Steam, and MS is even bringing not only its exclusive IPs to the Switch, but also Xbox Live.
Can't believe I lived long enough to take my console experience on the go, but can still get the definitive AAA and indie experience at home on my rig. Truly the best timeline.
>Sony and MS exclusives are steadily coming to Steam
That new badass xbro always cracks me up. Just goes to show that death isn't always the end.
That is correct, user.
Nincels can't meme
If you put them all as garbage tier then it would be right
Seeth the Gameless
reminder console war fags deserve the rope
it's not a war when Sony always wins
god i miss being 12
I own every platform except from the Shitbox and still post Sony memes
where is the epic hat?
ESG exclusive.
Snoys with their censorship and movies don't get to brag
Bros I don't think I can handle Sony winning another generation.
i love the momonga xbot
Steam wojack really should be changed to Epic Store wojack
I love when faggots even try to rank PC with consoles. The PC is eternal, I can play any game i've ever owned from back in the 90s to today. I can play any console game ever. You brain dead idiots think buying a new hunk of cheap chink plastic every 8 years with inferior electronics is actually gaming. PC owners and builders don't even think of you clowns as people, your are children peasant who wish they were smart enough to sit at the big boy table of technology.
>I can play any console game ever
How are you enjoying RDR 2 and GoW 4 aka the best games of 2018 buddy?
What weak bait
Seething and cringe, now cope.
>implying those are worth playing
Youtube exists on pc dawg