>but it's fun and that's all that matters!
But it's fun and that's all that matters!
Other urls found in this thread:
people actually believing that the black hole photo is real lmao
>EA buys the blackhole
How was the photo taken?
Is not real
With a camera, duh.
His brain has several quintillion times the mass of yours, brainlet. Fun confirmed to be all that matters.
You really try hard not to talk about video games. Am I right?
>hey guise here's proofs of this conspiracy theory
>sub 240p potato camera
Interferometry with a bunch of radiotelescopes over a long period of time.
With telescopes link all around the world.
I love these threads that dont talk about Yea Forums
Because it's thousands of lightyears away you fucking retarded frog poster.
Didnt know Yea Forums was full of brainlets
>literally gazillions mc-miles away
>have to use minimal resources to take the photo
You musn't have been here very long then.
I can't believe we've wasted trillions of dollars on a shitty jpg, when we could've used it for slavery reparations, curbing white supremacy violence and ending student debt
Gas ys fucking nigger
Black hole isn't real dumb ass
>He actually believes there is a hole in the universe that sucks up everything
wait im dumb why is it always a ring of debris? shouldn't the entire surrounding area be covered in debris since it pulls in from every direction? how come we can see the actual hole if debris should be covering our view of it
>LITERALLY just a rehashed Sector Z
It's ok when Nintendo does it
do round earthers expect me to eat this shit up?
Flat earth started as a joke, you start that shit, there will be no end of it.
What would there be to gain from faking a photo of a black hole?
Yeah lets pay for mediocre students Who Will work in mediocre jobs
Scientists continue to lie so we stray from God.
to see if it actually exists in the first place.
I'm so glad we were able to image that just for the memes that are spawning from it.
Because what we're seeing isn't the actual hole/event horizon, it's a kind of shadow cast by it. A black hole itself is in all likelihood not visible; what we can see is the warped shadow it casts.
It's not a hole in the universe but in the embeding diagram representing space-time. They're more of a blavk balls actually.
Did we really need a ton of telescopes to see up your mom's skirt OP?
Science is far more important than these trivial subjective human pursuits. Who else will solve your precious "global warming" if not us STEMshits? You don't even know what goes on in a clean energy system enough to even begin any relevant work.
Stray from this
With the tax payer's money.
Um, excuse me sir, but since Jesus is coming with the rapture any day now we don't actually have to obey God's command to take care of the Earth. It won't be our problem in a few years :^)
dumb fuck christard
It's not debris, it's light from behind the black hole bending around it.
It's from 53 million light years of distance so a blurry picture is actually amazing. To put it in perspective, it's as if someone made a microscope potent enough to see your dick.
>He actually believes there is a hole in the universe that sucks up everything
You aim a telescope and take a picture.
games that use black holes?
super mario galaxy, sonic colors DS
rule34 of the black hole when?
I know some perv is gonna draw black hole chan
universe sandbox
Reminder that modern Christianity (especially Methodists) unironically believes that knowing things is a sin because they think Adam and Eve were unthinking automatons before eating the fruit.
there you have it
thanks I guess
Well played fellow user.
Haha nice dude do you think Orion goes "yee gurl imma boutta tear that black hole a new one" and the black holes like "ia, Orion-sempai ecchi" butt then let's him smash anyway
Are you questioning NASA? Are you saying that we can't actually see 55,000,000,000 light years away, and that it took us decades to find out if Uranus is even a planet? Just what kind of skeptic are you, buddy? We went to the moon! W-we just couldn't do that recently, for reasons. We were able to communicate between 238,900 miles, when people can't even get cell phone coverage in the same town as a tower.
Your mom black hole
based shizotard
Hey, that technology to go to the moon was destroyed and it's a painful process to build it back again
it's true, especially so if you pirated the game, so you can't even accuse the person of supporting something financially you dislike.
I feel like I've seen a holy sign...
Raised Methodist and I don't remember this at all.
Wojaks truly are the death of memes
I'm assuming this is bait, because it lacks some very basic common sense and understands how communication and imaging tech works about as well as my great-grandfather Horace did.
How about we didn't go back because it has no material gains and is a colossal waste of time?
I actually think the only plausible conspiracy theory about the moon is because there's literally nothing else to do there except stare at rock (which probably has the same makeup as some rocks on earth) until we actually have the means to make it habitable and accessible for food deliveries.
same for mlp fandom, this shit has a habit of spiraling out of control.
How DARE they! That money belongs to Israel!
WTF is a black hole really and how do we know for sure?
If the moonlanding is fake, why didn't the Russians disprove it?
Imagine the nebulas
with a microscope
>but it's fun and that's all that matters!
That's unironically correct though. If you have fun with it why should it matter what others say? Yea Forums has done that argument countless times before
>Smb from another galaxy
Why can't they just look it up from our own galaxy
tl;dr: We know they exist because mathematically they must, and we're now starting to observe them. As for what they are, they're fucking nightmare zones where all reality stops working, light stops moving, time becomes space, and shit becomes fucked.
Shh kid nobody is taking about videogames
Iirc too many stars obstructing the view.
It's fucking FAKE you moronic cocksuckers.
Is there anything funnier than retards getting furious at people for believing a thing that's correct?
Oh black holes are conspiracy theory now? Did Hawkings cut a deal with the Chinese or the Mexicans in order to make it happen?
ITT: -tier tinfoil hattery
based retards
Because that would mean exposing their lies and bringing shame upon themselves, in front of their starving citizens.
How the fuck do you not know how black holes work?
Why would they lie about this though? What would they gain?
Hey bros! Who else loves da science?!
He has no answer for you that doesn't involve lizard people.
Imagine the fucking amount of tax paying dollars that went into this shitty ass photo. NASA could've commissioned chris chan to draw an anime portal and it would've looked better than this.
>hurrr just imagine how much of the poor tax payer's money they're wasting
Brainlet here.
Correct me, isn't black holes are sort of like a whirlpools where everything gets magnetized into a huge spinning ball of all fuckery?
As a layman, yeah that's pretty much all you need to know about it, but the intricate details work a lot differently than just a "whirlpool", and what actually happens inside a black hole is so absurd that "fuckery" isn't a strong enough term to describe it.
How do we know the image is real?
How do I know you are real?
How do I know this comment is real, and not some false-flagging by a conspiracy theorist organization?
Where's Israel?
what would they gain by lying?
Military and International Affairs
>actually believing NASA propaganda
None of these answer my question.
>what would they gain by lying?
Nothing, as far as I can imagine.