So why do you guys do so much free shilling for Valve?
So why do you guys do so much free shilling for Valve?
Why do you post so many lolis for free?
Post more loli and I'll show you later.
fornite paid for my post
>pointing out the flaws in the ceaseless pro-epic anti-valve spam is 'shilling'
Oh look. Another pedo thread.
Who is talking about Valve? Post more fute.
Just because I don't like Epic means I like Steam. I don't want any launchershit and Epic exclusivity blocks GOG releases.
Kukuri is such a healthy girl
And you couldn't help but enter it.
So why are little girls so sexy?
Why not both?
nah, lowtest, kys
it was the only socializing the fat fucks had during the peak of left2dead/tf2 etc
this thread is cute and funny!
Juju looks so rapeable in this picture. Damn.
This post made me download Epic Store
where do i get epic bux
only if the loli has a fat ass
Thought the kid had a huge boner until it shows more clearly it's just his leg
This show looks really interesting
god why are kids so sexy
this is why 3dpd shits are not important
still need to watch this
sodium chloride
I don't mind cute and funny vidya threads but let us have our big fat anime vidya tat threads too.
I'm not crazy about Valve, but
Its really fun
I only use Linux
Valve has put millions into Linux gaming and treats Linux users far better than any other gaming company on Earth.
i seriously hope i'll be able to buy Half Life 3 on whatever platform i want and not just on steam only
that would be epic
Post more Kukuri
is that girl okay? she looks retarded
>HaHa everyone is a valve shilldrone!
>Meanwhile at artifact
me on the topleft
I mean some unseen character seems to be spraying her with yogurt.
The Chad pedo
The virgin lolicon
Old series or new series?
Epic doesn't pay me to defend them so I don't defend them
based, fuck redditors and redditapologists
I want to rewatch the old series because I was fond of a scene where nike and kukuri were trapped in a time loop and kukuri kept showing with less and less clothes in each loop.
The whole scene was missing in the new show but it was probably part of the filler from the old one.
>loli bunnygirls
Please stop, my dick is already worn out for the day.
>not fapping at minimum 10 times a day.
New, old series follows the eternal 200+ episode of filler format.
people do this
which means less lewd loli so old is clearly better
Oppai loli is best of both worlds.
absoutely disgusting
Thicc lolis are a gift from god
shoo shoo degenerate that image is horrifying